REMEDIAL Reading Specialist. In- dividualized instruction. By ap- pointment. KE 7-9115. were released by Syria. One Israeli, according to the freed prisoners, had been executed by the Syrians.. and another Israeli was reported to have committed suicide while being held by the Syrians. Some of those who came back reported they had been badly, inhuman- ly treated. The prisoner exchange took place at 11:30 Saturday morn- ing (local time) over a small, seldom-used bridge over the invalid. Live-in. Yiddish-Hungarian Jordan River at Bnot Yaacov, speaking. 863-3031. the only direct link between 50—BUSINESS CARDS Israel and Syria. United Na- 40-A—EMPLOYMENT WANTED I.. SCHWARTZ. All kinds of carpenter tions military observers at work, no job too big or small. BR work on the Syrian-Israeli bor- 3-4826. LI 5-4035. BABYSITTER available days or eve- nings. 75c per hour. Livernois area. der use that bridge as their FURNITURE repairs and refinishing. No transportation. Call 861-3672. route between the two coun- Free estimates. Call UN 4-3547. tries. 50—BUSINESS CARDS Under the eyes of UN ob- TILE JERUSALEM, (JTA)—Israel will take steps to insure the BAR-MITZVAH, Hebrew Bible, Yid- return of eight more Israeli dish, English, experienced teacher. prisoners being held in Syria, 934-1793. following the exchange of pris- oners between Syria and Israel 31—TRANSPORTATION on Dec. 21, when the Damas- cus government released Israeli LEAVING FOR Florida about Jan- prisoners for 18 Syrians previ- uary 6. Can take 2 passengers. ously confined here. I. Jungreis. UN 1-8633. The names of at least four Israelis still being held by 40—EMPLOYMENT Syria were given to Israeli gov- WOMAN TO Care for small home and ernment officials by tnose who DO YOU NEED TILE WORK? LARKINS MOVING AND DELIVERY CO. Licensed Movers Professionals 3319 GLADSTONE TY 4-4587 New and Repair Special U OF D TILE & TERRAZZO CO. UN 1-5075 UN 1-4950 A-1 PAINTING. paperhanging, in- wallwashing. Immediate terior, service. Guaranteed. Reasonable. Mr. Stahl, UN 4-3346, UN 4-0326 after 5 p.m. DRESSMAKING CUSTOM MOVERS All Kinds of Alterations Call for Appointments BY JOB OR HOUR FREE ESTIMATES LOCAL — STATE OF MICH. — AND LONG DISTANCE UN 3-8283 17175 ROSELAWN JULIUS ROSS MOVING CO. LOUIE'S Re-upholstering, Repairing Satisfaction guaranteed. Reasonable. Free estimates. UN 4-3339, VE 5-7453. 8760 WEST McNICHOLS UN 2-6047 FOR BETTER wall washing, call James Russell. One day service . TO 6-4005. 526 Belmont. 2 of our children—a 7- 55—MISCELLANEOUS year-old boy and a 14-year- PERSIAN LAMB COAT, size 14-16, $50. Ice skates, size 7—new, $5. Sam- sonite two-suiter suitcase, like new, $10. Samsonite lady's overnight case, $6. UN 4-7867. old girl—are waiting for placement in Jewish Foster Homes. 55-A—MISCELLANEOUS WTI). Can you help us or do TURN YOUR old suits - shoes into cash. DI 2-3717. you know anyone who is in- terested? 55-C—COATS FOR SALE MINK COAT. Royal pastel. Like new, 6 years old. Original cost $4,000. Will take $875 or best offer. EL 6-9152. Please call Mrs. Helen Samberg, Jewish Family and Children's Service. 85—PERSONAL DI 1.5959 DEAR ANN. Have New Year's date at Muria' and Ray's home. We're to bring the Lauder's Light Scotch and Gelfilte Fish. Tony. • rtrISICIrrtirrrirrrrIrtnrirliri.' servers, the 11 Israeli and the 18 Syrians crossed over the bridge in single file. In- cluded among the returned Israeli were three—two girls and a man — who were ab- ducted by the Syrians last July when a boat in which they were riding on Lake Tiberias foundered. That boat had contained also three Belgian nationals. The Syri- ans released the Belgians in a few days, but held on to the Israelis. The prisoner exchange fol- lowed long, drawn-out negotia- tions, carried on by the United Nations Truce Supervision Or- ganization and by the Israel delegation at the United Na- tions. Last &ugust, when the UN Security Council consid- ered Israel's complaint against Syria, whose soldiers had mur- dered two young Israeli farm- ers at Almagor, Gen. Odd Bull, then chief of staff of the UNTSO, had proposed that both countries exchange pris- oners as a step toward easing of tensions. Later, the presi- dent of the Security Council and UN Secretary-General U Thant voiced similar appeals. The Israeli delegation at the United Nations has been press- ing for completion of this ex- change for months, many con- ferences having been held on this issue between Michael S. Comay, Israel'• permanent rep- resentative at the UN, with Thant and with Dr. Ralph J. Bunche said: "We are very solve your Gift problems by giving happy that the exchange took place.) Mrs. Golda Meir, Israel's Foreign Minister, reported on the prisoner exchange to the cabinet, and voiced high praise for the "special ef- forts" to bring about the ex- change made by Thant and Dr. Bunche. Previously, the Foreign Ministry also thanked Col. Wilkinson, the chairman of the Israeli- Syrian Mixed Armistice Commision, for his participa- tion in the long negotiations. The returned , prisoners, when interrogated prior to re- joining their families, com- plained of cruel treatment in Syria during their imprison- ment there. One