Friilay, October 11, 1963—THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS-30 ,111.11■■■ Handlin's 'The Americans,' His Attitude Toward Zionism and the Analyses of Current U.S. History -------wmfwg.wwwwsfffawmmsmavsarsswriPfr—g . Monument Unveilings (Unveiling announcements may be inserted by mailing or by call- ing The Jewish News office, 17100 W. 7 Mile Rd., Detroit 35, VE 8-9364. Written announcements must be accompanied by the name mad address of the person making the insertion. There is a standing charge of $3.00 for an unveiling notice, measuring an inch in depth.) * * * A number of interesting ob- of their own. The Zionist move servations on the status of Jews ment attracted only a tiny min- in America have been made by ority in the 1920's, and when it Dr. Oscar Handlin, professor of grew in the next decade it was history at Harvard University sustained more by the hope of a n d Pulitzer making a place for European Prize winner refugees than by the expecta- for history in tion that Americans might ac- The f a mil y of the late 1951, in his tually leave for Palestine. It too Ne ch am a Lea Frenkel an- latest study, reflected a desire for national nounces the unveiling of a "T h e Amer- identification, a wish to be proud icans—A New of the group to which one be- monument in her memory noon History of the Sunday, Oct. 20, at Machpelah longed. People of the "The great majority of Jews, Cemetery. Rabbi Rothenberg, United States," however, clung to their commit- Rabbi Frankel and C an t or published b y ment to the United States. They Frankel will officiate. Relatives Little Brown were a part of this society and and Co. in as Dr. Handlin no other; and their congresses, and friends are asked to attend. * * * sociation with the A t l an ti c committees and leagues struggl- Monthly Press, (34 Beacon, Bos- ed successfully for equality. They The family of the late Dr. ton 6). too welcomed the promise of the Joseph Rottenberg announces Describing the "search for sta- New Deal." the unveiling of a monument in bility," the economic and social On earlier occasions, Dr. • his memory 10 a.m. Sunday, changes that have taken place, Handlin's a t t i t u d e toward Oct. 13, at Clover Hill Park Dr. Handlin points to the pre- Zionism created consternation Cemetery. Rabbi Sperka and judices that have seeped into in some quarters. Here, too, Cantor Adler will officiate. Rel- our society. There was an anti- when he speaks of American atives and frieinds are asked to alien sentiment, in the early Jewry's "commitment to the attend. years of this century, and: * * * United States," there is in "Discrimination now served e v i d e n c e a negative note. The family of the late Meyer many Americans as it had There never was any other Nadler announces the unveiling earlier served the Southern approach but such a commit. of a monument in his memory poor white against the Negro. ment, and anything that might noon Sunday, Oct. 20, at Clover It established a racial differ- suggest a dual allegiance is Hill Memorial Park Cemetery. ence that defined the group, an unfair charge. Zionists protected it against outsiders acted out of humanitarian aims Rabbi Groner will officiate. Relatives and friends are asked and gave it pride in its own to assist the dispossessed and to attend. superiority. The targets, how- the homeless. It was not, as * * * ever, were no longer the black the eminent historian writes men alone, but also the Cath- The family of the late Philip "a desire for national identi- olics and Jews, the Italians, fication." The only such iden- Abramsohn announces the un- Japanese and Poles, who were tification was with this coun- veiling of a monument in his to be excluded, held down, as try. It is most regrettable memory 11 a.m. Sunday, Oct. a sign of the worth of the one that Dr. Handlin again should 13, at Machpelah Cemetery. hundred per cent Americans." have resorted to a negation. Rabbi Goldman will officiate. Fearing that "a great race He describes how discrimina- Relatives and friends are asked was falling to the assault of to attend. undermen," there were the tion attracted some Americans * * * movements against foreigners, to Father Coughlin's movement and to the America First party The family of the late Israel the prohibition crusade, attacks on jazz and movies. Commander and points to the rise of the Victor Weinberg announces the Richard