Friday, Sept. 6, 1963 — THE DETRO IT JEWISH NEW S -- 12 Weekly Quiz Religious Survey Starts Today Catholic representatives also While the steering and advis- ory committees for the Detroit are lacking on the survey corn- By RABBI SAMUEL J. FOX (Copyright, 1963, Religious Survey, which corn- mittee because the Catholics Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) menses today, does not include have a nearly complete record When were written texts for a Jewish representative, Dr. of their affiliates. prayers first used? A request has been made to Francis M. DuBose, coordin- To the best of current knowl- ator, and Rev. William A. both Jews and Catholics that edge, written texts for prayers Powell, survey director, stated they give a courteous response were first in the eighth that Jewish groups were invited to the survey if and when ap- century of used the Common Era. and have indicated an interest proached. While the text of the basic in the information being gath- prayers had been standardized Want ads get quick results! ered. centuries before that, the pray- ers were more or less recited Why were Jewish prayers so standardized and fixed in Survivors of 1945 invite everyone to participate in our form and content? As early as in Talmudic times it was realized that a fixed and standardized text was necessary so as to protect the liturgy from the intrusion of foreign ele- ments which might have intro- duced various non-Jewish doc- trines into the Jewish prayers. In the time of the Gaonim this was especially a danger because of the Karaites, who denied the authority of the Talmud and who developed theories which were contrary to basic Jewish Law and Philosophy. Further- more, a standardized liturgy was a means of developing a sense of universalism and com- munity spirit amongst worship- pers of the Jewish fatih because it meant that Jews all over the world were using the same prayers. It also tied together Jews of various historical per- iods giving Jews a sense of his- toric continuity in their prayers. Perhaps no other instrument has served as well as to unite Jews all over the world as has the standardized texts of our prayer s. Furthermore, the standardized texts have cap- tured the thoughts, ideas and aspirations as well as the needs and desires of the worshipers in a depth of feeling and an economy of language as well as in the most beautiful of literary expressions. The language of the fixed texts has a moving effect upon the worshiper who has some understanding of its HIGH HOLIDAY SERVICES at EINSTEIN SCHOOL 14001 NORTHEND, OAK PARK between 8 and 9 Mile Rds. eminent cantors have been engaged Join us for a friendly, joyous and spiritual holiday Contribution — $10 per person Call for Tickets: LI. 1-3183 or DI 1-7585 NOW AVAILABLE FOR TICKETS NOW HIGH HOLY DAY SERVICES in Air Conditioned Main Sanctuary of SHAAREY SHOMAYIM SYNAGOGUE TEN MILE at CLOVERLAWN DR. LEO Y GOLDMAN, Rabbi Rabbi Shlomo Hochler from Toronto, Cantor Former Teacher and Music Director of Y'eshivath Beth Yehudah inquiries on Membership, Day Nursery, Sunday School, Bar Mitzvah Services Invited. Office Hours: Daily from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday all day. River Rouge Jewish Congregaaion River Rouge — 41 Oak St. wish the entire community A Happy and Healthy New Year and invite all downriver residents to join US in prayer during the High Holy Days Louis Sax Will Officiate meaning. CONGREGATION BETH ABRAHAM SEVEN MILE ROAD WEST at GREENLAWN announces the opening of a DAY NURSERY (for children ages 31/2 to 5) on September 9, 1963 at 1 :00 p.m. TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE Competent Teacher — Approved Facilities FOR INFORMATION CALL LI 7-6671 or UN 1-6696 REASONAhBLE -RATES i i 1, .....o.m.o.•• ■■ .• ■ <>••• ■■ sw.1 1 .■■•■■4■••■ wwwwo.onms.o .mwo ■ mmtilmwo-∎ ■■ ∎ ■■∎" ■=►wsw. , ■■ o■•••■.