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November 01, 1963 - Image 17

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1963-11-01

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(Copyright, 1963, JTA, Inc.)

Why is it customary to in-
clude a myrtle between the
spices used for making the

Ilavdalah (separation between
Sabbath a n d the weekdays)
ceremony Saturday night?
There seems to be a disagree-
ment among the Rabbinic au-
thorities as to whether one
should recite the blessing over

Orlinsky, Sachar,
Friedman Speak
in Temple Series

Dr. Harry Orlinsky, who
headed the board of editors of
the revised translation of the
Torah pub-
lished by the„,
Jewish Publi
cation Society
of Am erica,
will be the
next speaker .
in the Templet:
Beth El Schol-
ar Series, Mon-
day evening, at
the Temple. Dr. Orlinsky
The public is invited.
"Controversial Issues Facing
American Jewry" is the central
theme of this year's lecture ser-
ies, which opened Monday with
an address by Dr. Robert Gordis.
Other speakers in the series
will be: Dr. Maurice Friedman,
Nov. 11, and Dr. Abram L.
Sachar, Nov. 18.

Rabbi Lehrman Will
Lecture on Pope,
Ecumenical Council
Dr. David Blum, director of
the Cong. Bnai Moshe School of
Adult Study, announces that
Rabbi Moses Lehrman will lec-
ture Tuesday evening at Bnai
The subject will be Pope John,
the Ecumenical Council, and
the prospects of better relation-
ships with non-Jews in view of
the late Pope's revisions. An
analysis of how this will affect
the Jewish position in the world
will be presented.
In addition to this lecture,
Cantor Louis Klein is giving a
course on the "Wonderful World
of Prayer." This course also will
include a study of the liturgy
and music. This will be avail-
able first hour only, 8:15-9:10
p.m. Courses in elementary He-
brew, advanced Hebrew, conver-
sational Hebrew, and the prayer
book are also available during
the first hour. Classes are held
every Tuesday evening from
8:15 p.m. to 9:10 p.m. Registra-
tion is open to the public.

Plan Testimonial
Dinner in Honor of
Rabbi Herman Deutsch
A testimonial dinner in honor
of Rabbi Herman Deutsch, the
Sandro Rebbe, spiritual leader
of Cong. Khal Charedim, will be
held Monday at Young Israel of
Northwest Detroit.
Rabbi Deutsch and his family
have just completed six years
residence in Detroit.
Toastmaster of the dinner
will be M. Manuel Merzon. On
the arrangements committee are
Alex Josef, chairman; Nathan
Framovitz, president of Khal
Charedim; Max Hoberman, Louis
Jonas, Morris Kraus and Max
For reservations, call DI


the spices using o n l y myrtle
leaves or whether myrtle leaves
should not be used alone for
spices. The argument of those
who contend that the benedic-
tion should not be recited only
over myrtle leaves is that the
dried leaves of the myrtle do
not give off as sweet smelling
an aroma as the fresh green
leaves. In order to effect a
compromise between these two
authoritative opinions, one uses
other spices along with the
myrtle leaves so that there can
be no question as to the validity
of the benediction. Some par-
ticularly desire myrtle leaves
because they feel it a virtuous
deed to use the myrtle leaves
that were used among the four
species on the Succoth holiday
since once an object has been
used in the performance of a
religious commandment it
should be used for religious
purposes wherever possible in-
stead of being discarded. (See
the gloss of Rabbi Moses Isserles
on Shulcan Aruch Orach Chay-
yim 297.)
Why is a "Kohen" (a des-
cendant of the priestly family
of Aaron) called up to the
Torah first?
The Talmud gives a general
order of people who are called
up to Torah, placing the Kohen
first, the Levite second, etc.,
and it gives as a general reason
for this order, the virtue of
having peace reign among the
worshipers (Gitin 59a). Since
the Kohen has certain respon-
sibilities as well as privileges
in Jewish life, he is called up
first. It is also explained that
calling the Kohen first to the
Torah is a way of fulfilling the
Biblical command to "hallow"
the priest.

Synagogue Leaders
Will Meet to Launch
Support for Seminary
Leaders of nine Conservative
synagogues in the Detroit met-
ropolitan area will meet 8:30
p.m. Tuesday at Cong. Bnai
Moshe to launch plans for their
participation in a "Year of Ded-
ication" for the Jewish Theo-
logical Seminary of America.
Guest speaker will be Dr.
Louis M. Levitsky, national rab-
binic chairman for the "Year of
Dedication," a member of the
Seminary's Rabbinic Cabinet and
director of its School of Jewish
Studies in New York. He is the
rabbi of Oheb Shalom Congre-
gation, S. Orange, N.J.
The reception for Dr. Levit-
sky is under the auspices of the
Detroit Friends and Patrons of
the Seminary and is sponsored
by Adas Shalom, Ahavas Achim,
Beth Aaron, Beth Moses, Beth
Shalom, Bnai Israel of Pontiac,
Bnai Moshe, Livonia Jewish Con-
gregation and Shaarey Zedek.

