Friday, January 10, 1964—THE DETROIT JEWISH NEW S-40 Henry James' Anti-Semitism Exposed by Literary Critic Maxwell Geismar Maxwell Geismar, the bril- erary imagination increasingly liant literary critic who ranks strongly from Henry James and among the very best of our Edith Wharton to T. S. Eliot historians, who has devoted his and Ezra Pound—from the dis- talents to evaluations of Amer- possessed, alienated side of the ican literature, has made his `Old Republic,' I mean, which is major contribution to literary hardly ever mentioned as such criticism with his latest work, in the criticism of the Jacobite "Henry James and the Jaco- cult; and from a diseased lit- bites," published by Houghton erary spirit which was project- ing its own impotence upon an Mifflin Co., Boston. In this most authoritative obvious scapegoat. James' prejudices are reflect- work he brings us to the very root of James' prejudices, to an ed again, as Geismar indicates, understanding of the famous in "Roderick Hudson." Then, dealing with "The Am- author's anti-Semitism. Henry James had become the bassadors," Geismar charges in king of writers, the accepted a footnote: "In the Jamesian ruler in his literary domain. domain of antique-collecting, it Few, however, have hitherto appears that the Jews have all dared to expose him. Geismar the valuable pieces, for which had accomplished the task, and the noble Christians must 'Jew his five years' efforts in gather- them down.' " James' "The Golden Bowl" ing his data, in collecting the facts, in uncovering the preju- essay contains the reference to dicial tones in James' works, "the touch of some mystic rite make the new Geismar criti- of old Jewry," and Geismar con- cism one of the immensely demns it as being a "back- powerful critical works in ground of Jewish antiquarian- ism, or of Oriental fertility, American literature. Uncovering the central duplicity and guile." Geismar takes exception to flaw in James' "The Awk- James' resort to "the little ward Age," Geismar charges swindling Jew" in "The that "here James bore down Golden Bowl." more heavily on what has Geismar debunks James' bias been only the prevailing and `polite' anti-Semitism of his in "The American Scene." He class and, his period." It is shows how James has derided in this novel that James re- the Jewish immigrants and states that "by contrast, Theo- ferred to "the Jew man, so gigantically rich," and Geis- dore Dreiser, as the spokesman mar poses the question: for the new immigrant strains "Wasn't the concept of the in American culture, would rec- Jew-man himself, 'so gigan- ognize, accept, identify with tically rich,' another night- and celebrate his own 'lowly' and 'alien' and outcast social mare symbol" Geismar states at this point: origins." Geismar proceeds to "This 'Jew man,' who is also state: "Meanwhile, in New physically deformed, figures in York's East Side, Henry James' the works of the American lit- worst fears are confirmed, since King David Depicted in Role of Psalmist, Warrior, Molder of Two States, in Novel by Louis de Wohl Hungarian-born Louis de Wohl, who became a renowned writer in Germany but left the country for Great Britain when Hitler came to power, author of several highly acclaimed novels, has written a well-motivated story, "David of Jerusalem," which has been published by J. B. Lippincott Co. (E. Wash- ington Sq., Philadelphia 5, Pa.). He died a few days after he had completed the manuscript for this interesting novel. Splendidly written, ably trans- lated from the German by Elisa- beth Abbott, this novel is, in the main, true to the Biblical se- quences of the warrior king who succeeded in molding Israel and Judah into a single state. * * * While he followed very closely and almost meticulously the Bib- lical accounts, deWohl took the natural novelist's license in pre- senting the case about the great hero of ancient Israel. The story in "David of Jerusa- lem" commences with an act of incredulous daring— David crushing a lion with sheer per- sonal strength after having hit the lion with a stone from the leather sling he was later to use against Goliath of the Phil- istines. Then came the visit from the prophet Samuel who dipped his hair in balsam—an anointment that puzzled David but which was used time and again to impress him with his importance that he • had been chosen for king-. ship. David is at once presented as a master at his harp and as a singer of