Friday, Nov. 22, 1963 — THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — 12 United States Rebukes Arab for `Distortions'; Mrs. Meir Makes Another Offer of Direct Negotiations to Arabs (Continued from Page 1) presented by three Moslem friends of the Arab states—Af- ghanistan, Indonesia and Paki- stan. The other had been put in by the United States. Sub- stantially, both resolutions are almost identical. The pro-Arab resolution, however, has one ma- jor point in it that the U.S.A. refused to insert. The pro-Arab draft called for the Palestine Conciliation Commission to take "measures for the protection of property, property rights and interests of the refugees" in Israel. It also directed the PCC to report back by Oct. 15, 1964. The Arabs had dropped their earlier requests for a property custodian; but tried to smuggle in jurisdiction over property in- side Israel in another way. The U.S.A. would not "buy" that idea, one which Israel has al- ways rejected and would con- tinue to reject on the grounds that no outside agency can ex- ercise jurisdiction inside Israel's sovereignty under any pretext. The U.S.A. did not go much further than the pro-Arab draft presented by the Moslems. It too placed most of the reliance on the PCC. Once in its draft the U.S.A. did mention the word "resettlement." But that word came in a paragraph in the reso- lution's preamble—not in the draft's operative clauses. The really important operative clause in the U.S. draft was no dif- ferent than the Moslem-Arab draft. Both relied on a single paragraph of a 1948 Assembly resolution. That paragraph men- tions all the various alternatives for solution of the refugee prob- lem—repatriation, compensation and resettlement. However, the Arabs stress only the first two possibilities — repatriation and compensation. The assumption was that the U.S.A. might also emphasize the third alternative —resettlement. But the U.S.A. did not come up and say so out- right. Nevertheless, there was little doubt that from Israel's point of view, the U.S. draft was preferable. One high rank- ing Israeli said: "We could live with it." Meanwhile, the Arabs contin- ued trying to inject their "Pal- estine Arab" group as a mem- ber. Many fair delegations here saw through their move; the Africans, Latin Americans and West Europeans to whom the Arabs were speaking were not fooled. U.S. Rebukes Leader of 'Palestine Arab Delegation' at UN The United States openly ac- cused Shukairy of making "many misstatements." Israel and other delegations here have fre- quently accused Shukairy of distortions," but the U.S.A. has (0000000006 0 ) © In Kaunas it's ye O LAKSINIAI © In Madrid it's o TALLARIN O But in Detroit it's t. 0 0 000 0 00 ered quite weak by friends of Israel. Shukairy took up the entire Nov. 14 morning meeting of the General Assembly's Special Po- litical Committee, where the Arab refugee problem has been under debate for two weeks, with a long harangue. This time, he directed most of his criticism against the United States, hit- ting at Israel only obliquely. He attacked former President Tru- man, rapped American Ambas- sadors Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. and Adlai E. Stevenson, ac- cused the U.S.A. of being "dis- honest" on Israel and the Arab refugee question, called upon the U.S.A. to resign from the Palestine Conciliation Commis- sion. USSR Again Backs Arabs When Shukairy had finished his two-and-a-half-hour speech, Mercer Cook, U.S. representa- tive in the committee, told the group in 30 seconds he would not "dignify" Shukairy's remarks with a formal answer because the speaker had made "many misstatements" and had indulged in "personal insults and abuse." Shukairy, he said, "had been insulting to the in- telligence of the committee and its members." Further- more, Cook said, Shukairy had done "no service to the Pal- estine refugees for whom American people have so much respect and sympathy." A behind-the-scenes move was under way to frame a resolu- tion calling on Israel and the Arab states to undertake peace negotiations. At least 21 mem- bers were expected to sponsor that resolution; among these would be the West Europeans, Latin Americans and Africans. Laurence V. • Michelmore, deputy director of personnel for the United Nations since 1959, and a top fiscal and administrative aide her e since 1946, was appointed Com- missioner-G e n e r a 1 of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East. the post five years, effective Dec. 31. Like Dr. Davis and all the other preceding UNDWA heads, Michelmore is an American. The U.S.A. pays 70 per cent of UNRWA's costs, having spent on that task about a half billion dollars since 1950. The UNRWA, , with more than 1,200,000 per- sons on its official registration rolls, employs 11,789 persons, of whom all but about 150 are themselves Arab refugees. The United States, which introduced a draft resolution in the General Assembly's Spe- cial Political Committee deal- ing with the Arab • refugee question, is watering down its own weak draft further under