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November 22, 1963 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1963-11-22

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Friday, Nov. 22, 1963 — THE DE TROIT JE WISH NEW S — 10

Rabbi Eisendrath Makes Bid for Revised
Jewish View of Jesus at UAHC Parley

CHICAGO, (JTA)—Dr. Mau- celebrating its 90th anniversary,
rice N. Eisendrath, president and the National Federation of
of the Union of American He- Temple Sisterhoods, observing
brew Congregations, advised its 50th anniversary. Four
Jewry to re-assess and revise its thousand lay and rabbinical rep-
attitude toward Jesus and to resentatives from 650 Reform
interpret Jesus "as a positive temples in North and Central
and prophetic spirit in the America attended the session.
Jewish tradition."
In his address. Dr. Eisendrath
Addressing the 47th biannual also warned that failure of
convention of the Reform or- American Jews to act "con-
ganization, Dr. Eisendrath re- cretely" in support of the
ferred to the fact that the Cath- Negro drive for equal rights
olic Church's Ecumenical Coun- would endanger the position of
cil at the Vatican has now American Jewry.
Dr. Eisendrath proposed that
begun to debate a decree con-
demning anti-Semitism and the UAHC adopt a course of
clearing the Jews of guilt for action to assure freedom of re-
the crucifixion of Jesus. But, ligion for all groups in the
he said, "inter-religious under- State of Israel, especially pro-
standing, based on mutual re- gressive Judaism; get large Re-
spect, is not a one-way street." form congregations to subsidize
He deplored the fact that the needs of existing Liberal
some Jewish scholars have min- congregational groups in Israel;
imized the significance of Jesus intensify efforts to aid the
by pointing to the Jewish or- Negro in his drive to attain
igins of Jesus' teachings. Later
Hebrew prophets, whose works Indicted in Georgia
are exalted by Jewish scholars,
had also based their teachings
on the doctrines propounded by
earlier prophets, he stated.
"How long," he asked, "shall
we continue ponmously to aver
that the chief contribution of
Jesus was simply a rehash of all
that has been said before by
his Jewish ancestors? How long
before we can admit that His
influence was a beneficial one
— not only to the pagans but
to the Jews of his time as well,
and that only those who later
took His name in vain profane
His teaching?"
"Needless to say, Jews never
can and never will accept Jesus
as the Messiah or as the Son of
God," he stated. "But, despite
this constant reality, there is
room for improved understand-
ing and openness to change in
interpreting Jesus as a positive
and prophetic spirit in the
stream of the Jewish tradition."
He urged Jewish scholars to
examine "our own statements,
Joni Rabinowitz, 21, of New
our own facts, our own inter- Rochelle, N.Y., who was in-
pretations of the significance dicted for perjury after telling
of the life of Jesus, the Jew."
a Grand Jury she was not pres-
At.the UAHC session on Mon- ent at any of the Negro pick-
day, charges were voiced by a eting that eventually led to
Protestant theologian and by a the closing of an Albany, Ga.,
rabbi that church and syna- grocery store, leaves Federal
gogue membership are often ex- Court in Macon, Ga., with her
panded at the expense of basic father and chief attorney, Vic-
standards, and that leaders of tor Rabinowitz. Carl Smith,
both Christian churches and owner of the store, insisted that
synagogues are chosen chiefly Miss Rabinowitz was at the
from among socially and eco- scene
when his store was the
nomically prominent members.
target of a racial boycott, al-
These criticisms were made by legedly
retalliation for his
Dr. Franklin H. Littell, profes- action in
as a juror in a civil
sor of church history at the
University of Chicago and the rights case.
Chicago Theological Seminary,
and. Rabbi Albert S. Goldstein, Itzik Manger, Yiddish Poet,
of Temple Oh a v e i Shalom, Awarded Prize by
Culture Congress
Brookline, Mass.
The United States Govern-
ment was urged by Rabbi Eisen- Manger, the well-known Yid-
drath "to do all within its dish poet, was recently awarded
power to improve the plight of the $1,000 H. Leivick Prize by
Russian Jewry." He pledged the Congress for Jewish Culture.
that the Reform movement in Mr. Manger's poetry has been
this country would cooperate published in Yiddish books and
with all other Jewish agencies magazines and translated into
in the United States "to ac- numerous other languages since
complish this goal."
his first work in 1929. The prize
Dr. Eisendrath made his plea was awarded on the occasion
at a joint session of the UAHC, of the first anniversary of Lei-
vick's death.




Antisyphilitic Researcher
Arthur Solomon Loevenhart,
one of the leading American
pharmacologists at the turn of
the century, was a pioneer In
esearch on antisyphilitic drugs.

44 k€

equality of opportunity; adopt
standards of knowledge and
commitment for Reform Jewish
congregational leadership; es-
tablish a commission on the
Jewish arts, to explore the
many ways in which Reform
Judaism may express itself
more beautifully and complete-
ly through all art forms and
media; and form a study group
to re-evaluate Reform Juda-
ism's present stance with regard
to worship, ritual and cere-

A survey to determine the
attitudes of Reform Jews
toward worship practices in
the synagogue, has been ini-
tiated by the UAW, it was
reported at the Assembly.
The study will probe the bene-
fits and values of group prayer
at Temple services. This will be
the first time that any Jewish
group has conducted such a
scientific research program in
depth to try to fathom the role
of worship in modern life.

Israel Envoy in Brazil
Carmel Wine Co.'s U.S. im-
ports from Israel in 1963 have
Reports on Training
increased by 25% over last year.
of Latin Americans
SAO PAULO, (JTA) — Israel
is training 88 Latin American
students now, and is planning
further courses for students
from this continent in 1964,
Arieh Eshel, Israel's _Ambassa-
dor to Brazil, reported to the
On New or Existing Homes
Inter-American Economic and
Social Council.
Phone Us Today
Working in conjunction with
the Organization of American
States, he said, Israel was doing
all it could to contribute to
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915 First National Bldg., Det. 26
"the progress and advancement
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of our friends in this continent."





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