Friday, December 20, 1963—THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS-22 Veterans. Council Honors Levinson Canadian Jewish Congress Issues Study on Winnipeg Brown Is Elected President of Center Businessmen's Club Cherrin-Lansat Engagement Told The Center Businessmen's Club of the Jewish Center elect- ed David B. Brown, president; Irving Lyons and Julius Wal- lace, vice - presidents; Morris Halperin, treasurer; Maurice Se- ligman and Abe Broder, secre- taries. Abe Rosen was elected as an honorary member of the board of directors. Joseph Brown and Harry Brod are incumbents re- maining on the board with three vacancies yet to be filled by the executive committee of the or- ganization. MONTREAL, (JTA) — The Canadian Jewish Congress has published a study of the growth and changes in the distribution of the Jewish population of Winnipeg, based on the 1961 census. The study was compiled by Louis Rosenberg, director of the Congress Research Bureau. The study deals with the changes in the geographic dis- tribution of the Jewish popula- tion in the Metropolitan census area of Winnipeg and in each of the census tracts in the cen- sus years of 1941, 1951 and 1961. The statistics used are of those who reported themselves in the 1951 and 1961 censuses as Jewish by religion. The study reveals that in 1961 Winnipeg was the third largest Jewish community in Canada, although it is the fourth largest city in the country, with a total Jewish population of Ben Levinson (right) was presented with a plaque Dec. 9 19,376 or 4.1 per cent of the by the Allied Veterans Council "in grateful appreciation of total community. compassionate understanding and continuing effort and leader- Although the total population ship on behalf of the fund for parties for children of hospital- of Metropolitan Winnipeg has ized veterans." The award was presented to him by U.S Attor- increased by 34.4 per cent from ney Lawrence Gubow (left), with former commander of the 1951 to 1961, the Jewish popu- AMVETS Fred K. Persons delivering one of the addresses lation has only increased 4.7 honoring Levinson. per cent over the same period. This percentage increase is less than the 33.4 per cent increase 1,000 Athletes from 32 Nations in the Jewish population of Metropolitan Toronto and 27.1 to Compete in 7th Maccabian Games per cent increase of Metropoli- (Direct JTA Teletype Wire Games Committee. The body tan Montreal. to The Jewish News) named Detroiter Lou Handler LONDON—The seventh Mac- area chairman. cabiath will be held in the sec- as an Cohen, of Brooklyn, N. Y., ond half of August, 1965, with was accompanied by Max J. an estimated participation of Lovell of New York City and "CANCER FACTS AND FIG- 1,000 athletes from 32 countries, Robert E. Rosenberg of Man- URES-1964," a 32-page refer- including at least 135 from the hasset, N.Y., a vice-president ence manual on America's sec- United States, the executive and treasurer of the Sports ond greatest killer, has been board of the International Mac- Israel Conunittee, tradi- made available by the American cabian Games Committee said for tional sponsor of United States Cancer Society. Tuesday. * * * participation in the World The meeting, at which board Maccabiah Games in Israel. BALLET FOLKLORICO of chairman Pierre Goldesgame The international conclave in MEXICO, with its 75 dancers, presided, was called to plan the London was called to determine singers and native instrumental- Maccabiah. Participants includ- the date for the 1965 Games, as ists, will appear at Detroit's Ma- ed Shalom Zisman, Deputy well as to set up an Israeli Or- Auditorium Jan. 3 and 4. Mayor of Ramat Gan and presi- ganizing Committee, establish sonic This is company's second dent of the Israeli Olympics competitive standards and to tour of the the United States and Committee; Haskell Cohen, chair- select venues. Canada, following their first ap- man of the American Commit- The United States delegation pearance in this country last tee for Sports in Israel; David went to London f oll o wing spring and its second appear- Kopenhagen of Brazil and Fred "Sports for Israel" biennial ance in Masonic Auditorium Oberlander of Canada. elections in New York on Dec. this season. Goldesgame said the existing 11, at which the organization's * * * Maccabiah village near Ramat entire slate of officers was re- VANGUARD THEATER will Gan can handle 600 partici- elected. In addition to Cohen, present its holiday package to pants, but it is hoped to ex- Lovell and Rosenberg, those re- Detroit theater-goers. On Dec. pand this capacity to 1,000 by turned to office included vice- 26 Vanguard will unwrap a 1965. president George Konheim of comedy, "You'll Never Know", Among the 20 events in the Beverly Hills, Calif.; secretary adapted by P. G. Wodehouse seventh Maccabiah will be Judo Dr. S. L. Winnick of New York decorated with the music and Golf for the first time. He City, and associate treasurer and of Cole Porter. added that Olympic records