Friday, Sept. 27, 1963 — THE DETRO IT JEWIS H NEWS -- 1 8 Kleiman-Gold Troth Announced "LETTER BOX" Meyer Ben-Zvi Urges Strengthened Zionist and Israel-U. S. Relations background? Why not send our Meyer Ben-Zvi (Harrison), a was impressed by the progress Solving Delinquency Through Jewish Education youth to Hebrew and Yiddish former Detroiter who left for he noted in the schools here. schools or Day Schools and pro- Palestine 33 years ago to be- "Detroit is an oasis compared Editor, The Jewish News: tect them in their future life? come one of the pioneer settlers with other communities' limited Our society is confronted not There are many excellent schools in Ramat Yochanan and who interests in Jewish education," only with a racial problem which visited here for three months he said, reporting on what he is very serious and crucial, but established in every community with his family until last week, had seen in other American also with another severe prob- in the United States. Not only 50 per cent of our school chil expressed the hope that there cities. 5U lem not less important—that of dren should attend Hebrew- will be perpetuated the best re- juvenile delinquency. Yiddish school or Yeshivot, but lations b e t w e e n Israeli and Criterion Club Sets There isn't a day that we do all 100 per cent. And don't be American Jewries. Yom Kippur Nite Ball u satisfied with a minimum Jewish not read about youth c es, Ben-Zvi, who changed his The Criterion Club, civic, about breaking and entering, education, but let the teenagers name from Harrison, was ac- social, cultural and charitable fighting, destroying properties, go to Hebrew High Schools, Ul- companied on his visit here by organization for single adults, even killing. We have definite panim and study. his wife whom he married in will hold its annual Yom Kippur feelings that the morale of some The solution to the problem Israel. They were the guests Nite Ball 9 p.m. Saturday at the ;young people has been shaken, is and to assure our youth a happy here of Ben-Zvi's sisters, Mrs. P y t h i a n Castle, Knights of Ilow and unbalanced. Our youth future lies in preparing the 0. Keer,' Mrs. Eva Heyman, Mrs. is restless, disturbed and tracer- dren, from their childhood, for Ada Mandell and his brothers, Pythias Hall, 15787 Wyoming, announced Sylvia Smith, vice- tain of themselves. a profound Jewish education. Sherman and Isadore. president and chairman of the When a teen-ager is confronted Let's stop talking about juvenile "I was deeply impressed with committee on arrangements. MISS PHYLLIS KLEIMAN iwith the law, caught and brought, delinquency and really do some- the d e v o t ion American Jews Dress for the occasion will be ! by the police to a juvenile court, thing positive and productive. to Israel," Ben-Zvi said. informal. At a family dinner, Mr. and the judge will either give him a MOVSAS GOLDOFTAS. show "It is the hope of Israelis who Dick Shober and his orchestra * * * Mrs. Samuel Kleiman of Strath- warning, or, if it is a second understand the historic rela- will provide music for dancing. moor Ave. announced the en- offense, sends him to a house of Editor, The Jewish News: I have returned from a sum- tionships between Jewries that Refreshments, to be served dur- gagement of their daughter, correction or to jail. Unfortun- Phyllis, to Stephen Seth Gold, ately when released they emerge mer visit to Israel, and have the spirit of amity among our ing the dance intermission, will son of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gold more "specialized" and more ex- noticed that the announcement people will prevail and that be followed by a floor-show fea- of Oak Park. A February wed- perienced to c o m m i t bigger of my retirement from the ac- American Jews and my fellow turing artist-director Ruth Ann tive service at the Jewish Theo- Israelis will work together har- Justice of the International crimes. ding is planned. There was a time when the logical Seminary has been mis- moniously—not only in build- Freedom Festival, baton-twirling Jewish community had a right interpreted by some Jewish ing Israel but especially in ex- star, Majorette Sherry Cardon, Hordeses Honored and a privilege to be proud of newspapers. Permit me to clarify tending cultural relations." and song-stylist Gwen Wells. Ben-Zvi expressed the hope The public is invited. our youth. It was unthinkable to the situation. by JNF on Eve of see Jewish teen-agers involved My major interest for a num- that the Zionist movement will Their Israel Tour in crimes or delinquency affairs. ber of years has been the Re- be revitalized and strengthened. If it did happen, it was the ex- constructionist movement. The He said new developments prove MUSIC ! ENTERTAINMENT I ception, and a tragedy, not only pro g r e s s i v e deterioration of that there remains a great need for the family, but for the entire Jewish life in the United States, for Zionism. Jewish society. It is doubtful if and indeed throughout the A graduate of the United we can enjoy the same satisfac- world, has given me no rest. Hebrew Schools and a partici- tion today. As a matter of fact The conventional approaches to pant in Jewish National Fund and his orchestra we have "contributed our share" religion, to education, to Jewish activities when he was a De- UN 3-6501 to juvenile delinquency cases in community life and to the sur- troit resident, Ben-Zvi said he the last decade. More and more vival of the Jewish people as a we hear and read about boys and creative spiritual force in the Quality Doesn't Cost—It Pays!"