NEW YORK, (JTA) — Fif- teen young followers of the Bratzlaver Rebbe, all of them from Brooklyn, are en route to the Soviet Union to pray at the grave of the Rebbe, in Uman, Ukrainia, where he was buried after his death in 1811. The group, led by Rabbi Zvi Aron Rosenfeld, was given Soviet visas permitting the young Has- sidim to spend four hours in Uman. Nahum ben Simchah of Bratz- lay was the great grandson of Israel Baal Shem Toy, founder of Hassidism, and lived in Bratz- lay. He was the author of many of the tales centered about the teachings of the Baal Shem Tov. After his death, many Has- sidim refused to recognize any other Rebbe, continuing to wor- ship in the name of the Bratz- laver and making pilgrimages to the grave of their teacher. The 15, who left New York by plane, were to change air- craft at Moscow for Kiev, whence they would go by bus to Uman. After their visit to Uman, they were scheduled to go to Israel for five days. Ac- cording to word received by the Brooklyn Hassidim from a descendant of the Brazlaver still living in Ulman, the Bratz- laver's original tombstone was destroyed during World War II, but the site has been traced and a new monument erected there. Doris Faber's 'Behind Headlines' Describes the Role of Newspapers As a reporter for the New York Times, Doris Faber has acquired an experience and the basic training that qualifies her very well to tell the story of newspapers, and she does it ably in "Behind the Headlines," a dramatic account written for teen-agers, published by Pan- theon Books (22 E. 51st, NY22). It is so dramatic a story about the role of editors, correspond- ents and reporters that its in- formative nature makes it a genuine textbook for boys and girls who may aspire to work on newspapers. She begins her story by re- lating how the N. Y. Times' ex- pert, the scholarly William L. Laurence, was called into a private conference, with Arthur Hays Sulzberger, the newspa- per's publisher, by Maj. Gen. Leslie R. Groves, in 1945, to begin preparing the story of the atom bomb. The technique in the prepar- ation of the Laurence story, its notated paperback edition of are facing investigation and A Classic in Paperback A classic worth noting by the two classics and the com- pioneering by man in the next plete text is supplemented by half century. the original John Tenniel illus- "The next 50 to 100 years trations. will see the enormous jungle * * * basin of the Amazon River re- `Secrets Under Antarctica': designed and its forces har- nessed, the mineral wealth of Splendid Science Fiction In "Secrets Under Antarc- the ocean beds as well as the tica," published by Holt, Rine- Antarctic, tapped. "All these things lie in the hart and Winston, (383 Madi- son, NY 17), Gordon R. Dick- living future of the children son, in a well-motivated plot growing up right now. Most of with a 13-year-old boy as the them will live to see these hero, takes his readers on a things happen. It is a fascinat- research undertaking in antarc- ing business to unseal these pos- tica. Robby Hoenig and his sibilities for them through the father are the central figures in medium of science fiction." this undertaking which is de- The adventures on which scribed by the author in this Robby is taken by Gordon By RABBI SAMUEL J. FOX (Copyright, 1963, JTA, Inc.) telling explanation: Dickson in this book makes it Many people regard the num- " 'Secret Under Antarctica' is an outstanding work of science ber 13 as an unlucky number. an exploration of the many un- fiction. It is well illustrated by This superstition has no basis, known areas of this planet that Charles Geer. however, in Jewish tradition. Many good things he Jewish life are in numbers of thirteen, as for example the Thirteen Prin- ciples of Faith and the age of thirteen when a boy becomes Bar-Mitzvah. Some ascribe this superstition to the New Testa- ment event of the Last Supper at which there were thirteen dis- ciples present, one being the traitor who brought about death. Others attribute this supersti- tion to Greek mythology where world's finest quality there is a story of the Valhalla banquet. To this banquet twelve of the gods were invited. Loki, "Rich the spirit of Strife and Mischief, intruded, making thirteen. Then in Balder the favorite of the gods, Polyunsat- was killed. book lovers and those inter- ested in children's books is "The Annotated Alice," by Lewis Carroll, published by World Forum Books (2231 W. 110th, Cleveland 2). It contains "Alice's Adven- tures in Wonderland" and "Through the Looking Glass," with as much