Sapir Addresses Art Cardinal Bea Asks Ecumenical Council to Firm Opening in N.Y. NEW YORK, (JTA)—Israel's Raise Jewish Issues ROME, (JTA) — A proposal Minister of Finance Pinhas Sa- that the Catholic Church should pir addressed the opening of deal with Catholic-Jewish re- Artis—a new business venture lationships in view of the "par- for the importation of art and ticular relations" between Jews craft items from Israel. The and the Catholic Church was Minister pointed out that Israel's made to the Ecumenical Coun- exports are now 25 times greater what they were 10 years cil Vatican II. The suggestion than came during the debate on the ago, totaling $600,000 per year. formulation of the document Report Intermarriage Weakening Jewish Ethnic, Religious Bonds inn. United States NEW YORK, (JTA) — The chairman of the Welfare Fund rate was twice as high in small Jewish ethnic and religious and the president of the Bnai towns and rural areas as it was bonds in the United States, Brith lodge all have non-Jewish in cities with a population of which had welded the immi- wives. The result of such exam- 10,000 or more. To show the correlation be- grant Jewish generation in this ples is that the younger Jewish country into a highly organized males of the community are tween intermarriage and immi- community, are becoming "pro- likely to disregard the advice gration, Rosenthal cited the gressively weaker" through in- of parents and rabbi to refrain Washington data. Here, it was termarriage, it was revealed by from entering into marriage noted, Jewish intermarriage was only one per cent among the studies published in the Ameri- with a Christian girl. The Washington data showed first generation, which was com- known as "De Ecclesia," cur- can Jewish Year Book for 1963. IF YOU TURN THE The studies were summarized that, in the area of the nation's posed of foreign-born immi- rently under discussion. by Dr. Erich Rosenthal, asso- capital, the intermarriage rate grants, rising to 10.2 per cent The proposal was voiced by ciate professor of anthropology- was 13.1 per cent. In Iowa, the for the native-born of foreign Augustin Cardinal Bea, presi- UPSIDE DOWN YOU WON'T parentage, going up to 17.9 per Jewish intermarriage rate fluc- sociology at Queens College. FIND A FINER WINE THAN dent of the Vatican's Secre- They were based chiefly on data tuated in the years 1953-59 from cent among those native-born tariat for Christian Unit. He obtained in greater Washington 36.3 per cent to 53.6 per cent, whose parents were also native- suggested that, in the section and in the State of Iowa, but averaging 42.2 per cent. The born. of the "schema" dealing with included a number of other non-Christians, special mention 1. , Milan Wineries, Detroit, Mich. j studies of Jewish intermarriage Irwin Cohn and Max Fisher Have should be made of the Jews. throughout the United States. Among other conclusions, A PHONE CALL WILL SAVE YOU $ Rosenthal stated, is one indicat- Key Positions in Bar-Ilan Event ing that the "so-called return to rollment of only 75 students, Irwin I. Cohn, communal Jewishness of the American- now has 1,300 students Jewish third generation" is not leader, will be the general chair- Bar-Ilan Israel and from all parts true. The data showed that the man of the annual dinner of from the world. It has a faculty of rate of intermarriage is much Detroit Friends of Bar-Ilan Uni- of versity, which 140, many of them world-famous higher among the Jewish gen- will be held scholars. Bar-Ilan is designed erations further removed from in the new to combine basic higher learn- PONTIAC;:MICHIGAN the original Jewish immigrants Shaarey Zedek ing with Jewish knowledge and into the United States. the culture of the ages. The DODGE . DART social hall on Furthermore, Rosenthal de- DODGE TRUCK students pursue studies in four Nov. 26. clared, the data proved that in- BARNEY TEAL PAUL NEWMAN Max M. Fish- divisions: Mathematics and Nat- 338-4541 termarriage "usually spells the Sates Mgr Prestdeni ural Sciences, Social Sciences, er, president end of belonging to the Jewish THE HOUSE SERVICE IS BUILDING Jewish Studies and Languages of the Jewish community." In Washington, he Welfare F e d - and Literature. noted, the children of 70 per eration, is the cent of the "mixed" families honorary Mapam Leader Is were not identified with the I. I. Cohn chairman. Jewish group. A city-wide leadership com- Rehabilitated by "This finding," he stated, "which repeats earlier Euro- mittee is now in formation. Czech Government This year's dinner will honor pean experiences, takes on spe- TEL AVIV, (JTA) — Mor- cial significance, if viewed two distinguished women lead- dechai Oren, the one ers, Mrs. Joseph H. Ehrlich and against the fact that the fertil- Mapam leader who was jailed Mrs. Theodore Bargman. ity of the Jewish population in Phillip Stollman, chairman