30th Year of Youth Aliyah Pope's Visit Acquires Marked Significance THE JEWISH NEWS "T" r=e cD 1 "T"' A Commentary M I 1-1 I A, IN Weekly Review of Jewish Events Page 2 Only English-Jewish Newspaper—Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle Michigan's VOLUME XLIV — No. 20 10 kr i Vneido ni nslop 0 The Year's Campaign Chairmen Success of Bond Drive Tribute to Four Rabbis Editorials Page 4 17100 W. 7 Mile Rd.—VE 8-9364—Detroit 35, January 10, 1964—$6.00 Per Year; This Issue 20c Soviet Documentary Records Ignore Nazi Torture of Jews Direct JTA Teletype Wires to The Jewish News a zis Retain Their Defense of 'Followed Orders to Kill' FRANKFURT, (JTA)—West Germany's biggest war crimes trial since the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal of 1946, involv- ing this tin 22 former guards, officials and medical personnel at the infamous Auschwitz-Birkenau death factory, charged with complicity in the murder of 4,000,000 persons, most of them Jews, resumed Monday. The proceedings, which opened two weeks ago and recessed, got under way in earnest with the questioning of the accused "good" Nazis. Presiding Justice Hans Hofmyer heads the trial, with two other judges and three alternate jurists on the bench and a jury of six and four alternate jurors sitting by: The first to be questioned was Emil Bendarek, an inmate at Auschwitz who, according to the prosecution, had his life spared when he agreed to help murder other prisoners. A trus- tee at the camp, Bendarek is accused of having beaten one man to death, helped kill eight others, and dousing other prisoners with cold water as they stood naked outdoors until they froze to death. So far, all the accused have denied the charges of murder, torture and complicity in mass executions. Several of them have advanced the usual Nazi contention that they had to carry out orders to kill—or face death themselves. This contention, how- ever, is expected to be proven false by the prosecution through at least one witness. The trial is on a schedule of three days a week—Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays. The proceedings are expected to last several months. The arrest in the Soviet zone of a 58-year-old East German physician, Kurt Heissmayer, on charges of crimes against humanity during the Nazi era, was disclosed here. Dr. Heissmayer, a resident of Madgeburg, was charged with committing war crimes while serving as a doctor in a Nazi concentration camp. The reports from East Germany did not specify which camp he was alleged to have served. The arrest reportedly took place more than 10 days ago. LONDON — A volume of documents on the Nazi occupation of Soviet terri- tory during World War II published recently in the Soviet Union has been edited in a way which fails to convey the scope of the Nazi torture and murder of Soviet Jews, it was reported here Tuesday. The volume "Criminal Ends—Criminal Means" was published in 60,000 copies under the 'authority of the war history department of the Institute of Marxism- Leninism, the Central Archives Division and the Committee of Soviet War Veterans. The books contain 153 documents. Only in four is any reference made to Jewish victims of the Nazi invasion and occupation. One of the other three refers to "Jews and Bolsheviks" and another to a plan to exterminate five- or six-million Jews. A report on Babi Yar, the site of the slaughter near Kiev made famous by the poem by Soviet poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko, includes a description of the shooting of Jews alongside similar descriptions of the shooting of gypsies and prisoners of war. The over-all view given in the selection, it was asserted here, fails either by design or accident to convey the impact of the calamity which the Nazis visited on Jews in the occupied areas. At least one more Jew has been sentenced to death in the Soviet Union for alleged participation in "economic crimes". Two Jews were given prison sentences, and one Jew had his new home confiscated, ac- cording to provincial Soviet newspapers reaching here Tuesday. The reports indicated that the USSR's campaign against Jews accused as criminals has not abated. The Jew sentenced to death was convicted of embezzlement and "diversion of public funds." He had been given the death sentence after a trial in Kiev, according to Pravda Ukranskaya. His name was listed as Niyakovsky. At Tashkent, capital of Uzbekistan, two Jews, Abramovitch and Flitzfeder, were sen- tenced to prison terms of six years and three years respectively, according to Tashkenskaya Pravda. A non-Jew, Makarkin, was convicted in the same trial and given nine years in prison. All were accused of bribery. The same newspaper reported the case of a Jew named Itzhak Yusiipov who was charged with having built a home costing 9,000 rubles on an income of 125 rubles a month. The charges alleged that he could not have come by his money honestly since his salary as a purchasing agent for a hospital was low and he had to support a family of five. The court ordered that his home be taken away from him. Contrast Noted in Youth Aliyah's 30th Year Youth Aliyah, the great rescue program through which 110,000 children were rehabilitated in Israel, marks its 30th anniversary this month with a study in contrasts shown in these photos. On the left is a group of Youth Aliyah children of the post-war period. Below are pres- ent-day Youth Aliyah students in a soil chemistry class at Kfar Batya, Mizrachi Women's Children's Village in Ranaana, Israel. See Commentary, Page 2 U. S. Envoy Accuses USSR of 'Sorry Anti-Semitic Record' NEW YORK, (JTA) — Ambassador Jonathan B. Bingham, member of the U.S. delegation to the United Nations, charged the Soviet Union with a "sorry record" of anti-Semitism and said that Communist bloc delegations have shown "something less than wild enthusiasm" for UN efforts to combat religious intolerance. Bingham told 1,100 guests attending a Bnai Brith Youth Serv- ices dinner that the "hypocrisy" of Communist claims of religious freedom has been exposed by their "encouragement and practice of anti-Semitism." "The one hopeful aspect of the sorry Soviet record," he said, "is their obvious anxiety to conceal the truth. This demonstrates that the Kremlin leaders are not insensitive to the pressures of world opinion." Label A. Katz, president of Bnai Brith, in a plea for UN action to outlaw religious discrimination, said the Soviet Union's policy toward its Jews "calls for a formal condemnation by an inter- national body." He said community life in the USSR might be improved by "persistent expressions of the moral indignation that free peoples should feel." 164 Yiddish Books Published in 1962; None in Soviet Union LONDON, (JTA)—A total of 164 Yiddish books were pub- lished around the world in 1962, compared with 146 in 1961, figures released here by Ziko, Central Institute for Jewish Cul- tural Organizations, showed. According to the analysis, not one Yiddish book was published in the Soviet Union in 1962. Of the total issued that year, Israel led the list with 55 Yiddish books; the United States came next with 41; 38 were published in Argentina; 10 in Poland; six in France; four each in Mexico and Canada; two in England; one each in South Africa, Uruguay, Australia and Romania. By subject, around the world, the Yiddish books published in 1962 included 35 works of fiction, 29 of poetry, 56 biographies, 18 on the Nazi holocaust; 11 collections of documents relating to various Jewish communities decimated by the holocaust; 12 educa- tional works and textbooks; and three on music.