Friday, November 8, 1963—THE DETROIT JEWISH NEW S-32 Ecumenical Council Expected to 'Speak on Jews' it must contribute to care for it." Summarizing the substance of the requests received by the Secretariat for the adoption by the Ecumenical Council of such a statement, Msgr. Osterreicher said the statement should in- clude: 1. A declaration that the history of the Church started with the patriarch and proph- et and that the Church is deeply rooted in the Old Tes- tament which is a continu- ation of ancient Israel. The main distinction of the Church outlook is that it embraces all humanity and it is "im- possible" to forget the fact that it was Jewish expecta- tions which Jesus came to fulfill. 2.. It should point out that it is unjust to charge one peo- ple with guilt which is that of all humanity's, a reference to the crucifixion of Jesus. 3. The Church must con- By JULIO DRESNER Jewish Telegraphic Agency Correspondent in Rome ROME, (JTA)—A high Vati- can official told a press confer- ence that it would be a "heavy disappointment" to the world and "most tragic" if the current session of the Ecumenical Coun- cil did not adopt a statement on Catholic - Jewish relations condemning anti-Jewish perse- cutions and absolving the Jews from guilt for the crucifixion of Jesus. He added that the Council "will speak on Jews." The official, Msgr. John Os- terreicher — a consultant mem- ber of the Vatican's Secretariat for Christian Unity — disclosed that the Secretariat was receiv- ing messages "from all sides" urging issuance of such a state- ment. He said that the Council would speak not only for the sake of the Jews but also for the sake of the Catholic Church because "the .Church has a com- mon heredity with the Jews and 04MI....40 ■11.4■0■101.0 ■0•NIM.0.1.* 4,1111.1•0■0111111•0■10■04■0■1 Boris Smolar's 'Between You ... and Me' (Copyright, 1963, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Progress Report Inc.) tribute to the reparation of injustices a n d persecution done to the Jews in which so many Christians participated through silence or inaction. This was necessary to prevent similar horrors in the future. Broadly, Msgr. Osterreicher stated, the Church could con- demn any manifestation of hatred and any persecution against Jews, though such condemnation might be ex- pressed also in more general ways in other conclusions of the Vatican Council. The Vatican official said that fears that Arabs might consider such a statement as taking sides in the Arab-Israel antagonisms were not justified, or at least were exaggerated, because the Council would not under any circumstances touch the politi- cal field. In any case, he de- clared, "the real wisdom is now to speak, whether it is oppor- tune or inopportune," and in fact, "the Council will speak." He stated that Protestants had made more progress in ap- proaches to the Jews and to do likewise had become necessary to the Catholic Church from the ecumenical point of view. A re- juvenation of the Church, he added, requires a change in its attitude toward Jews. The Vati- can official pointed out that two Council Fathers — Msgr. Seper of Yugoslavia and Bishop Zeneodevrod of Holland — had asked the Council to vote on the subject of Catholic-Jewish relations. The latter, in his ap- peal, had recalled the time link- ing the Church with the "peo- ple of those faithful loved by God, the God of their Fathers." Replying to reporters' ques- tions about the timing of the statement, he said he could not answer but that when it was accomplished, he hoped that public opinion all over the world would greet it. Another question was whether the topic of relations between the Church and Jews would remain within the province of the Secretariat for Christian Unity or be turned over to a future Secretariat for non-Christian Religions. He said that Pope Paul wanted the pres- ent Secretariat to continue to handle the matter on grounds that the Jewish religion was a biblical one and, therefore, did not belong with other non- Christian religions. The Israel Bond campaign is meeting this year with unprece- dented success . . . The campaign is already 25 per cent ahead of last year's, and there is no question that before the year is over the sale of Israeli bonds will reach a height never before known in the entire history of the bond drive .. . It may exceed $65,000,000 by the end of 1963 . . . This, despite the fact that people and institutions have been buying Israeli bonds for years . . . As matters indicate now, it seems that there will never be a saturation point in the acquisition of Israeli bonds . . . Dr. Joseph J. Schwartz, executive head of the Israel Bond Organiza- tion, finds every year new avenues for sale of the bonds . . . This year his unprecedented success can be explained to a