BY MILTON FRIEDMAN (Copyright, 1963, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) WASHINGTON—Deeper and more personal Jewish involve- ment in the Negro revolution was indicated here on Aug. 28. The spontanous participation of hundrds of rabbis, lay lead- ers, and many Jewish young people showed that effective Jewish involvement on the bat- tle line for Negro rights is spearheaded by the rabbis, the religious community and many unaffiliated Jewish youths. Jewish youth appeared at- tracted to the more militant and direct action of such groups as the NAACP, Congress of Racial Equality and the Student Non- V i o l e n t Coordinating Com- mittee. beginning. The fight for President Kennedy's civil rights bill will be waged in Superb police work sealed off potential trouble from a group of Nazi counter-demonstrators. George Rockwell later admitted that he was "disgusted" by the meager turnout for his cause. Rockwell's exaggerated prepar- ations had come to naught. Rockwell commented that "the right wing, I'm sorry to say, is the most cowardly thing in the w o r 1 d. The Negroes are brave enough to go out and get arrested by the thousands. But Negroes on the line of March applauded the rabbis, who were more in evidence than other Jewish partici- pants and seemed to elicit the respect and appreciation (A the crowd. Several rabbis told this re- porter that they were deeply moved by the Negro spirit of commitment and dedication. They made known a realization that they must do much more to prod and awaken the conscience of their congregations. Rabbi Joachim Prinz, presi- dent of the American Jewish Congress, included in his ad- dress to the March a reference that could apply directly to American Jewry. He said he learned in Nazi Germany that bigotry was not the most urgent problem but that "the most ur- gent, the most disgraceful prob- lem is silence." He said Ger- many became "a nation of silent thousands of Rosh Hashanah and Yom HipPlir sermons. Any landlord or merchant of Jewish faith wno hiocks Negro rights will be increas- ingly exposed to disapproval of co-religionists. the white man is a coward at his point, I'm ashamed of my race." Sen. Jacob K. Davits, New York Republican who took part in the March, was moved es- pecially by the non-Negro par- ticipation. He w a s 'impressed by the large number of non-Negroes, including many religious lead- ers, who marched. How to say Happy New Year in Hebrew: Jamaican Rabbi Booed Rabbi Henry S i 1 v e r m a n, spiritual leader of the Jewish community in Jamaica, was booed at a recent mass meeting in support of the civil rights march on Washington. The din of hecklers forced him to leave George VI park after he in- voked a blessing on thousands of West Indians in a nearby demonstration. George Lincoln Rockwell, self-styled "fuehrer" of the American Nazi Party, smoked a pipe in the shadow of the Washington Monument as his counter-demonstration to the March for jobs and Freedom failed to materialize. He ex- pressed his anger by charg- ite man—right ing: "The wh wingers—are cowardly." IF YOU TURN THE UPSIDE DOWN YOU WON'T FIND A FINER WINE THAN L. Milan Wineries, Detroit, When iteemes to chocolates and pastries for Rosh Hashanah, Barton's speaks everyone's language. CARTONS' NEW YORK LUGANO, SWITZERLAND 18309 WYOMING 1 Block North of Curtis 24790 COOLIDGE at 10 MILE RD. Next Door to Dexter Davison Market Mich. onlookers. They remained silent in the face of hatred, brutality and murder.' The prayer offered by Rabbi Uri Miller, president of the Synagogue Council cf America, also stressed that actions rather than "empty words" were now needed. • A. Philip Randolph, Negro leader who headed the March organization, went out of his way to commend Jewish sup- port. This reporter interviewed many Negro marchers from both north and south and heard not one evidence of anti-•emi- tism. Some Negroes actually sought out rabbis and told of their sincere appreciation of the rabbis' presence. The Rev. Martin Luther King, his eye on the future, cautioned the Negro masses that they must "not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred." It was apparent from the messianic spirit of Jewish participants that the March was not a climax of Jewish involvement but only the real • Commerce Secretary Hodges Visits Israel (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) JERUSALEM— United States Commerce Secretary Luther Happy New Year from Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corporation Makers of MCEROY Cigarettes VICEROY'S got—the taste that's right! , Hodges arrived here Wednesday with his wife from Athens for an unofficial 3d-hour visit as a guest of the Israel government. He expressed the hope that the visit "will contribute to the fostering of closer trade rela- tions between our two coun- tries." He was met at the airport by Finance Minister Pinhas Sapir, senior government official and representatives of the United States Embassy. The American cabinet officer met Sapir in the United States last year and his visit was in the nature of a return call. Hodges' told report- Smoke all 7 filter brands and you'll find some taste too strong—like they didn't have a filter at all. Some taste too light—they take all the fun and flavor out of smoking. But Viceroy tastes the way you'd like a filter cigarette to taste. Not too strong. Not too light. Viceroy's got — the taste that's right ! IN FAMILIAR SOFT PACK AND NEW "SLIDE-TOP" CASE. ers that he would tour a number of industrial enterprises during his visit. He will also call on President Shazar and address the Israel-America Chamber of Commerce. Want ads get quick results! ©1963, Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corporation 7 - THff DffTROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, Sept. 6, 1963 Jewish Groups, Rabbis, Lay Leaders Played Important Roles in Rights March in D.C.