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November 22, 1963 - Image 20

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1963-11-22

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Mark Van Doren, Maurice Samuel
Discuss Bible on TV 'Eternal Light'



(9 n die

William Hordeses Dedicate
Family Playground at MiS

Troth Announced


This Week's Radio and

Television Programs

Time: 8:30 a.m. Sunday.
Station: WWJ-TV.
Feature: "A New Earth," play

by Joseph Mindel.

* * *

Time: 10 p.m. Saturday.
Station: WJLB.
Feature: Carmi Slomovitz,
chairman, will discuss the 31st
Annual Balfour Concert.
* *
,Time: 11:30 p.m. Sunday.
Station: WCAR.
Feature: "The Book in Jewish
Life," a special program in con-
junction with the Jewish Book
Fair, with. Rabbi and Mrs. Jacob
E. Segal and Mrs. Samuel Lin-

"The Psychology of the Bible" is the subject of a conversa-
tion between Mark Van Doren (left) and Maurice Samuel which
will be presented in two parts on Eternal Light television on
Sundays, Nov. 24 and Dec. 1, 1:30 to 2 p.m. The programs will
be the third and fourth in a cycle of eight weekly telecasts
which mark the 13th year on television of the Eternal Light,
produced by the Jewish Theological Seminary of America in
cooperation with the National Broadcasting Company, and
carried by a nation wide network on NBC-TV, Channel. 4.

Garelik Named 1963

Abraham Waronoff, worship-
ful master of Perfection Lodge
F&AM, in his weekly message
to the members, designated Wil-
liam G. Garelik as Man of the
Year of Perfection Lodge for
Garelik is editor- in-chief of
Perfectioneer and is public rela-
tions man for_ Perfection.
In his message, Waronoff
"In the past we had the
pleasure of naming a Man of
the Month in recognition of
service to lodge. This month we
depart from this established
form in one respect. We here-

* * *
Time: 9:15 a.m. Sunday.
- Station: WJBK
(radio and
television simultaneously).
Feature: "Parallel Quest—A
Person and A People in Search,"
@ deals with the Jewish
with author Irma Lind-
Perfection Honoree Fair,
heim and Mrs. Henry Berris
with name the Man of the Year. participating.
* * *
For a fine, and at best precari-
ous undertaking, a job most de-
manding yet least rewarding—
Time: 8:30 a.m. Sunday.
eye - popping, finger - busting,
Station: WXYZ.
back-breaking and head-swim-
Feature: A special broadcast
ming job of putting together from the UAHC Chicago Bien-
an organizational paper; writ- nial Convocation of a new litur-
ing, rewriting, editing and see- gy based on Martin Buber's "I
ing to it that the printer puts it and Thou." Shura Devorine
to bed as wanted and on time— wrote the music to Muriel Ru-
brothers, that is the job for a keyser's words.
saint, or a sinner. We can count
Tuberculosis, greatly diminish-
our lucky stars for Brother
William Bill Garelik, your ed- ed in the last few decades, can
itor, whom I now designate as be completely wiped out with
adequate public support. Christ-
Man of the Year-1963!"
mas Seals fight TB and all res-
Want ads get quick results!
piratory diseases.


Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cogan
of Chicago, Ill., announce the
engagement of their daughter,
Alyce, to Paul Irwin Kampner,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris
Kampner of Pontiac.
The bride-elect is a graduate
of National Teachers College
and is a member of Alpha Epsi-
lon Phi sorority. Her fiance is
an alumnus of the University
of Michigan and received a law
degree from Northwestern Uni-
versity. He is a member of Phi
Alpha Delta legal fraternity. A
December wedding is planned.

Rokeach Offers
Detergent, Cleaner

Rokeach & Sons, Inc. an-
nounced the introduction of its
59th and 60th products to what
is already the world's largest
line of Kosher household and

food products.
Monroe Nash, president of
the 90-year old concern, an-
nounced that Rokeach's new
products—a liquid dish deter-
gent and a liquid all-purpose
cleaner with ammonia—will be
available in retail outlets from
coast-to-coast by Dec. 1.

At impressive ceremonies in
which Mr. and Mrs. William
Hordes participated, the Hordes
Family Playground, funds for
which were contributed by
Hordes in honor of his recent
70th birthday, was dedicated on
Oct. 28 in Mishmar HaYarden,
in Upper Galilee, Israel.
The project Is being estab-
lished on Jewish National Fund
ground. The Keren Kayemeth
(JNF) was represented at the
ceremony by E. Marton, Hanan
R. Yarden and Dr. M. C. Weiler,
personal advisor to the chair-
man of the board of the JNF.
On behalf of the JNF head
office, Dr. Weiler welcomed the
Hordes family who attended the
At the de
ceremony, and emphasized the Mishmar HaYar
significance of their undertaking extreme right
as a contribution towards the returned from =4
development of Mishmar HaYar- left, are their
den, which is an important bor- four Israeli gra
der settlement in Upper Galilee left), Mrs. Morr
where the Hordes' son fought in the proposed pl
the War of Liberation in 1948. indicates that
Upon the unveiling of t h e Hordes, Earl H
temporary plaque by Mr. and Hordes.
Mrs. Hordes, Dr. Reuben Katz-
nelson, an eminent Israeli leader events, concluded
and head of the movement to heheyanu.
combat tuberculosis, a childhood
Planting of t.
friend of Hordes, spoke about the formal c e r
the Hordcses strong ties with Hordes Family T"
Zionism in Israel's upbuilding. first to be estab
Hanan Yarden, chairman of area, will serve
the local council, representatives Mishmar HaYaret
of the Jewish Agency, veterans It will be on
of the Mishmar HaYarden set- dunams and Wit'
tlement and of the Herut move- with all the ne
ment, addressed the gathering. ground material.
Shimon Agin brought greet-
ings on behalf of relatives of the Alpha Nu P
Hordes family.
Plan Games
Yehiel (Herbert) Hordes
Alpha Nu P
greeted his parents on this
Tuesday e
memorable occasion for his meet
Madison Dental
pany, 15888 Wyo
In his reply, William Hordes, night will featu
who was deeply moved by the freshments will




• Cocktails at 8 p. m.

• Refreshments

Donation $1.25 pe Prson.

Yitzhak Ben-Aharon

Member of Knesset



8:30 p.

Morris L. Schaver Auditorium
19161 Schaefer Hwy. -


Miriam Yakobi

Israel's Newest Singing 'Sensation

Borenstein's Book Store

13535 W. 7 Mile Road

Workmen's Circle Building
18340 W. 7 Mile Road

Spitzer's Book Store — 18294 Wyoming

Sholem Aleichem Institute
19350 Greenfield

Dexter-Davison Markets
Oak Park and Wyoming Stores


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