of in Communist Czechosloviaka the United States is barely suf- ficient to maintain its present the American Friends of Bar- 10 years ago during a visit there, will be rehabilitated by size. In the absence of large- Ilan University, stated: _ "The Bar-Ilan dinner is arous- the Czech government, it was scale immigration, it may well be that intermarriage is going ing great interest in every seg- reported here this weekend. to be of ever-increasing signifi- ment of the Detroit Jewish The Isral Communist news- cance in the future demograph- Community. This year marks paper Kol Haam said that Czech ic balance of the Jewish popu- the 10th anniversary of the authorities had received a plea ground - breaking of the first from the party in Israel asking lation in the United States." Rosenthal quoted one authori- Bar-Ilan buildings. It is a mile- for a review of the case. The ty as stating that there are stone in the history of this charges against Oren grew out some towns in this country American - patterned university of the trial of Rudolf Slansky, first Secretary of the Commu- where the president of the Jew- in Ramat Gan, Israel." Opening in 1955 with an en- nist party in Czechoslovakia. ish Community Council, the Slansky was tried and hanged in 1952 along with other Com- munist functionaries on charges of "Zionism," "Titoism," es- pionage and sabotage. The newspaper reported that (Direct JTA Teletype Wire unite their armies ,under a all the charges against Oren to The Jewish News) had been reviewed and that TEL AVIV — The possibility joint command. The sources emphasized that they would be dropped. The re- was noted by Israeli sources Wednesday that Iraqi units may such a step would change the port was confirmed by Milan take up positions on the Is- border status quo because Iraq Jurza, Czech charge d'affaires raeli-Syrian border as a result did not sign an armistice agree- in - Israel, who said the Czecho- of the Syrian-Iraqi decision to ment with Israel at the end of slovak Supreme Court had de- the 1948 fighting. Iraqi units cided to clear Oren of all did take part in the war and charges.. suffered considerable losses, Oren, who was freed after but Iraq declined to sign an serving three years and who re- armistice pact on grounds it turned to Israel, had admitted had no common border with he was a British intelligence Israel. Iraq agreed only to agent but later said he had been LEADING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING withdraw its troops. forced to make a false confes- Nobody Placement of Iraq troops on sion. Arrested in Prague in CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS, PROPERTY UNDERSELLS 1 . 112611 the Syrian-Israel border would 1951, he was a key witness in OWNERS AND MANAGERS,HOTELS,OFFICE thus constitute a change in the the Slansky trial. status quo created by the Israel- GREAT LAKES BUILDINGS, HOSPITALS, INSTITUTIONS, Syrian armistice pact because Mexican Government CAMPS, AND GOVERNMENT AGENCIES! that pact does not bind Iraq. It FENCE CO. was recalled in this connection Official Gets Bible MERCURY PAINTS HAVE PROVEN TO BE AL that Iraqi President Abdel Aref from Rabbinical Union DON'T EVER , SUPERIOR IN EASE OF. APPLICATION, declared, in announcing the MEXICO CITY, (JTA) — For- COVERAGE AND LASTING DURABILITY. military unification, that the eign Minister Manuel Tello ex- FORGET IT!! goal of the merger was Israel, pressed warm interest in the ac- FREE BROCHURES AVAILABLE TO PAINTER— particularly the Israeli plan to tivities of the Union of Rabbis of MAINTENANCE ACCOUNTS UPON REQUEST divert Jordan River water for Central America and the Carib- ASK FOR an irrigation project. bean Area. Tello received Rabbi The Egyptian press, accord- Abraham M. Hershberg, presi- MERCURY PAINTS "Morrie Sherman" ing to reports received here, dent of the rabbinical union, who Sales Manager commented that the Syria-Iraq presented to the Foreign Min- ...ilia) ri-ercheYerei merger would not be able to ister. a Hebrew Bible bound in SOBERMAN & MILGROM CO. carry out any Arab "national Israel. Rabbi Hershberg gave the 7741 Lyndon • Detroit 38, Mich. • UN. 4-7530 objective" or solve the "Pales- Foreign Minister a report on the tine problem" and would not Union's activities and on plans 16540 GREENFIELD be able to prevent Israel from for the Union's second confer- HOMEOWNERS: CALL FOR THE NAME BR 3-2900 implementing the. Jordan River ence, to be held Oct. 31 to Nov. 2 OF YOUR NEAREST MERCURY DEALER at Bogota, Colombia. project. •rs•ii Israel Notes Possibility Iraq May Take Up Positions on Syria Border SINCE 1920,MERCURY PAINT HAS HELD TOP POSITION AS DETROIT'S MOST PROMINENT, FE CE MOST TRUSTWORTHY NAME AMONG :"311" .: GREAT LAKES FENCE n IVE ewish N io . . . OFFICE HOURS: MON. THRLI tH. URS., '9 to . 5; FRIDAY, „ , FOR ALL OCCASIONS ; SUNDAYS, 10 A.M. to 1 P.M.