Desalination No Mirage THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commerzcing with issue of July 20, 1951 - Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35, Mich., VE 8-9364. SubscripLion $6 a year. Foreign $7. Second Class Postage Paid At Detroit, Michigan PHILIP SLOMOVITZ CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher Business Manager SIDNEY SHMARAK Advertising Manager iaagaTranso- .:.4c J, w ye • • • v . .2 iur • we' .0" • . • - — . CHARLOTTE HYAMS y ". • EyEv City Editor FIRST DESALINATION DESALINATION RANT Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the fourth day of Shevat, 5724, the following Scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion: Exod. 10:1 - 13:16. Prophetical Portion: Jeremiah 46:13-28. Licht Benshen, Friday, Jan. 17, 5:10 p.m. January 17, 1964 Page Four VOL. XLIV. No. 21 9e* .`9 r—r •.S.T.• • ‘.-••- U. S. Support for Israel's Scientific Projects American support for cultural and scientific endeavors in Israel has been growing with the years, and the Weiz- mann Institute of Science has been a special beneficiary of American Jewry as well as our Government. Recent discoveries accredited to scien- tists at the Weizmann Institute in Re- hovoth, Israel. have spurred the interest that our people have shown in the great research institute established in honor of the first President of Israel and the dis- tinguished Zionist leader. Among the important statements that had been made in support of the Weiz- mann Institute was the declaration, by the late President John F. Kennedy, who said, shortly before his tragic death, on the occasion of the laying of the corner- stone for the Feinberg School for Ad- vanced Studies at the Institute: "The greatness of a school is meas- ured neither by acres nor by numbers of students—but by purpose and ac- complishment. The Weizmann Institute has already, in a few years, earned its greatness. There are few institutions that have made such an extraordinary and enduring achievement in so short a time. I am confident that the Feinberg • school for graduate studies, building upon the foundation of the Institute achievement, will quickly make its own . contributions to the advancement of human knowledge." President Kennedy was to have de- livered the address at the annual dinner of the Weizmann Institute, in December, but the event, like so many others, was postponed due to the crime that was com- mitted in Dallas. President Lyndon B. Johnson, recognizing the value of the cause his predecessor supported, has con- sented to be the speaker at the dinner that was postponed until Feb. 6. At that time, an impressive beginning will be announced for the commencement of the Kennedy Memorial Fellowships at the Weizmann Institute. A great American tradition is thus being perpetuated. Our Chief Executive, by his presence at the dinner, will con- tinue American encouragement to the ad- vancement of science in Israel, a deserv- ing tribute will be inaugurated in memory of our late President, and Israel's cul- tural activities will be enhanced by a common understanding that leads to the continuation of good will between this country and Israel. Jewish Sufferings Under Nazis: USSR Secret It is difficult to understand the Com- many, has something to do with an in- munists' position on the extent of the herited attitude of hatred for all Jews. Nazi crimes against the Jews. While they It may well be that the continuing anti- do not hesitate to emphasize the mis- Semitic feelings that were passed on to treatment of non-Jews, their descriptions Russians from the Czarist regime to that of Jewish sufferings are accounted for in of the Communists has somethings to do the form of an "also martyred" group. with an unfortunate policy that pre- This has been true in Russia proper, •dominated under Stalin and that has not where the Babi Yar outrage was silenced been erased under the Khrushchev re- until Y e v g e n y Yevtushenko made it gime. There has been in evidence in the known in a poem that aroused the ire of Khrushchev and other Soviet leaders. USSR a desire to play down every vestige This has been in evidence in the Soviet of heroism on the part of Jews during Union's policy of keeping the Babi Yar the last war. This was true in the Russian area a secret from tourists. It also is true military ranks in which Jews played im- in Poland where the Jewish sufferings portant roles. But the patriotism of the under the domination of the Nazis often Jews and the leadership of a number of has been portrayed as secondary to the Jewish military leaders in the war against humiliations that were endured by Poles. the Nazis has been kept a state secret. The documentary volume just issued This, too, may account for an attitude in Russia similarly fails to indicate the that spells prejudice. Russia's official policy is to consider magnitude of the Jewish tragedy. How is this to be accounted for, other anti-Semitism a state crime. But the policy than by a desire to minimize the Jewish remains unenforceable, and the USSR government's adherence to a plan of re- position? Perhaps the perpetuated hatred for taining the crime against Jewry in sec- Trotsky, who had warned far in advance recy places a serious responsibility upon of the perpetration of the Nazi terror future historians in Communist-ruled that dangers were impending from Ger- countries to set the record straight. Those Who Seek Destruction — Arab Madness An Arab