of them said that he would go on a hunger strike until assured that the Syrian atrocities would be in- vestigated by the Unied Na- tions. Medical examinations of the prisoners indicated that some of them may have to be sent to mental institutions and that they may have to be con- fined to mental hospitals for the rest of their lives. Itzhak Maralel, one of the freed prisoners, described some of the Syrian atrocities. He said prisoners were subjected to electric shock treatment, being badly burned in the process. Some Israelis, he said, were forced to crouch inside an automobile tire which was wheeled around the prison court-yard. Another was placed in a cell containing hungry dogs. The ex-prisoners named the Israeli who had been murdered by the Syrians as Maurice Hanak, whom the Sy- rians had accused of "se- curity crimes." They said another Israeli, Joseph Shmesh, had attempted sui- cide several times but was saved by fellow - prisoners. Menachem Menache, another Israeli, captured in 1948, re- portedly died of hunger and torture in prison. One of the returnees Avra- ham Daskal, captured 12 years ago, is on the verge of a mental breakdown. Two of the former prisoners were in such a state of shock that they could not even give their own names. United Nations observers watching the exchange said of the Israeli returnees: "We never saw such a broken group of people." Israel took steps in several ways to seek the liberation of more Israelis held in Syrian prisons and to obtaiin objec- tive, international investiga- tions into the manner in The Jewish News which Israelis freed by the had been tortured. Syrians Saturday Israel requested the military observers of the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization to check the reports received from the Israeli returnees that at least four more Israelis are in Syrian jails now. At the same time steps were being prepared to lodge a similar request with U Thant at UN headquarters in New York. One of the Israeli returnees provided the names of four Israelis still being held by the Damascus authorities. Israel requested the Interna- tional Red Cross to probe into the manner in which Syria had mistreated those who were freed. Seven of the 11 returnees have been shown, as a result of medical examinations and in- terrogations, to be "grave men- tal cases," government circles said, All seven of these men, it was said, had been in Syrian hospitals prior to their release. The Red Cross was requested to send qualified medical per- sonnel here immediately to examine the returnees. Israel informed the Red Cross head- quarters at Geneva that the Israelis had been subjected to "most inhuman" treatment and to torture. * * * GENEVA, (JTA) — Moshe Bartur, Israel's permanent rep- resentative at the European headquarters of the United Na- requested the Interna- tional Red Cross Committee here to send to Israel imme- diately a team of qualified med- ical personnel to investigate the mental and physical condi- tions of the 11 Israelis released from Syrian prisons Saturday. According to the Israeli re- quest, such medical examina- tions are necessary at once, since, the Israelis had been tions, subjected to extraordinarily cruel treatment while in Syrian hands. Israel's request is ex- pected to be complied with by the International Red Cross here. (At the UN, Michael S. Comay, Israel's permanent representa- tive, sent a letter to Secretary- General U Thant, informing him of the request to the In- ternational Red Cross. Comay quoted Mrs. Gold Meir, Israel's Foreign Minister, as declaring that eight of the 11 Israelis returned in the prisoner ex- change had "suffered physical distress and mental and emo- tional disorder as a result of the inhuman conditions under which they had been kept (in Syria) and the torture and abuse to which they had been subjected.") Israel Bonds Aid New Shipyard a gift that lasts the entire year! use the coupon below to subscribe your relatives and friends • The Jewish News ♦ 17100 W. Seven Mi. Rd. The new facilities of Israel Shipyards Ltd. in Haifa, on which construction was started two years ago utilizing Israel Bond funds, are now in oneration. A 3,000-ton coastal freighter is shown above nearing completion at the yard, with the port and city of Haifa visible in the background. At present, the yard can build vessels up to 10,000 tons, and can do repairs to about 500,000 tons of shipping ner year. Eventually the yard is expected to be able to build vessels up to 20,000 tons, and will have a floating drydock designed for ships up to 47,000 I Detroit 35, Michigan 4 Name Address ♦ City Zone State Enclosed $6.00 (If to be sent as gift, please give name of sender.) ir Name NE NI INN NE MNI MIN IN ON IMIN 11•11 tons. The yard now has 700 employees, with the number ex- pected to reach 1,000 by next year. The shipyard is already 111111 • playing an important role in the development of Israel's mer- chant fleet, which is being built up with the aid of funds from State of Israel Bonds. 29-THE DETROIT JEWISH NWS—Friday, Decemb er 27, 1963 Syria, Israel Exchange Prisoners; Seek Investigation of Atrocities 30-A—INSTRUCTIONS