Friday, January 17, 1964—THE DETROIT JEWIS H NEWS- 1 4 Jurist Named by LBJ Weekly Quiz I About Dr. Adler's Harper Article ' Is A Jew?' What BY ALFRED SEGAL in the daily newspaper office Oh, please, again I must say By RABBI SAMUEL J. FOX The question ... "What is a for which I write a column .. that I'm not bragging but am (Copyright, 1964, JTA, Inc.) MILWAUKEE JTA) — David Jew?" ... is being asked this "Get the hell out of here," I speaking only as a humble guy What is the origin and pur- Rabinovitz of Sheboygan, named month in Harper's Magazine by told him. He was drunk, and who has arrived at age 80... a federal judge by President pose of the "Mali Tovu" pray- Rabbi Morris Adler who also he replied, "You're just no and, finally, at that age has Johnson, took his oath of office er which opens a synagogue answers the question. good." come to some wisdom. I recall service? just 12 minutes before the 88th But as one who tries to live my much younger life-time when He's saying: "One of the most The origin of Mall Tovu is Congress convened. The move n persistent questions is: 'What is by his Judaism, I serve Catholics I had little use for people of was to avoid a possible negative quite old since we find it i a Jew?' ... It is dealt with in and Protestants in my daily other religions or other colors. the earliest of prayerbooks. It action by Congress on the con- sermons and lectures, at forums, column. Yes, here's a letter from Yes, I guess I have come to general purpose may be cate troversial appointment. The Wis- at ideological conferences, and a Catholic mother. "Dear Mr. understand what is a Jew, even consin State Bar and the Ameri- gorized under the heading o e in dialogues between American Segal: I know you are not of my though I'm not regular in the "taking permission" to engag can Bar Association both have synagogue. in the act of prayer and 1,voi , and Israeli Jews . . . David Ben- religion, but I look up to you opposed the nomination. Gurion once invited scores of as one who practices the good Rabbi Adler is saying in his s lip in the synagogue. Gen The controversy over the Jew- Jewish scholars to submit an- of all religions. You spoke up piece in Harper's Magazine: ish jurist began last September erally, sections of Jewish pray swers to this irrepressible ques- in your column for my son who "The Jews still ask: 'What am er liturgy and the entire ap when the late President Ken- p* - to prayer i se is lac i tion. Since none of the replies was in jail, and as a result he I? ... And Rabbi Adler goes on nedy named him to a vacancy on tionally preceded by the un was made public it is reasonable is out of there now. The judge to answer: "The battering rams the Federal District Court for derstanding on the part of th to deduce that none was satis- said he had read your column of persecution could not destroy e factory." about my son and felt influenced the Jew's resolve to live by the Western Wisconsin. individual or the congregation The appointment having that prayer as such is a G-d- So now I myself . . . this col- by it. Thanks, thanks sir. I light of his conscience ... Jew- been made while Congress given privilege which we inher- umnist that is ... tries to answer applaud you as a man whose ish history, thus viewed, rep- was in session, Rabinovitz ited through our ancestry. Thus the question: "What is a Jew?" goodness doesn't mind the re- resents a triumph of the human could not take the post with- the Mah Tovu (except for the I well know this particular ligion of one he serves. You are spirit. It can serve all mankind out Senate confirmation. The .first verse) is simply a collec- Jew ...this Al Segal, that is . . a fine Jew." as a testament of courage and Oh, I'm not reporting this hopes ... In a world teeming appointment ecased to be ef- tion of verses from the Psalms and, so, maybe, by looking him fective when Congress ended which reflect the age-old pro over as he sits here at this boastfully at all but only to with coercions and compulsions its session in December with- cedure of. approaching, enter - typewriter, I may come to some reply ... in a way ... to Rabbi man can assert sovereignty over out Senate action. ing and praying in the syna understanding of what a Jew is. Adler's question . in Harper's: the quality and destiny of human If the Senate does not act on gogue in the appointed times. Yes, this