campaign of hate, the intensi- fication of which was attempted at the Cairo meeting this week, threatens to assume such dimensions that a war scare has monopolized some of the public communications media. Actually, what the Arabs are doing now, with the Jordan water project as a mere excuse for renewed war-mongering, is to continue to keep their own people and the gullible in many quarters under tensions occasioned by endless fears lest another war should break out. Most of the Arab threats have been abortive. No one knows, however, when incitement to riot might result in an open military operation — and any resort to war can easily involve other areas and spread into a world conflict. Fortunately, many world statesmen are aware that the new Arab excuse for the effort to foment trouble results from their own rejection of a water irrigation plan that would have drawn both Arabs and Israelis together and would have created harmony in the area. But that would have meant recognition of Israel, and the Arab war-mongers, who are also desirous of keeping the masses of their people in ignorance of the true needs for proper development in their respec- tive countries, seem bent upon doing everything to continue a warlike spirit against Israel. It is evident that the Arab leaders are aiming at Israel's destruction. Such un- reality is sheer madness, and the sooner the Arabs realize it the better for the peace of the area. The sooner the world's statesmen agree to repudiate such an aim, the stronger will become the spirit of amity involving the entire world. •*-:•• 4a • • Fradc ".4. a • Ix, 9 . .3:42 • .43,..s..1 F Story of Dead Sea Scrolls in Shippen Archaeology Studies "Portals to the Past" by the archaeologist Katherine B. Shippen is listed by the publishers, Viking Press (6125 Madison, NY 22), as a book for junior high school-age readers. But it serves well for adults who seek information about archaeology. With a noteworthy series of illustrations—the accompanying stone lithographs by Mel Silverman—this story of archaeology features a valuable chapter on the Dead Sea Scrolls, under the title "The Mystery of the Scrolls." The author ably relates the detailed account of the adventure at the cave where fragments of a pottery jar and several other jars were found intact by a Bedouin boy, how they were brought to light and were declared by a Hebrew University professor to belong to antiquity. While it is regrettable that the details of Professor Sukenik's visit to the Old City of Jerusalem in Jordan, during the critical war years, are not elaborated upon, the author could have added much more important material to her account of the scrolls. But the story as she relates it nevertheless serves a good purpose and its concluding paragraph is worth noting. It reads: "The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls with their ancient and precious Biblical texts has stirred new interest in the origins of the Old Testament and thrown new light on the life of the Essenes. Scholars in their quiet way rejoice because another page has been added to their understanding of the past." The complete indexing of the scrolls, the historical background of the Qumran community, the manner of testing ancient docu- ments are part of Miss Shippen's story. Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Kurdish, Scythian Tombs, Saharan, Indus River, Troyan and a score of other discoveries relating to historic occurrences are fascinatingly told in this most informa- tive book. Each chapter in this book reads like a fairy tale, yet it is part of history's records now made known by archaeology. Miss Shippen performs her task of making the record known with great skill and with a knowledge which she imparts authoritatively to her readers. Ruth Gruber's 'Israel Today' Paperbacks continue to provide literary material for readers who otherwise would be unable to benefit from higher priced books. Books of Jewish interest now are available in the lower- priced paper-covered texts. Among the outstanding paperbacks just made available is the wide-acclaimed "Israel Today—Land of Many Nations," by Ruth Gruber, published in a revised edition, by Hill and Wang (141 .6th, NY 10). The value of this book, which, from its first appearance in 1958, was welcomed as a splendid explanation of Israel's status, is the travel guide. An, expert on Israel, having visited the country as a foreign correspon- dent for American newspapers on numerous occasions, Dr. Gruber advises on transpor- tation, visas and passports, the Israeli con- sulates that make such arrangements, the required innoculations, necessities for trips to Israel by men and women. the currency and customs regulations, availablility of ho- tels and restaurants, shops, tips, etc. The brevity of this chapter makes it especially serviceable as a guide. Dr. Gruber starts her account from the very beginning, from Israel's rebirth as a nation, and takes the reader through all Israeli areas and introduces them to the many elements who make up the new State. Ruth Gruber She discusses the Arab question, takes into account the Israeli struggle for independence, devotes interesting chapters to the Jews of Yemen and those who came from the North African island of Djerba. There is an explanatory chapter on the Dead Sea Scrolls, the story of their discovery and their present location. Many fine photographs, taken by the author, add to the merits of this fine book on Israel.