songs. The Psalms accredited to him are quoted frequently. From the very be- ginning of the deWohl story the Songs of David are introduced: "What is man that thou art mindful of him? or the son of man that thou visitest him ..." "Thou hast crowned him with glory and honor; and hast set him over the works of thy hands." David's singing and his harp playing become known at the court. He is summoned by King Saul, who becomes moodier as time progresses. Saul becomes jealous of him very early. When David offers to fight Goliath and meets Saul again, he is not recognized until he is reminded about the harp playing. Then come feud after feud, jealous pursuit of David by Saul who wants to kill the young man he suspects of seeking his crown. Naturally, David's love affairs play a great part in the deWohl story, but the infatuations are treated with dignity. Similarly, David's relation- ships with his sons are described as fatherly. Although they trans- gress, while Absalom is seek- ing to dethrone his father, and the others also are involved in court intrigues, David never- theless shows his love for them. To the very last, it is David the singer who emerges in this fine novel as a king who loves his people. And when he finally names Solomon, his son by Bath- sheba, to be his successor, he admonishes him to build a Tem- ple. It is as a man of God, as a believer in the divine spirit, that David is delineated in this novel. The late Dr. Louis de Wohl added glory to his career as an ;..uthor of Biblical novels with "David of Jerusalem." It is a commendable work, and it at- tests to the author's mastery of the story he turned into a good novel. —P. S. Impressive Collection of Wisdom in Greenberg's 'Art of Living' Rabbi Sidney Greenberg of Philadelphia, already known for his earlier works, "A Treas- ury of C o f o r t" and "A Modern Treasury of Jewish Thoughts," enhances his status as a compiler of wise sayings and as anthologist with his newest work, "A Treasury of the Art of Living," published by Hartmore House (410 Asy- lum St., Hartford, Conn.). The many hundreds of selec- tions from the sayings and writ- ings of some of the world's greatest scholar s, thinkers, philosophers and scientists, in- cluding rabbis and Jewish teachers, form a most impres- sive work. In the 86 themes incorpor- ated in 11 chapters, this volume contains expressions on reli- gion, art, science, happiness, humility, love, home building, belief and reward, democracy and tolerance, adversity and hope. The art of giving, the elo- quence of silence, the perils of wealth and poverty, and scores of other topics are included. The list of great people quoted here includes the Baal Shem, Emerson, Prof. Iles- chel, George Eliot, Stephen Zweig, Israel Lipkin, and many, many others. Moses Maimonides, the Kotz- ker Rebbe, and other Jewish authorities are among those in- cluded with their important ob- servations and wise sayings. The Talmud is quoted fre- quently on reward and punish- ment and many other subjects. There are Yiddish and He- brew proverbs, the Bible is quoted and traditional views on major subjects will be found here. There is one fault with this There is another devastating volume: usually every anthol- condemnation of James' bigo- ogy of this nature contains an tries, in which Geismar thus shows how "the great James cult" is rooted in prejudices. To quote Geismar: these new Americans were not only gross and greasy, but ap- parently they were almost all Jewish. 'There is no swarming like that of Israel when once Israel has got a start, and the scene here bristled, at every step, with the signs and sounds immitigable, unmistakable, of a Jewry that had burst all bounds.' He went on to describe this 'New Jerusalem' in terms which were even more lurid. He remembered the 'dark, foul, stifling Ghettos' of - European cities, while the New York whirlpool testified only to a `Jerusalem disinfected,' filled everywhere with 'insistent, de- fiant, unhumorous, exotic faces.' Unhumorous: and here this portly, well - g r o o m e d, con- strained, fastidious, supersensi- tive 'Anglo-American' tourist deprived the immigrants of per- haps their greatest single spiritual resource: the Jewish humor itself." It is in such powerful fashion that Geismar tears apart the bigotry of an author so widely acclaimed. Geismar continues: "In one of those extended passages of im- agery, so much praised by a later generation of formalist