THE JEWISH NEWS ENTERING THE 501ft YEM, OF HELP W NOY JENS Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35, a year. Foreign $7. Mich., VE 8-9364. Subscription Second Class Postage Paid At Detroit, Michigan PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Business Manager ALL 011190111 W00 1 SIDNEY SHMARAK HARVEY ZUCKERBERG Advertising Manager City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the twenty-eighth day of Kislew, 5724, the following Scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion: Gen. 41:1-44:17. Prophetical portion: Zechariah 2:14 4:7. Licht Benshen, Friday, Dec. 13, 4:43 p.m. - VOL. XLIV. No. 16 . Page Four December 13, 1963 Hanukah—Need for More Enlightenment Hanukah, which now provides us with of the National Federation of Hebrew so much joy during family celebrations, Teachers and Principals, the following which occasions such vast opportunities needs and shortcomings were emphasized: for the linking of Jewish devotional in - 1. The shortage of Hebrew teachers, which was first brought to public attention by the terests by parents with their children's American Association for Jewish Education in participation in the festival's observances, Washington in 1956, has steadily increased in traditionally demands of us that we should recent years. strengthen our spiritual and cultural posi- 2. Year by year, since then, an increasing tions wherever we may reside. number of Jewish communities have found It is not enough for us to light the difficulty in recruiting teachers for their candles, to distribute gifts, to boast about schools. Many schools are now staffed by part- an ancient triumph over idolatry. The time, temporary and unqualified teachers. Feast of Lights calls for enlightenment, 3. The Hebrew teachers exchange program, for the infusion in our ranks of that love which has been supplying Israeli teachers to for learning which motivated the Has- American Jewish schools for two-year periods, moneans to take to the sword in opposi- has been at best only a temporary palliative 'Faith and Knowledge' tion to attempts that were made to subject solution to this problem. the ancient Judaeans to strange and 4. The shortage of qualified Hebrew teach- ers can be alleviated only through the recruit- idolatrous religious practices. ment and training of American young men and In the decades that preceded us, when women f o r professional careers in Jewish the late Supreme Court Justice Louis D. education. Brandeis and the distinguished Jewish 5. However, all efforts in this direction will Personality analyses feature the delineations of "Six Who leader Louis Marshall were asked for prove futile as long as the remunerating as- Changed the World"—the title of a book about Moses, Jesus, expressions of their views on what was pects of Jewish education, such as salary Paul, Marx, Freud and Einstein—by Rabbi Henry Enoch Kagan, needed primarily to emphasize the lessons scales, fringe benefits, social prestige, etc. published by Thomas Yoseloff (11 E.. 36th, New York 16). of the Hanukah festival, they replied that will continue to fall far behind similar induce- Dr. Kagan, who is rabbi of Sinai Temple, Mt. Vernon, N. Y., first in the lists of our duties was an ments in other professions, and even in public also is a psychologist and an author of books on Judaism and increase in our labors for educational school teaching. psychiatry, and his approach to his subject is psychologically causes. 6. In order to attract able young people to interesting. Hebrew teaching as a career it is imperative This is a duty for all time, but before In his introduction to this interesting book, evaluating "The that Jewish communities all over the country Hanukah of 5724 passes into history we Genius and the Group," he comments: make an immediate effort to raise the profes- must make this a major cause for deep "It was in the Jewish group with a high tolerance for sional and social status of the Hebrew teacher. community concern. This appeal must not be taken lightly. tension that our six geniuses developed their creative powers. We must strive to strengthen our own unique talents were stimulated by the cultural school systems everywhere, and in the Without the best available teachers we Their character of their group. They were sharpened by the friction won't have good schools, and there will process of doing so we must take into produced by the conflicts this group experienced throughout consideration a basic need in this area of be only ill-trained students in our schools. its history. Both the tensions within themselves and their very This is one of the problems to be community action—that of providing the high tolerance for them were heightened by their conscious- best teaching staffs, thereby assuring the taken seriously. It is part of the serious ness of their Jewishness. finest available training for our children. major duty to make education a major "The unhappy childhood in the case of each was related At a convocation last week, in New objective in communal planning. Let it to some severe form of rejection caused by his being a Jew. York, convened by the Central Committee be the basic call for action on Hanukah. The births of Moses and Jesus involved being saved from an '6 Who Changed the World' Evaluates Great Personalities Pre-Campaign Budgeting—Dunes for 1964 A formula for the allocation of funds raised through the Allied Jewish Cam- paign will be developed at the annual pre- campaign budgeting conference of the Jewish