Chicago Law School, ADL Hold Parley on Discrimination, Law France Asked to Ban Sale of Nazi Book PARIS, (JTA) — The French Justice Ministry was asked to LONG BEACH, N.Y., (JTA) In a resolution on the Middle Law school deans and faculty ban the sale of a new pro-Nazi —An appeal to the Soviet gov- East, tht delegates called on members from 14 American uni- book and a plan of supporters ernment to permit a "represen- "the nations of the world to versities and colleges will par- tative, cross-sectional body of safeguard the territorial in- ticipate in a two-day conference of its collaborationist author to American Jewish leaders to tegrity and independence of Is- starting today on the subject hold a public meeting to cele- conduct a free, unfettered and rael, which is the bastion of lib- of "Discrimination and the brate publication of the volume uninhibited fact-finding study of erty in the Middle East." Jewish and non-Jewish organ- Law," it was announced by the the status, welfare and general Rabbi Israel Tabak, of Balti- University of Chicago Law izations joined in the protest conditions of the Jewish citi- more, vice-president of the School and the Anti-Defamation against "The Volunteers" by zens of the USSR" was voiced RZA, hailed the recent state- of Bnai Brith, co-spon- Saint Loup, a notorious wartime by Rabbi Mordecai Kirshblum, ment submitted to the Ecu- League collaborator with the Nazis. The sors of the project. president of the Religious Zion- menical Council which "repudi- book describes the creation of Nicholas deB. Katzenbach, the French Legion of Volun- ists of America. ated the historic falsehood asso- Addressing the organization's ciating the Jews with the story U. S. Deputy Attorney General, teers which fought alongside 54th annual convention, Rabbi of the crucifixion." He said the on leave as a professor of law the Germans on the Russian Kirshblum noted that there statement was a "long-awaited at the University of Chicago, front in World War II. Critics have been many reports of anti- vindication of the innocence of Judge Skelly Wright of the U. S. said the book serves as a prop- Semitic practices in the USSR, the Jew in this theological strug- Court of Appeals for the Dis- aganda vehicle for some of the and that Soviet authorities have gle, and a definite step in the trict of Columbia, and civil worst aspects of Nazi ideology, denied these "accusations of re- direction of mitigating the tra- rights experts in the related particularly its racist doctrines. ligious and cultural genocide." gic incidents of anti-Semitism in fields of sociology economics The Movement Against Ra- Only a fact-finding group, the modern world." Rabbi Mor- and political science will also cism and For Peace issued a take part. . spending a month in the Soviet decai Kirshblum, of New York, public protest against the book's Union without hindrance, he was re-elected president for his publication and urged authori- Pittsburgh Philanthropist said, could report "on the cur- third consecutive term. ties to prevent its circulation. rent situation regarding Russian The National Association of Dr. Joseph Burg, Minister of Makes $250,000 Contribution Jewry objectively and reliably." Social Welfare in Israel, told PITTSBURGH, (JTA) — The Rabbi Kirshblum also con- the convention that "Christian Jewish Home for the Aged at IF YOU TURN THE demned recent demonstra- and Arab citizens of Israel are Pittsburgh has announced a gift tions held by Jewish religious enjoying complete religious free- of $250,000 from Samuel M. zealots in front of the Israeli dom and cultural autonomy in Hyman, Pittsburgh business , UPSIDE DOWN YOU WON'T Consulate in New York. Such their varied spiritual practices. leader, to the Home's recently FIND A FINER WINE THAN demonstrations, he said, were All restrictions on the move- established endowment fund. "shameful." He called on all ment of Arabs in Israel have Hyman stipulated that $150,- Israelis to resolve religious recently been rescinded." 000 of his gift would be paid conflicts peacefully, and to Burg said that "the govern- to the fund when it reached the call on their Government "to ment k Milan Wineries, Detroit, Mich. of Israel is erecting $2,000,000 mark. elevate religious tenets in the schools of all kinds to meet the running of the State." But needs of Arab and Christian such requests, he insisted, "must be made within the children. The government is subsidizing the construction framework of responsible and also of religious institutions for enlightened procedures for Arabs Christians. The stan- the attainment of desired re- dard of and living of Israel's Arabs ligious goals. Violence can are superior to those who only lead to disaster and live far in neighboring Arab coun- shame for all parties