By MILTON FRIEDMAN his top staff members was pri- achievement for an "unofficial vate, unofficial, and "not as a tourist." WASHINGTON — Pro-Israel representative of the U. S. Gov- Ben-Gurion later comment- elements were reassured to ernment." Indeed, Department ed that Feldman was "the learn that President Lyndon B. spokesman indicated that Feld- kind of man to whom I can Johnson will rely on Myer Feld- man was in Israel merely as a talk." man, of the White House staff, tourist, so unimportant that President Johnson and Feld- to advise him on Jewish issues "we do not know with whom he man have been acquainted since exactly as Mr. Feldman did for had appointments." the early 1950s. Feldman then President Kennedy. Such remarks about a senior helped on some work of the Biased recommendations of • White House staff member were Senate Preparedness Subcom- the State Department will now unprecedented. They reflected mittee. A Senator at that time, continue to be observed and the vexation of career diplo- was chairman of the balanced by Feldman. There mats at Mr. Feldman's powerful Johnson Subcommittee. Feldman was will once more be at the Presi- White House role in counter- then executive assistant to the dent's elbow an alternative to balancing various stratagems chairman of the U. S. Securities any one-sided policy, papers dangerous to Israel. and Exchange Commission and submitted by the State Depart- The Department made the volunteered to assist the Sub- ment's Near Eastern Division. comments on Mr. Feldman in committee. An incident in 1962 illus- response to inquiries by Arab Those who know the Presi- trated State Department-White ambassadors. Instead of assert- dent are convinced that his at- House relations. The Depart- ing the right of an American titude toward leaders of Jewish ment then stressed — both pub- President to have a Jewish as- faith and Jewish causes is en- licly and through diplomatic sistant concerned about Israel's tirely positive. His designation channels to the Arab states— survival, the Department sought of Feldman to continue as that discussions held in Israel to minimize and discredit the Deputy Special Counsel and also by Feldman, Deputy Special Feldman visit to Israel. (The personal adviser on Jewish mat- Counsel to the President, did result was only that the State ters was reassuring to many no necessarily reflect the views Department discredited itself, Jewish leaders. Feldman's quick of the United States Govern- in this connection, in the eyes acceptance revealed his faith ment. of John F. Kennedy). in President Johnson. When President Kennedy During his visit, Feldman dis- The new President has as- heard of this, he commented cussed Israel's development and sumed duties at a juncture that the Department did not security needs with the then which finds several issues sim- always reflect his own views. Premier David Ben-Gurion. mering: Israel is about to at- President Kennedy was less Shortly thereafter, the agree- tempt its water diversion pro- than pleased by some career ment to sell U. S. ground-to-air ject, possibly bringing Arab diplomats who actually stated missiles to Israel was an- violence; the Arab refugee sit- that a visit to Israel by one of nounced. This was quite an uation has been revived at the United Nations; a Presidential must be made on im- Former Auschwitz Concentration decision plementation of the "anti-ag- gression" amendment involving Camp Officials Face Crimes Trial severance of aid to Egypt; the FRANKFURT, (JTA) — The Lucas, former camp physician; relationship of the United biggest postwar trial of Nazis Dr. Viktor Capesius; SS officer States and Israel remains to be accused of mass murder of Jews, Franz Hofmann, camp druggist; defined, and the Hawk missiles, involving 22 former officials and Wilhelm Boger, aide to the chief although contracted, have yet to a former inmate who was a trus- of the political division; Oswald be delivered. Other questions awaiting tee in the Auschwitz extermina- Kaduk, and SS male nurse Josef tion camp, where millions of Klehr. Hofmann has already action include the plight of Jews were annihilated will open been sentenced to death for his Soviet Jewry, Arab travel re- strictions affecting Americans, here today. But the presentation murders in the Dachua camp. Arab boycotts and blockades, of evidence against the defend- They are variously charged ants will probably not begin with mass a n d individual immigration reforms, ratifica- until February or early March, shootings, selections for gas- tion of the Genocide Conven- tion, and various other civil it was indicated by the chief sing, mass and individual tor- rights and human rights mat- prosecutor, Dr. Hans Grossman. tures, gassing, trampling in- ters. Dr. Grossman said it would mates to death, hangings, med- take at least one to two months ical experiments, injections the The coming months will tell story of the Johnson Ad- before completion of all pre- and other crimes. The camp liminaries, including opening was established in April 1940 ministration. Feldman's con- statements from each of the 22 under Hoess, who was tried tinued presence signifies reas- defendants. Eighteen attorneys by Polish authorities in the surance to those concerned have been retained by the de- first Auschwitz trial in War- about the State