THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — 8 Friday, Sept. 6, West Germany Interior Ministry Defends Nazis in Security Posts In the end of days . , . the people shall beat their swords into plowshares –. . . and nation shall not lift up sword against nation; neither shall they learn BONN, (JTA)—A spokesman war any more.—Isaiah 2:4. for the West Gem in Interior Ministry defended file employ- ment of former Nazi SS offi- cers in a government intelli- gence unit with the comment APPLICATIONS FOR that they had proved themsel- ves valuable. ARE NOW BEING TAKEN The agency involved is the On New or Existing Homes Cologne office for the Protec- tion of the Constitution, a unit QUICK SERVICE of the Ministry with respon- Phone Us Today sibility for guarding internal FRANKLIN security. Indicating that no ac- MORTGAGE CORP. tion would be taken, the Minis- Approved FHA Mortgagee try spokesman said that the for- 915 First National Bldg., Det. 26 mer Nazis had played "a large WO 3-4890 part in uncovering some of the MORTGAGES VA or FHA ENJOY AN EDIFYING RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE AT HIGH HOLIDAY SERVICES WITH Young Israel Of Northwest Detroit 17376 WYOMING AVENUE IN ITS ATTRACTIVE, AIR-CONDITIONED SYNAGOGUE Tickets Available: EVENINGS: 7:00 to 9:00 P.M. SUNDAYS: 10:00 to 12:00 Noon For further information, call UN 1-7691 or UN 4-9776 Congregation Gemiluth Chassodim _ FIELD at VASSAR DRIVE 19371 GREEN Announces HIGH HOLIDAY SERVICES In Their Beautiful, Air-Conditioned Sanctuary Tickets Available: Sundays: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Evenings 7:30 to 9- Registrations are also accepted for The Religious School (leading to Bar Mitzvah and Consecration) Call BR 3-0570 — BR 2-3906 or visit the Synagogue Office. B NAI DAVID SCHOOL Sunday and Midweek Hebrew Classes For boys and girls 3rd grade and up also Sunday School for Kindergarten, First, and Second Grades with Hebrew-enriched program Will Meet at McKinley School 1 block west of Southfield Rd. 2 blocks south of 10 Mile Rd. ALL CLASSES BEGIN SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1963 Transportation Provided Non-Members Accepted Register NOW at Synagogue office 24350 Southfield Rd. EL 6-8210 Eshkol Proposes Galilee Development JERUSALEM (JTA)—A com- Levi Eshkol. The program, prehensive regional develop- scheduled to start, in two ment scheme for the central months, would establish about Galilee region was presented to 40 agricultural villages and worst security cases." The spokesman also said that the cabinet by Prime Minister seven rural centers. the Western allies had also em- ployed former Nazi "trustees" in their intelligence networks. BUY THE The Interior Ministry issued BEST—PAY LESS a statement saying that mem- WITH bership in "certain" Nazi or- ganizations did not imply the guilt of individual members. The statement quoted findings of the Allied Nuremberg war crimes trials in 1946 that some ALLEN CHARNES members of the SD (Security Police) had only been "nominal TI 6-1122 members" of the SS "for ad- ministrative purposes" and said that the general accusation against the SS as a criminal or- • ganization did not apply to • • • AMERICA'S No. I them. • 100% PURE The spokesman said that few- • er than two per cent of the • BEEF PRODUCTS • agency's 858 members were for- • • • mer Nazi security men. I MILT or ALLEN Barnett Pontiac smee•s••••••••••••••••••••••s • • • • • • • • Guggenheim Named for International Court of Justice (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) • • • • • • • • • • • • :KOSHER • • ZION . . . only the finest in taste and quality from Kosher Zion . . . made fresh daily in our new, modern, clean, stainless steel kitchens, under strict U. S. Government inspection and Or- thodox Rabbinical Supervision. • • • • • • UNITED NATIONS, N.Y.— Paul Guggenheim, a prominent U. S. INSPECTED Swiss Jewish attorney was nomi- AND PASSED BY DEPARTMENT OF nated Tuesday for membership AGRICULTURE on the International Court of EST. I Justice. The General Assembly, to :SAUSAGE COMPANY OF CHICAGO CHICAGO 8, IA: open its sessions here Sept. 17, will vote on five vacancies on the 15-Member court for terms beginning next February. There are about 20 candidates for the five juridical posts. Dr. Guggenheim, who is 63, has been prominent in various international arbitration affairs for many years. A native of Zurich, he has studied at the universities of Geneva, Rome and Berlin. He is a former chairman of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Switzer- Served at bar mitzvahs, brunches, barbecues, land. • • • S•••oom•e•••••••s•••••••..2 European Convention on Rights of Man Is Invoked Successfully BRUSSELS, (JTA) — The European Convention on the Rights of Man was successfully invoked here by a Jewish claim- ant who had been denied un- employment insurance because his religious convictions for- bade him to appear at the un- employment office on Saturday, as required by the local regula- tions. The regulations require an unemployed person seeking benefits to report to the labor office daily, Monday through Saturday. The claimant told the court he appeared 1VIondays through Fridays but could not appear on the Sabbath. He charged that he was being dis- criminated ...gainst on religious grounds. The court ruled in the claim- ant's favor, citing Article 9 of theConvention which states that "freedom to practice a re- ligion cannot be subjected to any restrictions other than those necessitated • by public order and public security." The ruling was considered a prece- dent holding in all other coun- tries signatory to the conven- tion. Pennsylvania Schools Warned on Prayers oat crackers, canapes, cucumbers, in salads, sandwiches, smorgasbords, with boiled potatoes, chilled tomatoes, or straight from the jar. HARRISBURG, Penna. (JTA) — Public school officials in Peansylvania w ere warned against conducting group Bible reading or prayers in a sweep- ing ruling from Attorney Gen- eral Walter E. Alessandroni. The Attorney General held that devotional services were banned in schools "whether or not they were required or per- mitted by school boards, admin- is t r at ors or teachers, and whether or not the pupils en- gaged in the practices volun- tarily, or even with the express .written consent of their parents." VITA HERRING Is CATCHING ON FAST 4