People Make News N Red Cross Marks Half Century of Safety on Water Meltzer-Bildman Engagem ent Told Rabbi LEONARD ZION of HOWARD H. FINSILVER, The 50th anniversary of the manager of the Business Men's Newtonville, M a s s., has been Water Safety Service of the Assurance Co. (BMA), has been named associate dean for stu- appointed a senior director of dent affairs at Brandeis Uni- American Red Cross will be the 1964 BMA Life Club as a re- versity. Dean of Students Ker- celebrated by the Detroit Chap- sult of his $1 million of life in- mit C. Morrissey said that the ter of the Red Cross next week- surance production in 1963. This new post will include major re- end with a water show and corn- is Finsilver's eighth consecutive sponsibility in the area of stu- memorative banquet at the Jew- year in producing over a million dent activities and residence, as ish Center. dollars of life insurance. well as an advisory role with * * * Synchronized swimming the university's junior class. groups from the city will pre- The Michigan Apparel Club, Dean Zion, a member of the sent a historical pageant high- comprised of 325 Michigan faculty of Brandeis' Department lighting fifty years of achieve- sales representatives in the of Near Eastern and Judiac ment. The Water Safety Service men's and boys' wear field, re- Studies, and newly appointed is a division of the nationwide elected HERBERT M. EIGES, secretary of the university's Red Cross Safety Services pro- Detroit attorney, as secretary- Philip W. Lown Graduate Cen- gram whose purpose is to equip treasurer and business man- ter for Contemporary Jewish persons of all ages for improved ager. Studies, will assume his new * * * self-care and self-protection. MISS KAREN MELTZER post Feb. 1. Since 1962, he has Samuel S. Fishzohn, who been director of the Hillel "Every American a swimmer Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Meltzer, and every swimmer a lifesaver" played important roles in the Foundations at Brandeis and 18931 Roselawn, announce the has been the objective of the preparation of the 1950 and Wellesley College. engagement of their daughter Water Safety program since in- * * * 1960 White ` Karen Barbara to Bernard Stew- House Con- SHELDON B. KRAUSE has art Bildman, son of Mr. and auguration of the first Red ference on been appointed to the Mortgage Mrs. Morris Bildman of 20154 Cross lifesaving class in 1914. Children and Division of American Savings Sorrento. * * * Want ads get quick results! Youth, is re- and Loan Association. Krause The bride-elect is an educa- OFFUTT AIR FORCE BASE, tiring after a previously was in private prac- tion student at Eastern Michi- Neb. — The U. S. Air Force 40-year career The Truck International Touch! tice. gan University. Her fiance is a * * * has announced the promotion of distinguish- senior in denistry at the Uni- Lon,..tivund, to the rank of ed service in Metropolitan Opera soprano versity of Michigan. Major General social work ROBERTA PETERS was named A June 21 wedding is plan- of A. J. Beck, a n d commu- 1964 "Woman of the Year" by ned. end his music. who serves as nity welfare. the National Federation of Inspector Gen- He is retiring Fishzohn Women's Clubs. Crippling arthritis strikes * * * eral of the from the American Jewish Com- down 700 Americans a day, Strategic Air mittee, where he served as di- The election of ROBERT J. Command with rector of the Division of Youth HUTTON, president of Standard states the Arthritis Foundation. headquarters Services for 18 years, Dr. John Federal Savings and Loan As- BERNARD H. here. General Slawson, executive vice presi- sociation, to the advisory coun- Candid Photography Beck has been dent of the Committee, an- cil of the Federal Home Loan in the Air nounced. Bank Board was announced Jan. * * * Force since 23. The council is the only statu- Bar Mitzvahs — Weddings 1940, and he DR. NELSON GLUECK, presi- tory committee advising the joined the dent of Hebrew Union College— Federal Home Loan Bank ASK ABOUT OUR COMBINATION SPECIAL Strategic Air Jewish Institute of Religion, Board, of which John J. Brady HOWARD H. Command will be the guest of honor at is executive secretary and has Motion Pictures shortly after a dinner, Feb. 16, sponsored by a member from each of the the Cincinnati Committee for Federal Bank districts. Maj. Gen. Beck tion that organiza- was acti- State of Israel Bonds at Hotel vated. He came to SAC Head- Netherlands in that city. An- quarters from Pease Air Force nouncement of plans for the din- Chabad Village Growing, Base, New Hampshire, where ner was made by Municipal Reports Recent Visitor, he commanded the 817th Air Court Judge Gilbert Bettman, Division. He is a native of Dal- chairman of the Cincinnati Mrs. Morris Schaver A report on the growth of the las, where he went to school Israel Bond campaign. Lubavich vocational schools at * * * and earned a law degree. En- For All Occasions tering the service as a flying MAURICE A. BETMAN, CLU, Kfar Chabad, Israel — which will be among recipients of cadet just before World War was presented with the Clarence Reasonable Rates II, he became a second