annotation as there is text. The introduction and notes are by Martin Gardner. This is the only fully an- The Number 13 Sea-fresh flavor length, its completeness as to detail and scientific accurracy, should serve to encourage news- men in their efforts to be real- istic and accurate. Meanwhile, in the Faber story, we have a view of newsmen and their creativity. From this point her book proceeds to describe the City Room, the gathering of news, the various aspects of news gathering, the presentation of factory and the honoring of secrecy when the nation's se- curity is involved. urates" Doris Faber's "Behind the Packed In pure vegetable oil to bring out Brazilian Feigl Headlines" is a remarkably Israeli Bank Offers the finest flavor and tenderness. fine book. It is informative, Shares to Canadians to Lecture in USSR instructive and in many re- MONTREAL, (JTA) — Cana- RIO DE JANEIRO, (JTA) — spects revealing. dian investors have been of- .■ ••.0•0••••••••••••• ■ 1•••••••••11•••••••••••0•6 Prof. Fritz Feigl, the well- * * * • • fered $2,000,000 in dollar-linked • • • known Brazilian Jewish chem- Creditable Children's Book shares in the Industrial Devel- • • ist, has accepted an invitation AMERICA'S No. I O Viking Press (625 Madison, o p m e n t Bank of Israel, Dr. • • by the Soviet Academy of NY22) has added another most Avraham Neaman, managing di- • 100% PURE • Science to deliver a number of creditable children's book to rector of the bank, revealed • • BEEF PRODUCTS • lectures in Moscow. Feigl is its impressive list of publica- here. The offer has been made • • • president of the Confederation tions with "The Merry Marcos" through the Canadian Israel • • O of Jewish Communities of by Valenti Angelo. Development Co., and a first • • • Brazil. Impressed with children's recol- payment of $500,000 has been • . . . only the finest in taste and • lections in this country and in made. • quality from Kosher Zion . . . • • his native Italy, Angelo here • • made fresh daily in our new, • relates the story of a family of Higher Israel Budget modern, clean, stainless steel • • • • kitchens, under strict U. S. 'entertainers, of a troupe that Submitted to Cabinet • Government inspection and Or- included clowns, that was ac- JERUSALEM, (JTA) — The • • • thodox Rabbinical Supervision. • companied by all the necessary Treasury's draft budget for • • equipment for a carnival, by 1964-65 was presented to the • • U. S. the horses, the bear, the ponies, Cabinet and, while no details • INSPECTED AND PASSED BT • the performing doves. have been divulged, it was un- DEPARTMENT OF • derstood that it would total be- Filled with adventures, the AGRICULTURE • EST. • young readers of this book will tween 3,300,000,000 and 3,400,- • • themselves suddenly dream of 000,000 pounds ($1,100,000,000- • • participation in a thrilling tour $1,130,000,000) or about 500,- • SAUSAGE COMPANY OF CHICAGO CHICAGO 8, ILL,: marked by sunshine, laughter, 000,000 pounds ($167,000,000) Seseeeee•••••se••••se••ss•os•••••os••• ► audience participation. more than the current budget. The warmth of the family The major increase is said to feeling injected in the story, be in the budget for the Minis- the closeness with which the try of Education and no tax in- Marcos are linked in this tale, creases except for the new capi- provides great delight in "The tal gains levy and several lux- Merry Marcos." ury taxes are contemplated. tender, moist meat PILLAR ROCK fancy white • • :KOSHER ZION AMERICA'S LARGEST Chef Boy-Ar-Dee feels that three languages are better than one for saying that his new pizza crust mix is very fast and easy to fix. DOM SELLING BRAND OF IMPORTED BY HENRY LEONARD TASTE WHY! CHEF BOY-AR-DEE® Cheese Pizio • Complete in this one package —now easier and quicker to prepare than ever ! Just add water to the new faster-to-fix mix for a tender, crunchy crust everytime. Rich, true Italian pizza sauce" seasoned with herbs and spices.Topped with choice Italian-style cheeses. Have some soon I , SWISS GRUYERE SLICES AND WEDGES. SWISS KNIGHT puts the tangy big-wheel flavor of Switzerland's finest Gruy- DAILY SERVIcEs.. ere Cheese in handy foil-wrapped slices and wedges. Wonderful for lunch, snacks, or entertaining guests. Pick up SWISS KNIGHT® at your store today! SABBATH EVE MORNING- , "And he accepted the office with such humility!" Copr. 1963, Doyen Productions Imported from ThouneNSwitzerland, by the Gerber Cheese Co., Inc., N.Y. 15—THE DETRO IT JEWISH NEWS—Fri day , D ecember 1 3, 1963 15 Hassidim Enroute to Russia to Visit Grave of Bratzlaver