Friday, February 7, 1964—TH E DETRO IT JEWISH NEWS-2 Purely C ommentary Remember the Past, Reject Affronts ... Schildkraut Saga By Philip SIOMOVitZ Kin of Israelis Held in Syria to Seek Action for Release ing exposes about former Nazis! (Direct JTA Teletype Wire The Schildkrauts—End of a Saga Among the more shocking recent revelations was the ad- to The Jewish News) The death, two weeks ago, of Joseph Schildkraut, serves mission that West Germany's Refugee Minister Hans Krueger, TEL AVIV — Relatives of Is- as a reminder of ari interesting father-son background in the who has been relieved of his duties, was among the jurists raeli prisoners still held in theater. The elder Schildkraut, Rudolph, was known to many during the Nazi occupation of Poland. Syrian prisons announced of us as the portrayer of noteworthy Jewish characters on the Even more shocking is the experience of an Israeli lawyer Wednesday the formation of a Yiddish stage. He shared with Sholem Asch the notoriety that who was threatened with disbarment in Germany because he committee to seek practical followed his appearance in the eminent novelist-playwright's had undertaken to secure and make known facts about Nazi steps by the Israel government "God of Vengeance." That play, which portrayed a bawdy house judges. His case was presented in the following letter that was to bring about their release. linked with a synagogue, created such a scandal that Rudolph addressed recently to the London Observer by Bertrand Russell: Ten Israelis are known to be Schildkraut was arrested, and while soon released the ill fame May I bring to the attention of your readers the case in Syrian prisons following the that accompanied the play resulted in one of the most contro- of Dr. Richard Weyl, an Israel advocate who returned release of a group last Decem- versial plays ever seen on the Yiddish stage. to Germany and applied for admission to the West Ger- ber. Rudolph Schildkraut was born in Turkey, became popular man Bar for the sole purpose of pursuing compensation One of the freed prisoners as a character actor and comedian in theaters in Germany and and restitution claims. speaking for the committee Austria, starred in a German company in New York and learned Dr. Wey1 discovered not only members of the Nazi Yiddish only upon his arrival in this country. It was in Yiddish Party throughout the West German Judiciary, but mem- told the press of the inhuman treatment the Syrians had in- that he emerged as the very great star. bers of the S.A. or S.S. serving on the highest German on the Israelis and It is valuable for those interested in the theater to note that Compensation Court — the Compensation Senate to the flicted Joseph Schildkraut played on the German stage with his father, Bundesgerichtshof in Karlsruhe. One of these former mem- said "Good will is not enough. under the direction of Max Steinhardt, in 1913-1917. (The elder bers of the S.A. is a man who was highly commended for Something must be done to Schildkraut died in Hollywood in his "diligence, efficiency, excellent conduct and impeccable get our sons back before it is too late." 1930 at the age of 68). Joseph conviction" as a Nazi judge and stormtrooper in 1936. He noted that two of the pris- Schildkraut apparently also knew Upon stating publicly these facts and pointing out enough Yiddish to act on the Yid- that the law which excludes such people from this re- oners died in Syrian jails, one dish stage, but his only Yiddish sponsibility is entirely ignored in West Germany, Dr. who was executed by the Syr- theatrical appearance was in 1942, Weyl was recommended for disbarment by that very court, ians and the other who died in the Yiddish Theater Army and in the following terms: "Dr. Weyl should be eliminated after being denied medical treat- Navy Relief Show. Otherwise his from the German administration of justice as quickly as ment. Israel publicly denounced career was studded with so many possible." triumphs that he was known pri- It is not only that such people should be excluded from Syria for the abuse of the pris- marily for his work on the membership of a Board passing upon the claims of those oners and demanded an investi- English stage. In "The Diary of who were victimized in concentration camps or deprived gation by the Red Cross as well Anne Frank" he starred on stage of their possessions, but it is an affront to human sensi- as action to prevent further and in the movies. He won an Aca- bility that these evil criminals should sit in judgment over abuse of the Israelis still in demy Award for his portrayal of their victims' claims for compensation. Now Dr. Weyl is Syrian jails. Alfred Dreyfus in "The Life of to be disbarred for seeking to make known these facts. The German complacence which enabled the era of the Immigration to Israel Emile Zola." He played Judas in "The Kings," appeared in