••■ ••4). You Are Invited CONG. BNAI JACOB AUXILIARY SERVICES IN THE DETROIT ARTILLERY ARMORY 15000 W. 8 MILE at HUBBELL Tickets: Adults, $12 — Youth, $6 Seating Committee at SYNAGOGUE Daily 7 - 9 P.M. 20470 HUBBELL Sunday 9 - 12 Noon Join Us in Daily Prayers Morning & Evening CC: I I I= ¢- ..1■ 1.1.130, OlaMIL 0.1,1.011.■ 41,19. Why are most all Jewish prayer texts composed in the plural rather than in the singular? Samuel, the third century Babylonian scholar of Talmudic times, laid down the rule that one is obligated to include the entire community in his prayers (Berakoth 49b). In the first place our best chance for Sal- vation and fulfillment comes through the grace of the group of the community before the eyes of the Lord. While we may be undeserving individually. we may be answered as part of the people of Israel. Even if we are fit to be answered individually, we have not done our part in- deed, if we show no concern for others who may not be so vir- tuous. Being concerned only! with one's self is rather a self- ish and unwise attitude. Indeed our blessings are that much more meaningful in a blessed society. War VP,A, EETim1/4% 1963-5724 Individual New Year's Cards'for Every Member of the Family • • • • • Grandmother • Grandfather • Aunt Uncle • Husband • Wife • Sister Brother • Machetonim • Children Grandchildren • Nephew • Niece • Cousin Sweetheart • Friend • Parents • From Our House to Your House Also Complete Selection of General Cards From Israel and Domestic, 1 1/2c and Up Ask about our special on PERSONALIZED CARDS It is still time to order your personalized cards with imprinting. c .11•111•• ■ 9 For the Children—A Set of PRAYER BOOKS for Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur (2 Volumes) MI Complete Assortment of Holiday Needs at Reasonable Prices BORENSTEIN'S Book & Music Store 13535 W. 7 Mile at Schafer DI 1-0569 DI 1-3268 ii11111111111 ► . CONGREGATION B'NAI MOSHE Has a limited number of seats available to the public for the High Holy Day Services in its air conditioned Sanctuary. Office Hours: Daily 9 to 5 and 7 to 9 Sundays 9 to 5 First Selichoth — Midnight Sat., Sept. 14 Public Invited Cantor Louis Klein and Choir Assn. of Orthodox Jewish Scientists Forms Detroit Body FOR THE HIGH HOLIDAYS to attend the inspirational services of THE HAGUE, (JTA) —The Born in Romania, Rabbi Beeri Hague Jewish Congregation an- was for many years a director flounced the unanimous election of high schools in Israel. of Rabbi Simon Beeri, 55, of Want ads get quick results! Helsinki, as its Chief Rabbi. from memory before that time. SHAARIT HAPLAYTAH ▪ Rabbi Beeri Named Chief Rabbi of Hague The Association of Orthodox , Jewish Scientists, active in all • i fields relating to the orienta- 1 don within the framework of l Orthodox Judaism. has formed a chapter in Detroit. Foremost of the activities of the organization are a quarterly journal, "Intercom," public lec- tures and seminars for college students. In addition, the asso- ciation fosters science educa- tion in Jewish day schools and endeavors to make available to • rabbinic authorities the scien- tific background required for the formulation of Halachic de- cisions. Requests for seminars and ▪ lecture programs can be cli- ! rested to Association of Ortho- dox Jewish Scientists, 84 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 1,1.71...3107. 42■01. ••••■ 41111•. MINIM 0 4111111111A Ten Mile at Kenosha—Oak Park REGISTRATION FOR RELIGIOUS SUNDAY SCHOOL NOW ACCEPTED CLASSES ARE HELD ON SUNDAY MORNINGS STUDENTS ATTEND ONE OR TWO SESSIONS 9:30 - 11:00 (or) 11:00 - 12:30 PRE-KDG. (age 4) THROUGH GRADE 10 REGISTRATIONS ACCEPTED AT SYNAGOGUE OFFICE 9-5 Daily and Sunday, Sept. 8, 9:30 to 12 CLASSES BEGIN SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 We suggest you register your child TODAY. Assignment to classes are made first week in September. Call Synagogue office for registration, tickets and membership information, LI 8-9000.