—Compare—see For Yourself! • Bar Mitzvahs girls from refined and respected world, have failed. Nothing less • Weddings families involved in criminal than a completely new approach • Portraits • Candids cases. is needed to reinvigorate Juda- Member P.P.A. BR 3-6591 When this occurs the parents Ism in our time. PHOTOGRAPHY In the years that remain for are shocked, the family disturbed and people ask, "How come? me I wish to devote myself to Mr. and Mrs. William Hordes Such a lovely boy — he didn't studying how to stem the tide of disintegration, to find out I The Jewish National Fund miss anything at home!" Maybe the boy or girl didn't how to improve all aspects of We Wish Our Many Friends and Customers Council, at its meeting at the I miss but there is no Jewish life. For this reason I Labor Zionist Institute, Wednes- doubt anything, that somebody did miss am hoping to establish a Re- A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year day night, bade farewell to Mr. and these are the parents. They search Institute for Contempor- and rs. William Horde s ary Judaism. The purpose of this CLOSED THURS., FRI., OCT. 3.4 (SUKKOT) OPEN SUNDAY will leave for another visit in Institute is to turn the atten- Israel next Tuesday. tion of my colleagues and my- The Hordeses will visit with self to a series of projects their children, Mr. and Mrs. through which we can learn Herbert Hordes, and grandchil- what needs to be done in order dren, in Herzlia, and will confer everything for his family. In the I that all Jewish religious, Zionist, with JNF leaders on local proj- evening he is tired, nervous and cultural and social service activi- ects. including their own—a without patience or desire to ties be conducted from the Complete Selection of Kosher Frozen Foods playground contributed last July know what his child's problems standpoint of Judaism as an in honor of Mr. Hordes' 70th area Mother, of course, is active evolving and progressive reli- birthday. in society life, with meetings and gious civilization in which there At Wednesday's meeting of social engagements. She has to must be room for unity in di- Between Hartwell & Schaefer the JNF, M. Ben Lewis re- ,: do her share to help some poor versity and in which tradition DI 1-2840 ported on the recent convention children somewhere . . . so both shall have a vote but not the WE DELIVER of the Zionist Organization of neglect their own youngsters. As authority of a veto. AMPLE FREE PARKING IN REAR a result the children are left to America, held in Jerusalem. Sincerely yours, MORDECAI M. KAPLAN The JNF Council honored themselves or to the maid. The 415 Central Park West Percy Kaplan on his 10th anni- teenagers meet and become in- * * New York 25. versary as its executive director, volved with friends in the t GET THE BEST — PAY LESS AT * * * streets, outside of their home. and voted him a trip to Israel. Attitudess SAMMY WOOLF - MERWIN SOLOMON - MARGOLIS & SKORE KOSHER MEATS & POULTRY 13514 W. 7 MILE ROAD Delicious? Bromedar DATE-NUT ROLL® MADE WITH DROMEDARY... THE WORLD'S CHOICEST DATES! The on the label means it's kosher... Also enjoy DROMEDARY CHOCOLATE-NUT ORANGE-NUT & BANANA-NUT ROLL become victims of criminals or Editor, The Jewish News: I would like to call your at- morally spoiled friends. Many are asking questions: "What hap- tention to the following pas- , pened to us? What is wrong sage in connection with the ' with our youth? What can and article on John Adams in The Jewish News in the Rosh Hash- should be done?" We are in the season of the anah issue: "His indignation was roused High Holy Days, which has al- ways been the period of repent- beyond all patience to see his ance and "Heshbon Hanefesh," countrymen in a torpor while to reconsider where we failed every robber, pirate, cheat in and how we can improve. Maybe Europe preyed upon them. it would be the right time to re- Even at that very moment Jews view our failures and correct our and Judaizing Christians were I mistakes. plotting to buy up the con- Most of the Jewish teenagers I tinental paper at two shillings involved in delinquency affairs I on the pound, and make the come from broken homes. They I States redeem it at twenty. Let were never privileged to get high I this be done, and the Jews moral values or to inherit the would gather a richer plunder spiritual and cultural heritage of than would • ever fall to the our people. It seems that boys Algerians (B a r bar y pirates and girls who receive a religious- A. W.) or the coffee-house of national traditional background, Lloyd's." Quoted from McMaster's "A learning in Yeshiva or in a He- brew-Yiddish School, imbued by History of the People of the the high moral standard of our United States," vol. 1, p. 409. His Alien and Sedition Acts prophets, impressed by the say- ! ings of our sages, have a more certainly did not reflect Bibli- positive approach and a greater , cal attitude toward the stranger responsibility to life in general I and prophetic attitude toward and to Jewish society in par- i -njust government. His love for the wealthy, ticular. Hasn't the time come to pro- well bred and educated were vide our children, our teenagers not to Jefferson's liking. ALLEN WARSEN. with a good and profound Jewish * i I REISMAN'S MARKET 1, * 13400 W. 7 MILE RD. cor. Snowden * AMPLE PARKING FREE DELIVERY * * * * * * * * * DI 1 4525 - DELICIOUS, TASTY, FRESH WHITEFISH KOSHER KILLED FANCY FRYERS 49` Lb. ! . 29 Lb. IC 12-0z. 4/14c t W * Jar 3-0z. Oc Pkg. ay * i MA COHEN'S HERRING DAISY BRAND CREAM CHEESE . ;t * 8-0z. 70c Jar * PEP-E LOX m 19` i RASKIN'S PURE HORSERADISH 2 ,a 19` * Pint AMC it i f WHITE STAR SOUR CREAM . . . 7: )1 10 , 9 4, 4, NESCAFE INSTANT COFFEE Lg. iii cc : FRESH, CRISP CELERY )i ; ' J ar I Above Specials Good Sept. 27 thru Oct.St2al k ill 41. Y• ******************************************* 4 . `