Jacob H. Cohen (right), 90-year-old retired businessman, presents Joseph Brainin, executive vice-president of the Amer- ican Committee for the Weizmann Institute of Science, with a $25,000 contribution to the Kennedy Memorial Fellowships at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovoth, Israel. The In- stitute has established 46 annual research fellowships—one for each year of the late President's life. The research awards are open to scientists from the U.S., Europe, Afro-Asian nations and Israel. All funds raised through the Weizmann Institute's annual dinner on February 6th at the Waldorf-Astoria will go toward a $5,000,000 endowment fund to insure the permanency of the Kennedy Fellowships. Guest speaker at the Weizmann dinner will be President Johnson. Hebrew Among Languages Helped Invigorate English, Authors Assert Dr. Morton W. Bloomfield, professor of English at Harvard University, and Dr. Leonard D. Newmark, professor of Linguis- tics at the University of Califor- nia and a former University of Michigan professor, combined their efforts in producing an im- portant history of the develop- ment of the English language under the title "A Linguistic Introduction to the History of English," just published by Knopf. Their highly informative book is an introduction also to linguis- tics, evaluating vocabulary, methology and fundamentals. This study represents a sum- mary of linguistic studies made during the past 25 years, show- ing the advanced scientific methods pursued in this im- portant field of studies, with emphasis on the history of Eng- lish. Emphasizing the importance of word usage in this study, the Index of Morphemes, Words and Phrases—mostly English but also Garman, Finnish, Russian, Lithuanian, Arabic, Sp a n i s h, French, Italian, Greek, Indo-European, Sanskirt, Albanian, Dutch, Gothic and Primitive Ger- manic—serve a valuable pur- pose for the student. The authors state that "ori- ginally artificial languages, such as Esperanto and Modern He- brew, have become natural languages, exactly to t1:e extent that users of those languages have made the language usage primary over the formulations of the rules that originally es- tablished them." Profs. Bloomfield and New- mark mention the relationship between Hebrew and Arabic. Yiddish, described as "a Ger- manic language spoken by East- ern European Jews who migrated from Germany during the 14th, 15th and 16th cen- turies, is listed among the "present-day major Germanic languages." The authors also state that "words are often borrowed from the archaic vocabulary of the same language." They add: "In some languages there is much borrowing from older archaic forms of the same language or of a closely related one. Modern Hebrew and Hindi provide many ex- amples." Asserting that Hebrew and Arabic are among the langu- ages that "have made important contributions to the English vocabulary, the authors con- clude: "To these, and to a number of other languages with which speakers of English have had close contact, English owes a vocabulary which is cosmo- politan and varied, affording us units in which we can express ourselves exactly and vigor- ously." St. Louis Centers Dedicate Building ST. LOUIS, (JTA)—A barren cornfield in the west suburbs of this city has ben transformed into a multi-Million-dollar com- plex of ultra-modern buildings and outdoor facilities to become the headquarters of the Jewish Community Centers Association and the focal point for its ulti- mate 15,000 members. Centered on a 104-acre site of rolling land, the $2,100,000 Car- lyn H. .Wohl Building was offi- cially opened December 22 as the grand finale to a $3,805,000 overall capital development pro- gram of the JCCA. Prof. Barrows Dunham, whose earlier work, "Man Against Myth," created wide discussion, has produced a most challenging work with his "Heroes and Heretics—A Social History of Dissent," which has been pub- lished by Knopf. The heretical figures who pass in review in this volume stem from all faiths, many climes and d i f f e r i n g philosophical thoughts. There is a lengthy analysis of events that occurred in the biblical era and during the periods of the prophets. He is critical as well as analytical, he exposes myths and he points to evidences of free expressions in numerous periods in history. For instance, quoting from Daniel 11:36-45, of the time of the Maccabean revolt against Antiochus IV, he describes the following as a phenomenon that occurred for almost a thousand years: "The king (of the North) shall do as he pleases, he shall uplift himself and exalt himself above every god, ut- tering amazing vaunts against the God of gods; he shall prosper until the wrath divine has run its course . . . For his strong forts he shall pro- cure soldiers who worship a foreign god; his favorites shall advance to high honor and make them rulers over the masses, selling land to them for a bribe. When the end arrives, the king of the South shall butt at him, but the king of the North shall attack him like a whirlwind . . . He shall also invade the fair land of Palestine, and myriads shall be killed . . . the land of Egypt shall not escape, but he shall lay hands on the treasures of gold and silver and all the valuables." The lesson drawn from "his favorites he shall advance to high honor" is that "national liberation involved social revo- lution." Dr. Dunham proceeds to show that "in the Judaic tradi- tion, the prophets are revolu- tionary and the priests