Friday, Fe bruary 14, 1964—THE DETROIT JEWIS H NEWS-28 Dedicate Vaad Harabonim Month People Make News Susan Ellen Bloom to Wed Martin Smith MRS. J. B. HENDLER, Ye- DR. JOSEPH DUNER, profes- sor and chairman of the depart- shivath Beth Yehudah PTA ment of political science at president, will head a Detroit Grinnell College, Iowa, has been d e l e g a t i on representing the school, at the 16th convention Included on the committee and among sponsors of the 26th appointed David W. Petegorsky professor of political science at of the National Association of annual banquet of the Vaad Harabonim (Council of Orthodox Yeshiva University, it was an- Hebrew Day School PTAs Sat- Rabbis) are (from left) Rabbis Joshua Sperka and Chaskel nounced by Dr. Samuel Belkin, urday and Sunday in Long Cohen, Nathan Soberman, Ernest L. Citron, Grubner, David J. president. The David W. Pete- Beach, N.Y. Max Biber, Charles Feinberg and Morris Karbal. * * * gorsky Chair was established in * * \-•'‘ DR. MARTIN BARR, dean of 1961 by the Yeshiva College Spiritual leaders are devot- Kapustin, U of M. Prof. Alumni Association in memory the College of Pharmacy at ing their sabbath services to of the late executive director Wayne State University is serv- kashruth in observance of Vaad to Present 1st of Two of the American Jewish Con- ing as general chairman of the Harabonim Month, announced gress who died in 1956 at the 11th annual Joint Pharmacy Dialogues at U. of M • Rabbi Leizer Levin, head of Seminar sponsored by the WSU Dr. Max Kapustin, director age of 41. * * * Beth Din (Jewish Court by the College of Pharmacy and the of the Bnai Hillel Foundation Vaad), and Morris Dorn, chair- WSU Pharmacy Alumni Asso- LAWRENCE L. SCHAEN of at Wayne State University, and man, synagogue committees. ciation. HAROLD ELLIAS is a MISS SUSAN BLOOM The month, beginning Satur- Prof. George E. Mendenhall of New York was named chairman member of the seminar com- and GORDON B. ZACKS of day, will be marked by special the Near Eastern Studies De- mittee. The seminar will be Dr. and Mrs. Albert Bloom, tributes to the traditions and partment of the University of Columbus vice chairman of the Feb. 25, at the Community Arts National Committee on Leader- 19724 Canterbury, announce the Michigan, will present the first role of the Vaad Harabonim Auditorium and the McGregor (Council of Orthodox Rabbis) in a series of two dialogues on ship Development of the Coun- Memorial Conference Center. engagement of their daughter "Jesus The Man and His Teach- cil of Jewish Federations and DR. WILLIAM BLOCKSTEIN, Susan Ellen to Martin S. Smith, in the community. The council has called for ings" 7 p.m. Sunday at the W e l f a r e Funds, it was an- assistant to the dean, WSU Col- son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel nounced by Louis Stern of New- the support of the community U. of M. Hillel Foundation. In these dialogues, Which ark, CJFWF president. The lege of Pharmacy, will moderate Smith, 17353 Northlawn. in advance of the 26th annual an afternoon panel session dur- Miss Bloom received her BA banquet, to be held by the are the third and fourth ses- committee evaluates and assists ing the seminar. community training programs sions of Hillel's current series in journalism and is a gradu- council and Merkaz on March 1 on "The Jews and Jesus," Rab- for leadership and prepares ate of the College of Education at Cobo Hall. Rockwell Talk 'a Bore,' of Wayne State University. Mr. A council statement also bi Kapustin will concern him- guides for the placement and urged that congregations des- self with "The Jewish Heritage involvement of the "graduates" Report College Students Smith is a graduate of the De- ignate the shabbat portion of Jesus" and Prof. Menden- of these programs in campaign HEMPSTEAD, L.I., N.Y., troit College of Law. A July 26 wedding is planned. "`Truma" as Vaad Harabonim hall will be discussing "The activities and year-round serv- (JTA)—Guarded by more than New Testament