Sukkot Sunrise — 1963 THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1961 Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35, Mich., VE 8-9364. Subscription $6 a year. Foreign $7. Second Class Postage Paid At Detroit, Michigan PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher 50:Firlit■ire-,,,mr: 11 ,9971711kfr7: 4.° • 1 V • ' • •, CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ SIDNEY SHMARAK HARVEY ZUCKERBERG Advertising Manager Business Manager City Editor Sabbath Hol Hamoed Sukkot Scriptural Selections Pentateuchal portions, Er. 33:12-34:26, Num. 29:17-22. Prophetical portion, Ezekiel 38:18-39:16. Scriptural Selections for Concluding Days of Sukkot Pentateuchal portions: Shemini Atzeret, Thursdays, Deut. 14:22-16:17, Num. 29:35-30:1; Friday, Simhat Torah, Deut. 33:1-34:12, Gen. 1:1-2:3, Num. 29:35-30:1. Prophetical portions: Thursday, I Kings 8:54-66; Friday, Joshua 1:1-18. VOL. XLIV, NO. 6 Page Four October 4, 1963 The Blessings of the Sukkot Spirit The Biblical command for the ob- servance of Sukkot, the Festival of Booths, as contained in Leviticus (XXIII: 43), hands down to us this rule for the holiday we are now observing: "Ye shall dwell in booths, that your generations may know that I made the children of Israel to dwell in booths when I brought them out of the land of Egypt." In the observance of Sukkot we not only mark the recollection of an ancient tradition dating back to the trek through the wilderness: it provides cause also for the reconstruction of the untold number of incidents in our history when our people were homeless and roofless, when they were wanderers over the face of the earth, when so many were compelled to live only on faith, pointing to the Sukkah as a symbol of Israel's indestructibility in spite of its fragility. The very weakness of the tabernacle nevertheless always attested to strength that emanated from the spirit that mo- tivated the building of the Sukkah as a constant reminder of Israel's past and as a warning to many of the repetitions of imposed wandering upon Jews in many lands. There is a change for the better and there is a reduction of wandering with the emergence of Israel. Homelessness has been reduced, and only from the two areas dominated by authoritarianism— from behind the Iron Curtain and the lands ruled by Moslems—still come forth anxiety. Only in these two areas there still persist the dangers that go with op- pression and with menacing threats to Jewry's existence. For them the Sukkah still is a symbol of a past that admonishes them to hold on to the faith that the Sukkah that is always in peril of col- lapsing nevertheless will uplift and will provide courage for all who aim at per- petuating their Jewish existence. For all those who, in free countries like ours and in Israel, continue to build Sukkahs, the fragile booths are constant reminders for us to be on the alert, to perpetuate the symbol that cautions us to be humble, to accept our freedoms with dignity, to cherish the liberties that have been won through bitter struggles during many centuries that were marked by persecutions. The Sukkah as a symbol of faith, as a reminder of our past history, also is an inspirer to courage and therefore has a place of great honor in Jewry. It can never be relegated to a mere museum because of the significance of its lessons for all ages. It and the festival it marks provide much rejoicing, mingled with many nostalgic memories, linking young and old and giving assurances that the spirit which has ruled Israel will continue to hover over us. May the Sukkot spirit continue to be a blessing for Israel. On Deaf Ears: Israel's Peace Plea While attention is being given at the United Nations to the recurring anti- Semitic practices in the Soviet Union, and the State Department seems to be en- couraging action to prevent the continua- tion of the discriminations, it is daily becoming more apparent that the major issue involving the Jewish people is that involving Israel. The threats to the Jewish State have not subsided. It is quite possible that the anti-Israeli utterances by Arab leaders are intended mainly for public consump- tion—to prove to the masses of the Arabs that their leaders have not stopped hating Israel. Whatever the motivating factors, the dangers continue to mount, and the warlike attitude of Arab leaders is among the frustrating developments on the inter- national scene. , Whether or not they are inspired by Nasser, Arab leaders continue to mouth Joseph Leftwich's 'Yisroel' A revised edition of "Yisroel," by Joseph Leftwich, which the author calls "the first Jewish omnibus," has been published by Thomas Yoseloff (11 E. 36th, NY 16). It is a great work, containing the best in Jewish literature, and it is certain to be treasured by all who will acquire it and will be among the most suitable source books for students, lay readers and people who do research in Jewish scholarly fields. First published in London in 1933 on the day on which the Hitlerites burned Jewish books—May 10—it served at once as a warning to the bigots that Jewish treasures are not destructible. "Yisroel" first appeared in this country in 1952. Now, in its revised form, with added material, it again emerges as a veritable treasure. The various sections in this book at once reveal its uni- versality. They are devoted to