great extent by the fact that he discovered a way of selling the bonds to pension funds, labor unions, banks and insurance companies . . . He has brought his work to a point where the confidence in the Israeli bands extends beyond Jewish investors now .. . The bonds have become a solid investment for anybody, especially since Israel is now redeeming its first issue . . . The redemption is having a great effect in increasing confidence in Israel and is stimulating the acquisition of new Israeli bonds . . . Proceeds from a high proportion of redeemed bonds are being immediately reinvested, and this too contributed to the rise in the sale of bonds this year . . . The Jewish community in this country is recognizing the Israel bond campaign as part and parcel of its permanent effort, and does the best for it . . . Dr. Schwartz is now preparing to announce soon that a new bond issue—to be known as the Third Development Issue—will be launched in March next year . . It will be for the amount of $400,000,000 to be sold over a period of five years . . . The new bonds will consist of 12-year savings bonds and 15-year coupon bonds paying interest at the rate of four per cent . .. The savings bonds would be redeemed after 12 years at the rate of 160 per cent of the issued amount . . . Several changes will be made in the new bond issue . . . One provision will be that the new bonds cannot be used for philan- TEL AVIV, (JTA)—Israel re- thropic ptirposes at least for two years after they have been purchased .. . Another provision will require that conversion of leased two vessels captured by the bonds into shares in business enterprises should not be the coast guard, one a Lebanese schooner with two Lebanese effected for a period of five years after buying the bonds. and four Syrians aboard, inter- cepted in Israeli waters while Novel Idea Much criticism has been heard during the last few years en route from Gaza to Lebanon, about the lavish Bar Mitzvah celebrations in this country and the and the other fishing boat with fact that most of them are very far from conveying the real four Arabs aboard found in Is- significance of Bar Mitzvah . . . An important occasion marking raeli waters off Ashkelon. The two Lebanese and the the transition from childhood to maturity, the Bar Mitzvah, as celebrated in the United States today, seems to have no connection four Arabs aboard the fishing with the beginning of a commitment to Jewish life . . . The vessel were released with the youngster feels that he has achieved the goal of his Jewish educa- boats but Israel was holding the tion with the Bar Mitzvah ceremony and does not need to go on four Syrians pending the re- . . . Regrettably, many parents feel the same way . . . They do lease of Israelis being held by not provide the atmosphere which will lead their children to an Syria. interest in further Jewish education . .. The Jewish Agency has - The schooner was initially in- therefore initiated a National Bar Mitzvah Club the purpose of tercepted by an Israeli sub- which is to enhance the spiritual meaning of the Bar Mitzvah marine and was towed by a ceremony . . The club has a program which starts with the Bar cutter into Haifa port where its Mitzvah celebration itself ... The program is designed to stimulate crew was held for questioning. in the youngster a desire to learn more about his Jewish heritage Later the same day, radar and to bring him for a visit to Israel as a prelude to a lifelong picked up the presence of a commitment with the Jewish people . . . It encourages gifts and fishing vessel in Israeli terri- saving during the membership years and culminates in the study torial waters off Ashkelon and tour to Israel when the member reaches the age of 16 . . . The that - boat also was towed to three-year program—intended for boys and girls of Bar Mitzvah, Haifa. Bat Mitzvah and confirmation age—begins as soon as the boy or Officials here said that Israel girl has officially been enrolled during the 13th year of age . . . would return the four Syrian He or she rereived a gold pin membership and an inscribed seamen to Israel only if the membership certificate . They also begin to receive a newsletter Syrians returned three Israelis from Israel three times per year as well as a birthday present seized by the Syrians on Lake each year until the trip itself . . . Through the National Bar Mitz- Tiberias last July and still held vah Club, relatives and friends are encouraged to honor the Bar despite repeated Israeli pro- Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah by giving gift enrollments in the club .. . tests and the intervention of This type of gift makes the Bar Mitzvah, Bat Mitzvah or Confirma- United Nations Secretary Gen- tion ceremony a truly significant and memorable