Department fendants. The trial, which will saw in April 1947, and hanged pressures. There is every likelihood that be held in Frankfurt City Hall, at the camp. * * President Johnson will display will draw more than 100 report- ers from West Germany and BONN, (JTA)—Two high po- the sense of justice he asserted other countries. lice officials, each heading a in defense of Israel when he Leader. After the first session today, division of the West German was Senate Majority will be there to as- the next hearing will be on Dec. criminal police, have been ar- sist Feldman Feldman's function at 30. The trial has been in prepa- rested on separate charges of the him. White House is different involvement in the mass murder ration since 1959. The chief de- and on a much higher level than fendant, Richard Baer, who was of Jews during World War II. the roles played by David K. the last Auschwitz commandant, One is Werner Meyer, chief po- and who was arrested for the lice commissioner of the Schles- Niles, who served President wig-Holstein criminal investiga- Truman, and Maxwell Rabb, trial, died last June in prison. who handled Jewish affairs for The 22 defendants were tion division. The other is Dr. President Eisenhower. As Dep- chosen from about 1,000 sus- George Fleischmann, head of uty Special Counsel, Feldman is pects on the basis of evidence the criminal police bureau at responsible for many vital com- supplied by 1,300 survivors of Ludwigshaven. According to a Ministry of munications links with Congress the murder camp in which an Jtistice official at Kiel, Meyer and Federal agencies. estimated 4,000,000 men, wo- Officially redesignated as the men and children — mostly has been under investigation for White "Watchman of Jews—were put to death dur- 18 months. An officer in the SS Israel," House's Myer Feldman is aware ing the war. The indictment during the war, he was stationed that "the of Israel covers 700 pages, and evidence in Russia in 1943. The charge doth not Watchman sleep and doth not against him is "involvement in from the 1,300 survivors totals about 16,000 pages. The prose- the mass murder of Jews." He slumber." cution plans to call 254 wit- has been suspended from his nesses from 13 E u r op e a n office. Fleischmann is charged with countries, Israel, the United "participating in the mass shoot- States and Australia. The court will be made up of ings of Jews in the Smolensk region in 1941." He is also ac- three judges and three supple- cused of having ordered the ex- mentary judges; and six regular and four supplementary jurors. ecution of an SS officer on the Chief Prosecutor Grossman is staff of a Nazi exterminating the head of the political section squad in Russia. Six police offi- of the Frankfurt Prosecutor's cials have been arrested in Office. He will be assisted by Schleswig-Holstein since 1959 three other district attorneys. on charges of having committed The victims will be represented war crimes during the Nazi by 15 "private accusers," close regime. relatives of Jews slaughtered in Auschwitz. The defense lawyers Einstein Medical are either of their choice or Center Renovated appointed by the government. PHILADELPHIA, (JTA) —A The most important defend- former surgical building at the ants are Robert Mulka and Karl Albert Einstein. Medical Center Hoecker, who were adjutants of has been renovated at a cost of Rudolf Hoess, the first com- some $665,000 to become Phila- mandant; and of Baer. Others delphia's first hospital ward are the former camp dentist, facility with only two patients SS officer Willi Franl; Dr, Franz per room. (Copyright, 1963, JTA, Inc.) Produce Education Movie on Israel A new teaching film for the 221 Park Ave. South, New York, social studies-geography curri- 10003. culum, "Israel — A Nation Is Born," has been produced. It is 17 minutes long and in color. A unit in the "Our World of the 60's" series distributed by United World Films, the movie portrays the development of the young independent country founded early in 1948 in an area of waste lands neglected for hundreds of years. MURKY Previews by audio visual de- KOBLIN 18039 partments of schools may be Wyoming arranged by writing to the dis- tributor, United World Films, UN. 1-5600 Inc., (Educational Department), ADVERTISING ART ISRAELI MONEY ORDERS AVAILABLE AT GUARDIAN Now at Guardian Savings money orders are available on Bank Le-Umi-Le Israel. These money orders can be cashed immediately in Tel A Viv. A wonderful convenience for tourists as well as sending money to Israel. 2 out of 5 are owned debt-free It is an amazing fact that forty per cent of all American families who live in their own homes own those homes free of any debt of any kind. Savings and Loan Associations contributed to this accomplishment by developing the modern home loan which is paid off in monthly installments like rent. A home loan to fit your individual needs is our business. Come see us. Downtown: Cadillac Square corner RANDOLPH Northwest: 13646 West 7 Mile corner Tracey Both offices open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Downtown Friday 'til 6 Northwest office open Thursday Night til 9 the luxury beer... at a popular price For 75 Years— One of America's Finest Beers 5—THE DET ROIT JEWIS H NEWS—Friday, Decemb er 20, 1963 Feldman Stays as Johnson's Jewish Adviser