NEW YORK, (JTA) — Rolf Hochhut, author of "The Dep- uty," the play which contends that the late Pope Pius XII failed to take a public stand on the Nazi slaughter of European Jewry. was criticized and de- ,fended by Catholic scholars. In separate views in two Cath- olic periodicals, the West Ger- man playwright was assailed as anti-Semitic and anti-Catholic and, on the other hand, as hav- ing stated "a generally valid" thesis in his play. Dr. Edgar Alexander, sociol- ogist and author of the forth- coming study, "Hitler and the Pope." assailed Hochhut in an article in the current edition of "America," the Jesuit weekly. Dr. Gordon Zahn, professor of sociology at Loyola University and author of "German Cath- olics and Hitler's Wars," pub- lished in 1962, came to the play- wright's defense in an article in "The Critic." This is a per- iodical sponsored by the Thomas More Association, a Catholic lay group. Dr. Alexander charged the playwright edited, in 1959, a new edition "of the anti- S e m i t i c and anti-Catholic writings and drawings" of the satirist Wilhelm Busch, who died in 1908. That was the year, according to Dr. Alexan- der, in which the playwright started his research for "The Deputy." Dr. Alexander wrote that Hochhut included, with approval, in the new edition of Busch's works many anti-Semitic pass- ages. He cited one which read: "And the Jew with crooked heel/ Crooked nose and crooked legs/ Fully corrupted and devoid of soul/ Wriggles his way to the Stock Exchange." Dr. Alexander's conclusion was that "the editor of the Busch writings" had clearly demonstrated "that Nazi hatred of Jews, of Jesuits, of the Vati- can and Catholicism, which he must have absorbed in his cub days in Hitler's youth organiza- tion, has obviously stunted his growth toward intellectual, moral and political maturity." Dr. Zahn wrote that "the overriding historical fact can- not be denied and should not be ignored" was that "the leading spokesmen of the Catholic church, in Germany and in Rome, permitted them- selves to be maneuvered into a position where the Church could become a silent witness to genocide." Dr. Zahn declared that the playwright's "most serious er- ror" in his play was in placing all the blame for the "failure" of the Catholic Church in not issuing a public protest against the Nazi murder factories. per- sonally on the - late Pontiff. Dr. Zahn also asserted that the play- wright failed to give sufficient consideration to the possibility that a public condemnation by Pope Pius might have brought persecution of Catholics in Nazi- occupied countries as a "final act of paranoid retaliation" by the Nazis. However, Dr. Zahn concluded, after making allowance for these considerations, t h e principal foundations on which the play- wright's thesis rests "are estab- lished." He said these theses were: first, "Pius XII did not issue a public protest against the murder factories" and second, "he did know of their existence and had, in fact, been the object of repeated appeals that he make such a protest." Dr. Zahn added that he agreed with the playwright that the Pope should have protested. LONDON, (JTA) — Sharp criticism of the late Pope Pius I 1XII was leveled here by Rabbi of truth which everyone should anyway," the paper points out. hear. If the theater which bears my name becomes available, I Canada-Israel Firm shall be glad to have "The Deputy" play there." He said Declares Dividend MONTREAL, (JTA ) —C an ad a- that Shumlin planned to stage as well as to produce "The Israel Development, Ltd., has de- clared an interim dividend of Deputy" in New York. $20 per unit, it was announced * ROME, (JTA) — The official here by Samuel Bronfman, presi- Vatican organ Osservatore Ro- dent of the corporation, who was mano took issue with assertions re-elected for a second term by made in the controversial play the firm's general meeting. During the last year, Bronf- "The Deputy" in which the late m a n reported, Canada - Israel Pope Pius XII is charged with shares issued and fully paid-up failing to protest publicly against Hitler's mass annihila- increased from $863,500 to $1,- 499,300. He reported that the tion of the Jews in Europe. company has diversified its port- The paper quoted the late folio and that "all the invest- Pope as having stated: "There ments made had shown consider- was no effort which we did not able growth, and could be real- undertake, not a possibility ized as substantial capital gains." which we omitted, in order that The firm, he said, is now con- populations should not be de- sidering "a number of attractive ported or exiled. And when hard proposals connected wtih the facts came to delude our most long-term development of the Barneff Pontiac CALIFORNIA & LAS VEGAS-11 DAYS 9 WORLD'S. LARGEST DISPLAY OF CARPETING CARLOAD CARPET DISCOUNT SALE! .