event. eral U Thant. Israel Releases Arab Vessels, Detains Syrians Israel, Jewish Agency Face Budget Problems to Meet Immigrant Needs (Direct JTA Teletype Wires to The Jewish News) JERUSALEM—A supplemen- tary budget of $43,333,000 for the current year for unantici- pated expenditures for security, immigrant housing and a na- tional irrigation plan was sub- mitted to Israel's parliament Tuesday by Finance Minister Pinhas Sapir. He said the supplementary budget outlays would be fi- nanced from revenue from exist- ing taxes which had yielded 22 per cent more revenue than had been originally estimated. He reported that $20,000,000 had been earmarked for de- fense, adding that "require- ments for new modern arms and the. possibilities of obtain- ing them are constantly chang- ing, a fact expressed in the ex- penditures." He also told the Knesset that immigration had been beyond expectations this year and that "even a Finance Minister cannot help but be happy at surprises of this sort in matters of immigra- tion." * * S JERUSALEM — A 1964-65 Jewish Agency budget proposal for $113,333,333, about $20,- 000,000 less than the current budget was placed before the Agency plenary session here Tuesday. Agency treasurer Aryeh Pin- cus, in announcing the pro- posal, indicated that expendi- ture details had not yet been determined. They will be sub- mitted to the next Agency ex- ecutive plenary in February. He added that the 1964 fiscal year was expected to be the fourth in a row of large immigration with expenses rising and with no commensu- rate rise in income. The budg- et and the situation of the World Zionist Organization have been under discussion at the current plenary since last Thursday. The Hebrew Corner Sholem Aleichem Shalom Rabinowitz, known by his pen name as "Shalom Aleichem" was born in Russia in the year 5659 (1859). In his childhood he attended school- ing at a "Cheder". These were the "golden years" of his life, in which he was outstanding with his bright mind. soft and good heart and power of imagination. His youth was not "shinning" as his good childhood years. His father lost his property and barely made a living while his mother died in Cholera epidemic. His father, that believed that his son Shalom, is set for greatness, registered him at the Russian school of the City. The boy was successful in his studies, he read much and also wrote. In the year of 1877 Shalom Alei- chem completed his studies. Then he taught for a time till he was ap- pointed the government rabbi in the city of Lubani, where he spent three years (1880-1883). In that period he wrote much poetry, liturgy, novels and plays, but the editorial staffs of the newspapers to which he sent his creations did not want to publish them. In the year of 1883 he married his loved pupil, left the rabbinate and went into business. In 1890 he lost all his money and left the country on account of his debts. In these difficult years Shalom Aleichem wrote his best works. He became popular throughout the dias- pora and was liked by all circles of the nation; religious, freethinkers, rabbis, the enlightened, rich and poor. The year of 1905 was a year of pogrom against the Jews of Russia. Shalom Aleichem left his home and hid for fear of the attackers. After a year of wandering he reached New York. In 1908 he visited Jewish cities in Russia and read his writings. On his return he became seriously ill. How- ever even during his sickness he did not cease to write and publish his works. On the ninth of Eyar 5676 (1916) Shalom Aleichem died after great suffering at the age of 57. His funeral was attended by about 300,000 people. Translation of Hebrew column Published by Brith Ivrith Olamith rIn't717 iptprIpr.i Irrv p'? r) rr-rTri tv7tt, 7,474 , ' POI/ ( 7(171 r113n`177 iirymppri 1 4pPr1 1890 114; .irrIpp ra. 4 rrT,pri iDpn 1-45 - TPL,2 irirr'r; .(1859) to-In) I i7 n t $ 17 rttp- rrr rit2r;;.; nvr np:n. r.10473 7;:i4 171.7 "n771 1,r)i-1, 47 rq.; tnnt17. -nitni int?n, rr T tiv p4 ~ tp7Dr14 ninion .rftnn nitoro nal nnrirT rrt?iari nislDr) 11117 "7r ni-rvr; 2 717 ni2gp rnkt. .niniton 3:147'n1 n'41 ,tr!VPrTi, .n" f71 nn ,v17 nr)P 'mkt, Prit nivIp 114 riry.," 1905 Mt!) .17-0nri 1lDp4 irrn 1:713 nitni Imp nr.mpryl irrn nr;7 rrint7 in* vp;:i nrik.e? .wronri inn ..ms7 n ; tp nppn D'F.1 t14111; ri4173 41;7. 17n 1908 11174 - ti5tt, r3.!;- .) tr,p1I4 1876 112tP4 rimn. xryin,4,7? inx .11Int? r) r4tv. 1kt .riton$ rrt?_ ;In in* tr.1 7.r) tt,7. 4 pby at? int?)-174 ma n17UP nit? 7n; 717, t3piDt?1 l', 71tI r j7P;I • (1916) trrin nnzi 57 T KIM IDrptgrj S1883-1880) tr3t71 Vni• rltUSr rIp m..41;7 nylipr.) rir)ix4 triticr. r7r1x-471, sp ,trprp ,rriv ninintg tem mifrim .trikt 300,000 nx ri5tr, ntr,1 74 tr4insn7 ,t17..?piDt?Isl t3 ritrit.q rttza 1883 r1,4t4 nniin) - (rrn%2iw nsinw •I• 11 7