Friday, November 1, 1963—THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS-22 Authors of Tail-Safe' Charged by Dr. Hook with Endangering Peace Dr. Sidney Hook, the chair- man of the department of phil- osophy at New York University, in one of his very brilliant es- says, takes to task the two auth- ors of "Fail-Safe," Eugene Bur- dick and Harvey Wheeler, and demolishes their novel that serves to arouse so much fright. In "The Fail-Safe Fallacy," published by Stein and Day (7 E. 48th, NY17), Dr. Hook calls it a pity that "t h e author: of 'Fail-Safe' do not see tha the free worl can succeed it inducing t h e Kremlin to ne- gotiate sin- cerely for mul- tilateral d i s- armament un- der genuine and adequate controls only by refusing tc abandon i t s nuclear de- fense system." Analyzing Sidney Hook the "Fail-Safe" approach, the eminent American Jewish philo- sopher states that "the Burdick and Wheeler view that full scale accidental nuclear war, as a re- sult of mechanical failure, is `inevitable' is scandalous." Dr. Hook emphasizes that "what escapes the authors is that the MAIN danger of un- intended or undesigned war, to which we sometimes apply the term accidental, is the oc- currence of the unforeseen in behavior of MEN, not ma- chines." "The irony of the situation," Dr. Hook writes, "is that the very men to whom we are in- debted for reducing to negli- gible proportions the risk of ac- cidental war through mechanical failure are being maligned by those who hope to profit by ex- aggerating the current danger beyond all reason." Dr. Hook charges the authors of "Fail-Safe" with having ren- dered a great disservice "to the cause of both peace and free- dom." He states that "by art- Dinner at DARBY'S is a real treat • Visit Our New SKYLIGHT ROOM, Cocktail; Lounge and Bar • AFTER THEATRE Snacks . . . a Delight LUNCHEON A Pleasure Res. UN 2-7642 SEVEN MILE at WYOMING fully raising and playing upon the fear that our defense system and not the multiple threats of totalitarian Communism is the greatest enemy we face, it gen- erates a mood of defeatism and appeasement. Because of its as- sertion that the most effective methods of resistance are the most dangerous to our survival, it tends to paralyze the will to resist." Critical also of the resort to the Doomsday Jewish character in "Fail-Safe," Groteschele, Dr. Hook deplores the spirit of ex- citement and apprehension that was thus introduced. He declares that "every hope of survival of a free society de- pends upon retaining our nu- clear defense until such time as the Communists have given adequate evidence that they will abide by whatever agreements or conventions they enter into." The grave offense of the au- thors of "Fail-Safe," he states, is that "it is far worse to ex- aggerate the risks involved in the defense of freedom to a de- gree that dwarfs in the minds of readers and reviewers the much greater and more imme- diate danger confronting a free and peaceful world." every On die Ail- ! j United States. The World Jewish Congress in New York urgently wants to contact the Lefkowicz brothers or any one of the other sur- vivors in order to press an in- vestigation of certain Nazis allegedly responsible for the Otoschno murders. The investigation has been initiated by the West German prosecuting authorities at Lud- wigsburg as a result of infor- mation provided by the World Jewish Congress. Anyone who escaped from Otoschno or who has informa- tion about the camp or any of its survivors is requested to contact Dr. Nehemiah Robin- son, director, World Jewish Congress Institute of Jewish Affairs, 15 E. 84th St., New York 28. Products from Benton Har- bor's municipal fruit market, largest cash-to-grower market in 1 the world, move to 28 states. /411 ■0■ 11.1i, 0•111111.1 ■ 0•11!0 ■041■0■ 0 ■ 0. BRAVERMAN'S KOSHER MEATS lb. 4 YOUNG BEEF LIVER ALL SPECIALS GOOD WHILE QUANTITIES LAST SUNDAY ONLY 1st CUT LAMB CHOPS PICKLED TONGUE BREAST OF BEEF, trimmed SHOULDER 'STEAK LAMB SHANKS Lamb Breast or Shoulder 1 Per Customer 13500 WEST SEVEN MILE RD. lb. 8 49 lb. 89c lb• A reception tendered for newly appointed Consul General of Israel Jacob Barmore will be held 8 p.m. Nov. 12 at the Jew- ish Center. The program will feature a program of Israeli songs and music by the Zamarim. The com- munity is invited to attend. There will be no admission charge. This Week's Radio and Television Programs THE ETERNAL LIGHT Time: 10:30 p.m. Sunday. Station: WWJ. Feature: "Isaac M. Wise," a play by the late Morton Wishen- grad. * * 4: DIRECTIONS '64 Time: 1 p.m. Sunday. Station: WXYZ-TV. Feature: The final program of the series "Directions in Israel" will be presented. Want ads get quick results! For the HY Spot Of Your Affair Music by * * THE JEWISH HERITAGE Time: 11:30 p.m. Sunday. Station: WCAR. Feature: "Hadassah - Women of Valor" will be discussed by Judith Epstein, former national president. * * * COUNCIL-ALTMAN HOUR Time: 10 p.m. Saturday. Station: WJLB. Feature: "Grandfather of Yid- dish Literature," a special pro- gram marking the centenary of Mendele Mocher S'forim. * * TO DWELL TOGETHER Time: 9:15 am. Sunday. Station: WJBK (r a d i o and Lefkowicz Brothers television simultaneously). Feature: "Detroit's Children- Sought, Seek Facts Detroit's Future" will be dis- cussed by Dr. Norman Drachler, on Nazi Atrocities Rabbi Leon Fram and Sidney Only 14 persons are believed M. Shevitz. to have survived the brutal Nazi massacre of thousands of Movie on Israeli Jews at the Otoschno concen- tration camp in W r es c h e n County, near Posen (Poland) in 1942. Among the 14 were three brothers, Lefkowicz, who are believed to be living in the corporation and an Israeli sports club teamed to demonstrate the ability of the handicapped to rise above their disabilities is shown in- a motion picture pro- duced by Pan American Air- ways and the Spewack Club, an Israel Foundation for In- fantile Paralysis project. The 11-minute 16mm film, "Wheelchair Pilgrimage," chron- icles a barnstorming trip throughout Israel by the Pan American Wheelchair Jets and the Israel wheelchair team, sponsored by the Spewack Club, an organization for the handi- capped endowed by Bella and Sam Spewack, American libret- tists and authors. More than 9,000 persons in Israel turned out to watch the series of international games performed in wheelchairs by American and Israeli athletes. The competitions were staged in desert outposts, communal villages and major cities. The Israeli team had invited the Pan Am Jets to Israel to help publicize hiring of the handicapped and the work of the Spewack Club. All mem- bers of the Jets are employees of the airline and hold respon- sible full-time jobs. The film is introduced by Mr. and Mrs. Spewack who explain how they established the Sports Club in Israel to help both war victims and youngsters maimed by polio regain self confidence through sports. "Wheelchair Pilgrimage" is available to groups and organ- izations for showings without charge. Prints may be obtained by writing to Tribune Films, 144 E. 44th St., New York. 29c lb. I 5` DI 1-2345 And His Orchestra (Hy Utchenik) Mr. and Mrs. Carl Zipper of Hartwell Ave. announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Shelly, to Gary Bert Moss, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Harmon Moss of Ohio Ave. The couple attend Wayne State University. An Aug. 2 wedding is planned. BR 2-5447 • Distinctive Ceremonies a Specialty! 1,000 GUESTS EXPECTED AT BIGGEST JEWISH COMMUNAL EVENT OF THE YEAR. Music the Stein-Way DICK STEIN ATTEND THE BETH YEHUDAH SCHOOLS DINNER AT COBO HALL NOVEMBER 10th. LI 7-2770 CALL WE 1-0203 FOR RESERVATIONS & ORCHESTRA 0 P E Detroit's Most Complete Photography Studio "To Better Serve You" N O Wheelchair Team Available to Groups How an American Hy Herman MISS SHELLY ZIPPER 0 S TUDIO OF PHOTOGRAPHY N 19492 LIVERNOIS AVE. UN 2.0200 • • ■ •••••s••••sseeil••••••o•••••••‘ • • • • • • AMERICA'S No. I • • T00% PURE • • • • • BEEF PRODUCTS • • • • • • • • • only the finest in taste and • • • quality from Kosher Zion . . . • • • made fresh daily in our new, • • • modern, clean, stainless steel • • kitchens, u n d e r strict U. S. • • • Government inspection and Or- • • • thodox Rabbinical Supervision. • • . . . OSHER ZION • K U.S. INSPECTED AND PASSED BY DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE • • • EST. I • • • • • SAUSAGE COMPANY OF CHICAGO • • CHICAGO 8, Somemosirommomelemsoomemomos‘ COHEN, IAGER b REZNICK Proprietors of DEXTER-DAVISON KOSHER MEAT & POULTRY MARKET PRIME and CHOICE BEEF WE WRAP MEAT FOR FREEZER FREE! Coolidge at 10 Mile — Oak Park WE DELIVER CALL LI 8-6800 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED RECOMMEND* BY BETTER INTERIOR DECORATORS lb. $1 °9 lb. Reception Planned for Barmore, Counsul General of Israel Shelly Zipper Will Wed Gary Moss • w$ CILIIA04 0 ,,,, Apeptfirs FINE DRAPERY CLEANING • DRAPERIES • WINDOW SHADES • SLIP COVERS LAMP SHADES • BED SPREADS WE DO ALL THE WORK REMOVING AND INSTALLING (WITH PINS IN) Phone us for Free Estimate—NO OBLIGATION! CITY WIDE and SUBURBAN SERVICE TW 1-1818 SUBURBAN PHONE: ENTERPRISE 7818