English, American, German, Yiddish, Hebrew, French, Russian and Dutch selections. Perhaps the best indication of the book's importance is in the Yiddish section which contains literary gems that were, in the days of the supremacy of Yiddish, among the widest read. Now they are equally significant in their translations which, again, are being cherished by millions of readers. In this section, which begins with a story from Glickel of Hamelin, appear the works of Rabbi Nahman of Bratzlav, Mendele Mocher Seforim, I. L. Peretz, Sholem Aleichem, David Pinski, Abraham Reisen, L. Shapiro, Sholem Asch, Peretz Hirshbein, Jonah Rosenfeld, gathering of historical data. Bergelson, The Nistor, Joseph Opatoshu, A. M. Fuchs, During very critical periods, Farband David Baruch Glassman, Isaac Bashevis, Ephraim Kaganovsky, Sh. was among the first to come to the aid of Miller, Michael Burstin, Rachmil Bryks, Moshe Dluzmovsky, Man- Israel. It supported the Haganah, it pro- del Mann, S. Tenenbaum, M. Sabatyon, Samuel Izban, Zanvel vided means to overcome obstacles that Diamant, Itzik Manger and Schlomo Rosenberg. were placed in the paths of Israel's The inclusion of the works of many who are not as well builders when they were literally isolated known as Peretz, Mendele, Asch and others is an indication of from the world, and it was among the the compiler's thorough knowledge of the literature from which leading groups that helped in relief and he has culled the best works. There is genuine genius in the rehabilitation efforts as well as in spur- totality of this collection. Equally significant are the names in the French section— ring investments through the Israel Bond Andre Spire, Edmond Fleg, Jean Richard Bloch and Benjamin drives. Thus, Farband became a factor not Cremieuz. It is interesting to note that in the Russian section are only in Israel and on the Zionist scene, included such literary giants as S. Frug, Sh. An-sky, Simeon but also in the help it gave to local com- Yushkewitch, Vladimir Jabotinsky and Isaac Babel. munity movements and to all important There is an unprejudiced approach to the authors selected. educational efforts. the Dutch section are Carry van Bruggen, Samuel Goudsmit To Farband, on its 50th anniversary, In and Siegfried van Praag. go our best wishes for continued success. The Hebrew section is impressive, containing the best selected works of David Frishman, Ch. N. Bialik, Saul Tcherni- chovsky, Salman Schneour, S. J. Agnon, A. Hameiri, H. Hazaz, Aharon Megged and S. Yizhar. While other noted authors have emerged in Israel, this List is most impressive. obscenities against Israel. In a statement The English list includes Benjamin Disraeli, Amy Levy, to the Iraqi News Agency, Iraq's military . Alfred Sutro, Israel Zangwill, Louis Zangwill, S. L. Bensusan, governor-general, Brigadier Rashid Mus- W. L. George, Hannah Berman, Sarah Gertrude Millin, Louis lih, said last month: "The Iraqi govern- Golding, Arthur Koestler, Wolf Mankowitz, Alexander Baron, ment and people are now prepared to Dan Jacobson and Nadine Gardiner. march on Israel in order to wipe it out." Some of the names in the English section are of South Is it any wonder that Israel must remain Africans, but they really belong in this grouping, some of them prepared for attacks by her neighbors? now having settled in England. Another Iraqi leader, Yusuf Kartib, The American section, equally impressive, includes works threatened: "We will wipe out Zionism. by Ludwig Lewisohn, Edna Ferber, Waldo Frank, Thyra Samter This is the pledge of our vanguard so- Winslow, Charles Angoff, Howard Fast, Meyer Levin, Bernard cialist generation. We say frankly and Malamud. New names now appear on the American literary scene. openly that we have a date with you, Nevertheless, those used are most representative. Jaffa and Haifa." In the German group are Heinrich Heine, Berthold Auer- Israel Prime Minister Levi Eshkol's Leopold Kompert, Karl Emil Franzos, Max Nordau, Theo- peace plea, like those of his predecessor, bach, dor Herzl, Arthur Schnitzler, Jacob Wasserman, Else Lasker- seem to have fallen on deaf ears. There Schueler, Stefan Zweig, Franz Kafka, Max Brod, Vicki Baum, is no evidence of hope for amity through Franz Werfel, Robert Neumann and Gabriele Tergit. the United Nations. Once again we must Leftwich is one of English Jewry's most brilliant authors. pray for time to be a soothing element He is an able anthologist. He has performed brilliantly in "Yis- that will bring better understanding to roel" which is one of the richest collections of our varied litera- ture. the Middle East. Fiftieth Anniversary of Farband The 50th anniversary of the Farband, which first assumed a• role of importance in American Jewish life as the Jewish National Workers Alliance—Farband, and now is known as the Farband Labor Zionist Order, deserves the attention of all American Jews in recognition of the contributions the movement has made in behalf of all worthy causes. Primarily interested in Zionism and in the upbuilding of Israel, the Farband has played a vital role as a cultural force in Jewry. It has given aid to educational movements, it sponsors a chain of well- functioning Jewish schools, it conducts adult classes, and the encouragement it gives to Jewish authors has made it an important place to turn to by all who needed aid and encouragement in the A Great Jewish Omnibus