1.111■041•10401111 ■ 41111M04111 ■ 11 ■ 044111* 0 WON HM111 ■ 0 •=11 0■ 13 1•11•11414•11H34111•1 0.11 !0■ 04•11 ■ 0•11/ Boris Smolar's 'Between You and Me' r ... (Copyrig ht, 1964 Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) The Philanthropic Season The 1964 season of nationwide fund-raising starts this month with two important conferences . . One is the inaugural confer- ence of the United Jewish Appeal which opened in Washing- ton Sunday . . . The other is the inaugural conference of the Israel Bond Organization which will start in Miami Feb. 21 . . . Con- tributors of no less than $10,000 were invited to the UJA conference which will seek $105,000,000 this year . . . The cam- paign of the Israel Bond Organization this year will be for $85,000,000 . . . While the Bond conference will emphasize Israel's industrial and agricultural achievements, the UJA conference stressed "the other side of the coin"—the difficult financial prob- lems which Israel is now facing in the bringing and settling of new immigrants as well as in the absorption of immigrants of previous years . . . The Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, which is interested in stimulating greater giving in the communi- ties, assembled data on increased contributions in 1963 which may have significant relevance for 1964 . .. Of the first 85 communi- ties which reported final 1963 campaign figures, 35 raised slightly more than they did in the previous year, 44 raised slightly less, and six held the line .. . In helping the federations and welfare funds to plan their 1964 campaigns, the CJFWF Campaign Services Committee sought to find the reasons for variations not only between comparable community campaigns, but between divisions and contributors in similar income brackets . . . It established that the large increases that turned up in 1963 came mostly from contributors who the year before skipped giving although they gave annually previously . . . Some of the increases also came from contributors who decreased their contributions a year before, as well as from those who, while holding the line of increasing, gave in 1962 less than had been expected . . . This "hidden poten- tial" is now being thoroughly assessed for the 1964 campaign by many communities . . . The CJFWF also established that the bulk of increases last year came from the corps of top leadership whose example set the pace of giving—campaign chairmen and workers, federation and agency officers and board members, and partici- pants in UJA and other overseas missions . . . It is felt that in 1964, the performance of this group will write the basic campaign story. Establish Joint Committee to Handle Compaints on Jewish Funerals NEW YORK (JTA)—For the Union of Orthodox Jewish Con- first time in American Jewish gregations of America (UOJCA), history, a joint committee rep- the national organization serv- resenting both Jewish religious ing 3,100 synagogues through- organizations and funeral di- out the United States and Can- rectors has been established to ada. deal with any complaints of The joint committee will failure to conform with Jewish serve to further implement religious requirements in fu- the pioneering accord on fu- neral procedures. neral standards entered into This was announced by Moses last June between the UOJCA I. Feuerstein, president of the together with the Rabbinical the largest number of ratifications of any of those adopted under the United Nations Charter . . . Why is the U.S. Senate stubbornly standing in the way of ratification by the U.S'. of this document which is so important to humanity? . . . Some senators are ashamed of the fact that there is a majority in the Senate obstructing the ratification of a pact outlawing in- tentional destruction of national, racial, religious and ethnic groups . . . They seek the aid of President Johnson, in the hope that a special appeal from him to the Senate will bring the measure to a debate and a vote . . . Especially active in efforts to secure Senate ratification are Senators Ernest Gruening, Jacob K. Javits, Maurine B. Neuberger, Eugene McCarthy, Wil- liam Proxmire, Edward V. Long—all Democrats—and the Re- publican Senators Hugh Scott and J. Glenn Beall . . . The in- ternational pact provides for the punishment of genocide whether committed in time of war or in time of peace . . . It declares that those guilty of genocide shall be punished "whether they are constitutionally responsible rulers, public officials or private individuals" . . . It was adopted by the UN General Assembly by a vote of 55 to 0, with no abstentions—a fact which makes the attitude of the U.S. Senate even more conspicuous . . . The Genocide Convention does not include "cultural genocide" which was excluded at the initiative of the delegation of the Soviet Union at the United Nations . . . The majority U.N. delegations agreed that crimes like destruction of synagogues, schools and other measures of cultural extermination — as is the case now with Jews in Russia — were barbarous but that protection of these rights belong to the field of human rights . . . The issue of "cultural genocide," with emphasis on discrimination against Jewish religion and Jewish culture in the Soviet Union, is now to come up before the UN Commission on Human Rights at its meeting this month in New York. Council of America and the Jewish Funeral Directors of America. The committee will also re- view the experience of the initial period since the adoption of the accord. This agreement, which was put into effect fol- lowing an extensive study of funeral practices conducted by the UOJCA Joint Funeral Stand- ards Committee, was the first such accord on a nationwide scale