Father-Son Chaplains Meet meekly Quiz By RABBI SAMUEL J. FOX (Copyright, 1963, JTA, Inc.) Friday, December 27, 1963 Why does the rabbi give the groom a handkerchief before the Ketubah (marriage con- tract) is made out and signed? Chaplaincy Administrator Meets Chaplain Son In Germany A father and a son, the father a chaplain in World War II and now engaged in matters of military chaplaincy, the son an active chaplain, recently met at the United States Military Chaplaincy post in Germany where both have given service. Rabbi David Eichorn, director of field activities of the com- mission on Jewish chaplaincy of the Jewish Welfare Board, was with the Seventh Army troops which liberated Nurmberg and Munich, and held the first Jewish services at the Dachau concentration camp after it was liberated in 1945. His son, Chaplain Jonathan Eichorn is presently serving in the Stuttgart Post Chaplain section of the Seventh Army. The father-son meeting took place during Rabbi Eichorn's Air Force-sponsored tour of visits with Jewish Air Force chaplains at installations abroad. Both father and son were ordained by Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. Young Israel Teens Host Conclave Here - Young Israel of Northwest and of Oak-Woods will be hosts to a mid-winter teenage con- clave Dec. 27-30. Delegates from Cleveland, St. Louis and Chi- cago are expected to attend. All Friday and Sabbath ses- sions will be held at the Young Israel of Northwest • and Sun- day sessions at Young Israel of Oak Woods. Tonight, Stan- ley Schlussel, national youth director of the Young Israel "Courage leads starward, fear toward death."—Seneca. Adas Shalom Couples Plan New Year Party The Married Couples Club of Adas Shalom Synagogue will Q 00 0 0 0 hold a New Year's party begin- rr: ning 9 p.m. Tuesday at the Fern- dale Community Center, 400 E. @) In Bulgaria it's .... Nine Mile. O There will be a sweet table. hors d' ouevres and a complete © dinner. Dancing will be to the 60 Mark IV Combo and there will be a dance contest and other en- Q In Prague it's ..... tertainment, including a Hooten- any. For information, call Mrs. Irene Schooler, LI 8-8954. how do you say Paradiso?" "Eden" is undoubtedly the word that Chef Boy-Ar-Dee was searching for to describe the true Italian-style flavor of this wonderfully rich sauce. CHEF BOY-AR-DEE* SPAGHETTI SAUCE with Mushrooms So good with so many dishes ,© o. —spaghetti, macaroni or rice, for left over meat or fish, for cheese and omelets. Made with flavor-peak tomatoes, spices and tender mushrooms, simmered to perfection for true Italian taste. Keep plenty on hand. 0 0 But in Detroit it's O I © NOODLES J O 00 C) 0 0 O pp ® Sea-fresh flavor * * * Why is the right shoe put on first, according to Jewish custom? Jewish tradition calls for us to start with the right in what- ever action we take. The right, according to the Kabbalah (mys- tic doctrine of Judaism) signi- fies the positive and pure ele- ments of life, 'whereas the left signifies the relatively negative and impure. In one's actions one always begins with the posi- tive and the pure elements. * * movement, will speak at the Oneg Shabbat on the theme "Young Israel Views Perma- nent Values in a Changing Morality." Seminar sessions on Sunday morning at the Young Israel Why is it that after the Center of Oak Woods will dis- cuss the role of ritual and right shoe is put on, it is not ethics in Judaism; The Ameri- tied, but rather the left shoe can Jewish Community, Its is put on, is tied, and then Strength and Weaknesses; and the right shoe is laced and Judaism and Christianity: Basic tied? Differences. All services will be Tying the shoe indicates the conducted by the teenagers at binding and restrictive action of both synagogues. man. In this respect, the left, which stands for the relatively impure and negative aspect of life should be tied down, i.e restricted first, since it is that element which should be con- trolled primarily. Then the right shoe is tied, because even our An invitation has been ex- positive and pure actions should tended to the entire Jewish be exercised with control. In community to participate in the this fashion Judaism recognizes memorial meeting for Dr. Abba the