Fr iday, Nov. 29, 1963 — THE DETROIT JE WISH NEWS — 26 Zionism Is 'Tradition' With Butler, England's New Foreign Secretary By S. J. GOLDSMITH (JTA Correspondent in London) (Copyright, 1963, JTA, Inc.) LONDON—The tradition that the Prime Minister is his own Foreign Secretary, though an- other member of the cabinet occupies the office and gets the salary, has come to an end with the appointment of R. A. Butler to this office. This may be a break of a tem- porary character, but it is a fact that R. A. Butler, who has missed the Premiership by inches, as it were, is in com- plete command of the Foreign Office, the way Curzon and Bal- four used to be before Neville Chamberlain introduced the new system, which was followed by Churchill. Eden and Macmillan. There is something in foreign affairs which fascinates every politician (recent Zionist history bears this out, by the way). And the new Premier, Sir Alec Douglas-Home, is himself a for- mer Foreign Secretary. Never- theless, he no longer has a di- rect say in foreign affairs. As it is, he had great trouble in persuading Butler to join his government. By tacit agreement he renounced any intention to interfere in foreign affairs. It is interesting to have a look at Butler's record in re- gard to the Middle East gener- ally and Israel specifically. as well as at his attitude to Jews and Zionism. They used to say between the wars that the acid test for a British statesman is his atti- tude to Indian independence and to Zionism. I believe it was Lloyd George who had said it. There were some who passed this test on a 50 per cent basis. Churchill, for ex- ample, was a Zionist all his life, but he used to oppose withdrawal from India. On the other hand, Atlee, the Prime Minister, who did withdraw from India, remains hostile to Israel and Zionism. It can be said of Butler that he has passed his test at 100 per cent. He was born in India, understands her spirit and was always in favor of early inde- pendence for the sub-continent. As far as Zionism is concerned, it is a tradition with the Butler family. An uncle of the Foreign Secretary was one of the orig- inal Anglo-Zionists in the days of Oliphant in the 19th century. He had written a book called "Israel." Butler once told me an amus- ing story about it. The leather binding of the book had on its back "Israel" and "Butler"— title and author—in the usual way. Thereupon an anti-Semitic writer, who had caught sight of the book, called him "Israel Butler" in a polemical piece. Another member of the Btit- ler family, Sir Montague, a for- mer Lord Mayor of Cambridge (all the Butlers are Cambridge), helped many Jewish refugees to settle in the famous univer- sity city and to resume their work at the university. It was he who had appointed a Jewish Eshkol Concerned U.S. Appeasing Arabs in UN JERUSALEM, (JTA) — Pre- mier Levi Eshkol called in American Ambassador Wal- worth Barbour to convey what was reported to be Israel's con- cern and misgivings over the changed stand by the United States in the United Nations on the Arab refugee problem. It was assumed that the Pre- mier expressed concern about the possibility that the United States was appeasing the Arabs in its revised formulation of its previously submitted draft to the General Assembly's Special refugee from Germany as medi- cal officer of the place and stuck to his original position in the face of criticism from va- rious quarters. R. A. Butler continues this tradition as a matter of course. He has no racial or religious prejudices whatsoever. Butler was an Anglo-Zionist over a number of years. The Foreign Secretary re- mains an avowed friend of Israel, but Britain's influence in the Middle East is not what it used to be and her hold on the area is flimsy. Experience has shown that a Foreign Sec- retary, or even a Prime Min- ister, cannot always give ex- pression to his personal in- clinations, especially when it comes to Israel. Churchill once remarked that even the Prime Minister cannot always do what he thinks is just and fair and reasonable. He was speaking while he was the holder of this office and was referring to the refusal by the Treasury of a loan to Israel. Butler made his own impact on the Jewish community in Britain through his Education Act. In 1944, Butler, as Minister of Education, framed the legis- lation upon which the present educational system in Britain is based. For the first time in history, this act accords religious minor- ities the right to give their children religious instruction in their own faith in government and municipal schools, or in pri- vate schools enjoying state-aid. Most schools used to be amena- ble to Jews—and Catholics— another minority — daring so even before the Butler Act, but now religious minorities do it as of right, while before 1944 they did it on sufferance. Butler made history by per- sonally addressing the Board of Deputies of British Jews about its provisions. It was for the first time that a senior Minister of the Crown acknowledged the special interests of a minority by addressing its representative body on a matter of legislation. British Jews consider this a milestone in Anglo-Jewish his- tory. One-Time Radio Star Installed as Cantor BRIDGEPORT, Conn., (JTA) —H. Richard Brown, who was installed at weekend services as cantor of Cong. Bnai Israel here, is the Dick Brown of the ABC radio's one-time success "Stop the Music." Brown had been on a radio show of his own and on TV pro- grams. After his marriage in 1957, he decided to follow his father's cantorial tradition and attended Hebrew Union College. He served at Temple Judea in Coral Gables, Fla., before he was called to Bridgeport. His brother Jack, a soloist with the Mitch Miller NBC troupe, sang a portion of the. service. TO THE FAMILIES WHO OWN THE 1,491,395 ELECTRIC APPLIANCES REPAIRED BY EDISON Nearly one million three hundred thousand of your electric appliances were repaired by Edison in 1962 without extra cost to you. About 200,000 more, for which there was some moderate charge, were also repaired. Much of the work was done by experienced Edison people. Also capable handicapped people, employed by Goodwill Industries, supported themselves by repairing 182,000 of the appliances you brought in. 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From their comments it seems to us that Detroit Edison is an exception in providing such services without any extra cost to you. Our Edison service is a broad service. It includes all the items described above, and all the electric energy you need. We like to feel our services are the kind that serve you well, and at a fair and reasonable cost. Sincerely, Political Committee. Co Founder of Exchange - Seixas Nathan, a leading Jewish hanker who lived in New York in the early part of the 19th century, was one of the founders of the New York Stock Exchange in 1817. WALKER L. CISLER, PRESIDENT THE DETROIT EDISON COMPANY