Friday, Nov. 15, 1963 -- THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — 34 Moshe Peariman's 'Capture and Trial of Eichmann' Incorporates Many New Details Hitherto Unpublished About Historic Case Moshe Pearlman is one of Israel's most dinstinguished per- sonalities, although he no long- er is in government service. Born in England, he served in the - British army during the last war, went to Palestine where he joined the Haganah, helped in rescue operations of Jews from Central Europe and the Balkans, served in the Is- rael army during the War of Liberation, then became direc- tor of Israel's information serv- ices and Prime Minister Ben- in the acts of pursuing his crimes. In the selection of the evi- dence as presented during the Eichmann trial, Pearlman has incorporated in his book m any of the noteworthy incidents of Jewish martyrdom resulting from German cruelties. There are many answers here, in the evidence presented, of resistance. Those who have made an issue of lack of Jew- ish resistance will find in Pearl- man's book eye-witness accounts of rebellious action, of Jews re- fusing to yield, of the craving for escape and the success on the part of many who eluded the enemy and lived to testify at the trial of the mass mur- derer. Canada Validates DP Camp Divorce TORONTO, (JTA) — The On-. in Italy was valid for Canadian tario Court of Appeals ruled residents. that a Jewish religious divorce The effect of the ruling, in obtained in a postwar DP camp which the court reversed its The cross-examination, the ity, thereby offering the nec- Chief Justice, J. C. McRuer, questions from the bench, the essary evidence against the was to declare that Hava Ungar of Toronto was still married to efforts on behalf of the accused Nazi regime. by his attorney, Robert Serva- There are full accounts of Abraham Schwebel, her second tius, are part of the recapitula- what happened at Auschwitz husband. tion that forms the basis for Schwebel married the woman and other extermination camps. this book. after she received a "get" from Pearlman's offers a full ac- The story also tells of the Joseph Waktor. However, Wak- count of the judgment, the ver- tor applied to have the mar- role of the former Jerusalem dict by the judges as well as riage to Schwebel annulled on Mufti in the Nazi crimes, of Eichmann's speech. His book grounds that such divorces the parts played by major contains the full text of the were not recognized in Canada. German officials who were responsible for the holocaust. indictment, translated from He- Waktor was upheld several brew. This volume is a valuable ad- months ago in the ruling of dendum to Shirer's and other In all its gory details, Pearl- Chief Justice McRuer. The Ap- historical reviews of the Hit- man's "The Capture and Trial peals Court, in reversing that ler . era — not only because of of Adolf Eichmann" is an his- judgment, held that, since Wak- the near-completeness of the toric account. It helps the his- tor and the woman were en Eichmann case depicted here, torian in keeping the record route to Israel while in the DP but because Hoess, Wisliceny, complete on one of humanity's camp, their _place of domicile Heydrich and others of their most tragic court cases. was Israel, and Israeli divorces ilk emerge in all their brutal- —P. S. are recognized in Canada. \ TO THE 1,185,000 FAMILIES SERVED BY DETROIT EDISON MOSHE PEARLMAN —A Drawing by Vicky, Well Known London News Chronicle Artist Gurion's adviser on public af- fairs. Now a Jerusalemite, he is the author of four important books. He resumed his writing career in 1960 and his latest work, "The Capture and Trial of Adolf Eichmann," just pub- lished by Simon and Schuster, may well emerge as the most authoritative on the subject. Pearlman has made a deep study of the Eichmann case. Even before the capture of the arch-Nazi in 1960, he had al- ready gathered material of greatest importance to the case. In this impressive and vol- uminous account, Pearlman be- gins with "Prelude to. Capture," and describes how the captors detected that the man who posed as Ricardo Klement in the San Fernando suburb of Buenos Aires really was Eich- mann. Details of the capture are accompanied by a full ac- count of the chase for the mass murderer. Details about the man on the run, his eluding the pur- suers, the resumption of the chase, the eventual capture are filled with dramatic oc- curences that had not been reported previously. Pearlman earlier had written a book, "The Capture of Eich- mann," which commenced his narrative continued in the new- est book. He is factual, the great reporter who knows how to gather facts, the historian who understands the signifi- cance of perpetuating data about the world's arch-criminal who was part of the most cruel elements of destruction in man- kind's history Many books have been writ- ten on the Eichmann case, but it is doubtful whether, for his- torical purposes, any one of the previous ones begins to match this one in completeness, in the thoroughness with which the facts have been gathered for the record. Introducing the readers to the historic courtroom, Pearl- man reviews the preliminary arguments, devotes space to an analysis of the crime for which Eichmann was being tried and portrays the crim- inal, as he was seen by his friends and colleagues, as he was analyzed while he was The electric appliances you have in your homes are a part of your way of living. Some electrical uses are so important that it is hard to imagine being without them. Light bulbs, radios and refrigerators come quickly to mind as examples of what I mean. Just a few years ago, television swept into our homes to add another enriching page to daily living. Edison was among the very first. Detroit-area sponsors of a TV program because--firm believers in the merit of this new elec- trical device—we were eager to support and encourage this young struggling industry. To tell you factually about worthwhile, new electrical uses has always been, I feel, a responsibility. We are in a position to know about them more quickly and more thoroughly than most other people. What of electric heat, one of the newest? There is no finer home heating system. In degree of comfort achieved, in convenience, in adaptability to diverse living habits, electric heat is unexcelled. The family which enjoys electric heat receives full value for its cost. As for the costs, last month we announced a new all electric residential rate for those Edison customers who heat electrically and who use only electric appliances in their homes. The net result of the new rate is a lower average unit cost for electrical service for this particular kind of home. It is always pleasant to announce a decrease in cost of electric service, especially so when the saving is substantial, as in this case. This lower rate is evidence of our desire to provide you with the best possible service at the lowest possible cost. This is our constant purpose. - Sincerely, WALKER L. CISLER, PRESIDENT THE DETROIT EDISON COMPANY