Friday, December 6, 1963—THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS-6 Jewish Publication Society Gets $100,000 Bequest to Aid Authors Cancer Crystalized at Brandeis U. Israel Besieged by Rains, Snow (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) 4.:5:43X 44 . Biochemist William T. Murakami is shown in his Brandeis University laboratory in Wa - tham, Mass., reporting on his achievement of the first crystallization of a cancer virus to determine chemical contents. Manual for Self-Instructional Hebrew Studies Supplementing Rosen's Book Prepared by Shaw Successful courses in contro- versial Hebrew, conducted at the Jewish Community Center, have inspired t h e Center's executive di- rector. Irwin Shaw, to pre- pare a manual to assist in the studies and to encour- age increased efforts in the direction of Hebrew in- struction. Shaw' splendidly an- notated 105- page book is receiving wide commend a- .A:f" tions, and its Irwin Shaw use by classes in Detroit is already declared to be highly successful. The Irwin Shaw work supple- ments "Hebrew Self-Taught," by Aharon Rosen, published in behalf of Brit Ivrit Olamit (World Hebrew Union) in Jeru- salem. The Rosen book contains 50 lessons of basic Hebrew and has an assisting Hebrew-Eng- lish dictionary. Shaw's manual takes into ac- count the importance of the conversational Hebrew courses and is geared towards the self- instructional purposes of the offered courses of study. But while the purpose is to assist those who aspire to self in- struction, both the Rosen text- book and the Shaw manual lend themselves to use in classrooms. Shaw's first objective through his manual is to make it unnecessary to look up words in the dictionary or to memorize the vocabularies and grammatical rules. The format of the translations in his manual facilitate this ob- jective. Another objective of the Shaw manual "is to use the three senses: sound, sight 5. '''''''''' 2 Germans Get Jail for Stoning Synagogue STUTTGART, (JTA) — Two West Germans were given four- months jail sentences for throw- ing stones at a synagogue here. According to the trial testi- mony, the men, identified as a 31-year-old man by the name of Turner and a 23-year-old mech- anic, had been drinking in a bar owned by a Jew and when they were refused additional drinks by a waitress after midnight, they promptly left the bar directly for the synagogue. Want ads get quick results! and touch (writing) to rein- force the student's exposure to correct manifestations of the language." The manual also is geared towards the elimination of the need to read and to explain the text during classes and to utilize the time for oral practices and to clarify points in the lessons. Shaw believes that an average student can complete his basic Hebrew course in 20 weeks. The evaluative lessons in the manual, the emphasis that lead to knowledge, the accompany- ing notes, simplify the course and prove the value of Shaw's self-instructional approaches. A basic Hebrew vocabulary of 500 words is accomplishable in the Rosen-Shaw method. Re- cordings also are made avail- able to assist students of He- brew in the methods offered at the Jewish Center. PHILADELPHIA (JTA) — A bequest in the amount of $100,- 000 has been received by the Jewish Publication Society of America, which has its national headquarters here, according to a joint announcement made to- TEL AVIV—The first snow of the season in Israel fell Tues- day morning in the Galilee to add to the woes of a population buffeted by incessant rain for the past week. Rain and gales lashed cen- tral Israel for the past 24 hours flooding almost all roads lead- ing from Tel Aviv to the south and east. The railway to Jeru- salem also was flooded. Deputy Premier Abba Eban was forced to use a helicopter from Ramleh to Jerusalem to be on time to extend a formal farewell to de- p a r t i n g Congolese President Joseph Kasavubu. Desert gullies in the Negev again were flooded and the Beersheba bridges were again washed away. Only a trickle of heavy trucks were abl?. to go on to the southern Negev. Eilat, Israel's southernmost port, and Arad were cut off for several hours. Bridges near Tel Aviv were submerged for many hours. Traffic slowed to a crawl and was diverted to side roads. Farm work was halted, causing a delay in the potato harvest and there- by depriving many Israelis of the traditional Hanukah pan- cakes. By noon TueSday, communica- tions were restored in all direc- tions and the waters were sub- siding. All artificial lakes were filled to capacity, assuring large quantities for irrigation. Israel Expresses Support for JNF's Kennedy Forest JWV Chief Asks Law Against Firearms for Extremist Groups Federal legislation to prohibit extremist political groups, of the far right and far left, from maintaining arsenals of firearms and t r a i n i n g adherents as marksmen was demanded by National Commander Daniel Neal Heller of the Jewish War Veterans in a letter to Presi- dent Lyndon B. Johnson. Heller, of Miami, said that one fanatical organization which President Johnson acted against —the American Nazi Party— maintains stores of weapons and actually conducts firing range training in nearby Arlington, Levi Eshkol, Prime Minister of Israel, in a cable received by Max Bressler, president of the Jewish National Fund of America, expressed the full support of his government and of the people of Israel for the recently announced John F. Kennedy Memorial Forest, to be created in the American Free- dom Forest near Jerusalem. The John F. Kennedy Memo- rial Forest will consist of mil- lions of trees, marked by a lofty memorial shaft surrounded by 50 columns, each bearing the name of a state of the Ameri- can republic. The memorial will be part of the American-Israel Freedom Forest, designed to commemorate the bonds of friendship linking the two na- tions. It is located at Beitar, where 2,000 years ago Bar Kochba waged a gallant battle for Israel's freedom against the legions of Rome. Bressler appealed for what he termed American Jewry's con- tribution to the perpetuation of President Kennedy's memory by linking it forever with the land of Israel. day by Sol Satinsky, president of the JPS, and Philip Werner Amram, executor of the estate of Adolf Amram. Under terms of the bequest, the JPS will use the income "to provide writing fellowships as subventions to qualified author- scholars to prepare books of scholarly quality and of scholar- ly interest which cannot be fin- anced on a commercial basis." Edwin Wolf, 2nd, chairman of the JPS publication committee, in expressing the gratitude of the JPS board of trustees, point- ed out that this bequest will make possible the creation and publication of excellent manu- scripts which would otherwise remain unpublished. He stated further than details regarding the Adolf Amram Award were now being worked out and that a public announcement would be made in the near future. The donor, Adolf Amram, came to the United States as a penniless immigrant in 1900. He settled in Greenville, Miss., and later came to New York City where he made his fortune in the insurance business. His wide- spread cultural interests will be perpetuated by the bequests made from his estate to cultural institutions in New York City, Philadelphia and Washington. 1: BUFFERIN 25 Size — Retail $2.37 Our Discount Price $1.66 G & M DISCOUNT KE 5-4910 Open Mon. thru Sat. 9 -9 20009 W. 7 MILE Still Offering the Best Deal! JOE MAY CHEVY CO. 12555 GRAND RIVER lAu es:e:. TE 4-4440 Celebrating Its 40th Anniversary H1STADRUT INVITES THE ENTIRE JEWISH COMMUNITY To Join In A Tribute to AVROM SUTZKEVER Thursday, December 19th 8:30 p.m. MORRIS L. SCHAVER AUDITORIUM 19161 SCHAEFER RABBI MORRIS ADLER Tribute Chairman • MUSICAL PROGRAM BY CANTOR DAVID BAGLEY • REFRESHMENTS • DONATION $1.25 For Tickets Call: UN 4-7094