Schwa rt;:-:-Robinson Engagement l'old . . Yirnnyahu Haggai Stresses Value 'Sam be ig-Posner of Kibbutz, Urges Larger America n Rites Solemnized Jewish Immigration Into Israel Sid Shmarak's Business Briefs Yirmiyahu Haggai, who is would, at the same time, serve visiting here with his mother, to strengthen the best Ameri- Announcement has been made Mrs. Joseph Haggai, and sister, can-Israel relations. by Harry Warsh that as of Aug. Tikvah, after an absence of 27 Deploring some semblances 19 the Raskin Food Co. has in- years during which he has been of misunderstanding between corporated with the following as one of the leaders in the Ein American and Israeli Jews, he officers: 'Harry Warsh, president; Hashophet Kibbutz that was declared that it is necessary to Leonard Warsh, vice-president; established in honor of the late broaden the scope of education Larry Warsh, secretary; and Mol- Supreme Court Justice Louis so that uncalled for suspicions lie Warsh, treasurer. The firm D. Brandeis, in an interview, should be removed. sponSors the Raskin Big Baby emphasized the continued need "The Hebrew press, its cor- Bonus contest in cooperation for the kibbutzim in Israel. respondents abroad, are bring- with The Detroit Jewish News. He declared that "there is an ing factual information and Results can be found* in the objective necessity for the kib- are aiding in removing mis- Birth Announcements column. butz from the economic and understandings," Haggai said. * security point of view," and He concurred that the cement- MARION LEIB of Leib Shoes, while he would not venture a ing of the best relations be- 15224 W. Seven Mile, near prophecy as to the future of the tween the two Jewries is a Greenfield. announces that the MISS LINDA SCHWARTZ MRS. ARTHUR SAMBERG collective settlements, he de- vital necessity. Foot-So-Port line has added a clared that "the need for the Haggai said he strongly favors Rebecca Ellen Posner, daugh- number of dress shoes for wo- Linda Marilyn S c h w a r t z, kibbutz in Israel is indisput- a revival of interest in Zionism ter Dr. and Mrs. Irving Pos- men without sacrifice of comfort. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris able." and emphasis on Zioni en- ner, of and Jay Samberg, Leib Shoes fills doctors' pre- W. Schwartz, 18714 Mendota, Asserting that there are more lotion. He felt that the negation son of Mr. Arthur and Mrs. Philip Sam- ! scriptions. The store has recent- and L. Theodore Robinson, son than 90,000 settlers in kibbut- of the Zionist terms is detri_ s berg of Tenafly, N. J., were ly received its supply of latest mental both to Jewry and to zim in Israel today, that the old mental of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Robin-1 fashions in back-to-school and ones have prospered Israel, and he said he and his ; married Aug. 25 by Rabbi Morris son, 1907 Orleans, announced and that new ones have arisen , associates strive to reintroduce Adler in a noon ceremony at dress shoes. their engagement at a cocktail he said that their future does the Zionist factors into Israeli Cong. Shaarey Zedek. Want ads get quick results! party given by the Robinsons on depend upon reinforcements activities. The bride wore an ivory satin Aug. 17. Terming his movement, Ma gown with illusion yoke trimmed which will be needed to create The bride-elect will be a senior new collectives. pam, the "extreme left labor with Belgian lace. She carried a Want The Best? at the University of Michigan. Zionist movement," Haggai said cascade arrangement of phala- "I srael b e secure when Ask the Folks Who've Hod Her fiance was graduated from we have four to five million that it has retained its numeri- nopsis, orchids with stephanotis the U. of M. A Jan. 1 wedding Jews," SAM BARNETT Haggai said. Empha- cal strength and has gained and ruffled ivy on her consecra- is planned. and His Orchestra sizing that the party in which adherents among native-born in tion prayer book. The matron of honor was Mrs. he is a leader—Mapam—con- the past few years. LI 1-2563 Discussing the language ques- Sheldon Schwartz of Ann Arbor. Oakland County March tinues to nourish Arab friend- tion in Israel, he said that Yid- Bridesmaid was Sally Teitel- ships and to encourage equal- of Dimes Starts Drive ity for Arabs as well as Jew- ! dish has a strong hold on many baum. Several added attractions have ish newcomers from Arab newcomers, who read a daily Edwin Samberg of Tenafly was 6: PLASTIC FURNITURE 1 been arranged for the Oakland countries, he said that an Yiddish newspaper published his brother's best man. David x •:i COVERS County Chapter March of Dimes Israel with a population twice for them, but he deplored what Parker of New York City and 0 MADE TO ORDER A l or READY MADE airlift to be held Sept. 7 and 8. its present size would deter he said is an inevitable decline Murray Sachs of Boston were ,.. i: Sunday's head-liner will be any threats from the antago- of the language in Israel, just ushers, as were the bride's broth- • CALL ANNA KARBAL as it is declining in the Dias- ers, Jonathan, David and marching by the noted Ambas- nistic Arab nations. LI 2-0874 pora. Hebrew, of course, is the Matthew Posner. .