There are charges of dic- President Thomas Jefferson was a defender of religious tatorial trends in Jefferson, and the great defender of liberties par excellence. There religious freedom emerges in were no deviations in his per- a bad light in the Burr case, sistent efforts to assure free- in the embargo controversy. dom of worship and to set up Thus, when he was through the separation of church and with the Presidency, and he state policies. But in other lib- wrote that there was a relief ertarian efforts he was incon- sistent, he played a political in "shaking off the shackles of power," Prof. Levy adds: role of favoritism for his friends and was often "The nation was equally re- unscrupulous lieved." In relation to the press— in his tactics. These are and Jefferson has been quoted some of the very widely in defense of free conclusions of expression in newspapers—we Prof. Leonard are told that "Jefferson dis- W. Levy of trusted the press; and his dis- Brandeis Uni- trust soon ripened into choler." versity, in his Prof. Levy states that Jefferson challenging "lacked a realistic understand- study, "Jeffer- son and Civil Liberties: The Jefferson Darker Side," published b y Harvard Uni- versity Press, 79 Garden St., Cambridge 38, Mass., as a pub- lication of the Harvard Center for the Study of the History of Liberty in America. In a foreword to this volume, Prof. Oscar Handlin, noted American historian, evaluates the i n a c cur ate assumptions about the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. He states that an understanding of the rights delineated and what they in- volved "developed only slowly and piecemeal as the Americans gained experience with self- government." This fact, he adds, "emerges with startling clarity from Prof. Levy's examination of Jefferson's attitudes." He points to Jefferson's having groped, sometimes unsuccess- fully, for an understanding of what liberty meant under pres- sure from exigencies of prac- tical decisions. Prof. Levy's study indicates that Jefferson "was human and held great power," that "his mistaken judgements were many, his failings plen- tiful . . . He was, to be sure, a libertarian, and American civil liberties were deeply in his debt. But he was scarcely the constantly faithful lib- ertarian and rarely, if ever, the courageous one." Prof. Levy asserts: "Only in the area of religious liberty did he (Jefferson) have a well- developed philosophy, replete with a usable and rationalized test for application to specific case. There his contribution was pre - eminent, even if derived from English sources." But he pictures Jefferson as "a philosopher of freedom with- out a philosophy of freedom," that: "Insatiably curious, he knew a • little about nearly everything under the sun a great deal more about law and politics than any man of his time. But in all his writings, over a period of 50 years of high productivity, there is not a single sustained analysis of liberty. He was pithy, felicious, repetitive, and ever absorbed by the subject, but never wrote a book or even a tract on the meaning of liberty, its dimen- sions, limitations and history." ing of partisan politics" in his diagnosis of the ills of the press. Nevertheless, his testament on freedom of the press eventually emerged as "a reflex of the best Englightment theory." But with all his faults, Prof. Levy concedes that "Jefferson more than any was responsible for the public sensitivity to libertarian considerations." The author of this study states: "That Jefferson's libertari- anism was considerably less than perfect or that his prac- tice flagged behind his faith does not one whit diminish the achievements by which he is best remembered and should be." Prof. Levy concluded the study in which he gives Jeffer- son so much credit for con- sistent defense of religious freedom: "That he did not always ad- here to his liberatarian prin- ciples does not erode their en- during rightness. It proves only that Jefferson often set the highest standard of freedom for himself and posterity to be measured against. His legacy was the idea that as an indis- pensable condition for the de- velopment of free men in a free society, the state must be bitted and bridled by a Bill of Rights which should be con- strued in the most generous terms, its protections not to be the playthings of momentary majorities or of those in power. NY Israel Bond Sales Hit. $14 Million in '63 NEW YORK (JTA)—A total of $14 million in Israel Bonds sales was recorded in the New York metropolitan area in 1963. William Goldfine, Greater New York Israel Bonds campaign chairman, made the announce- ment to a capacity audience of 18,000 attending the third and final performance at Madison Square Garden of the Hanukah Festival for Israel. The 1962 figure was $11,714,250. 7az 1) • Warn Orthodoxy Not to Compromise on Kashruth for Liner A firm warning to Orthodox groups "not to be pressured into a compromise settlement" r e gar ding the non-kosher kitchen of the new Zim Line ship "Shalom" was issued by Agudath Israel of America. The organization declared that since the Zim Line will probably withdraw its severely criticized "hechsher" arrangement with an unknown "rabbinical body," the danger has arisen that certain religious leaders will "bow to pressure" exerted by Israeli government officials to settle the controversy by negotiating a compromise solution. ols 666 s ' TO THE 1,185,000 FAMILIES DETROIT EDISON SERVES r-- Detroit Edison and the individual men and women who make up the company participate in a wide variety of educational, social and civic affairs. It is a common practice for Edison employes to serve during business hours, and in what would otherwise be their leisure time. They are on boards of education, act as special instructors and visiting lecturers in many schools, accept appointive and elective offices. They are active in churchwork and charities. Many of our engineers, staff and management people serve at state, national and international levels—in the development, for example, of electric power facilities and systems overseas. Our company has a broad program of educational assistance. There are grants to Michigan schools of higher learning; scholarships-44 of them currently—for deserving students; the support of science fairs; the sending of student delegates and teachers to conferences on peaceful atomic development. In the belief that good government depends upon the willingness of all to accept the responsibilities of citizenship, the company also has a non- partisan program of political education for interested employes. The taxes Edison pays help build and maintain essential community services, schools and colleges. During 1962, for example, the company paid $67-million in taxes to federal, state and more than 400 local governments. In many areas of southeastern Michigan, Edison is the largest single taxpayer. We like to give our support in these many ways, by engaging in and encouraging others to participate in community work for the good of everyone. Sincerely, .•< WALKER L. CISLER, PRESIDENT THE DETROIT EDISON COMPANY 31 -THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—Friday, Janu ary 10, 1964 `Darker Side' of Thomas JeffersonRevealed in Prof. Levy's Research