Jew Segal thinks "What is a Jew?" • life. No people's history offers President Johnson's interim re- - The first verse is a selection. he knows what a Jew is. A Jew, Sure enough, as I see him, greater proof of this truth than appointment, t h e nomination from the poetic phophecy o f he's saying, is one who under- a really pious Jew is one who's the Jew's. When he recognizes will again die at the end of the Bilaam, the Midianite priest stands his kinship to all man- willing to serve all peoples; this, the modern Jew will dis- cover his identity." present session. who was hired to curse the Isra - kind ... of whatever religion, though, as I've suggested, I'm President Johnson, if re-elect- elites (Numbers 24:5). The Tal race, or color of face .. brothers not very pious by attendance in Yes, that's us and all that's the synagogue. I miss shabosses required of us all is to live up ed this year, could then again mud (Yerushalmi, Berachoth) of his. nominate Rabinovitz. If the Sen- tells us that it had been the Oh, he says, I've belonged to in schul, but the other day, a to the ideal which we inherited ate confirms the appointment at intention •(and probably the the Isaac M. Wise Temple all Negro was at my desk in the from long, long ago. And I my- this session, Rabinovitz will hold practice for awhile) of those of 40 years, and I know my daily newspaper office to direct self, at my stage of life have me farther on the way my at last been figuring that it's the judicial post for life. who shaped our liturgy to have Judaism as a decent way of life. column has been going. though I'm not in schul every about time for me to try to live the entire Biblical phophecy of "Sir," he said, "I under- up to my knowledge of what a I try to understand Rio Poll Finds 21 Pct. Bilaam recited in the daily serv- Sabbath. but that it had been Judaism as a way of life that stand you're Jewish and I've Jew is. of Native-Born Jewish ice; discarded only to prevent any has to do with the brotherhood come here to applaud you as Children Speak Yiddish additional burden on the con- of man, and as Jew I try to one who really practices the RIO DE JANEIRO (JTA) gregation by adding to the serve brothers who are of the highness of his religion. The way your column speaks up Only 21 per cent of native-born length of the liturgy. It seems other religions and colors. for justice an.d kindness to- Mind you, I'm not boasting APPLICATIONS FOR Jewish children here speak Yid- that at least the first verse of ward us who have the darker dish, a survey conducted by the this prophecy was included. It as one who thinks of himself faces. That's of the goodness as a saintly guy. Oh, only education department of the is possible that the wave of of your religion about which ARE NOW BEING TAKEN the other day I chased off a United Zionist Organization re- persecutions which the Jewish On New or Existing Homes I know from the Old Testa- vealed. people underwent at the hands man who had come to my desk ment which I read right along, The survey was taken among of one tyrant after another who QUICK SERVICE You're a good Jew and I my- 1,736 Jewish boys and girls in tried to close, burn and pre- U.S. Agriculture Dept. Phone Us Today self try to be a good Chris- the local public schools on the vent synagogues from being tian. So we are religiously FRANKLIN elementary and high school built, made the Jewish people Awards 2 Grants to brothers, aren't we?" MORTGAGE CORP. levels. hat much more determined to Israel Institutions Approved FHA Mortgagee "Yes," I replied, "I know you The data showed that 79 uphold its long history and fully 915 First National Bldg., Det. 26 as kinsman of mine in the family WASHINGTON (JTA)—Scien- per cent of the Jewish chil- appreciate the synagogue. Thus WO 3-4890 dren said their knowledge of when walking towards the syna- tific institutions in Israel have of mankind." Yiddish was "small," or gogue and beholding its struc- been awarded two grants by the "weak" or nonexistent. Of the t ure (or as some did when leav- U.S. Department of Agriculture WHERE IN THE WORLD total, 81 per cent of the chil- i ng home to go to the syna- for studies of irrigation sprink- dren stem from Ashkenazic gogue) one would utter the lers and cereal grain starches. DO YOU WANT TO GO? edillac Technion-Israel Institute of families, the remainder from 1, verse first pronounced