THE JEWISH NEWS - - - Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 GUI LDIN4 INE JEWISH COMMUNITY IN tad.. Member American Association of English—Jewish Ne.vspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. .PubLished every Friday. by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35, Mich., VE 8-9364. Subscription $6 a year. Foreign $7. Second Class Postage Paid At Detroit, Michigan • PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher WELTAn Wt4)1 CARM! M. SLOMOVITZ SIDNEY SHMARAK HARVEY ZUCKERBERG Business Manager Advertising Manager utwod. PkesEmet.v ov -rfle totmut. of J 0140: City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the twenty-ninth day of Heshvan, 5724, the following Scriptural selections Will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion: Gen. 25:19-28.9. Prophetical portion: I Samuel 20:18-42. Licht Benshen, Friday, Nov. 15, 4:53 p.m. VOL. XLIV. No. 12 Page Four November 15, 1963 An End to Violence in Jerusalem Israel's Prime Minister Levi Eshkol deserves commendation for the firmness with which he has insisted that his gov- ernment "will not permit violence to rule in the streets of Jerusalem." Already working under handicaps be- cause of the coalition that makes the religious party a group seriously to be contended with in Israel, due to cabinet coalition condition, the Israeli govern- ment has added problems resulting frOm the traffic on the Sabbath at the Mandel- baum Gate on the Jordanian border. Be- cause it is also on the border of Mea Shearim where the ultra-religious group resides in Israel, the issue has become even more desperately aggravated. There were suggestions for the reset- tlement of the 250 families living in that area, but Rabbi Isaiah Sheinberger, a leader of the Neturei .Karta, the extreme element, replied: "The Arabs did not drive us out and neither will Eshkol. Here we have lived for five generations and here we will stay." In a sense, this is an amazing state- ment, because the Neturei Karta are so violently anti-Zionist that they are said not to have recognized Israel. In that sense they are like the Arabs. * * * But much more puzzling is the fact that a group so religious as the Neturei Karta, in its objections to the Sabbath violations, in its own way condoned Sab- bath-breaking by permitting stone-throw- ing on the Sabbath at cars traveling through their area, and by resorting to violence in the course of registering pro- tests against tourists and others, many of whom were foreign emissaries who trav- eled through the area on to Jordan by way of the Mandelbaum Gate—the only entrance to Jordan from Israel. The Neturei Karta and others who may have subscribed to their tactics were not the only ones who created trouble. There were counter-attacks by stick-carry- ing demorstrators representing t h e League for the Abolition of Religious Coercion, and the Israeli Prime Minister was correct in his condemnations both of the extreme orthodox offenders of peace and the truncheon-swinging abolitionists. and at public gatherings, the attacks by the demonstrators on the UJA and on Zionist leadership, the swastika smearing outrage, are indications both of a lack of wisdom on the part of the protesting groups and a failure on the part of their leaders to differentiate between common decency and their blind piety. It is one thing to plead for sanctity for the Sabbath and for Jewish traditions, and an entirely different matter to incite to riot and to ask Jews to abandon their kinsmen by hurling false charges against the UJA and Zionism. It may become more difficult to com- plain about young swastika-smearing Ger- mans when our own deluded youth resort to such disgraceful tactics. The abuses to which our American Jewish extremists resorted to hardly aid their cause. It be- comes a lost cause for them. Apparently there were more misguided zealots in New York than there were in Jerusalem. In both instances there must be a return to reason and a resumption of normal negotiations for amicable liv- ing. Abnormality as expressed in violence is harmful to our entire people and must never be condoned. The YES Vote Because we shall no doubt face the issue again and again, we must take into account seriously the factors that were involved in the special election last week on the school millage tax. Deplorable obstacles have been placed in the path of our educators. Restricted by lack of funds, there has been a reduc- tion in the standards of our teaching system and school affairs have been reduced. Instead of encouraging our young people to enter the teaching profes- sion, the emerging difficulties and the indifference, that dominated the think- ing of many of our citizens served to drive many of them out of our school system, and a number of veterans on our teaching staffs left for other callings. It is a source of deep regret that our population had not learned the full sig- It is most unfortunate that this issue nificance of the call for a voluntary ac- should have arisen. Extremism is never ceptance of a tax for the advancement of helpful, and resort to violence does not our school system. It took a great deal of contribute to amity. Sabbath observance campaigning at last to induce Detroiters is not elevated to the high degree of to provide a majority vote in favor of the spirituality it merits by stone-throwing, continuation of the millage. and defense of the right of those who Now there are new rumors: "It was refuse to be coerced does not acquire only the beginning and we'll be asked dignity by resort to the same tactics as for more and more," the panic-creators those who may be doing the coercing. are saying in order to stir up suspicions. To Israel's credit let it be said that Let it be understood: once we weaken there are moderates in all ranks, that re- our school system, we approach suicidal sponsible religious leaders