perfor- gas chamber to take place is with us again. mances with Eva Legallienne. Here is a case that proves, as Dr. Russell stated, the con- Mounts in Year 1963; Paul Muni and William Powell 66 Lands Represented tinuing "affront to human sensibilities." were his classmates. The list of his stage and movie triumphs is The Frankfurt trial reveals some of the basic facts regard- (Direct JTA Teletype Wire (to The Jewish News) ing the Nazi ,cruelties. It merely scratches the surface in the a bit too long to be recorded here. JERUSALEM — Immigration Joseph and Rudolph Schildkraut, while they were close to exposes of the extent of participation of former Nazis in official of Jews into Israel in 1963 was the Yiddish theater, were not necessarily linked to Jewish German roles. "the largest in. recent years" causes. They were strictly of and for the theater. While Joseph's and included newcomers from parents both were Jews (his mother's maiden name was Erna Yiddish and Our Youth Weinstein), he intermarried twice. A survey conducted by the United Zionist Organization of "66 countries around the world, It all goes to show, as we had experienced with many Brazil among 1,736 of native-born children of Rio de Janeiro according to a report to the prominent intellectuals, that no matter how close they may be showed that 21 per cent of them spoke Yiddish. The survey Jewish Agency Executive Tues- to Jews or to Jewish arts, regardless of their links to our showed that 81 per cent of the youths were of Ashkenazic families, day from the head of the languages, they may not always be considered as so close to that 51 per cent of the grandparents spoke Yiddish to their agency's absorption depart- our heritage that either they or their offspring can be counted grandchildren, 2 per cent spoke Hebrew to them and 46 per cent ment. The report stated that the immigrants had been "ab- upon to remain in our ranks. used Portuguese in their conversations. * * * sorbed easily." 21 per cent of the While the report stated that "only Of the total of the immi- About Presidential Running Mates children spoke Hebrew, the percentage may well be larger than in grants who had come in 1963, There is so much talk about running-mates for the Vice many other communities—with the possible exception of Mexico 790 were professionals, in- Presidency, who should be go-getters and therefore might be where the Jewish schools attended by all the children still use cluding 200 physicians and either a Catholic or a Jew for either party, that the stand taken Yiddish, and possibly also in Argentina. by the Liberal Party in New York, repudiating such a play for Yiddish retained its hold until recently in Latin American 243 engineers. The absorption chief stated, ballots, must be viewed with the greatest seriousness. countries, but even there it shows a decline. It is retaining some If such a candidate is to be either a Jew or a Catholic—and force in Israel where many of the newcomers from Romania and however, that there is need for the latter denomination certainly has a better chance for con- other East European countries still speak Yiddish and where a tailors, carpenters and techni- sideration if it is—as it indeed is—a matter of vote-getting, then Yiddish daily newspaper is flourishing. The Yiddish department cians. He said there had been four years hence the Negroes could and might demand that such at the Hebrew University, under the professorship of Dov Sadan, calls for the employment of "several times" more in these a candidate be from their ranks. also is showing some progress. The New York Times, in an editorial, titled "The Religious Yiddish has survived all other Jewish dialects. But its categories than the numbers Test," took a stand with the Liberal Party against the perpetua- future, especially in the United States, is not promising. It who had arrived. Immigrants from South tion of the religious qualification in politics, and stated: has declined in Canada where it was strong until less than two Article VI of the Constitution says that "no religious decades ago. The only heartening symptom is the serious effort America numbered 5,000 com- test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office to prevent its total collapse through courses like those that pared with 1,259 Jews who had or public trust under the United States." This means, first are offered in Yiddish language and culture at the Hebrew emigrated to Israel from Latin American lands in 1962. of all, of course, that a Catholic or a Jew or an agnostic University. or an atheist has just as much right to be President (or Vice President) as a Protestant. But it also means, and equally, that a man should not be nominated or elected to public office because he is a Protestant, a Catholic or a Jew. To apply such a test, overtly or covertly, is reverse discrimination, making religious affiliation