pressure of the Arab mem- bers. The U.S. delegation changed its course after Anton Atalla, Foreign Minister of Jordan, threatened vigorously that the Arab states will positively vote against the early American draft which had already been consid- loyal citizens of Israel but will anyone expect Israel to do what try to destroy it from within." he would not have his own gov- She asked the delegates: "Can ernment do?" The Soviet Union told the General Assembly's Special Po- litical Committee today that "the only correct solution" to the Arab refugee problem is the "repatriation" of all the refu- gees who wish to go to Israel to be permitted to "return" to their "homeland" and pay com- pensation to those not going back. Ambassador Mikhail Menshi- kov, representing the Soviet Union in the committee, de- clared that the "right" of the refugees to go back to what he called "their homeland" could not be doubted or ignored. 0. P. Gabites, the New Zea- land representative in the Political Committee, told the 111-member group that no peace settlement between the Arabs and the Israelis could be imposed. He called for direct Arab-Israel negotia- tions "in suitable circum- stances and under appropriate auspices." The New Zealand address was the first breath of fresh air in the Commit- tee which, for a day and a half, has been listening to ad- dresses directed against Is- rael by a long string of Mos- lem and other pro-Arab dele- gations including those of Pakistan, Algeria, Morocco, Mauretania, Iraq, Libya and Lebanon. Have Kasha instead of potatoes to fight MAN, THAT'S A DISH! . FREE KASHA COOKBOOK EASY New recipes and menu ideas for modern meals TO and entertaining with Kasha. Address request SERVE! to: Phyllis Wolff,,Penn Yan, New York • Sea fresh flavor tender, moist meat world's finest quality PILLAR ROCK fancy white UNA Pecked In pure vegetable oil to bring out "Rich in Polyunsat- ••urates" the finest flavor and tenderness. The statement by Gabites seemed particularly significant, since it followed . a long speech by Lebanon's Ambassador Georges Hakim who rejected in advance any possible resolution that may be presented calling for direct Arab-Israel peace talks. Addressing the Special UN Political Committee, Mrs. Golda Meir, Israel Foreign Minister, said Israel is "will- ing to negotiate directly with the Arab governments con- cerned on the refugee prob- •lem itself in order to reach an The new UNDWA chief suc- agreed solution, since we are anxious to see this humani- ceeds Dr. John H. Davis, who has resigned, after serving in tarian problem solved." The revised U.S. draft will call upon the Palestine Concilia- n- A% tion Commission to intensify its E efforts to implement Paragraph II of a 1948 Assembly resolution which calls for "repatriation" of the refugees into Israel or their compensation. The third alterna- tive solution to the refugee prob- lem involving resettlement of the refugees in Arab countries and their integration into the. Arab Middle East economy, will be entirely ignored in the re- vised U.S. draft. O NOODLES avoided characterizing Shu- kairy's many diatribes. Mrs. Meir confirmed that the UN Palestine Conciliation Com- mission has carried on talks with the Israel government in an effort to explore solution of the refugee problem "without preconditions as to the nature of the eventual solution of the problem." The PCC announced two weeks ago that such "quiet talks" had been pursued on be- half of the PCC by the United States, which had approached "high level" leaders of both Israel and the Arab States. The Arab delegations here denied that such conversations had been held "without preconditions." Mrs. Meir spoke to the com- mittee after 54 speeches had been delhiered by the Arab spokesmen during 11 successive sessions. She accused the Arabs of deliberate "distortion" of the entire refugee problem, misread- ing of the history of the Jewish people and Zionism, and a desire to bring all the so-called refu- gees back into Israel, aiming solely at the destruction of Israel. Mrs. Meir told the committee that no government would do what the Arab countries were asking Israel to do, which was to "open its doors to people who declare that they are entering to destroy it from within, aided by armies of hostile countries on all sides." Noting that "the Arab thesis appears to be that Israel has no right to exist and must be destroyed," she said that "if the Arab refugees are re- patriated, they will not become See and taste how oodles of rea:1 onion flavor makes these snap.. apart matzohs a welcome change from bread . . . go hand-in-hand with soups, fish, main dishes! The snack stb. preme . . . gives new life and delicate zest to dips and spreads. Onion flavor does it! AMERICA'S LARGEST SELLING BRAND OF IMPORTED SWISS GRUYERE SLICES AND WEDGES. TASTE WHY! SWISS KNIGHT puts the tangy big-wheel flavor of Switzerland's finest Gruy• ere Cheese in handy foil-wrapped slices and wedges. Wonderful for lunch, snacks, or entertaining guests. 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