as well as stages for our communal structure. If government officials seek a solution there is to be improvement in the rela- through rational approaches. Apparently tionships among all elements of our the road to the Mandelbaum Gate can people, it must be attained through a not be shut, and those residing in that high-leveled scholastic approach. Once . we area can not be moved. Therefore, what- reduce our schools to the barest minimum ever the compromise proposed by the of instruction, we strike a blow at our Sephardic Chief Rabbi, Israel's honor will very security. not be besmirched much longer. The Is- So — •let us, while acclaiming the raelis are on the road to finding a proper proper vote at last week's election, also solution to a sadly-aggravated problem join in admonishing our people that if created by instigators of violence who and when there will be need for more stand condemned no matter what quarter taxes for our schools, it should be consid- they may hail from. ered the first and the major obligation of all serious minded citizens. Good The extension of protests to New schools can give us good citizens; a weak- York, the demonstrations that were con- ened educational system will mean a ducted in front of the Israel Consulate weakening of our democratic standards. 'Time of Arrival' Essays by Dan Jacobson Dan Jacobson is one of the most brilliant of the South African young Jewish writers, most of whom have settled in England, especially since the increase in racial tensions there and the resulting battles over apartheid. Jacobson's "The Price of Diamonds," "The Evidence of Love," "A Dance in the Sun" and other works have attracted wide atten- tion. His newest work, a collection of essays, has just been pub- lished by Macmillan under the title "Time of Arrival." There is such a wide variety of material in this collection, devoted to the race issue, to Israel and Zionism, to writers and writing, that "Time of Arrival" emerges at once as one of Jacobson's truly impressive works. Four of the essays deal with the South African problem, and there is an additional article, "James Baldwin and the American Negro," dedicated to the race issue. The young author is confident. "Whatever way the country goes," he writes about his native South Africa, "it will not, in the end, go the way the Afrikaner Nationalists want it to go. People hear much of the crises in South Africa; they do not hear of the indifference there is in South Africa, the lethargy, the greed. But as surely as the forces of enlightenment, compassion and justice, these human failings or weaknesses, too, are working against the goverrunent. And this should cause us no surprise. To deny full humanity to others is to make the attempt to deny it—in all its strengths and weaknesses—to oneself. Proudly, boastfully, the attempt is being made in South Africa, as it has been made a thousand times before in a thousand different places; miserably, squalidly, painfully, it is going to fail, as it always failed before." In relation to the Jews in South Africa, Jacobson asserts that "successive Nationalist Governments, including Dr. Verwoerd's, have tried to be scrupulously correct in their attitude towards the South African Jewish community." . There is an interesting evaluation of the minds of the Afri• kaner Nationalists who, according to Jacobson, "compared with the Nazis of Germany, or the Stalinists of Russia . . . are mere beginners, bunglers, lazybones, lovers of the easy life . . ." One of Jacobson's essays is devoted to "The Great man: A Memoir of Jabotinsky," in which the Revisionist Zionist leader, Vladimir Jabotinsky visited in his parents' home in Kimberley. It is an interesting character study in which Jacobson points out that "the worst that Jabotinsky had prophesied for Europe had come about; the wars he had anticipated in Palestine had been fought—and won. The State, for whose realization he had expended his life, was in existence . . ." His description of the Zion he revisited is, in the main, a tribute to Israel and to the Israelis about whom he declares: 'The wonder is not merely that in spite of the population having tripled within the last ten years living conditions are now so much less harsh than they were; nor merely that in spite of the unabated hostility of the Arab world there is much greater confidence than ever before that Israel will survive, and survive in strength; nor merely that as a result of the greater physical comfort and greater security, the manners of the people have so much im- proved, have become so much more relaxed and casual that it is compartively (though not absolutely) pleasurable to drive in a car down Allenby Street—the wonder is something of which these are all parts, and yet that is greater than any single one of them. What most arouses one's wonder is the sense one has of a constant, unending struggle in Israel to keep up standards, and even more, to find out what the best standards for the country really are." The essay on Franz Kafka ("A Voice from the Burrow") and Kafka's "Jewishness" is among the especially interesting portions of this book. The essays about novels and writers are impressive. There is a personal note in the opening essay, "Time of Arrival":• "In England, it became clear to me that, through England, I wanted to escape from the ironies, ambiguities and humiliations of my own position as a Jew, as a white South African, as a `colonial,' as a young man who didn't know what to do with his life." The positive attainment in his aspirations is evident, but the background is never overlooked or forgotten, as in the des- cription of the Mosleyites' demonstrations against Jews in London, the evaluation of the London East End, the Yiddish language and the merchandising of ceremonial objects. "Time of Arrival" enhances Jacobson's works. It is a creditable collection of essays.