Sources in the ice. Sabbath, states Rabbi Isaac 150 unfirmed and plainclothes * * * Stoliman, president of the Perspective of the Old Testa- police, George Lincoln Rock- ment." DR. MAX W. BAY, physician well, leader of the American Winds Buffet Israel; Vaad. Rabbi Kapustin received his and civic and Jewish community David J. Cohen is president M.A. a n d leader, was unanimously elected Nazi party, addressed about Cold Damages Crops of the Merkaz, laymen's organ- 1,000 students at Hofstra Uni- Ph.D. degrees president of the Jewish Federa- versity here. ization whose aim is to unite TEL AVIV, (JTA)—Freezing in Semitic tion-Council of Greater Los Detroit Jews to further and cold, snow and high winds buf- The majority of the audience languages, Angeles at the JF-C board of strengthen Judaism and its in- fetted Israel causing consider- found him a "bore." philosophy and directors meeting. He succeeds fluence in cooperation with the Before he talked, Dr. Ran- able damage to crops particu- history from Superior Judge Irving Hill, who Vaad. Heidelberg for three terms served as head dall W. Hoffman, dean of larly citrus groves last week. Guests of honor will be Mr. Naharia in the north was cut University. of the Jewish community's plan- students, and Robert Van and Mrs. Julius Rotenberg. Four years ning, budgeting and fund-rais- Leirop, president of the stu- off by the raging Gaaton River, dent council, told those in the and other roads in the Galilee later he was ing organization. hall that their speaker's phil- were submerged by high waters. Interfaith Relations ordained rab- * * * osophy was "repulsive," but Jerusalem had snow and tem- bi at the Rab- in Colombia 'Excellent' Robert W. Whittington of the that he had a right to be peratures just above zero. binical Semi- NEW YORK (JTA) — Rela- Chicago Travel Center, 17 N. heard. nary of Ber- Coast guard v e s s e l s and Kapustin tions between the Jews of Col- State St., Chicago, announced Two pickets paraded in front planes went into action seeking lin. ombia and the general popula- t h e appointment of M E L of the hall, but there were no a 17-year-old Greek sailor who Arriving soon after in Ameri- tion are "excellent," it was re- BOWSER as manager of the De- demonstrations against Rock- ported here by Alfredo Stec- ca, Dr. Kapustin served as troit branch office to be located well's appearance. He told the was swept into the sea off Haifa kerl, vice president of the Cen- rabbi in Danville, Va., for ten at 2970 W. Grand Blvd. audience he felt he was speak- during the gale windstorm. tro Israelita Filantropico of years until 1948 when he as- ing before "one of the most * * * Barranquilla, who is visiting sumed the directorship of the ANN GERMANETTI has been liberal, leftist and Jewish uni- WSU Hillel Foundation. this country. appointed Director of the famed versities in the country,." Dr. George E. Mendenhall Steckerl, who is also president About 50 per cent of the near- of the Hebrew Union School of has been on the U. of M. fac- Fontainebleau Hotel's million ly 8,000 students at the uni- dollar Spa and Health Club in versity are Jewish. Barranquilla, said that apart ulty since:: Mami Beach according to an an- from a few older members of 1951 after The student council, the uni- nouncement by Fontainebleau versity's alumnai association, the Jewish community there having taught President Ben Novack. and ENTERTAINMENT who required some aid, the in the Ham- the board of trustees and the BY * * * community had no welfare ma Divinity faculty all issued statements School, Luth- DR. ALICE MIEL, professor condemning Rockwell's views. problems. of education and chairman of In his speech, Rockwell denied The Hebrew Union School, eran Theo- UN 3-5730 the department of curriculum he was anti-Semitic, saying he he said, has an enrollment of logical Semi7 UN 3-8982 and teaching at Teachers Col- was "only anti-Zionist." 