•:` SAVE UP TO 30% 40% • 50% • C SAVINGS yard of farnous-narne carpeting on every MILLION DOLLAR INVENTORY! in our literally acres See of carpeting samples full roll not swatches — in every, imaginable texture, fiber iz depoour room and color! BrinS l y m measurements. A small guarantees these sale prices for installation anytime. a. EVERY IMAGINABLE VARIETY COLOR, TEXTURE AND PATTERN! NO MONEY DOWN 3 YEARS TO PAY INSTANT INSTALLATION! Order It In The Morning—Enjoy It That Evening! • :o.." ••'• WILTON All wool. Many colors. First quality! CUMULOFT HI-LO 99 Gorgeous looped pile. If reg. $7.95. Sq. Yd. "501" NYLON HEAVY TWIST • ALL WOOL TWIST Extremely beavy quality. If reg. this would easily cost $15.95. 69 Sq. Yd. reg' $9.95. NyLo N 22 ?Los" 00111 „ c Super $ s colors. Quatity. 379 reg . 101 35. {. Sq. yd. , v• • nr. Middle Belt Rd. Scv Sq. Yd. °501 "NYLON Random-textured effect. If reg. $7.95. Hurry! 3 7s. Yd .4,4:•; CE NTER 21170 W. 8 Mile Rd. 28801 Plymouth Rd. 13011 E. 8 Mile Rd. bet. Evergreen S. Lahser Sq. Yd. 5 8 8 Your choice of many decorator color s. If PLUSH 788 VERY SPECIAL ! • Israel economy." I arose up from my heaviness; and . . . I fell upon my knees. and spread out my hands unto the Lord my God.—Ezra 9:5. YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF TO SEE OUR "CARPET CITY"... NW •..*••A - legitimate expectations, we threw everything in action to lessen the sufferings." The Pontiff was also quoted as having described the actions of the Nazis as "atrocious." He also Buy the Best Pay Less With Milt or Allen At Joseph Litvin, one-time profes- sor of history at the University of Moscow, a prominent British Zionist who is now editor of the Zionist Yearbook. MILT LEVIN ALLEN CHARNES He made his criticism in a 14505 MICHIGAN AVE. TI 6-1122 letter to the Daily Telegraph in connection with the production running at the Aldwych Thea- ter here of "The Representa- tive." That play has been at- tacked by many Catholics be- cause it blames the late Pontiff for failing to protest publicly against Hitler's mass-annihila- by JET—San Francisco—Los Angeles—Las Vegas—from tion of European Jewry. THESE FINE HOTELS Stating that other leaders had AT SLIGHT COST Hopkins * Fairmount taken action, while Pope Pius * * Mark You may include stop- Drake Wilshire * Cantebury over s at Monterey, remained silent, Rabbi Litvin * Hollywood Roosevelt* Mayfair Carmel-by-the-Sea San- Beverly Wilshire * Biltmore declare d: "The reactionary * * Tropicana ta Barbara and other * Riviera world famous points. Prime Minister of Rumania, * Stardust * Flamingo Stay as long as you Antonescu, saved Jews in cer- wish at each. tain Rumanian districts from ex- Additional days at slight additional cost termination. King Boris, of Bul- You get all this: * choice hotel accommodations * TWA jet round trip * show, cocktails, and dinner in Las Vegas * arrival transfer in San Fran- garia, an ally of the Nazis, cisco *sceniz coast highway drive by motor coach from San Francisco to whose country was occupied by Los Angeles * plus many extras (per person, dbl. occ., plus tax). the Germans, saved the Jews of Bulgaria. King Christian of Closed Saturday Denmark did his utmost to save *Iva is the Danish Jews; he openly op- Member Open Sunday 11-3 posed anti-Semitism; he was not punished by the Germans." Asserting that Hitler and the Nazis never ceased reckoning with public opinion in certain countries, Rabbi Litvin stated: TRAVEL AGENCY "There were 35,000,000 devout Roman Catholics in Hitler's 18246 WYOMING - AVE. • DETROIT, MICH. Greater Germany. How can one Billy Rose Withdraws as Producer of 'Deputy' Play Critical of Pope NEW YORK (JTA)—Billy protested against the breach by Rose. the producer, said this Hitler of the neutrality of Bel- weekend he had relinquished gium, Holland and Luxembourg, the producing rights to "The the Vatican paper pointed out. Deputy," the controversial play Charging Rolf Hochhuth, the by German playwright Rolf German author of "The Deputy," Hochhut about the late Pope with having no access to the Pius XII and the Nazi slaughter sources he quoted in his play of European Jewry. against Pope Pius XII, the He said Herman Shumlin had Osservatore Romano asked why taken over the rights to The the publi c, and even many Deputy which charges that the critics, have accepted his allega- late Pontiff failed to protest tions as "historic truth." The publicly about the Nazi annihila- Vatican paper stressed that tion of Jews. Previously, Rose Hochhuth's criticism of the late had announced plans to stage Pope for not denouncing the the play in New York City this concordat between the Vatican year. and Hitler is based on the "false In declaring now that he and uninformed supposition that would not be the producer, Rose a concordat means the support stressed that "The Deputy" still of the regime with which it was had his "blessing." He said the concluded. The Catholic Church play "gives voice to a moment was persecuted in Nazi Germany doubt that, had Pope Pius diction, a million Jews would threatened Germany with inter- !have been saved?" bet. Shoenherr & M-97 Phone: 357-4035 Phone: KE 8-1850 Phone: PR 8-1111 13676 Eureka Road across from Southgate Phone: 282-2255 New! "Carpet City" Store Located across from Dexter Chevrolet 7-THE D ETROIT JEWISH NE WS—Friday, October 11, 1 963 Catholic Experts Differ on 'Deputy;I Rabbi Criticizes Playwright Attacked and Defended Pope Pius XII for Silence on Genocide