Hobson, hero of the labor movement during that era. unveiling of a monument in his There is an interesting evalua- memory 11:30 a.m. Sunday, Oct. Spanish-American War and Con- gressman from Alabama, warned tion of the meanings of social 20, at Hebrew Memorial Park that it was only a question of justice and of movements to- Cemetery. Rabbi Prero will offi- time. "We are making the last wards progressivism, and points ciate. Relatives and friends are stand of the great white race ..." out: "The Jews of the United asked to attend. * * * Then the Ku Klux Klan mem- States . . . reinterpreted the bership swelled to four million, Messianic hope for the estab- Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Feld- there were attacks on the Jews lishment of the Kingdom of man, children of the late Eva truth, justice and peace among in Georgia and on others. Dr. Schneidman, announce the un- Handlin states in this connec- all men as a mandate to solve veiling of a monument in her the problems created by the tion: memory 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. "The people under attack— contrasts and evils of the pre- 13, at Turover Cemetery. Rabbi Negroes, Jews, Irish Catholics sent organization of society. Gorrelick will officiate- Rela- —could not become racists. Rabbis like Stephen S. Wise, tives and friends are asked to Their underprivileged posi- Emil G. Hirsch and David Philip- attend. tion deprived them of that re- son became teachers of morals * * fuge. Yet there was a signifi- and commentators on the af- The family of the late Dora cant parallel between their fairs of the day from a progres- Plotkin announces the unveil- response to social and cultural sive point of view . . ." In the period of cultural ing of a monument in her change and that of the native whites. The majority were con- transitions, when there were memory 1 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 20, tent with the pleasures of exclusions of some elements at Northwest Hebrew Memorial popular culture. But clusters from established society, Dr. Park Cemetery. Rabbi Segal of aggrieved men judged the Handlin writes, "Jews, the most and Cantor Fenakel will offi- new conditions inadequate and mobile immigrants of the per- ciate. Relatives and friends are sought more meaningful forms iod, were usually denied ad- asked to attend. of identification and expres- mittance to Society, but the sion . . . the security of re- Coreys of Boston were equally newed identification with the reluctant to receive Silas Lap- The Family of the Late ham of Vermont and Mrs. Astor groups of their origin . . ." REBECCA had to be persuaded to accept It is at this point that Prof. Handlin made reference to the Mrs. Vanderbilt." SI LBERSCHEIN The bewilderments of de- growth of anti-Semitism and to announces the unveil- the Zionist activities, stating: veloping conditions and the ing of a monument in "After 1900 Jews faced an hopes for a new day, the pro- her memory 11:30 a.m. gress in the efforts for desegre- anti-Semitism more v i r u l en t Sunday, Oct. 13, at than the unfavorable stereotypes gation — these and scores of Beth Abraham Ceme- other issues are dealt with skil- and the restrictions of clubs and tery. Rabbi Halpern resorts in an earlier period. Con- fully, guiding Americans to- and Cantor Ackerman certed efforts excluded them wards a better understanding of will officiate. Relatives themselves, their heritage, their from some branches of employ- and friends are asked ment, limited their access to traditions. Dr. Handlin's work to attend. emerges as one of the great the universities and the profes- sions and barred them from de- histories of our country. sirable residences. In some places they were the victims of The Family of the Late violence and the Klan sought The Family of the Late to deprive them of political BENJAMIN RACHEL rights. The United States then MUSKOVITZ ROSENZWEIG might not, after all, be dif- announces the unveil- Announces the unveil- ferent; perhaps expectations of ing of a monument in assimilation were a delusion and ing of a monument in his memory, 1 p.m. their long history of separate- her memory 11:30 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 13, at ness and persecution would con- Sunday, Oct . 