(Continued from Page 1) by police and Allen was ar- March" and "Americans for In- rested when he started speak- ing. tegration." Rabbi Uri Miller, president WASHINGTON (JTA) — The role of American Jewry in sup- of the Synagogue Council of porting the Negro civil rights America, delivered a prayer in revolution and the Aug. 28 March which he called on the assem- on Washington was commended blage at the Lincoln Memorial by A. Philip Randolph, director to make sure it was not voicing of the march, in an address be- empty words "nor even sincere fore the National Press Club. ideals projected into some mes- Randolph, president of the sianic future, but actualities ex- Brotherhood of Sleeping C a r pressed in our society in con- Porters, warmly and voluntarily crete and tangible form now." cited the "fine cooperation" of 'Rabbi Miller voiced hope that synagogues and the Jewish com- !the demonstration would "sen- sitive all Americans and espe- munity. Stressing "the human worth cially those in positions of pow- of the individual," Randolph ! er and authority to this concept noted the need for brotherhood lof equality." The rabbi prayed that there to involve not only Negroes and whites but also Jews and Chris- ibe understanding that "when tians. He referred to the Judeo- we deprive. our fellowman of Christian heritage of America, bread and dignity, we negate and said that every individual the tselem elokim—the image deserves equality of treatment. of God in man—and delay the Explaining the need for Negro fulfillment of thy kingdom." An especially large number leadership of the march, he said "we need allies," but stated that of rabbis, Jewish leaders and the leaders must come from the organizational representatives group directly affected. He from throughout the country pointed out that no one but a appeared for the march, but a Jew could be expected to lead factor noted by many marchers the fight against anti-Semitism, was the very large sprinkling although the Jewish group could throughout N e g r o groups of not win its struggle alone. It Jewish youth, boys and girls. was his point that Jews, like Many of the young people Negroes or other minorities, carried placards bearing He- need the support of others. Ran- brew prophetic slogans in both and English lettering. dolph said his movement needed Hebrew One saw such slogans as "to white support, and was getting proclaim liberty throughout the that backing. In this connection he singled out Jews as especially helpful to the Negro cause. Police arrested Karl Allen, deputy commander of the American Nazi Party, when he sought to make a speech on the Washington Monu- ment grounds, designed to agitate against the civil rights march. The Nazi was taken into cus- tody after police had warned the Nazis that they could neither display insignia, pla- cards nor speak in a manner that might foment violence. They were screened off by more than 100 police officers and military policemen f r o m the civil rights marchers. After the arrest of Allen, the Rockwell group—estimated at 100—left, threatening to continue demon- strations later. The area in which they were assembled were cordoned off land," and many other sayings from the Old Testament. Some youths sang Israeli folk songs throughout the vast crowd and were joined 'by non-Jews. Jewish leaders interviewed at the Lincoln Memorial portrayed the event and Jewish participa- tion as successful beyond ex- pectations. It was apparent that many Jews, especially young p e o p 1 e, came as individuals, while most of the organizational representatives consisted of lay leaders, professional employees of Jewish organizations and rabbis. AJC Warns Against Unified World Nazism NEW YORK, (JTA) — The London. At the same time, swas American Jewish Committee tikas defaced the walls of a commented on the latest neo- West Berlin synagogue. Nazi vandalism in West Ger- many, warning that neo - Nazi groups in countries throughout the world are "supporting one America's WATCHWORD another and carrying on unified FOR QUALITY propaganda campaigns." The latest German incident occurred Sunday, involving the mounting of four photos of AN TAG E Adolf Hitler on the wall of Jew- J EWELER'S I TEY Q U A T LH ish Community House in West Berlin. Underneath were anti- Semitic slogans in English, as well as the address of the Na- tional Socialist movement in IT'S HERE V KAPLAII BROS. Strictly Kosher Meats and Poultry We'll Be Closed Labor Day, Monday, September 2 only Try Our Own Ready Made .. . • • • • • • Hamburger Patties • Lamb Ribs • Beef Ribs Fillets • Cube Steak • Rib Steaks Tender Cartwheels Tenderloin Chip Steak Prepared Meat Loaf Prepared Meat Balls 18229 WYOMING WE DELIVER — UN 1-4770 21 lewels '1 4" Best from Every VANTAGE Point: V 17 and 21 Jewels V Shock-Resistant V Anti -Magnetic V Lifetime Mainspring V A Style for Everyone 17 JEWELS FROM $11.95 George Ohrenstein Certified Master Watchmaker and Jeweler Member Detroit Kosher Meat Dealers Association 18963 Livernois UN 1-8184 Open Thursday to 9 P.M. 41=•■■■■ MONEY-BACK Conductor of Israel Opera Testifies He Helped to Save Jews (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) TEL AVIV—Hirst Birenblatt testified Tuesday in his own de- fense, as head of the Jewish police under the Jewish council of Nazi-occupied Bendin in Po- land, he helped many Jews and saved them from deportation. Another witness, a survivor of the Bendin occupation, con- firmed t h e defendant's testi- mony. Birenblatt, a conductor of the Israel National Opera, came to Israel in 1958 and was arrested when a survivor of the Nazi ter- ror in Bendin recognized him. Birenblatt was indicted on a variety of charges in January, 1963. He was acquitted in July of charges that he was a mem- ber of an organization "hostile to Jews," but his trial continued on a remaining charge of mal- treating Jews in Bendin and of handing Jews over to the Nazis. Testimony dealt with the role of the Jewish council's set-up by the Nazis. Birenblatt said that the Bendin council carried out the most difficult tasks in help- ing Jews, despite the Nazi con- trol. His statement that he had helped to save many Jews was confirmed by Benjamin Klein- man, head of the Poalei Agudat education department. The court reconvened, despite its summer recess to complete the trial. The defendant contended, after his arrest, that he was acquitted twice in Budapest and in Poland on the same charges. ! GUARANTEE As you build for the future, consider this important point : The savings you put to work at American Savings are guaranteed safe from value fluctuations that exist in many other forms of investment. Your principal, free from market uncertainties, works for you steadily, earning the highest rate on insured savings in Michigan . 4% per year, compounded and paid quarterly. Furthermore, the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation insures each American Savings account up to $10,000 the moment opened. All in all it's a pretty sound way to build for your future ... wouldn't you say. . AMERICAN SAVINGS Michigan's largest state chartered savings and loan association • WO. 5-5800 3 - THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, A ugust 30, 1963 Jewish Group s in Lead Roles at the March