• Friday, October 18, 1963—THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS-6 • r •■ •• •••-, . Bernard Malamnd Again Emerges as One of Greatest Writers with His Idiots First' Bernard Malamud represents the great phenomenon in short story writing in this century. When "The Assistant" first was published he was hailed as the master of narrative writing. Then came "The Magic Bar- rell," and his reputation was established. "A New Life" and "The Natural" supplemented the glory of a great writer. Now we have the superb in writing and in narration in "Idiots First," published by Far- rarr, Straus and Co. (19 Union Sq. W., NY 3). Humor and pathos, the dig- nity of many, the human rela- tions that make, people a part of life and yet distinguish them in many spheres, are delineated with great skill in this book of fantastic stories. In our day of racial strife, "Black Is My Favorite Color" is exceptionally well suited to the time. It is a remarkable tale of a craving for the colored girl, the suspicions that lurk in people's minds, the preju-' dices that are so-hard to destroy in spite of the serious effort by those like the hero in this story who means so well and yet is rejected by those of an- other color whom he desires to help. "Jewbird" has been ac- this winter... Take a' DELTA Jet to FLORIDA most people do! For the fifth straight season, Delta offers more Jets from Detroit to Florida than any other airline! Books are now open for winter season schedules. Be assured of the flight you want on the day you want to go! Delta Jets to Miami, Tampa, West Palm Beach Call Delta now at WO 5-3000 or see your Travel Agent ED e LTA, the air line with the BIG JETS claimed as a great story. This reviewer wishes he could share that excitement. It is a remarkably well written tale, but the very theme, the talk- ing bird's arguments with his master, the tragic death of the speaking bird, the un- couthness of the arguments go against the grain. But it is admittedly a funny story, and Malamud does possess a sense of humor as well as the ability to portray the sad- ness in life. Much is to be said for "The German Refugee." This brilli- ant piece of writing has a re- markable plot. The refugee, who is being trained by the storyteller in the Malamud nar- rative to correct his English so that he may be able to deliver the lectures he has been en- gaged to give in proper style, has suspicions of his wife he left behind in Germany. He labors under the delusion that she was betraying him by claim- ing immunity as a German. He believed his mother-in-law was an anti-Semite. One day the narrator found the refugee, Os- kar Gassner dead: he had com- mitted suicide. He couldn't understand why but when he searched through his posses- sions he found an air mail let- ter from the mother-in-law. The story concludes: "She writes in a tight script it takes me hours to decipher, that her daughter, after Os- kar abandons her, against her own mother's fervent pleas and anguish, is con- verted to Judaism by a venge- ful rabbi. One night the Brown Shirts appear, and though the mother wildly waves her bronze crucifix in their faces, they drag Frau Gassner, together with the other Jews, out of the apart- ment house, and transport them in lorries to a small border town in conquered Po- land. There, it is rumored, she is shot in the head and topples into an open tank ditch, with the naked Jew ish men, their wives and chil- dren, and some Polish sol- diers, and a handful of gyp- sies." With great simplicity, Mala- mud wrote a tale marked by tragedy, and the reader, like the narrator, understands the suicide now that the wife's role is revealed ! Several of the stories in "Idiots First" deal with Jewish themes, some are with Italian backgrounds, and two are told in the first person. In every instance there is an original and a very strong plot, there is humor, powerful narration and a style that holds the read- er glued to the book until all of the contents are read. There are 12 stories in all, and combined they form a mas- terful work. Each story is like a novelette. Each theme is a part of life. With "Idiots First" Bernard Malamud once again is on the scene as one of Amer- ica's greatest writers. Victims Demand Ouster of Ex-Nazis from Public Jobs MUNICH, (JTA) — A resolu- tion demanding that the West German government remove all former Nazis from public em- ployment and proceed more vigorously with the apprehen- sion and prosecution of war criminals, was adopted at a pil- grimage to the site of the Belsen concentration camp by more than 3,000 Nazi victims. Among those addressing the gathering were the secretary- general of the Jewish members of the French underground dur- ing the Second World War and the chairman of a group of former Nazi victims in Ger- many. W. Germany to Air Controversial Play FRANKFURT, (JTA)—"The World War II, will be given D e p u t y," the controversial two radio performances. The play will be broadcast over a drama which charges that the network originating here on late Pope Pius XII kept silent Oct. 21, and will be repeated while Hitler was trying to an- over the local radio station 10 nihilate European Jewry during days later. A PHONE CALL WILL SAVE YOU $ INMAN'S inaw PONTIACICHIGAN PAUL NEWMAN President THE HOUSE DODGE . DART DODGE TRUCK 338-4541 BARNEY TEAL Sates Mgr. SERVICE IS BUILDING /I there is no such thing as incurable disease, there are only diseases for which no cure has been found. City of Hope What is the life of a child worth? Priceless—of course . . . The Children's Wing of the City of Hope National Medical Center is waging war against those catastrophic diseases which attack children and adults as well. City of Hope Detroit Business Men's Group Annual Champagne Dinner Dance Sunday, November 3, Hotel Sheraton Cadillac Acceptance to the Champagne Dinner Dance must be returned at once. Please notify your sponsor