By ELIAHU SALPETER (Copyright, 1963, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) LIMA, Peru.—Several months ago, Michael Simon, Israel Am- bassador in Lima, received a letter from the "Committee of Women for the Restoration of the Church of Holy Mary in Cel- ledin." The ladies, residents of Lima but originally from Cel- ledin, greeted the. Ambassador and the State of Israel and ap- pealed for a contribution to their fund, explaining that they were descendants of "Portu- guese Jews." This, in itself, was not sur- prising. Jews contributed to the expedition of Columbus leading to the discovery of America and it is assumed that they hoped to be able in the New World to shed their forcibly ac- quired Catholic religion and re- sume living as Jews. The speed with which the Inquisition fol- lowed the Conquistadors was a bitter disappointment to them. Instead of reverting to Judaism, they had to continue to hide their faith and were slowly assimilated in the Christian population. In practically every South American country some of the best families claim to have at least one "Marano" an- cestor—and the fact is usually mentioned with considerable pride by his descendants. However, there are also many thousands in the small towns and villages, including Indians and Mestizos, who seem to have a Jewish past. There are some observers who believe that these "descendants of Maranos" are not actually of Jewish ori- gin but are from the families of the native servants and slaves who belonged to the households of Marano masters. In villages where some of the population claims Marano descent, one can see children with blue eyes, blond hair, light skin. And some of the older men have rather patri- archic looking beards—a very uncommon feature among pure-blooded Indians. Many of them declare that they know from their fathers or grandfathers that they are of Jewish descent. This, obviously, was the case when Ambassador Simon arriv- ed for a visit to Celledin, a town of 7,000 residents, a few hundred hard-to-traverse miles from Lima. The Ambassador took with him a book on Marano family names and found that the ten most common names in the town were among the 16 names listed as most frequent among Maranos: Perez, Espin- oza, Castro, Perera, Ventura, Calderon, Medina, Moreno, Val- ero, Prado; and others were families with typical Hebrew Will GIVE Your Bar Mitzvah Boy When you Buy his Bar Mitzvah suit .from . . . 11: All JAMES 18045 Wyoming and 13807 9 Mile Rd., Oak Park Some of the Jews of Recife fled toward the unaccessible regions in the West, when the city was reoccupied by the Portuguese. The title rabbi, given to those the head of the Sanhedrin (i.e. who are designated as spiritual "Out mast e r.") The title "Rabbi" (my master) is said to leaders of the Jewish Commu- have been first used by the nities, is derived from a He- disciples of Rabbi Johanan ben brew noun "Rab." In Biblical Zakkai. In general the title was Hebrew the noun meant "great indicative of ordination enab- or distinguished" — Thus ling its bearer to pass judg- "Rabbi" might be translated as ment, either originally as a "my great one" or "my dis- member of the Sanhedrin, or tinguished one." It might also later as a member of an acad- be associated with the meaning emy of learning or as a spiritual of "much" or "more" indicating leader of a community. that the individual so desig- Want ads get quick results! nated had "much" or "more" learning. In post-Biblical He- brew the term "Rab" came to mean "master" (in contradis- tinction to "slave".) Thus the expression "Rabbi" has often been translated literally as "my master." This title was not Corsets-Brassieres known before the 1st century of MR. AND MRS. Expertly Fitted the Common Era. The first to HENRY FELDMAN have been given this title is 20127 W. 7 MILE RD. to be Rabb Gamliel the Mr. and Mrs. Henry Feldman, claimed 538-5575 elder. This form of the title, Parking in Rear 24231 Majestic, Oak Park, were "Rabban," was given only to honored by their children in a 50th wedding anniversary din- objets d'art • UPHOLSTERING • DRAPERIES ner party at the Sheraton INTERIORS Cadillac Hotel for their family and friends. Residential and Commercial The Feldmans were married in Detroit on Aug. 24, 1913. Mr. Professional Member N.S.I.D. (National Society of Interior Designers) Feldman has lived here all his Lincoln 1-1953 life. His wife was born in Lithu- OAK PARK, MICH. RESIDENCE PHIL ania, came to the United States 14520 ROSEMARY Lincoln 7-8858 in 1900 and settled