Fr iday, January 10, 1964—THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS- 18 2 Volumes on Freud and Religion—`Future of an Illusion' and His Letters with Pfister "Sigmund Freud — Psychoan- alysis and Faith—Dialogues with the Rev. Oskar Pfister," appears for the first time in any lang- uage. Edited by Heinrich Meng and Ernst L. Freud, it has been published by Basic Books (404 Park Ave. S., NY16). The daughter of Freud, Anna Freud, as well as his son Ernst, played their roles in this ex- change of correspondence with the Swiss Protestant clergyman. It is the third collection of Freud letters to be published. Ernst Freud, in his preface, indicates that some of the Freud-Pfister letters were de- stroyed at the latter's request "and others perished in the haz- ards of emigration," but the texts of some letters were re- constructed from the minister's notes. Nearly 100 of the original 134 items in the correspon- dence, which was conducted on the question of religion and psychoanalysis between 1909 and 1937, are reproduced in the Basic Books volume. It is of more than passing in- terest that the Rev. Pfister also expressed his views in his book "Illusion of a Future," which was a reply to Dr. Freud's "The Future of an Illusion," and that the latter, translated by W. D. Robson-Scott, revised and newly edited by James Strachey, has just been reissued by Doubleday as an Anchor Paperback. The warm friendship that had developed between Pfister and Freud marks one of the most interesting chapters in the life of the father of modern psycho- analytical science. Their views, their points of agreement as well as disagreement, appear in this volume with such clarity and such force that this volume rep- resents one of the most valuable new additions to Freudian lit- erature. Emphasizing the significance of this exchange of correspon- dence is the emergence of opin- ions on religious elements in psychiatry and the relations as well as frequent conflicts be- tween the two, and the opinions of the two scholars, appearing in their letters, about their con- temporaries who became famous in psychiatry—Jung, Reik, Jones, Rank, Adler and others. In a brief introduction, Anna Freud offers these in- teresting recollections: "In a totally non-religious Freud household, Pfister, in his cler- ical garb and with the man- ners and behavior of a pastor, was like a visitor from an- other world. In him there was nothing of the almost passion- ately impatient enthusiasm for science which caused other pi- oneers of analysis to regard time spent at the family table only as an unwelcome inter- ruption of their theoretical and clinical discussions. On the contrary, his human warmth and enthusiasm . . . ©) 00000000 © © © © @ . vo thi E filA c) In Hong Kong it's 4 © rm. © In Vienna it's © .1 1 © 10 Nubritt © © © ,;-,, .-1)) © © But in Detroit it's © NOODLES f,-, © © 3 ocxxxxxx) 6 made him at all times a wel- come guest, a uniquely human figure in his way . . . It was this overflowing of feelings of psycho-analysis to its founder, and from him to his children, that led Pastor Pfister after Freud's death to leave the cor- respondence to me, 'the daugh- ter of his great benefactor,' as he called me, with permis- sion to make use of suitable material, subject to the reser- vation that nothing should be published that might give of- fence to any living person." While, in the correspondence, there is a reference to a "dec- laration of war" between the two personalities who were clashing with their ideas, there is, indeed, in the entire ex- change, a warmth, a friendship, a desire to cooperate. For in- stance, Pfister had written of his desire "to be of assistance in making use of every kind of human value in regard to which the patient is not always able to help himself, because that is my duty as an educator and as a minister." To which Freud replied: "You as a minister nat- urally have the right to call on all the reinforcements at your command, while we as analysts must be more reserved, and must lay the chief accent on the effort to make the patient inde- pendent, which often works out to the disadvantage of the therapy." There is great charm in Pfister's approaches, and his high regard for Freud was ex- pressed in this latter, dated Oct. 10, 1918: "Finally you ask why psycho-analysis was not discovered by any of the pious, but by an atheist Jew. The answer obviously is that piety is not the same as ge- nius for discovery and that most of the pious did not have it in them to make such dis- coveries. Moreover, in the first place you are no Jew, which to me, in view of my unbounded admiration for Amos, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and the author of Job and Eccle- siastes, is a matter of pro- found regret, and in the sec- ond place you are not god- less, for he who lives the truth lives in God, and he who strives for the freeing of love `dwelleth in God' (First Epistle of John, IV, 16). If you raised to your con- sciousness and fully felt- your place in the great design, which to me is as necessary as the synthesis of the notes is to a Beethoven symphony, should say of you: A better Christian there never was ..." Because the Pfister-Freud correspondence continued dur- ing the early years of Hitler's domination over Germany, a reference in their letters to the Nazi regime is of extreme in- terest. Pfister wrote to Freud on May 24, 1933: "I paid a brief visit to Ger- many last week, and it will be a long time before I am able to get rid of the feeling of disgust I got there. The