YOSEF LONDON of Israel Nathan Linden, one of De- JACOB VARKLE, Royal Oak, JACK A. COHEN, formerly ESTHER LIPENHOLTZ, troit's most prominent pioneer 11501 Petoskey, died Oct. 2. of Detroit, died Sept. 24, with died Oct. 5. He leaves three sis- died Sept. 29. The former De- Zionists, died Sunday at the age Survived by her h u s b an d, services in Miami, Fla. Inter- ters, Mrs. Harold Raphael, Mrs. troiter leaves a wife, Aliza; of 66 after a brief illness. Moishe; son. Gershon; three ment, Helena, Ark. Survived by Jack L. Greenberg and Mrs. C. daughter, Mrs. Mordecai Dagan- ite; and three grandchildren. Funeral services were held at daughters. Mrs. Monik (Reva) wife, Mary Ellen; daughter, Mrs. Hertzel Silber. * * * * * Robert (Roseanne) Gelberg; son, Margulies, Mrs. Wolf (Men- Kaufman Chapel Monday after- Thomas; two sisters, two brothers ISADOR OPPENHEIM, 22171 ucha) Kunianski and Mrs. LOUIS BALANTZOW. Cleve- noon. land. Ohio, died Oct. 5. He Stratford, Oak Park, died Oct. Mayer (Miriam) Lewin; and and five grandchildren. * * Surviving him are his wife, leaves his wife, Helen; daugh- 5. He leaves his wife, Rose; Ada; a son, Victor; three daugh- eight grandchildren. LOUIS MASKIN, 18241 For- ter, Mrs. Merrill Stoller; one daughters, Mrs. Joseph Silver- * * * ters, Mrs. Harry Nelson, Mrs. rel. , died Oct. 7. He leaves his BELLA W I L N E R, 23050 wife, Jennie; sons, Dr. Meyer, brother; four sisters; and four man, Mrs. Abraham Raitt and Bernard Kline and Mrs. Gerald grandchildren. Interment, De- Mrs. S. Lawrence Aronsson; two Kenosha, Oak Park, died Oct. Freed; and 11 grandchildren. Philip and George; daughter, troit. brothers; and 12 grandchildren. One of the first Detroiters to 1. Survived by her husband, Mrs. Ben Reder; four brothers, * * * * * *- Isidor; sons, Joseph, of Wash- join the Jewish Legion in World two sisters and nine grand- WILLIAM SOLOMON, 15200 DAVID A. LYNN, 18203 Ohio, ington, D.C.. and Eli, of U.S. War I, to fight under General children. Burton, Oak Park, died Oct. 5. died Oct. 4. He leaves his wife, * * * Allenby for the liberation of A.F.; daughters, Mrs. C hett He leaves seven daughters, Mrs. Celia; sons, Bernard J. and Palestine and the freeing of (Elsie) Brooks and Mrs. Harry LENA MILLER, 22110 Jer- Harry Dorfman, Mrs. Irving Howard F.; d au g h t e r, Mrs. Jerusalem from Ottoman yoke, (Goldie) Berofsky; one brother; ome, Oak Park, died Oct. 8. Klein, Mrs. Faye Blavin, Mrs. Robert L. Becker; one brother, in 1917, Mr. Linden continued three sisters; n i n e grand- She leaves son, Dr. Bernard Morton Forman, Mrs. Harry and six grandchildren. his Zionist activities since then children; and two great grand- Miller and Col. Sidney Miller, Eisen, Mrs. Sidney Lieberman * * and was a life member of the children. M.D.; daughters, Mrs. Albertina and Mrs. Sol Stoller; 20 grand- * * * IDA GOLDMAN, 4011 Cle- Zionist Organization of America. Meises and Mrs. Arthur Stone; children and 11 great-grand- ments, died Oct. 5. She leaves SARAH MELTZER, 16734 two brothers, two sisters, nine In the Jewish Legion he was children. sons, Gerald, Harry and Ben; closely associated with David St. Marys, died Oct. 2. Survived grandchildren and eight great- * * * daughter, Lillian; five grand- Ben-Gurion, the late President by her husband, Joseph; son, grandchildren. JACOB PARTRITE, 11501 children; and two great-grand- * * Itzhak Ben-Zvi of Israel and Robert; two brothers; and four Petoskey, died Oct. 6. He leaves grandchildren. JACOB MEIROFF, 8520 Fen- son, Edward; daughters, Mrs. children. the late Vladimir Jabotinsky. * * * kell, died Oct. 8. He leaves son, Harold Gilbert