Friday, Sept. 13, 1963 -- THE DETRO IT JEWISH NEW S — 62 [1 LT-y7,, Happy Holiday YEAR I MENDELSON 1 EGG CO. i 4100 Joy Rd. Exclusive Distributor of the World Famous Voss Typewriter 1 8050 James Couzens TY 6-2772! A Happy New Year .1nr917)7qit, NV? Metropolitan I Typewriter Co., Inc. 342-2211 1.3 ■0104 ■ 0•1 •110414111111111.0- 11■ 04 ■ 04111111111411 ■ 11.1111M1. HIMMI•0 ■ 111•0 ■ 4.MIN1.041 ■ 414111it101=1,111 ■ 0•111 ■ C Best Wishes on the New Year MENORAH KOSHER FOOD PRODUCTS NEW YEAR GREETINGS Tradi ti onal :. S1ow1y , with Irta'esty ENV ■ •11•11:, 11•1•11 ..101•"1•11••••••=1•••11/111•If • Ill 11•11.•• ■ ••••••• ■ ,••• /1/•••• ■ • I•WANNOIWOISIMMI•1 ■ 16— ■ •••• ■ ••• t o MIN MIR ==./2• ■•■ ••=ffMW,NIM•M /MI •• 7 vale, ... ..... .■ •WMP.S1111•1 •— ■ •••• ■ •1•11•11 ■ 1111••iM.A.S. MI•BIA,11,61 • hap-py New Year a you I. 1:514- to 1 Michigan Bag & Barrel Co., Inc. I Established 1914 601 E. 8 Mile Rd. J. Berkowitz Hazel Park, Michigan = 4 25 Russel; 1 .0■1111.011■0■1 8 ./11 TE 1-37511 1 11, 04=11.1••=1.11 ■ 0011111..1 ■ 011 ■ er ..„.—..---.......,...,.....0....o.—......"...y. I Happy Holiday KNOPPOW PAINT i i CO. i 14960 Livernois UN 2-52721 SINCERE BEST WISHES sfz 5 A & J MARKET nah to - vah tey Neu The to same 10226 DEXTER TO 8-3453 you .0.0.111•141.11•1110.41 ■0■ 1.0 +=WO 411111.0 ■ 114•111W0 ■0■ 1, Greetings on the New Year . .1 Leo Xniglit • Weddings • Bar Mitzvahs • Movies • Portraits - Commercial Specialists 17590 Wyoming UN 1-7018 — UN 1-5244 J • 1 PHOTOGRAPHY 14 This is one of the 24 songs that appeared in "Songs to Share" by Rose B. Goldstein, piano settings by Reuven Kosakoff and illustrations by E: Schloss, pub- lished by United Synagogue of America. FINE ARTS OPTICAL SERVICE Quality and Service Is Our Greatest Concern— On It We Stake Our Reputation 710 David Broderick Bldg. WO 3-6907 Northland Medical Bldg. Eastland Professional Bldg. Season's Best Wishes FOODLAND U.S.A. 24501 Michigan Ave., Dearborn 8055 W. Vernor, Detroit Sincere Holiday Greetings ACKERMAN'S BOWLING BALL SALES AND SERVICE Brunswick Equipment New Balls Expertly Fitted by Cass Gryegier — No Waiting Bags - Shoes - Shirts — Balls Plugged and Rebored in 24 Hours Open Weekdays 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. 17377 Livernois UN 4-7939 New Year Greetings Photography Below Ground Considered in Israel Reclamation A novel system of under- ground photography to find out the quantity of rock hidden be- neath the surface may make land reclamation in Israel more e f f i c i en t and considerably cheaper. It is at present under exami- nation at the Land Reclamation Department of the Jewish Na- tional Fund in Jerusalem. The first experiment with this method was carried out recently by the Jewish National Fund in cooperation with the Geophys- ical Institute near Roglit in the Adullam Region. Until now, the examination of subterranean rock has been carried out by large tractor- drawn rooters. But as the huge steel tooth of the rooter pene- trates only smaller depths, it often happened that areas which at first seemed promising for reclamation later proved to be too rocky for this purpose. In contrast, geophysical photog- raphy can be carried out to any depth. ACE WIPING CLOTH CO. Buyers of Scrap Iron, Metal and Junk Cars 3035 Central, Detroit 9 VI 3-0721 Ace Brand Wipers for Every Purpose Main Plant 7355 Bryden, Detroit L New Year Greetings to Our Friends and Patrons ASH & COMPANY 5100 Grand River TY 4-2258 - Happy Holiday BANK OF COMMERCE Resources over $66,000,000 Warren - Centerline - West Utica Canvas - Metal - Fiberglas I Estimates Cheerfullly Given 18326 John R BASIC READY MIX 21400 W. 8 Mile Rd. KE 7-7700 Southfield, Mich. Best Wishes for a Happy New Year To Our. _Friends and Patrons Mr. and Mrs. Kalman Lustig of MAYERS BAKERY & PASTRY SHOP 12028 Dexter TO 9-9826 Happy New Year to Our Relatives and Friends Midwest Waste Material Co. Wool and Cotton Rags 1947 E. Kirby WA 3-6400 Greetings MITCHELL GREETING CO. Greeting Cards — Gifts — Table Prizes 47 W. Seven Mile Rd. FO 6-9030 TO 9-6000 Best Wishes for a Happy New Year to Our Friends and Patrons MITCHELL SYRUP & PRESERVE CO. Manufacturers of Ruby Bee Food Products Marmalades — Jellies — Syrups — Fountain Supplies 1951 East Ferry WA 1-0800 NEW YEAR GREETINGS Holiday Greetings ADVANCE GLOVE MFG. CO . MOTOR CITY TRANSIT MIX, Inc. 901 W. Lafayette Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Holiday Good Wishes PAUL INMAN ASSOCIATES TY 7-9170 HOLIDAY GREETINGS I I - IIM. 0•11M.I.MNINI.1111•04=11. 4•111.1 ■ ■ INWO ^ I ACME AWNING CO . i FACTORY SUPPLIES 173 2 5 FO 61 33 8_0 1-1" F AI gt\ 67 3821 Best Wishes for a Joyous Holiday Season Happy New Year WORT SCRAP & SALVAGE CO. - ABSO-CLEAN 1 CHEMICAL CO. sfz 5 New Year Greetings Hamtramck !Best Wishes for a Happy New Year To Our Customers and Friends WO 2-3444 READY MIXED CONCRETE 21420 W. 8 Mile Rd. HAPPY NEW YEAR AUTO CITY GLASS CO. Auto Glass Installed Insurance Work Glass Tops — Mirrors 16431 W. 7 Mile Rd. Detroit 35; Mich. VE 8-5745 444-1290 New Year Greetings HANSON'S SALES & SERVICE Hoover Sales. & Service 3) 5 W. 5th St., Royal Oak LI 1-3043 i...• 3 • • • 4 • 4 ar1