Beth Yehudah Wins
News' Safety Pennant
The Detroit News Pennant
for Safety Practice has been
awarded to the Yeshivath Beth
Yehudah for the year 1962-63.
The pennant is awarded to
the schools where no children
have been reported involved in
an automobile accident during
the school year.
This is the sixth time within
the past seven years that the
Yeshivath Beth Yehudah has re-
ceived this award.

Yeshivath Beth Plan Bible Contest in Conjunction With
Yehudah Ladies Jewish Center Annual Book Festival
The Directors' Council of the Joshua and Amos. The senior
Plan for Donor Jewish
Religious Schools of division, for students in grades

The Ladies of Yeshivath Beth
Yehudah and Women's Sabbath
League will hold their 38th an-
nual donor
luncheon noon
Tuesday at
Cong. Beth Ye-
hudah, an-
nounces Presi-
dent Mrs. Isa-
dore Levin.
bS r s. Louis
Honigman i s
general chair-
man of the af- Mrs. Honigman
fair. She is assisted by Mes-
dames Isaac Levine, Leo Laufer,
Walter Epstein and Milton Win-
ston. Participating in the pro-
gram will be Mrs. Joshua Sper-
ka, toastmistress; Mrs. Sholom
Flam, invocation; Rabbi Max J.
Wohlgelernter (Ittamar), guest
speaker; and Eric R o s e n o w,
guest artist.
Bus transportation wlil be pro-
vided from the Yeshiva build-
ing on Dexter Blvd. For reserva-
tions, call Mrs. Honigman, UN
3-7232, or Mrs. Walter Epstein.

Parley of Reform
Judaism to Seek
`Modern' Answers

The persistent search of

modern man for answers in
this nuclear age will be a prime
objective of American Reform
Judaism at the forthcoming
47th General Assembly of the
Union of American Hebrew

Congregations to be held Nov.
16-21 at the Conrad Hilton

Hotel, Chicago.
Convocation delegates from
650 Reform temples in North
and Central America will par-
ticipate in numerous creative
religious services designed to
meet 20th century man's emo-
tional conflicts through a mean-

ingful worship experience.
The theme of the convention
is "Judaism and the Pursuit of
At the convention, 13 forum
sessions will each be preceded
by an original prayer service,
and during the evening meet-
ings joint gatherings of the

Metropolitan Detroit is sponsor-
ing a community-wide Bible
contest in conjunction with the
Jewish Center's annual book
It was planned that a series
of elimination competitions be
conducted at each religious
school, prior to the finals on
Nov. 24 at the Jewish Center.
The contest's junior division,
for students in grades 6-8, in-
cludes the books of Genesis,

9-12, includes the books of
Deuteronomy, Judges and
Various religious school di-
rectors will serve as question
readers. A number of rabbis
will serve as judges.The public
is invited to the finals, 2 p.m.
for the juniors and 3 p.m. for
the seniors. General chairman
of the contest is Max Rosen-
berg, education director of
Temple Emanu-El.
The religious schools partici-
Auxiliary of United
pating include Adas Shalom,
Ahavas Achim, Beth, Aaron
Hebrew Schools Sets
Beth Abraham, Beth Shalom,
Donor Luncheon
Bnai David, Bnai Moshe, Sha-
The Woman's Auxiliary of the arey Zedek, Evergreen Jewish
U n it e d Hebrew Schools will Community Center, Temple
hold its annual luncheon 12:15 Beth El, Temple Emanu-El and
p.m. Nov. 13 at
Temple Israel.
Cong. Bnai
over 49 years of •
Mrs. Herman
Fishman, vice-
president of
ways and means,
is the luncheon
chairman. The
program will
feature the : ,
Choral group of
the Music Study Mrs. Diamond
Club of Detroit, directed by
Dan Fr ohm a n; accompanist,
Mrs. Morris Stein. Their reper-
toire consists of English, He-
brew and spiritual music. Mrs.
Elbert Diamond, president of
the Woman's Auxiliary, invites
Cash & Carry — Save 20%
eevryone to attend. Tickets may
be obtained from ticket chair-
man Mrs. Irving Solomon, UN
4-8281, or co-chairman, Mrs.
Jacob Axelrod.




Beth Moses Youth
Will Hold Hayride
The Beth Moses Senior USY
will hold a hayride Nov. 9 at
Roy's Ranch. A weenie roast
will be offered directly after the
ride. Any Jewish youth, 14 to
18, is invited to join the chap-
ter. The affair is stag or drag.
For information, call Jean Papo,
KE 4-2210.



City of Hope




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UAHC and the National Fed-
eration of Temple Sisterhoods,
the women's branch of Reform
Judaism. newly - written serv-
ices will also be held.

Livonia Congregation
Slates Hootenanny
The Livonia Jewish Congre-
gation will present a hootenanny
8:30-11 p.m. Sunday at Roma
Hall of Livonia, 27777 School-
Featured will be The Five
Jacks, The C o a c h m e n, The
Springhill Singers, The Four
Plus One, The Tempests, Don
and Robin and eight-year-old
Shannan Patrick. They will be
accompanied by The Demen-
sions. The M.C. will be George
For information, call Norman
Fellander, KE 7-5192, or Phyllis

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1 7-TH E DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—Friday, November 1, 1 963

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