and Mrs. Sidney He was an active leader in SARAH ESTHER COHEN, Myron; daughter, Mrs. Louise Stotland; and four grandchil- Zionist circles, was a pioneer in Farband and the Histadrut, ac- 9441 Holmur, died Oct. 5. Sur- Ravine; two sisters and two dren. * * tive in Cong. Shaarey Zedek, vived by her husband, Samuel. grandchildren. • * * * * * member of Mosaic Lodge No. ELIE RIVES, 20032 Tracey, GUSSIE ESTRIN, 2685 Oak- died Oct. 6. He leaves his wife, 530, F & A. M. and was active PHILIP SHAPIRO, 17195 During the coming in educational circles. Northlawn, died Oct. 3. Sur- man Ct., died Oct. 8. Survived Pearl; sons, Leon and Marvin; week Yeshiva Beth Together with his wife he vived by his wife, Rose; daugh- by husband, Morris; daughters, daughters, Mrs. Benjamin Sklar Yehuda will observe took a deep interest in the Jew- ter, Mrs. Erwin (Miriam) Bort- Mrs. Isadore Walerstein and and Mrs. Leonard Gurwin; two the Yahrxeit of the ish National Fund and other man, of Utic a, Mich.; one Rose; two brothers, a sister and sisters; 12 grandchildren, and following departed three grandchildren. brother; three sisters; and two one great-grandchild. local causes. friends, with the * * * * * * traditional Memorial grandchildren. PEARL KAHN, 20110 Les- Prayers, recitation of * * * GEORGE ZETRIN, 18016 ure, died Oct. 8. Survived by Kaddish and study- BEN FISHMAN, 16169 Rose- son, Theodore; daughters, Mar- Washburn, died Oct. 6. He ing of Mishnayes. lawn, died Oct. 5. Survived by lene, Mrs. Ben Fingeroot, Mrs. leaves his wife, Frieda; daugh- sons, Irving and Usher; daugh- William Wizner, Mrs. Lawrence ters, Mrs. Fred Green and Mrs. ter, Harriet; two brothers; and Peisner and Mrs. S e y m our Ronald Reichek; a sister; a Hebrew Civil NEW YORK, (JTA) - Top three sisters. Glassman; a brother, a sister brother and * four * grandchildren. Tishrei Oct. * * * * honors in the annual Esperanto and 16 grandchildren. 12 24 literary competition have been SARAH R. GOLD, 18966 North- Sophie Herschberg * * * SAMUEL GEER, 13030 North- 12 24 Michael Miller voted to a Jewish scholar, Dr. field, Oak Park, died Oct. 9. 12 24 SARAH SIEGEL, 4050 Lawr- lawn, died Oct. 9. Survived by Chaim Yaker 12 Julius Balbin, for his translation Survived by wife, Rose; sons ence, died Sept. 29. Survived her husband, Irving; sons, Steven 24 Aaron David Levin of Yevgeny Yevtushenko's fa- Louis and William; daughter, by her husband, Abraham; son, and Byron; mother, Mrs. Ida 13 25 Louis Dann 13 25 Nathan Sachs Miller; three brothers; a sister mous poetic outburst against Mrs. Nathan Silver; a sister and Harry; daughters, Mrs. Jerry 14 26 Jacob Cohen Russian anti-Semitism, "Babi seven grandchildren. Services 9 and a grandchild. (Bernice) Piller and Mrs. Helen 14 * * * Isaac Edward Sperling 26 Yar," it was announced here by a.m. Sunday at Kaufman Chapel. 14 26 Samuel Cohen McMillan, both of Calif.; three 14 HYMAN J. BAILIES, 18090 26 the Esperanto Information Cen- Dora Levine sisters and six grandchildren. 26 14 Anna Maxman Ohio, died Oct. 8. Survived by ter of New York. 14 26 Shama Yalowitz * * * Ruth Rothman Dies 14 wife, Pauline; daughters, Mrs. 26 Dina Weinbaum It was noted additionally that 14 NORBERT ROTTENBERG, Frank Reisman, Mrs. Mark Am- 26 Mrs. Ruth Kahn Rothman, Samuel Rosenberg the prize was voted by a literary 11501 Petoskey, died Oct. 1. 15 27 Oscar Katz dursky and Mrs. David Young; jury holding its session in Sofia, 3665 Lakecrest, Birmingham, 15 Chaya Sarah Dworkin 27 Survived by sons, William, a brother, two sisters and seven last month. Balbin, a native of died Oct. 5. She was 59. 