pro- letarian militarism there stinks even more evilly than the blue-blooded Junker spirit of the Wilhelmine era. Cow- ardly towards the outside world, it wreaks its infantile rage on defenseless Jews, and even loots the libraries. Good luck to him who in the face of such crass idiocy still has the strength to be a doctor of souls . . ." The paperback of Freud's "The Future of an Illusion" con- tains the eminent analyst's view on the role of religion in the development of human person- ality. The editor of this edi- tion had the assistance of Anna Freud as well as of Alix Stra- chey and Alan Tyson. Freud asserted in "The Fu- ture of an Illusion": "In the long run nothing can withstand reason and experience, and the contradiction which religion of- fers to both is all too palpable." Thus, the non-religious feel- ings of Freud were emphasized. The analyst also declared: "Edu- cation freed from the burden of religious doctrines will not . . . effect much change in man's psychological nature . . . science has given us evidence by its nu- merous successes that it is no illusion . . . An illusion it would be to suppose that what science cannot give us we can get else- where." To Freud, there were distortions in religious doc- trines. "The Future of an Illusion," appearing as it does at the same time as the Pfister-Freud letters, adds to the merits of review of the Freudian reactions to re- ligion and the religious-psycho- analytical controversies. Reading Torah from a Platform From Description in Nehemiah By RABBI SAMUEL J. FOX (Copyright, 1964, JTA, Inc.) The Sefer Torah is read in the synagogue from a central elevat- ed platform. The practice is understood to come from the description in the Book of Nehemiah where it is told how Ezra the Scribe read the Torah in public. It is writ- ten there: "And Ezra the Scribe stood upon a platform of wood, which they made for this pur- pose . . . and they read . . ." (Nehemiah 8:4). It is maintained that the Torah must be read from an elevated platform so that the people understand that the word of the Almighty is higher than the word of man. It is particularly desired that the place where the Torah is read should be in the center of the congregation while the people gather around it. This gives us the picture as it was at Sinai when the Torah was given — the people were all around the mountain and the Torah was given in the midst of them. It is also said to signify that the Torah should be a part of us and not just a literary piece in the abstract. The Torah is read from a parchment scroll which con- tains all five books of Moses. Having the five volumes all in one scroll indicates a unified expression of the will of the Almighty. The parchment of the scroll suggests a living tradition. Every public act of holiness requires a quorum of ten men (a minyan). Some of the rabbis claim that this is particularly necessary in view of the fact that the name of the Almighty is blessed before the reading (Bor'Chu). In general, it serves to impress us that the achieve- ment of holy acts and purposes cannot be realized on an indi- vidual basis alone. One needs a community spirit to fulfill one's obligation to Heaven. Man was not destined to live and exist alone—but rather was he created to act as part of an or- ganized humanity dedicated to the perfection of the human race and its adherence to the stan- dards of the Almighty. Brewer Jerry Hoffberger, the second largest stockholder in the Baltimore Orioles, is ru- mored to be after sole control of the club. The club balance sheet shows only $100,000 profit. French Court Rules That Cheating in Provision of Kashrut Is Equivalent to Criminal Swindle (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) PARIS' — A French criminal court established a precedent in religious jurisprudence Monday by ruling that cheating in Ko- sher provisioning was equivalent to a criminal swindle in the quality of publicly offered merchandise. The court found two Tunisian butchers guilty and fined each 100 francs ($20) on charges of having sold non-Kosher meat as Kosher. The Paris Jewish Con- sistory was granted one-franc symbolic damages in the case. The ruling marked the first time in France that such mis- representation was considered a criminal offense. Until the rul- ing the only defenses of the chief rabbinate against such abuses was publication of the names of offenders on a black- list. One of Hakoah-Vienna's all- time soccer greats, Juschy Gruenfeld, operates the restau- rant in the Beacon Hotel in N.Y.C. Hakoah-Vienna was the all-Jewish club that dominated European soccer in the 1924s. PASSOVER and INDEPENDENCE DAV TOUR TO ISRAEL WITH CANTOR MOSHE KOUSSEVITZKY AND BEN FRIEDMAN CHOIR CONDUCTING SEDERS AT THE SHERATON-TEL AVIV HOTEL L 27 DAYS—ONLY $1190* Departing New York March 25 INCLUDES Jet-Air Transportation—First Class Hotels — Meals — SE D E RS — Special Concert—Sightseeing tours throughout Israel—A Greeting and Get- Together Social Party with CANTOR KOUSSEVITZKY and Ben Friedman— Individual photographs of you taken with Cantor Koussevitzky and Ben Friedman and personally autographed to you—and many extras! *This rate available only if reservations are placed before Jan. 15. Thereafter the regular rate is $1,250. Reserve now and save Shp. BOOK NOW! Write or Call for our Special Brochure. SPECIAL TOURS TO ISRAEL AND EUROPE April 12-May 10 June 14-July 5 July 5-July 26 Aug. 16-Sept. 8 May 10-May 31 June 28-July 26 July 5-Aug. 2 Aug. 23-Sept. 17 May 24-June 21 . 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