in Detroit in 1910. They began the Liver- nois Davison Florist Shop in 1935 and are still active in busi- ness: Invites You to Visit Her at the Mr. and Mrs. Feldman have four children, Irvin, Blanche Haas, Rhoda Shuman and Dr. Robert Feldman; eight grand- children and four great-grand- Now Located at children. goundations hy Too many saints in a name also often indicate Marano ori- gin, presumably showing an ef- fort to distract attention from Jewish past. Anybody named `Todos-Santos" is as likely as not to be of Marano descent and a place called "Vera Cruz" (True Cross) was probably heav- ily populated by "New Chris- tians." In the town of Ctuz, in Peru, there are good Catholic families where the wife lights two candles every Friday night; some light the candles in the dining room, but some do it—in the cellar! They don't know the reason, except that they learned it from their mothers, who learned it from their mothers, -etc., etc. And the Hebrew sound- ing names keep cropping up in most far-away places among the native population. The name of People say: If a male dog the mayor in Montero is Rocca- Sela, the Spanish and the He- barks at thee, enter; if a female dog, depart. (The female of the brew words for "rock." The recent mayor of Inqui- species is more deadly than tos, Peru's port on the Ama- the male.)—The Talmud. zon river, was Ben Zaken. When the Israel Ambassador passed through a small town- ship in Bolivia, the entire population waited along the highway, welcomed him sing- ing the "Hatikvah" which they learned somehow, and explained that they knew they all were descendants of Jews. The situation is more con- fused in Southern Chile, where there are several small groups claiming Jewish descent. They are all farmers, they observe the Sabbath and many of them want to go to Israel. (Some youngsters from among them actually went to Israel and set- tled in kibbutzim.) Most of them live in the towns of Cumpaca and Canco and vicinity. One group, which considers itself Jewish in all matters, claims descent from Maranos who serv- ed in the Spanish army and re- turned to Judaism. They ob- serve Rosh Hashana, Yom Kip- pur and Passover, and when an important Jewish visitor arrives, they welcome him with the sounds of "Hatikva," played on guitars. They even buy the "Shekel" and send delegates to Zionist conferences in Santiago. Another group, which also claims to be Jewish, actually professes Christianity, but con- siders the Old Testament the holier of the Scriptures. The third group accepts all basic tenets of Catholicism, except that it believes in the Second Coming of the Messiah who will take them all to Zion. The interest of these groups in Israel is not something new, something that was born after the establishment of the State. One of the most prized posses- sions proudly shown by one of the elders is a document prov- ing that a representative of the South Chilean "Jews" attended the first South American Zion- ist Convention in 1919. How pleasant it is for a father to sit at his child's board. It is like an aged man reclining un- der the shadow of an oak which he has planted."—Sir Walter Scott. by Phil Morganroth RHEA TANN CONTINENTAL BOUTIQUE GIFT CORNER 19191 LIVERNOIS In The CONTINENTAL HAIR FASHIONS SALON Happy New Year • • • To Our Many Friends and Customers I 0,0111110a:+2, tiro =IC mat 11111/111111V-:*;, Order Now for the High Holidays • • • SPECIAL ! For the Best in Quality . • Reg. 85c I BUT :AMU names: Ables, Danon, Alkalai and others. According to the local tradi- tion, the ancestors lived in Re- cife, in north-east Brazil, and when the Portuguese re-took the city from the Dutch, some of the Jews fled westward to escape the Inquisition and set- tled, founding Celledin which, they hoped, would be sufficient- ly far away also from the In- quisition of Lima. The story seems to be confirmed by the fact that some of the signatures on ancient land deals in Celle- din spell the name Joseph "Josef," with an "f" at the end as in Hebrew, and not 'Jose" as in Spanish. Give Derivation of the Title Rabbi Henry Feldmans Mark 50th Date Sponge, Marble, Honey, Pound SOUR CREAM lb . • • v CAKE 5c AND. MANY MORE EVERYTHING BAKED FRESH EVERYDAY ! WE BAKE THE FINEST QUALITY Chale and Bread-Rolls in Detroit ! t WEISS BAKERY AND BAKERY SHOP 15744 W. 7 MILE at Forrer VE 7-1977 4 , -i-k******************************.kk**************-k******************1; 41 -- THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, Sept. 13, .1963 `Jewish' Indians in South America