16 28 Israel Grossman Arnold, of N.Y.C. and Henry, Mrs. Rothman, a graduate of grandchildren. Poland and a former concentra- 17 29 Ethel Deutch * of L.A. Calif.; one grandchild; 17 29 Menachem Hertz tion camp inmate, was formerly the University of Michigan who 17 29 grandchild. Vita Levine LEO LOEB, 13427 Pembroke, assistant professor of French and did post-graduate work at Har- and one great * * * 18 30 Sam Rosenberg vard University, was a mem- died Oct. 7. He leaves a nephew, Russian at the United States 18 30 Ida Freedman LILLIAN LEVER E, 3709 Sidney Weiss, and a niece, Mrs. 18 Merchant Marine Academy. He is ber of Temple Beth El, Delta 30 Freda Sachs 18 30 Hirsch Saperstein now pursuing post-doctoral Gamma sorority, Women's City Richton, died Oct. 1. Survived Dorothy Braun. 18 30 Herman Kessler studies in linguistics at Colum- Club and Birmingham Wom- by daughter, Jessica; t h r e e 18 30 Maurice Steingold 18 sisters, Mrs. Jack (Sally) Or- 30 Ida Bronstein en's Village Club. bia University. Sid Wolfson's Surviving are her husband, man, Mrs. Leah Kaufman, of Yeshiva Beth Yehuda MONUMENT CENTER, INC. Edward E.; daughters, Mrs. Calif., and Mrs. Chester (Dorothy) Perry, of Calif. 661 E. 8 MILE, FERNDALE William Brashear of Birming- The Family of the Late 12305 Dexter 1 1 /2 Blocks E. of Woodward * * * ham and Mrs. William Truett- 6 Blks. from 3 Jewish KATHERINE STEINBERGER, WE 1-0203 Cemeteries on Woodward HANNAH ner of Chevy Chase, Md.; sis- JO 4-5557 18616 Cherrylawn, died Oct. 4. LI 2-8266 ters, Mrs. Harry Winston and ZWERDLING Mrs. Martin L. Butzel; and .a Survived by sons, Joseph, Dr. acknowledges with brother, Dr. Edgar A. Kahn Eugene, William and George; grateful appreciation daughter, Mrs. Adolph (Evelyn) of Ann Arbor. the many kind expres- Jacobs; 16 grandchildren; and sions of sympathy ex- four great grandchildren. tended by relatives and * * * Serving Detroit's Jewish Community from the Sam e Location friends during the fam- MINNIE KRISEMAN, 15356 ily's r e cent bereave- for 30 Years . . . "Our Experience Is Your Guarantee" Freeland, died Oct. 5. Survived In loving memory of our be- ment. TOwnsend 8-6923 2744 W. Davison at Lawton by her husband, Jacob; sons, Rita loved daughter and sister, Evenings: DI 1-2276 (Between Linwood and Dexter) Donald and Max; daughter, Slof Lenter, who passed away Best Quality Granites - Personalized Designs Mrs. Walter (Lillian) Drake; • Oct. 13, 1953. Sadly missed and Reasonably Priced always remembered by her par- a brother; two sisters; and five grandchildren. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Slof, and The Family of the Late brother, Marvin. • WE REMEMBER irrarx 7tx Balbin Wins Award for Translation of Yevtushenko Poem DETROIT in Memoriam FREDA (FRITZI) PAULL Acknowledges with grateful appreciation the many kind expres- sions of sympathy ex- tended by relatives and friends during the family's recent be- reavement. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Max Olshansky acknowledges with grateful appreciation the many kinds expressions of sympathy extend e d by relatives and friends during the family's re- cent bereavement. Deitch MONU MENT T WORKS _ BERG AND U RBACH MONUMENTS Formerly Karl Berg Memorials - Manuel Urbach & Son 13405 CAPITAL near COOLIDGE, OAK PARK PHONE: 544-2212 It is not the place that honors the man - but the man who honors the place. Ira aufman Chapel, Inc. DIRECTORS OF FUNERALS 18325 W. 9 MILE RD., IN SOUTHFIELD 300 ft. West of Northwestern Highway I ra Kaufman - Herbert Kaufman Elgin 1-5200 Jacto130 `SrP• A—SAtaN Hsimar noluza an,L—T £ OBITUARIES E961 Nathan Linden, Noted Pioneer Zionist, Dies