20, at Northwest Hebrew Me- tinue. They could not complac- Beth Abraham Ceme- morial Park Cemetery. ently look across the ocean and tery. R a b b i Halpern Rabbi Gorrelick and be sure that what happened in and Cantor Ackerman Cantor Bagley will of- Czarist or Hitlerite p o g r o m s will officiate. Relatives ficiate. Relatives and would not happen here. and friends are asked friends are asked to "Some Jews decided that they to attend. attend. were indeed a separate nation- ality and required a homeland The family of the late Benja- min Kahn announces the unveil- ing of a monument in his memory 1:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 20, at Machpelah Cemetery. Rabbi Gorrelick will officiate. Relatives and friends are asked to attend. * * * The family of the late Anna Katz announces the unveiling of a monument in her memory noon Sunday, Oct. 13, at Work- men's Circle Cemetery. Rabbi M. Halpern will officiate. Rela- tives and friends are asked to attend. * * * The family of the late Rachel Zucker Malkin announces the unveiling of a monument in her memory noon Sunday, Oct. 13 at Chesed shel Emes Cemetery. Relatives and friends are asked to attend. The Family of the Late ABE HERTZBERG announces the unveil- ing of a memorial in his memory 2 p.m. Sun- day, Oct. 13, at Clover Hill Park Cemetery. Rabbi Arm will offici- ate. Relatives and friends are asked to at- tend. The Family of the Late JACK WAYNE (WEINBERG) announces the unveil- ing of a monument in his memory 1:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 13, at Clover Hill Park Ceme- tery. Rabbi Halpern will officiate. Relatives and friends are asked to attend. The Family of the Late The family of the late Abra- ham Moorstein announces the unveiling of a monument in his memory 10:45 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 13, at Northwest Hebrew Me- morial Park Cemetery. Rabbi Arm will officiate. Relatives and friends are asked to attend. * * * The family of the late Fany Goodman announces the unveil- ing of a monument in her mem- ory 12:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 20, at Beth Abraham Cemetery. Rabbi Halpern will officiate. Relatives and friends are asked to attend. The Family of the Late HELEN SWITZER announces the unveil- ing of a monument in her memory 11 a.m. Sunda y, Oct. 13, at Machpelah Cemetery. Rabbi Sperka and Can- tor Adler will officiate. Relatives and friends are asked to attend. AM1111111111111111111111111. The Unveiling of the Marker for LENA LEBSTER Will be held at the Clover Hill Park Ceme- tery 1 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 13, 1963. Rabbi Irwin Groner, officiat- ing. The Family of the Late BESSIE KAMBER Announces the unveil- ing of a monument in her memory noon Sun- day, Oct. 20, at Chesed Shel Emes Cemetery. Rabbi S. P. Wohlge- lernter will officiate. Relatives and friends are asked to attend. CHARLES ARON announces the unveil- ing of a monument in his memory 1 p.m. Sun- day, Oct. 13, at Nusach Harie Section of Beth Emanuel Cemetery, Woodward at 8 1/2 Mile. Rabbi Arm will offici- ate. Relatives and friends are asked to at- tend. The Family of the Late JACK M. GILL announces the unveil- ing of a monument in his memory 10:30 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 13, at Machpelah Cemetery. Rabbi Halpern will of- ficiate. Relatives and friends are asked to attend. I The Family of the Late JOSEPH KAMEN husband of Ida and father of the late Mor- ris Kam _ en and Esther Brown, announces the unveiling of a monu- ment in his memory 2 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 27, at Chesed shel Emes Cemetery. Rabbi Gold- schlag will officiate. Relatives a n d friends are asked to attend. The Family of the Late CASPER BROWN announces the unveil- ing of a monument in his memory 11 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 13, at Beth Abraham Ceme- tery. Rabbi Halpern will officiate. Relatives and friends are asked to attend. I • 0'1" The Family of the Late ISI DOR SELIGMAN Announces the unveil- ing of a monument in his memory. 11:30 a.m.' Sunday, Oct. 20, at Northwest Hebrew Memorial Park Ceme- tery. Rabbi Segal and Cantor Fenakel will of- ficiate. Relatives and friends are asked to attend. The Family of the Late Beloved SAMUEL ZEIDMAN Announces the unveil- ing of a monument in his memory 1:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 20, at Clover Hill Memorial Park Cemetery. Rabbi Groner and Cant or A d l e r will officiate. Relatives and friends are asked to attend. 4