reac- tionary. The priests, ideological spokesmen for the governing class, were in daily administra- tion both of public affairs and private behavior'. The prophets sprang from lower social ranks, especially from the peasantry, and won leadership by the eloquence with which they pro- claimed existing social facts and mandatory moral values. (In a footnote, the author points out that "to prophesy" meant originally "to announce" —not necessarily "to foretell the future.") The history of the Maccabean period is reviewed by Dr. Dun- ham, and the anticipation of a "predestined Messiah, the son of David," is followed by this interesting evaluation of the ap- pearance on the scene of Jesus: "And then in Judea, in the reign of Tiberius, there ap- peared a man of lowly origin, a carpenter's son, who, having la- bored to save his people, was posthumously believed to have saved mankind, and who, in- stead of being (like the Cae- sars) a man enlarged into a god, was held in the end to have been a god diminished into a man." Prof. Dunham views the Jewish people as having earned, "with much gallantry, a reputation for rebellious- ness." He adds: "The first Christians were a sect within the synagogue, and the first Christian missionaries were Jews with a special message." Mythology and historical facts, Christian and Jewish data, are used to illustrate the points re- lating to the movements of so- cial dissent dating back to earliest times. Prof. Dunham explains how, as in the case of the Jewish convert to Christianity Johann Pfefferkorn, who became a vi- olent anti-Semite, "all converts like to 'attack the organization they have abandoned." He de- scribes the sufferings of Reuch- lin, the founder of the move- ment of Hebraic studies for Christian scholars, who was im- prisoned and whose books were burned. He refers to Erasmus' state- ment that he "would not pol- lute" his papers by even men- tioning the name of Pfeffer- korn whom he condemned as "a veritable Satan." Spinoza's thinking, the phil- osopher's experiences, the evils of the Inquisition, are incor- porated in this social history of dissent. The expose of the Inquisi- tional brutalities is accompanied by references to numerous his- torical cases. The author states: "After the Inquisition had entered a town and fastened upon it, all human choices sank to an astonishing sim- plicity. There were, in fact, just two pairs of choices: (1.) you could fend off- attack by turning informer, or you could risk attack by declining to inform; and, (2.) once ac- cused, you could surrender utterly the conduct of your own life, or you could try to protect your integrity, through increasing degrees of tor- ment, to the final sacrifice at the stake. This last choice was fraught with peculiar dif- ficulty, because the torments were of such a sort as to make surrender almost an au- tomatic response." Dr. Dunham, describing the cruelties under the Inquisition, recalls that it was to the Domin- icans ("named after Domingo de Guzman, their founder, 1170- 1221"), who "abandoned their purer insights rather too soon," that "the Inquisition was en- trusted, so that they acquired the satiric, punning title of Domini Canes, 'hounds of the Lord.' " Thus, ad infinitum, Dr. Dun- ham has exposed tyrannies and hypocrisies, has described re- volutionary movements involv- ing heroes and heretics, and has provided us with a powerful "history of dissent." Borenstein's Is Proud to Announce Their Appointment As Exclusive Distributors in Ohio and Michigan for the • . Fountain of Jewish Learning MISHNAYOTH Hebrew•English The Mishnah, classical store- house of post-Biblical Jewish lore and foundation of the Talmud, the Oral Law ex- pounding and augmenting the Old Testament, is now avail- able in this country in a unique edition especially pre- pared for the English-speak- ing reader. The fruit of 27 years of untiring efforts by t h e distinguished Hebraic scholar, Philip Blackma n, F.C.S., this edition has been acclaimed by leading rabbis and scholars on the Continent as a work of outstanding ac- curacy and clarity. Now anyone, scholar or lay- man, Hebrew-reading or not, can feast upon the fascinat- ing discussions of laws, mor- als, affairs of the body, soul and mind, business, religion, social duties, intimate family life, rituals—the whole gamut of life from the cradle to the grave. A richly rewarding addition to any library. 7-volume set, with fully vowolled Hebrew text, modern English translation, explanatory notes and references, introductions, supplements, glossaries, diagrams, maps, appendices and indexes. 4035 pages. Special pre- publication price (limited time only) . . . $37.50 per set Post-publication (Feb. 28, 1964) .. . $50.00 per set Published by PRE • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • Ohio and Michigan Distributor BORENSTEIN HEBREW BOOKSTORE • 13535 W. Seven Mile Rd., Detroit, Mich. • Please send more information on the "Mishnayoth" •• Ej Blackman Enclosed please find check or money order for $37.50 (plus $1.00 for postage and hand- plus sales tax) for one 7-volume set • • ling; of the Blackman "Mishnayoth" JUDAIGA:Naine • Address PRESS • City • State BORENSTEIN'S 13535 W. 7 MILE at Schaefer FINEST IN SALES and SERVICE DICK LURIE FORD GREENFIELD at 10 MILE ROAD Zone LI 8-0800 — JO 6 3806 - DI 1-0569 — DI 1-3268 9-THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—Friday, January 10, 1964 $25,000 Gift for Weizinann Institute Dunham's Challenging 'history of Dissent'