Marcel Loeb of New York City. would continue to be the yard- Two veteran Committee mem- stick of performances at the bers, Jack Abramson of Jamaica U. S. Fixes Limits Maccabiah. Estates, New York, and Frank Participants will have the Horowitz of New York City also on Israel Textiles opportunity to tour Israel on were named to newly created WASHINGTON, (JTA) — The a wide scale. vice-presidential posts, while United States announced this Cohen said that some of the Charles Ornstein of Washington, week an agreement with Israel American athletes would be D.C., one of the original found- to limits its cotton textile ex- of world fame. ers of the Committee was un- ports of the United States over Goldesgame thanked the Ra- animously nominated honorary a four-year period ending Sep- mat Gan municipality and its vice-president. Jules Schwartz tember 30, 1967. Mayor Abraham Krinitzi for co- of Philadelphia, Martin L. Cohen A similar agreement with the operation in use of the main and Leo Merson were redesig- United • Arab Republic was an- Maccabiah arena, the Ramat nated regional vice-presidents. nounced at the same time. Sim- ilar pates were negotiated previ- Gam stadium, and said he was ceratin that Ramat Gan and Parkside Hospital, ously with Japan, Spain, Jamaica, Taiwan and Hong Kong. other local officials in Israel The agreements take the place would cooperate in the future Butzel Home Are as heartily as they had in the Condemned for Project of restraint actions the United past. Parkside Hospital, a Negro States had taken to curb cotton A three-man United States institution which had the early textile imports which have in- delegation, . headed by recently support of the late Fred M. creased 300,000,000 square yards all sources during the last re-elected president Haskell Co- Butzel, is• contributing its equip- from two years. hen of the United States Com- ment and more than $50,000 in The agreement with Israel mittee-Sports for Israel, is cur- cash to Boulevard General Hos- rently in London attending the pital on being forced out of stipulates that during the 12- first meeting of the newly-form- existence by the Medical Center month period ending next Oct. 1, total textile imports to the ed International Ma c c abiah Redevelopment Project. United States will be limited to First founded in 1918 as 12,500,000 square yards, com- $250,000 In Israel Bonds Dunbar Hospital, the medical pared with Israeli exports to this Sold at Labor-Management facility was reorganized in 1932 country of 10,700,000 square Dinner in Philadelphia under a new board of directors, yards in the preceding 12 Representatives of labor and headed by Butzel and Dr. War- months. A five per cent growth management this week purchas- ren L. Babcock, as Parkside in such exports by Israel each ed more than $250,000 in State Hospital. year is provided thereafter. of Israel Bonds at a dinner held When Butzel died, he left his in Philadelphia in honor of home at 299 Mack to the hos- One-time Polish national hop- Henry Segal, treasurer of the pital fro a nurses home. The step - and - jump - champion International Brotherhood of home, too, has now been con- Ziggy Weinberg is regarded as Pulp,- Sulphite and Paper Mill demned as part of the new re- his country's leading track and Workers (AFL-CIO). development project. field coach. Brevities MISS MARILYN CHERRIN Mr. and Mrs. Phil Cherrin of Huntington Woods announce the engagement of their daughter, Marilyn Helaine, to Seymour J. :.:4E+nitctmizciatcfmciamizsgleife, Lansat, son of Mr. and Mrs. LI PLASTIC FURNITURE r Samuel Lansat of Sharon, Pa. COVERS A May 31 wedding is planned. MADE TO ORDER or READY MADE ♦ 2 Austrian Cabinet Members Head New Israeli Society r. ?j, CALL ANNA [(AREAL LI 2-0874 gct73:221tia:+2:4Wit:>1.70: Want The Best? Ask the Folks Who've Had VIENNA, (JTA) — Two cabi- net members were elected as co-presidents of a new organiza- tion, the Austrian-Israeli Soci- ety, designated as a "bridge" between the Jewish State and this country. The officials are Otto Probst, Minister of Corn- munication and Power; and Dr. Ludwig Steiner, State Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Af- fairs. Mrs. Hermona Simon, wife of the Israeli Ambassador to Austria, was chosen vice-presi- dent. After an address on the his- torical developments of Jewry in this century by Israeli Am- bassador Simon, Dr. Steiner told the meeting that "it would be desirable to build a bridge be- tween the Austrian and Israeli peoples." SAM BARNETT and His Orchestra LI 1-2563 PLANNING A WEDDING? A BAR MITZVAH? REMEMBER ... SID SIEGEL SAVES THE DAY! For Fine Color Movies Call DI 1-6990 tarry Freedman Orchestra & Entertainment LI 7-2899 Featured at: Beth Aaron Men's Club Winter Ball, New Year's Eve, 1963 For Your Fine Diamonds and Jewelry "Buy With Confidence." Norman Allan Co. Gemologists Diamontologists . AA11 ..1 11 r 17540 WYOMING OPEN EVERY EVENING DI 1-1330 'TIL 9 P.M. 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