%.:kr.CKX.*:<:<*:+=::>1.1<>::CK::::<•;;F;;WK:>1 sadors in Blue, crack precision He also expressed the view dominant language, but English drill team from Selfridge Air that whatever suspicions ma y and Arabic is taught in the The newlyweds departed for Force Base, who will perform be leveled at the loyalty of kibbutz schools where studies a honeymoon at the bride's par- at 3 p.m. Throughout the two Israeli Arabs are due to the continue through the 12th grade. ents' summer home, Northport, days exhibits from the United pressures from without to th Haggai said the Oriental- Mich., and Chicago. They will States Air Force and Navy will , p ropaganda that comes from • MIKE GREEN'S Occidental gulf — he denied live in Palo Alto, Calif. be open to the public, according I s rael's enemies. A reduction MUSIC that it is a rift—is serious, but to James K. Williams, chairman in such pressures, he added, is If you do not want to bear LI 8-4432 of the 1963 airlift. ce rtain to eliminate tensions he said he was confident that the light burden of education, * * the abandonment of all color All flights will be made from a nd to strengthen the loyalties lines, and especially life for then you must bear the heavy the Pontiac Municipal Airport, Israel seeks. the young settlers from North burden of ignorance. — MOSES OPEN EVENINGS! concentrated over scenic Oak- Haggai stressed the need for Africa in the army, which IBN EZRA land County. Each will be for new settlers in Israel and he has a leveling influence, will 15 minutes. Saturday's flight e mphasized that a larger con- , tend to remove obstacles. Mon., Tues., Wed. Only time will be from 10 a.m., to ti ngent of Americans would be , A native Detroiter, Yirmiyahu ALL TINTS COMPLETE $39 dusk; Sunday, noon to dusk. of great value to Israel and Haggai was influenced Zionis- WITH SET tically by his father, the late • Expert, Talented Stylists • Joseph Haggai, who was one of the most distinguished labor Corsets-Brassieres HAIR DESIGN Zionists, and by his mother, Expertly Fitted who continues her interest in STUDIO the movement. His entire fam- L ook for the Green Canopy 20127 W. 7 MILE RD, Look ily, his wife, children and 10615 W. 7 Mile at Pinehurst 538-5575 grandchildren, remained in the UN 4-3004 — UN 4-1411 Parking in Rear kibbutz, and the Israeli visitor '11\r""1.1—"-IAS—••"' will remain here until Novem- ber. A monument over the "Quality Doesn't Cost—It Pays!"—Compare—See For Yourself! • Bar Mitzvahs grave of his father is to be • Weddings unveiled on Sunday. • Portraits , • IN. • • IC **** **************** TINT DAYS goundations by It's a happy family affair Criterion Members Show Vacation Films with Mothet'® Gefilte Fish! From the smallest to the tallest... they all prefer Mother's grand Gefilte Fish! Made with freshest, kitchen-good ingredients MOM herself would use. Choose from three fine, festive flavors for happy holiday dining! KOSHER rss. PAREVE From :he spotless kitchens of Mother's Food Products Inc., New,i ,k. 5, "Mid Pleasures and Palaces" —a symposium on travel and adventure — will highlight the meeting of the Criterion Club to be held on Thursday eve- ning, announced William Flei- sher, president. Members of the organization who returned last month from vacation will take part as panel- ists in presenting illustrated narratives and travelogs of dis- tant places ranging from Maine to California, including Las Vegas, Miami and the foreign capitals of Mexico City, London, Paris, Rome, Madrid, and Jerus- alem. Arrangements have been com- pleted for the organization's annual Yom Kippur Nite Ball on Sept. 28. MERW1N SOLOMON iPHOTOGRAPHY :B R 3-8591 ppt aY it . SAY "HAPPY NEW YEAR" To Your Loved Ones or Your Hostess with a Beautiful Gift Basket of Mouth-watering Fruits and Goodies from Market Basket! Coll Us NOW for Better Service "Speedy Recovery," "Sympathy" or "Bon Voyage" more important than what you say is how you say it. Expressions of sym- pathy, best wishes or congratulations are much more effective with a gift basket that speaks for you .. . in an eye - appealing, taste- -tempting and satisfying manner. We are Michigan's leader in Marriages KAPE-G OODGAL L: Louis Goodgall of Hubbell Ave. an- ; nounces the Aug. 23 marriage I of his daughter, Beatrice, to Jack Kape. The couple are residing, temporarily, in Tulsa, Okla., ' where he is associated with the [University' of Tulsa. • Candids Member P.P.A. GIFT BASKET PREPARATION There must be a reason!! Call UNiversity 2-6800 Nation-Wide Delivery end CHARGE IT! 06 7 LOTATT 404 0 3205 .W. McNICHOLS - RD. kat Wilderrietc: . DETROIT 21, MICHIGAN