lieu- L. Hill achievement trophy for proceeds raised at the forthcom- tenant. He served three years 1963. The award is presented ing Chabad Lubavich dinner Call AL SCHILLER in the Pacific, taking on in- to the outstanding agent in the here—was given by Mrs. Morris 476-5353 Northville Coach Line, Inc L. Schaver, chairman of the creasingly important responsi- Northwestern Mutual Life Insur- bilities. He is rated as a com- ance Co. for the substantial in- women's committee for the Cha- mand pilot and has earned many crease in business over the last bad schools. Mrs. Schaver recently re- decorations. five-year period. turned from the village near * * * * * * Tel Aviv, where some 200 fami- Dr. NELSON GLUECK, presi- Andrew Goodman, president lies live, most of them from dent of Hebrew Union College- of Bergdorf Goodman Com- and Poland. Jewish Institute of Religion, pany, has been named New Russia She noted that "Hundreds who delivered the benediction York cam of boys, from 15 to 20 years at the inauguration of the late paign chair- old, are learning trades, main- John F. Kennedy, has been man of the ly carpentry, printing and named a member of the board Appeal for agriculture in the Kfar Cha- of trustees of the Kennedy Me- Human Rela- bad schools." The schools are morial Library. tions of the nonpolitical and nonpartisan, * * * American Jew- and students are admitted Secretary of State DEAN i h Commit- from all over Israel. None of RUSK heads an array of gov- ee, it was an- the settlers has left the 16- ernment and political figures nounced b y year-old village, she said. who will participate with Re- A. M, Sonna- Over 6,000 students attend all form spiritual leaders in a two- bend, Commit- Chabad schools. day conference on "peace and tee president. Goodman One of the fastest-growing disarmament" in Washington, The nationwide Appeal supports installations there is the print- Feb. 4-5. The meeting is spon- the programs of the Committee. ing plant. More than $100,000 sored by the Central Confer- The 1964 New York Appeal in offset equipment has been ence of American Rabbis. goal is $2,000,000. A prominent donated by British Jewry. * * * civic and communal leader, Mr. The annual Chabad dinner, The Anti-Defamation League Goodman is chairman of the honoring William Hordes on his board of the Fifth Avenue As- of Bnai Brith announced that its 70th birthday, will be Feb. 24 annual America's Democratic sociation, president of the Up- at the Labor Zionist Institute. Legacy Award will be presented town Retail Guild and vice- Speaker will be Rep. Seymour this year to EUGENE CARSON chairman of the Better Business Halpern of New York and guest BLAKE, A. PHILIP RANDOLPH, Bureau of New York. artist Paul Olefsky, cellist. * * * WALTER REUTHER and ROY W I L K I N S for their "distin- The New York branch of guished contributions to the en- Bank Leumi le-Israel, Israel's Rassco Israel Corp. richment of America's demo- cratic legacy." The presentation oldest and largest bank, an- Will Be Discussed the appointment of One of Israel's foremost in- will be made at an awards lunch- nounced eon Sunday at the Pierre Hotel AVRAHAM BAR-EL, ALBERT vestment and development com- This is our Everyday in New York City, at the close J. PICCIRILLO and ALFRED panies, the Rassco Israel Corpor- Discount on Sterling Silver of the 51st annual meeting of G. RUEHLE, as vice-presidents. ation, will be the topic of a dis- the League's national commis- Bar-El who joined the Bank cussion organized by William in 1963, formerly Israel Consul Hordes and M. Ben Lewis 11 a.m. sion. * * * of Economic Affairs in Toronto Sunday at Boesky's. The talk is to familiarize po- LAWRENCE B. WAYNE, and director for Canada of the 24280 Dante, Oak Park, a life Israel Government Investment tential investors in Israel with member of the Metropolitan Mil- Authority. Piccirillo is the son the "vast scope and amazing lionaires Club, has again sold of the late New York City Com- progress" of the corporation. Jacques Torczyner, Zionist $1 million in life insurance. He missioner Joseph Piccirillo. is a member of the club's execu- Ruehle is a trustee of the Kings leader and executive of Rassco, will be guest speaker. Highway Savings Bank. tive board. W. AVERELL HARRIMAN, U.S. assistant secretary of state for Far Eastern Affairs, and Congressman OGDEN R. REID, former U.S. Ambassador to Is- rael, will be among the princi- pal speakers at the 56th annual Dinner of Bnai Zion, American Fraternal Zionist Organization, to be held Feb. 9 at the New York Hilton Hotel. * * * THOMAS F. MORROW, whose civic and business activities have led him through parallel courses from the ranks to the vice presidencies of the United Foundation and the Chrysler Corporation, will head the 1964 Torch Drive. DONALD F. VAL- LEY, board chairman of the National Bank of Detroit and president of the UF, named Mor- row as general chairman for the 16th annual "Give Once For All" fund-raising campaign. 1 1: 1-3 O Gml 5 z 2 o as 4.4 co ZAN 611111T cALLUN.13065 WINER ( FI KE 1-8196 ' LI 2-7874 ----- TRIEST Have Buses--Will Travel CHARTER COACHES YE 25% Al Beigle•, Your Host ti