essential nature of both the Hillel Silver, to be held at Tem- positive and the negative, both ple Israel, Sunday evening, the impure and the pure, which Jan. 5. are both a part of life and the Co-sponsored by the Zionist world. While one leans towards Organization of Detroit and the the positive and pure right, one Michigan Region of the Zionist also is mindful of the necessity Organization of America, the of controlling and restraining meeting will be addressed by lo- the negative and impure left, cal leaders and there will be whose proper association and appropriate hymns and musical unity witth the right bring about selections. the necessary balance of life which keeps us well adjusted, Memorial For Silver morally and psychologically. Held In New York NEW YORK, (JTA)—All seg- ments of the Jewish community here, together with represent- atives from all Zionist organi- zations, attended a Public me- morial for the late Zionist lead- er Dr. Abba Hillel Silver at Congregation B n a i Jeshurun, Principal eulogies were deliv- ered by Moshe Sharett, former Prime Minister of Israel and now chairman of the executive of the Jewish Agency for Israel, and by Dr. Emanuel Neumann, chairman of the American Sec- tion of the Jewish Agency and honorary president of the Zion- ist Organization of America. Warm tribute to Dr. Silver was paid by Israel's Prime Min- ister Levi Eshkol in a cabled message sent to the gathering. The message was read by Am- bassador Katriel Katz, Consul General of Israel in New York. Dr. Silver died on November 28 in Cleveland at the age of 70. O ITElooTaK The Ketubah (marriage con- tract) casts certain obligations and responsibilities upon the groom with regard to his wife to be. The document is a wit- ness to his having accepted these obligations. In 'Jewish law some overt action is necessary IF YOU TURN THE for an individual to demon- strate before witnesses that he accepts the responsibility. The UPSIDE DOWN YOU WON'T groom demonstrates. this by ac- FIND A FINER WINE THAN cepting the handkerchief in re- •tUrn for which he obligates him- self to the various stipulations and details of the marriage con- tract. Besides serving as a vis- L Milan Wineries, Detroit, Mich. ible demonstration of his accept- ance of these responsibilities • the action also may serve to show that marriage, or life in general, is a situation where there is an exchange of values and that one cannot have the benefits of life without accept- ing the responsibilities that go with it. tender, moist meat world's finest quality PILLAR ROCK NA fancy white Pecked In pure vegetable oil to bring out the finest flavor and tenderness. - lovely onions. Rabbis Appeal to Bonn for Reparations Pay NEW YORK, (JTA)—A de- mand that the West German Government pay pensions to rabbis who lost their posts as a result of Nazi persecutions and taste how oodles of onion flavor makes these snap:- apart matzohs a welcome change from bread . . . go hand-in-hand with soups, fish, main .dishes! The snack su- preme .. • gives new life and delicate zest to dips and spreads.- See Community-Wide Silver Memorial Meeting Jan. 5 "Ta'am OH... © CO © ,\ itia140 1 anion flavor does its AMERICA'S LARGEST SELLING BRAND OF IMPORTED SWISS GRUYERE SLICES AND WEDGES. TASTE WHY! SWISS KNIGHT puts the tangy big-wheel flavor of Switzerland's finest Grugo ere Cheese in handy foil-wrapped slices and wedges. Wonderful for lunch, snacks, or entertaining guests. Pick up SWISS KNIGHT® at your store today! and now live outside Germany was voiced by the Organization of Rabbis Who Survived the Nazi Holocaust. According to the rabbis, surviving rabbis living in Germany do receive pensions, but those who are in this country or in other lands are being discriminated against under the West German in- demnification laws. Many of the rabbi-survivors, the leaders of the organization said, were too old or weak, as a result of Nazi persecutions, to continue holding their rab- binical posts, it was stated at the conference. It was empha- sized that these survivors are The truth is heavy, therefore "clearly entitled to pensions as victims of Nazism." its bearers are few.—Midrash. Imported from Thoune, Switzerland, by the Gerber Cheese Co., inc..