as qualification for office, when it is NEW YORK, (JTA)—Almost hotels discriminating against hotels have a one-season indi- really irrelevant and immaterial. This being a truth so seldom honored by the political 60 per cent of the resort hotels Jews was lower than in the vidual guest patronage and seek parties, we welcome its strong reaffirmation by the Liberal in the United States which dis- United States itself — 9.3 per conventions for the rest of the year. Hotels that banned Jewish party in New York. In a policy statement the party says criminated against Jews in 1957 cent. The study showed a decline guests during the season, had to it is "deeply concerned" over the emphasis being placed no longer do so, the Anti- on the selection of a Roman Catholic as running mate for Defamation League of Bnai in discrimination in areas give up the practice since prac- where laws against bias by tically all trade and professional President Johnson this year. If, as is generally hoped and Brith reported. places of accommodation have groups included Jews. believed, the election of John F. Kennedy in 1960 removed Describing "this dram a tic Another development was specific religious affiliation as a qualification or disquali- progress" toward the elimina- been passed, and almost a total absence of discrimina- that the convention Liaison fication for the Presidency, then—says the Liberal party— tion of religious bias in resort to confine the choice of a Vice-Presidential nominee in hotels, the ADL said that a new tion where the laws are en- Manual of the American Hotel Association, the American Soci- forced vigorously. 1964 to a Catholic would "nullify that historic achieve- nrs.tional survey had found that Almost half of the total num- ety of Association Executives, only 9.8 per cent continued to ment" of 1960. Any ticket "balancers" who fancy that President Ken- discriminate against Jews in ber of discriminatory hotels — the International Association of nedy's memory would be honored now, or the Democratic 1963, compared with 22.9 per 82 out of 193 — are in the big Convention Bureaus and similar resort states, Arizona and Flor- groups, recommended that ex- party served, by exclusive insistence on a Catholic Vice cent in 1957. responsible for conven- President as bait for the "Catholic vote" have shockingly The report was presented at ida Florida, however, is not one ecutives tions should shun hotels that most discriminatory of the small comprehension of what the 1960 election meant as the ADL's 51st annual meeting practice discrimination. by Eugene L. Sugarman, •chair- states on a percentage basis. a victory for the principle of Article VI. The study also found continu- The proportion of discrim- It often requires a lot of courage to argue as both the Liberal man of the discriminations com- inatory hotels in Michigan, ing discrimination in certain Party and the New York Times have done on this issue. We fail mittee of the ADL's Civil Rights Minnesota and Wisconsin has sections of New York against to see how any right thinking citizen can differ from the view- Division. The study was pre- Jews seeking to buy cooperative point just quoted. If there are to be religious or race tests and pared under the supervision of dropped by more than a half apartments. The New York from 34 per cent in 1957 to 16 qualifications, then choices for all office, including the judiciary, Arnold Forster, the ADL civil Commission for Human Rights per cent in 1963. will be on the basis of available votes rather than ability. Such rights direct o r, by Harold has had four complaints of re- The study said that Mex- Braverman and Albert Weiss of injections of vote-getting expediencies must be avoided at all ico's record — one case of fusal to sell such cooperative costs. We go along with the above position on the religious test. the ADL staff. bias in 1957 and none in 1963 apartments to Jews. Two were * * The study was based on an —was evidence that such bias found to lack probable cause. evaluation of the practices of Remembering the Past and Affronts to Human Sensibilities was "an Anglo-Saxon heritage." Two others, one in Bronxville A warning by George Santayana—"Those who cannot re- 2,280 hotels and motels; 1,972 in Forster said that many hotels and one in Greenwich Village, member the past are condemned to repeat it"—is being used in the United States and the rest abandoned a "Christians Only" were upheld by the commission in Canada, Mexico, Bermuda national advertising by a public information office. rule when it began to hurt con-1 and settled in conciliation How well this suits some of the revelations that emanate and the Caribbean. For the total vention business. Most resort I action. percentage of the study group, from Germany—in the course of the Frankfurt trial and repeat- Sharp Decline in Anti-Jewish Bias Seen in ADL Report on American Hotels