con- tries." cerned." T'S".11 Wade,- W' The Israeli Minister also Yitzhak Raphael, Israel's De- that "the Arabs of Israel puty Minister of Health, advo- said are being trained to become cated before the 800 delegates productive and well-adjusted "the setting up of a central rab- citizens of Israel by being of- binic body with binding juris- fered medical, technological diction to resolve all the re- and scientific courses on all ligious-law complications and levels of competence. It is to ramifications which have flown hoped that the second gen- from Israel's rapid growth and be eration Arab will surmount accelerated mode of economic the still lingering prejudice of and social operations." family and become a fully "This body would be accepted his dedicated, hard-working, and and recognized by the govern- understanding citizen of Is- ment of Israel and all Jewish rael." communities throughout the ci- * * * vilized world," he said. "This WASHINGTON (JTA) — The authoritative council would be Women's Organization able to give rulings and advice Mizrachi of America approved a plan at on all crucial legal and religious the annual convention here for questions which confront Jewry a $250,000 project to develop in its attempt to preserve the Mount Gilboa in Israel. fundamental tenets of Judaism." Through the Jewish National He also said that the "exis- the women's religious- tence of such a central body Fund, Zionist organization will build could have prevented the recent a road to first pioneering outbreaks of violence and ex- settlement the the mountain, tremism which have compromis- plant 75,000 on trees and construct ed the position of honor, trust an outdoor recreational and respect that Israel has en- and park, the first of its center kind joyed in the family of nations. in Israel, for use by settlers of Since there is no organized rab- Gilboa. The delegates elected binic body with mandatory Mrs. Eli Resnikoff of Brooklyn, power to help alleviate and N.Y., to a second term as overcome the controversies president. which characterize the relations between the religious and non- religious elements in Israel and Find Officer Who elsewhere, a veritable vacuum exists which can only bring Arrested Anne Frank; about undesirable conflict and Build Trial Case harm to all Jewish communi- Karl Silberbauer, the man ties." who arrested Anne Frank and * * * The Religious Zionists of her family in Amsterdam in America adopted a resolution 1944, has been suspended from appealing to the United Na- his job as a police inspector tions to "express outright op- in Vienna pending an inquiry position to all forms of anti- into his activities under the Semitism and to adopt approp- Nazi regime. An Interior Ministry spokes- riate measures to stamp it out everywhere." In another reso- man said Silberbauer, tracked lution, the delegates called on down as the result of research the Soviet Union to cease dis- by the local Jewish documenta- criminating against its Jew- tion center, admitted he was the ish citizens, and to restore re- German police officer who ar- ligious freedom to the 3,000,- rested the young girl, who died 000. Jews in the USSR. later in a Nazi concentration The delegates urged the camp. United States Congress to "ban Silberbauer was quoted as aid to the Arab states if they saying that • the group of of- continue to exercise hostile acts ficers who made the arrest in- against Israel and world Jewry." cluded "several Dutch plain- The organization appealed to clothes officials." Congress "to relax the harsh He will face trial if investiga- quota system which hinders im- tion establishes that he was re- migration into the United States sponsible for deportation of • from several parts of the world." Jews or other crimes. Former Resistance Fighters, the major non-Jewish organization which includes some of France's leading Gaullist figures, joined the protest. Want ads get quick results! The CARIBE MOTEL PROVIDES YOUR OUT-OF-TOWN GUESTS WITH .. . CONVENIENT LOCATION Woodward near 7 Mile Rd. Minutes away from everything LUXURIOUS ROOMS • Phones • Air Conditioning • Complete Kitchens • Wall-to-Wall Carpeting COMPLETE ACCOMMODATIONS AT NO EXTRA COST • TV and Radio • Parking • Continental Breakfast PHONE TO. 8-2662 Moderate Rates Start at $8.00 19630 Woodward Near 7 Mile Road • BEANS IN TOMATO SAUCE 400% l azzai vast41 74ss 4.u mt, No, they don't come this way. You still have to do a little work. Like opening the can, putting the beans in the pan, heating them. But your reward is instant. Everyone digs in, most of them yell for seconds. And you have two rea- sons to be pleased with yourself. (1) Heinz (strictly) Vegetarian Beans are strictly deli- cious. (2) They're good for people. 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