poet-critics, he compared 'the Hebrew conquest of New York'—the alien children, the alien old people swarming everywhere in those streets, all for the purposes of 'race rather than reason'—to some species of snakes or worms who, 'when cut into pieces, wriggle away contentedly and live in the snippet as com- pletely as in the whole.' " Is it any wonder that Geismar is so outraged by the bias of "the king" who needed to be shorn of his crown of in- decency? "Proceeding south . . . in the later sections of 'The Amer- ican Scene,' James delivered, quite majestically from his own orotund and pontifical pres- ence, his commentary on the race problem. For he had never before met the 'African types' that he now began to encounter, such as the group of 'tatterde- malion darkies' who lounged and sunned themselves at one of the railroad stations quite within his range . . . Thus the `musing moralist' (shades of John Brown) has become the tactful mind, which feels no `urgency' — seeing at a glance the true nature of the Southern Negro, realizing then the error of the unfortunately deluded Northern mind; joining perhaps in its own musing way the beastlike Negro to the low aliens, the swarming Jews who had taken over his country: no indeed, James felt no urgency to preach southward even a sweet reasonableness about the Negro question. (I translate these Jamesian passages exact- ly, perhaps repetitiously, be- cause the high gloss and deli- cate sensitivity of his later prose may sometimes obscure the real meaning—the vulgar and trite prejudices — of his modulated sentences.) Shades of the whole Abolitionist move- ment! Perhaps this was Henry James's most profound betrayal of his democratic American heritage—since it had been also the deepest social experience, presumably, of his own youth." Thus we have a devastating portrayal of the mind of a great writer who turned bigot and hater of men. Geismar renders a great service to American culture by exposing the arch- bigot Henry James. index of authors quoted with the dates of their births and passing. This is lacking here. In its totality, Rabbi Green- berg's is a most interesting and very valuable book that will be helpful to student s, public speakers and those in search of views on subjects they are pri- marily interested in. "A Treas- ury of the Art of Living" will enhance every library, public and private. Hebrew Corner Port of Haifa Haifa is the second largest city in the country, and the port of Haifa is the largest port of Israel. Through it come all the immigrants and tour- ists and from it are sent most of the agricultural and industrial ex- ports of the country. The number of inhabitants of Haifa and its suburbs reach 250,000. The city is divided into three main areas: the Lower City and the Mifratz, Hadar HaCarmel, and Mount Carmel. The Lower City is a main center for shipping, banking, foreign trade, wholesale trading, and here, too, is the main port. The Mifratz is the in- dustrial area. Hadar HaCarmel, on the hillside, is a residential center and business area. On Mount Carmel are residential quarters, hotels and public parks. Here is the last stop of the "Carmelite," a subway cable train that connects Mount Cannel with the Lower City. Looking from Mount Carmel to the port, you see a beautiful view—ships are tied to the docks, flying flags of various nations. In the night, the port is lit up and the onlooker sees an exceptionally beautiful scene. In the Port of Haifa, that was opened in 1933, are employed thou- sands of workmen and it serves as the main port of the country. In 1962, 3 million tons of freight was handled through the port, besides oil. The work reaches its peak in the months of January through March, the citrus fruit export season. Close to the port were erected ship repairing installations. In the nearby area are also cold storage plants, granaries, potash storehouses, giant oil tanks and chemical storing in- stallations. This port, together with the other ports of the country belongs to the "Israel Port Authority," whose man- ager is General Haim Laskov, pre- viously the Chief of Staff to the Israel Defense Forces. Translation of Hebrew Corner. Published by Brith Ivrith Clamith, Jerusalem. ;141 L7P4 ;1 -g3 rib 14W? 1`a:0-1 '?pr! n1 -14,17 - rbf? n4p441;1i. trr. nt. T nn m'r'n mpivr) rip: ;inn trpyr. 1933 "ttM7171 L/7. :p 7,74P xirri ? 1962 rnt4, 7 "3t 5;? 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