Hebrew' Ladies Aid Society Plans Donor Women s u s YOUTH EDUCATION DETROIT LINK, Order of the BNAI DAVID SISTERHOOD LEAGUE will hold a board Golden Chain, will honor Master will meet 8:30 p.m. Monday at meeting Nov. 18 at the home of Masons 8:30 p.m. Monday at the synagogue. Plans for a com- Mrs. Robert Kalish, 17367 West- Raleigh House. Guest speaker bined men's club and sisterhood land, Southfield. Co-hostesses will be Dr. Robert Drews, psy- Hanukah party will be dis- will be Mrs. Leon Heller and chiatrist. Dinner will precede cussed. Mrs. Avery Tucker. A dessert the meeting. For reservations, * * * luncheon will be served. Presi- call Jean Babbush, UN 4-2258. HADASSAH SUNDAY dent Mrs. Louis Babcock will A Thanksgiving Feather Party GROUP will meet 12:30 p.m. call for committee reports. will be given 8:30 p.m. Wednes- Sunday at Hadassah House for * * * day at Raleigh House. Prizes and brunch. The film "Holidays in HEBREW LADIES AID SO- refreshments will be featured. Israel" will be shown. New CIETY will hold its annual Men are invited. Tickets will be members are invited. * * * donor luncheon 12:30 p.m. Nov. available at the door, or call 25 at Beth Abraham .Synagogue. Thelma Wolf, LI 4-3619. LADIES OF MOSAIC will * * * Friends are invited. For reserva- meet 8:30 p.m. Wednesday at JEWISH WOMEN'S EURO- Masonic Temple. Freida Roth tions, call Mrs. Reggie White, PEAN WELFARE ORGANIZA- Drapkin will review her book, ticket chairman, UN 4-5452. TION will hold a board meeting "Mamma is a Citizen." Guests * * * PRIMROSE BENEVOLENT noon Monday at the home of are invited. • * * CLUB will hold its 29th annual Mrs. 0. H. Kavieff, 15835 Ohio. TEMPLE BETH AM SISTER- donor luncheon Nov. 19 at Arrangements will be completed Cong. Shaarey Zedek. For tick- for the home-cooked luncheon HOOD will present a fashion to be held noon Nov. 18 at the show 8:40 p.m. Monday at the ets, call UN 4-6707. Jericho Temple. Mrs. Kavieff is Cohen Bldg., 31840 W. Seven * * * chairman. Mrs. Jack Seder is Mile. Refreshments will be EQUALITY CLUB will hold chairman. Proceeds will served. its 44th annual donor luncheon ticket * * be used to help orphans in 12:30 p.m. Dec. 10 at Holiday Israel. LADIES OF YESHIVATH Manor. Proceeds will go to * * * BETH YEHUDA AND WO- charity. KINNERET CHAPTER, Pio- MEN'S SABBATH LEAGUE * * * Women, will present Mary will hold a regular meeting CHILDREN UNLIMITED will neer V. Beck, member of Detroit's preceded by a dessert luncheon meet Wednesday at the Labor Common Council, as guest 12:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Ye- Zionist Institute. Program chair- speaker noon Wednesday at the shivath Bldg. Mrs. Isadore Levin man Harriet Klein has arranged Zionist Institute. Dessert will preside. A report will be for a fashion make-up presenta- Labor will be served. Hos- given on the donor luncheon. tion. Luncheon will be served at luncheon tesses will be Ann Fisher and Friends are invited 12:30 p.m., free of charge. * * Ruth Schecter. * * * * * MICHAEL C. STARK CHAP- DAVID HORODOKER YOUNG BETH SHALOM SISTERHOOD TER OF CHILDREN'S LEUKE- WOMEN'S ORGANIZATION will The officers and board of direc- MIA FOUNDATION will hold a hold its 6th annual donor tors will host their annual paid- Hootenanny Square Dance Nov. luncheon Dec. 3 at Beth Aaron up membership luncheon noon 27 at the Labor Zionist Insti- Synagogue, announces President Wednesday at the synagogue. tute. Jim Schultheis will call. Mrs. J. Guterman. Toastmistress Special event of the day will be Proceeds will go to the Chil- will be Mrs. Moses Lehrman. a fashion show, with profes- dren's Leukemia Foundation. Frankie Paul, accordionist, will sional models. Membership For information, call Diana Ber- entertain. Prizes will also high- chairman Mrs. Jerome Rapoport linberg, light the event. For tickets and suggests that reservations be Wolfe. LI 8-5096, or Yetta information, call Mrs. J. Fried- made with her at LI 4-1415, or * * * man, UN 1-6793, Mrs. S. Krees- with Mrs. Aaron Wallis, Mrs. RHO PHI PHARMACEUTICAL ler or Mrs. M. Weinstein. On Jerry