by the Sephardic or oriental Jewish Midianite cleric Bilaam "How Technology, Haifa, was awarded We're Here to Serve You ! a three-year grant equal to $67,- homes. ravel oodly are thy tents 0' Israel, 166 in Israel pounds. • TOUR ARRANGEMENTS The figures also showed that t hey tabernacles 0' Israel" . . . This grant will finance in- 9 • AIRLINE TICKETS only 52 per cent of the children's The second verse of the pray- enter Inc. vestigations on the perform- grandparents speak Yiddish to e r is said when crossing the • CRUISES - HOTELS ance of different kinds of irri- their grandchildren. threshold into the synagogue: gation sprinklers and t h e Among the remainder, 2 per . . In the abundance of Thy development of basic designs cent speak Hebrew to the grand- Grace will I come into . thine NO ADDITIONAL FEE FOR OUR SERVICES for new and improved sprink- children, while 46 per cent use house" (Psalms 5:8) understand- Portuguese in home conversa- ing that it is only through the ler systems. Authorized Agency For A four-year grant, equal to tions. Grace of the Almighty that we $83,956 in Israel pounds, was ALL MIAMI BEACH HOTELS AND MOTELS are allowed to establish and awarded to the Hebrew Univer- FOR INFORMATION enter houses of prayer (philo- sity in Jerusalem. AND RESERVATIONS sophically, men has no right to This grant will afford study of Conveniently Located In The approach the Almighty; logical- the chemical reactions of cereal ly, synagogues should already grain starches, and, by new met- DEXTER-DAVISON SHOPPING PLAZA — 10 MILE at COOLIDGE have been destroyed forever by hods, will seem to tailor the Open Thurs. and Sat. Evenings 'tit 9 — Sundays, 10-3 p.m. the great armies who sought starches to meet particular in- to destroy them). The Jew dustrial needs. then goes on, in the course of Sample information and ma- this prayer, to demonstrate his terials developed in the study posture as being one of bowing will be sent to the U.S. research in submission to the authority laboratory in Peoria, Ill., where 40 GROUP TOURS TO HOLIDAY IN and command of the Almighty scientists are working to find and offering his petitions before new uses for cereal grains and Him in prayer asking that He other agricultural products. answer with the same Grace which gave us permission to Miami Beach JWV Post pray in the first place. Many With Stopovers in Europe Jan. 15 - Feb. 15 Named for Israel Hero To Match your Dreains, your Budget & your Schedule In Memory MIAMI BEACH (JTA)—North Downtown Synagogue of our Dade Post No. 746 of the Jewish to Start Hebrew Class War Veterans was rededicated late martyred President Isaac Agree Downtown Syna- as Col. David Marcus Post. gogue will begin its program Israel Consul Gen. Zeev Z. PLANT TREES in of adult Hebrew classes Tues- Dover, who heads Israel's con- TOURS INCLUDE: Package Timis from The John Fitzgerald Kennedy day night and meet on subse- sulate in Atlanta; Daniel N. • 1st Class Hotels with 2 meals a day Peace Forest quent Tuesdays at 8:30 p.m. in Heller of Miami Beach, JWV na- • Sightseeing in Israel and Europe • Services of multi-lingual guides the synagogue, 1442 Griswold. tional commander; and Mrs. Your certificate will be mailed I • Transfers between airports and hotels Marcus, the widow of the late Rabbi Noah M. Gamze will Does not directly to Mrs. Kennedy • Participation in Holiday Festivities include fare be instructor in this basic read- colonel, flew in from New York and Family for the ceremony. * Roundtrip jetfare ing course. WEEKLY DEPARTURES available at Col. Marcus was killed in BY AIR OR SEA per person JNF SABBATH will be action in Israel six hours prior Sabbath Eve Discussion to the first Israel-Arab cease fire observed in all Synagogues SEE ISRAEL WITH THE PEOPLE WHO BUILT IT Miles Platt of the Oakland and led Israel's central army in Fee further information and FREE BROCHURE contact: JANUARY 25th County Board of Education will lifting the siege of Jerusalem. HISTADRUT TOURS DEPARTMENT discuss "Schools and the First 19161 SCHAEFER Amendment" following regular The cost of a funeral and UN 4-7094 18414 WYOMING Sabbath services of Temple Beth burial in the United States Phone UN 4-2767 Jacob, Pontiac, today. averages $1,400. Takes Oath; Possible Congress Inaction Feared MORTGAGES VA or FHA LI 8.3944 e MONTH israe 1 CHOICE OF PURIM, PASSOVER & INDEPENDENCE DAY TOURS $414* &535