260 children, 60 of whom are nary and the lege, addressed the 22nd annual non-Jewish, and is consider- Johns Hop- pedagogic conference conduct- Want ads get quick results! ed the top-flight school of kins Univer- ed by the Jewish Education Barranquilla, a city of 500,- sity, where he t o o k his Mendenhall Committee of New York, Sun- 000. Non-Jews are -eager to send Ph.D. in 1947 under biblical day, at the High School of Art WHAT EVERY YOUNG LADY SHOULD KNOW their children to the school, he archaeologist Dr. William F. Al- and Design, New York. bright. about the Ritualarium * * * reported. Among the prominent Chairman of the Committee personalities who visited the RABBI RICHARD C. HERTZ Call Mrs. Hilda Cohen — WE 3-8799 on Studies in Religion in the school recently was the bishop of Temple Beth El, will repre- U. of M., College of Literature, For Information About the New Modern Mikvah of the city, Msgr. German Ga- Science and the Arts, Dr. Men- sent the Jewish Chautauqua So- ciety, in Adrian, Feb. 26. varia. denhall is a member of the The 1,000 Jews living in Bar- board of trustees of the Luth- ranquilla form about 8 per cent eran Theological Seminary in of the total Jewish population Chicago, has held the annual of Colombia, the majority of professorship in the American 40 GROUP TOURS TO HOLIDAY IN whom live in Bogota and Gali. School of Oriental Research in Steckerl praised action by Jerusalem and is author of the World Jewish Congress in "Law and Covenant in Israel SOL YETZ-MORRIS COHEN New York in aiding small Jew- and the Ancient Near East." AUXILIARY will meet 8:30 p.m. ish communities in the search Like all the other sessions p.m. -Monday at the home of Many With Stopovers in Europe for qualified community per- in the present series at Hillel, Jean Friedman, 18034 Green- sonnel. lawn. Ann Rubin, hospital chair- the dialogues are open to the To Match your Dreains,your Budget & your Schedule He reported that through public and are given in the man, announces that a package WJC help he has been in touch Zwerdling-Cohn Hall of the containing games, playing cards with a rabbi in the United Hillel Building , 1429 Hill and fruit will be sent to the Vet- States who had expressed his Street. erans Hospital at Iron Mountain willingness to become rabbi of for distribution to the patients. Package ?Al film% the new synagogue recently Mrs. Rubin also is planning a TOURS INCLUDE: `How to Select College' Passover seder for Jewish pa- built in Barranquilla. • 1st Class Hotels with 2 meals a day Mumford Lecture Topic tients at the Battle Creek Vet- • Sightseeing in Israel and Europe • Services of multi-lingual guides Detroit Couple Purchases Mumford Parents Club will erans Hospital. • Transfers between airports and hotels Does not Members are asked to donate $50,000 in Bonds at sponsor a talk on "How to Se- include lam • Participation in Holiday Festivities Miami Beach Dinner lect a College" for students and Passover foods and pastries. * Roundtrip jetfare Volunteers may call Mrs. Rubin WEEKLY DEPARTURES Detroiters Mr. and Mrs. parents 8:15 p.m. Tuesday. available at $535 BY AIR OR SEA Speaker will be Dr. William at KE 5-4031. Charles Grosberg helped launch 40 per person * * * the 1964 Israel Bond campaign L. Finni, director of admissions SEE ISRAEL WITH THE PEOPLE WHO BUILT IT LT. RAYMOND ZUSSMAN in Miami Beach with a $50,000 and scholarships at Michigan Far further information and FREE BROCHURE contact: AUXILIARY will hold its annual State University. Refreshments Golden Trustee purchase. Valentine Party 8:30 p.m. Mon- Others at the recent Trustee will follow the meeting. HISTADRUT TOURS DEPARTMENT day at the home of Mrs. Ben Dinner, at which $503,000 in UN 4-7094 19161 SCHAEFER Mrs. Carol Taylor, the former Pevzner, 17377 Northlawn. For Bonds was subscribed, were the Abner Wolfs, who made a Carol Pence, is a swimming information, call Mrs. Irving Weintraub, BR. 2-2275. coach in Florissant, Mo. $15,000 Negev Trustee pledge. HAL GORDON JWV Activities israe CHOICE OF PURIM, PASSOVER & INDEPENDENCE DAY TOURS $414*