providing for increased co- operation between the rabbinate and funeral directors, aimed at ensuring that Jewish funeral practices conform with religious law and tradition. Outlining the basic principles of Jewish funeral practices, the UOJCA explained that Jewish religious law prescribes certain rites of preparation and burial and described the procedures to be followed. It declared that flowers and music have no place at the Jewish funeral service and that embalming and view- ing are contrary to Jewish law. Polish Jewish Theater Out to Expand Audience LONDON JTA) — The Jewish Cultural and Social Association of Poland decided on measures to attract larger numbers of theatergoers to the Yiddish the- ater in that country, it was reported here from Warsaw. At a meeting addressed by Ida Kaminska, famed Polish- Yiddish actress, the association decided to include more tempo- rary plays in the theater's reper- toire. :r Endowment Funds A spectacular start in its campaign for legacies has now been made by the ORT in this country, due to special efforts by David Schweitzer, who was formerly a top executive in the Joint Dis- tribution Committee and is now active at the ORT world head- quarters in Geneva . . . Schweitzer, himself in the 70s, came to New York for a short visit to help the American ORT Federa- tion in its efforts to secure legacies from American Jews appre- ciating the valuable work of the organization . . . He succeeded in securing one legacy of $250,000 from a Jewish woman who wants to remain anonymous, and another of $100,000 from Sam Lane. a New York businessman . . . Direct information from attorneys indicate that the ORT has also been included in 16 wills in varying amounts . . . The ORT Legacy Fund is directed by a number of prominent American Jews who take an active interest in the work of the organization . . . The regular budget of the ORT is about $8,000,000 a year, of which about $2,000,000 comes from the Joint Distribution Committee . . . This covers the running annual expenses involved in maintaining the worldwide network of the organization's 450 vocational training schools . . . One of the oldest Jewish organizations in the world-84 years in existence- ORT has acquired a very high reputation not only among Jews, but also among governments, including the U. S. Government . . . At the convention of the American ORT Federation in New York, a high official of the State Department, Herbert J. Waters, was one of the principal guest speakers . . . And what did he say? . . . He spoke of the "growing partnership" between the U.S. Government and ORT in helping to meet the vocational education needs in underdeveloped countries . . . He told of the "property agreement" between the U. S. and ORT, under which the latter is authorized to acquire—without charge—machines, machine tools and other excess government property to be used in ORT schools in Israel, Iran, Tunisia and Morocco . . . He quoted from official U. S. records lauding Washington's experi- ences with the ORT's work of surveying for the U. S. Government the vocational education needs in several newly proclaimed African countries . . . And he revealed that, just a month ago, the U. S. A. concluded new contracts with ORT to conduct in- tensive, out - of - school, in - service courses of employes of govern- ment entities in Guinea and Mali . . . In seeking endowment funds, in addition to its regular budget and government funds, the ORT has in mind that there are sufficient Jews of means who, having attained the age of 70 years or over, desire to leave a heritage richer than their fortune by having their names re- membered forever by someone, somewhere . . . The endowment fund movement is, of course, not limited to ORT alone . . . It was started by Jewish Federations in a number of cities in this country and is today part and parcel of the campaign of various Jewish organizations . .. It is becoming more and more popular among Jewish donors who make substantial contributions to Jewish causes during their lifetime but wish also to be remembered for generations to come. * JUST ARRIVED! CARLOADS OF LATEST 1964 CARPETING DEIROIT'S GREATEST " FLOORSHOW" CAR PET C the l atest c ENTER BRINGS Y arpet OU weeks ahead of styles and colors in all others! and see the m Come most ost co/orful, m most dazzling, car P ost stupendous et display--anywhere! INSTANT INSTALLATION. Order It In The Morning—Enjoy It That Evening! :- :•••••••• " • " • :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: sti;k: ACRILAN Space - dyed! 3 88 Looks like tweed. First Sq. Yd. quality! Comes in a rainbow of sparkling gem- like colors. Extra heavy! WOOL WINTON * Luxury quality in a wide color choice. Hurry! Washington Echoes President Johnson is being impressed by a number of senators—Democrats and Republican—with the necessity to make a personal strong appeal to the Senate to ratify the inter- national genocide agreement which outlaws mass-killing of human beings such as was carried out by the Nazis against the Jews . . . To the detriment of the United States reputation as a democratic government, the Senate has still not ratified the Genocide Convention which was adopted by the United Nations in 1948 . . . This, despite the fact that many other countries —even the Soviet Union—have long since acceded to the Con- vention . . . As a matter of fact, the Genocide Convention has 1. -Vk ts .N 21170 W. 8 Mile Rd. bet. Evergreen & Lahser 1 48 Sq. Yd 28801 Plymouth Rd. 13011 E. 8 Mile Rd. 13676 Eureka Rood nr. Middle Belt Rd. bet. Shoenhirr & M-97 across from Southgate Phone: 357-4035 Phone: KE 8-1850 Phone: PR 8-1111 Phone: 282-2255 New! "Carpet City" Store Located across from Dexter Ch•vrobsi