Efros, president, invites will hold its an- the entertainment committee are those interested in joining Beth AUXILIARY nual paid-up membership lunch- Mrs. J. Spielberg and Mrs. J. Shalom Sisterhood to attend. eon 12:30 p.m. Tuesday at To- Zemmol. The sisterhood will hold its fall pinka's Country House. * * * * * rummage sale Nov. 18-20 at the GLENNWOOD CHAPTER, American Legion Hall, 1741 HADASSAH BUSINESS AND Women's American ORT, will Livernois, Ferndale. The store PROFESSIONAL GROUP will meet Nov. 20 at 20567 Wood- will be open from 8:30 a.m. to meet 8 p.m. Tuesday at Hadas- bine. Hostesses will be Mes- 5 p.m. All household articles and sah House. A report of the Ha- dames M. Sikov, A. Warsaw and clothing are needed. For rum- dassah national convention held I. Levinowsky. mage pick-up and information, in Washington and a film en- call chairman Mrs. Milton Zim- titled "Holidays in Israel" will merman, LI 3-4060, or Mrs. Joel be presented. Members and friends are invited. Hamburger. * * * Livernois Store Only (More Clubs Page 19) DETROIT CANCER FIGHT- ERS OF CITY OF HOPE will hold a meeting noon Monday at the Raleigh House. The direc- tors will hear plans for a New One Grinnell Console-Used Year's Eve party. Hostesses for the afternoon will be Mesdames Joseph Jackson, Allan Kaplan, Jerome Kornheiser and Theo- dore Krass, announced Mrs. Harold Kozloff, president. One Spinet Floor Model * * * ADAS SHALOM SISTERHOOD will celebrate its 19th birth- day with a luncheon and fashion show noon Monday at the syna- Used Studio Models gogue. Presented will be knits imported from Israel, Italy and Save France. Jackie Crampton will be commentator. The program is under the direction of Mes- dames Harry Nachman and Ben Morganroth. All paid up mem- bers and those wishing to pay their dues are invited. Hebrew Ladies Aid Society will hold it's annual donor $200 Organs One Only Hammond Two Manuel Spinet $750 $995 One Hammond Two Manuel Spinet Open Thurs., Fri. 'tit 9 GRINNELL'S 19400 LIVERNOIS UN 3-6997 PRICE Seymour announces President Mrs. John Leuchtmann. Guest of honor will be Mrs. Samuel Danto of the League of Jewish Women. She will pay tribute to the Society for its communial activities. Music will be featured on the pro- gram. Friends are invited. For reservations, call Mrs. Reggie White, UN 4-5452, ticket chair- man. Kaplan 15738 Diamonds \\i/, Di 14:1151 Livernois .. FIDELITY LADIES CLUB will hold a games night 8 p.m. Tuesday in the Labor Zionist Institute, announces Paula Stark, president. For informa- tion, contact Lillian Gorman, LI 8-7916, or Evelyn Greenberg. * * * NEGBAH CHAPTER, Pioneer Women, will meet 12:30 p.m. Wednesday in the home of Rose Gayer, 21811 Harding, Oak Park. * * * OAK PARK NSHEI CHABAD STUDY GROUP will meet 2:30 p.m. Saturday at the home of Mrs. Israel Polter, 24261 Kip- ling. Chairmen Mesdames A. Feldman and I. Polter announce that Rabbi N. Hayward will be guest speaker. 0 :4 ca rh on Want ads get quick results! URBAN LIVING AT ITS BEST! . . . Where LUXURY and SUPERB SERVICE Combine with Casual Informality for a New High in informal Living! co 5 ti Now Available — 1-2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS *GARAGE PARKING *24-HOUR SWITCHBOARD SERVICE * COMPLETE MAID & LINEN SERVICE * FIREPROOF BUILDING * HEATED SWIMMING POOL * COCKTAIL LOUNGE * SPACIOUS DINING ROOM Under the Personal Direction of ADAM MARTINI THE BELCREST HOTEL 5440 CASS at KIRBY Phone TE 1-5700 Easy Accessibility to Expressways Let JACK'S Cater Your Son's Bar Mitvzah Clothes . . Where Personalized Service Counts ! MEN'S & BOY'S WEAR 9 MILE-COOLIDGE OAK PARK OPEN SUNDAY 10.3 (4,;`) A 478 / Mi L- E RD. 77 LE CIS MILE) 41 09. LOTS & LOTS OF FREE PARKING TELEGRAPH AT 15 MILE '''' t°° home accents . . . excitingly different! TELEGRAPH at MAPLE (15 MILE) Birmingham ELgin 3-2770 tt 1-3 blocks North of. Lodge Expressway . OPEN THURSDAY 'til 9 - P.M. Our New Location $388 1.1 tit Color, cut, clarity luncheon 12:30 p.m. Nov. 25 at Beth Abraham Synagogue, GRINNELL'S Pianos $295 COMPARE Michigan MAyfair 6-7760 C.4