Welfare Federation on Sunday, and that procedure will serve as a signal to our community to begin preparations to meet our serious obligations through the major fund-raising effort. Pre-campaign budgeting conferences call for expressions of the numerous in- terests our community has in overseas relief efforts and in aid to newcomers to Israel, in the important tasks of advancing our cultural programs, in areas of health and welfare and community relations. While the formal Allied Jewish Cam- paign activities do not commence until some weeks later, the budgeting confer- ence is, in reality, the commencement for the drive. It marks the naming of a campaign chairman and is immediately followed by the enlisting of a campaign organization to assist in the enrollment of tens of thousands of contributors. This is a vital procedure, and it is of the ut- most importance that the ablest men and women in our midst should be chosen for the tasks ahead. Of even greater importance is the need to enroll every potential contributor in the vast army of supporters of the causes included in the campaign, and to this end it is necessary that all members of our community should consider them- selves as participants in great mercy efforts, in educational programming, as supporters of the projects that help the less affluent among us.. While we are always assured of gifts from approximately 23,000 contributors to the Allied Jewish Campaign, there is reason to believe that thousands more remain unsolicited or are uriresponsiVe to the call for action that goes forth from the Allied Jewish Campaign. Let us hope that, this year, the tradition that we are rachamanim bnai rachamanim—merciful sons of a merciful people—will prove valid. We should aspire to reach into the hearts of the many who have been cal- loused in order that there should truly be an outpouring of good deeds from our community through the great campaign about to be launched by the Jewish Wel- fare Federation. If we are to retain the high standards for giving that have marked our com- munity, it is our contention that more volunteers must become available to as- sure a much larger enrollment of con- tributors. If this will be attained, we can look forward to another great campaign. * * * Detroit's pre-campaign budgeting con- ference follows on the heels of the annual United Jewish Appeal conference at which a goal has been set for the coming year's relief and reconstruction efforts, and from which there emanated the call to action to American Jewry in the coming year. The seriousness of existing problems must not be overlooked. The great obliga- tions that face us should not be viewed lightly. While Israel is an established and irrevocable historic fact, and hundreds of thousands of Jews already have been rescued from the gehennas of Europe and from Moslem countries, so much remains to be done that the duties that devolve upon us and the responsibilities that stem from the horrors that continue to be im- posed on oppressed Jewish communities must be viewed by us as grave duties to be performed. anti-Jewish tyrant. As a Greek-born Jew, Paul was always fearful of being considered inferior to Palestinian Jews. When Freud and Einstein were children, both their families were forced to move because of anti-Semitism. Because of their Jewishness both had the bitter experience of being rejected during their school years. Throughout their lives all six con- tinued to endure the turmoil of this rejection in their child- hood." Dr. Kalgan notes certain parallels between the six geniuses described in his book, at the same time reviewing opposing ideologies and cultures in the differing eras in which the six personalities lived. He emphasizes that each of the six "was not only a genius," and concerned himself not only with Jews, that "each one changed the world." The author turns to many sources for his material. Noted authorities are quoted and the studies are developed in ob- jective fashion. In the section of "The Ways of the Hasidim," the author utilizes the legends of the Baal Shem Tov, evaluates Hasidic teachings, refers to Abraham Kalisker's "Communion with God and Men" and quotes from the teachings of Mendel of Kotzk. "The Land of Israel, Exile and Redemption" is a section enhanced by the writings of Benjamin of Tudela (Jerusalem), quotations from the Zohar, the Midrash, Nahmanides, Immanuel of Rome, Maimonides and Judah Loew ben Bezalel. In each instance, the history of the period in which the personality lived is reviewed, and the reader not only is intro- duced to six geniuses but also is taken on an historical tour de- veloping mankind's experiences through the lives of men who most effectively influenced the entire world. WSU Press Issues 3 Literary Criticism, Education Volumes Wayne University Press this week issued three new volumes dealing with education and literary criticism. Prof. Willis F. Dunbar of Western Michigan University is the author of "The Michigan Record in Higher Education," a history of Michigan's acomplishments in higher education. "The Poetic Voices of Coleridge—A Study of His Desire for Spontaneity and Passion for Order," by Prof. Max F. Schulz of Ohio State University, is an evaluation of Samuel Taylor Cole- ridge's achievements in poetry. "The Newgate Novel, 1830 1847," by Dr. Keith Hollings- worth of Wayne State University, analyzes the works of Bulwer, - Ainsworth, Dickens and Thackeray. Enriching it are illustrations by George Cruikshank, Hablot K. Browne and W. M. Thackeray.