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August 23, 1963 - Image 32

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The Detroit Jewish News, 1963-08-23

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Israel Demands UN Censure of Syria;
Issue May Come Up at Session Today

(Continued from Page 1)
Israel has complained against UN inspect the entire frontier a cessation of Middle East hos-
machineguns and commando; these aggressions to the United to a depth of six and a half tilities and the arms race in the
knives. One of the infiltrators Nations Truce' Supervision Or- miles on both sides.
was killed, and a second was ganization.
The proposal was made to Is-
In the House, Rep. Seymour
wounded. The attempted raid
Golda Meir Rejects Syria's
rael by Gen. Odd Bull, chief of Halpern, co-author of the Keat-
indicated to knowledgeable Is-
Charges as 'Propaganda'
staff of UNTSO. The goal of the ing-Halpern amendment, said
raelis that the Egyptians were
JERUSALEM (JTA) — Mrs. inspection would be to deter- the Foreign Aid bill was before
stepping up their intelligence ef- Golda M e i r, Israel's Foreign mine whether there had been Congress "at the very moment
forts along the border, sending Minister, described Syrian any military concentrations in that Nasser openly proclaims his
in fedayeen (commandoes) to charges of massing of Israeli• violation of the UN armistice intention to destroy Israel by
act as marauders and as spies. troops on the northern border agreement. Syria charged such force of arms, and diverts his
The weapons captured from the as "a well-known maneuver de- concentrations by Israel, a own resources to buy Soviet
two felled men were of the type signed to divert attention from charge described by Israel as weapons and hire e: Nazi tech-
usually carried by the fedayeen. Syria's own violations of the propaganda.
nicians." The Keating-Halpern
In the north, Syrians fired armistice agreement." She also
Israel acepted Gen. Bull's pro- amendment would sever aid to
again at a group of Israeli reported to the Cabinet • on posal on condition that Syria nations diverting their own
workers, attacking farmers in negotiation for the return of also accepted it. The Syrian funds to purchase Soviet weap-
the Ashmura area of the Hulehr three Israelis who were abduct- reply had not been received at ons and threaten neighboring
region. An Israeli border ed recently on Lake Tiberias the time Israel accepted.
patrol guarding the farmers re- and are now held in Damascus.
Egypt Reported 'Shopping'
\ Rep. Halpern cited recent re-
turned the fire. For the rest of She called the Syrian charges
For Rocketry Equipment;
marks by Under Secretary of
the night, Syrians kept up spo- "propaganda."
Prefers U.S. Products
State W. Averell Harriman in
radic firing in the area. There
WASHINGTON (JTA)- which Harriman justified con-
The. request for an urgent
were no Israeli casualties as a session of the United Nations Western diplomatic circles here tinued assistance to Nasser on
result of these attacks. Work Security Council is the last received word that Egyptian sci- grounds that this was good for
was resumed at Ashmura as diplomatic possibility for halt- entists were "shopping" around Israel, in that it increased Amer-
United National military ob- ing Syrian aggressions and ob- Western capitals for a space- ican "influence" in Cairo. The
servers investigated the attacks. viating the necessity for Israel tracking station to use in con- Congressman, a New York Re-
Three Arab infiltrators were
to use other means to restore nection with Egypt's new publican, said that "if this du-
killed and. one wounded in
order on the Syrian frontier, stepped-up rocketry-space pro- bious line of thinking held
two clashes over the weekend,
Israeli dailies generally held gram. While the reports indi- merit, one might try to increase
cated that Egypt would prefer our influence in Moscow or Pei-
Israeli Army spokesman re-
Ambassador Michael S. Co- to buy such equipment from the ping by sending lavish appease-
One Egyptian agent was slain may, head of Israel's Perma- United States, American officials ment gifts." He declared that
and another wounded in a clash nent Mission at the United Na- continued to maintain that they "Nasser must be diverted from
with an Israeli border patrol tions, interrupted a vacation in had no knowledge of an impend- the collision course for war, and
near the Gaza Strip. Both were Israel, and left for New York ing Washionton-Cairo deal along Congress has a responsibility to
withhold assistance from a na-
Israeli Arabs who had crossed to attend the expected Security such lines.
Diplomats here heard that tion so obviously and openly
into Egypt and were intercepted Council session.
Hassan Marei, head of the bent on aggression."
on their way back to Israel on
In contrast, the nationalistic
Israel Ambassador Avraham
a_ mission from Egyptian intelli- Herut press exhorted the gov- Egyptian Space Research Com-
mittee at Cairo, has reportedly
ernment to "defend our inter- said that the United States Harman met with a ranking
State Department official on
The other clash took place Fri- ests, our sovereign rights and
had agreed to start building a
day, north of Ein Akav, in the the blood of our sons," by more space-tracking station in what he described as the "very
eastern Negev, near Jordan, direct action. Two Israeli youths Egypt before the end of 1963. grave" situation on the Israel-
where two infiltrators were were killed Monday night when Marei was definitely confirm- Syrian frontier, and asked Amer-
killed in a fight with an Israeli S3.rians slipped over the border ed as having made such a rec- ican support of the Israeli com-
patrol. A Jordanian military and laid an ambush for a tractor ommendation to his own Min- plaint before the United Na-
tions Security Council. His con-
spokesman had claimed in Am- team.
ister for Scientific Research a ference was with Deputy Assist-
man previously that an Israeli
Davar, organ of Histadrut, de- month ago.
ant Secretary of State Howard
was wounded and captured in clared that if Syrian aggression
Attention of both the Senate R. Cottam.
a border incident. The spokes- was halted by the Security
and House, was directed to state-
Harman said he asked Milted
man said the Israeli crossed the Council, "whose duty it is to ments
by Egyptian President States support of a planned Is-
border and was fired on. The halt aggression," this would be
Gamal Abdel Nasser telling his raeli move to bring about con-
border clash was the first on best for all parties really inter-
the Jordanian frontier in sev- ested in a "quiet region" but, "if troops to prepare for war against demnation of Syrian aggression
Israel. The Nasser position was by the Security Council, and is-
eral months.
this method is unsuccesful, the cited as nullifying the objectives suance of an order by the Secur-
The Syrian government, ac- acts of violence will be stopped of the Foreign Aid bill before ity Council for Syria to cease
cused by Israel of having cre- in another way."
aggressive actions. Mr. Harman
ated mounting tension along
Sen. Jacob K. Javits, New expressed hope that the United
The Independent Haaretz de-
Israel's northern frontier for the clared that if Syria disregarded York Republican, told the Sen- States, a permanent member of
last several weeks, has attempt- a Security Council decision to ate that American assistance to the Security Council, would ad-
ed to cover its anti-Israeli acts desist from attacks, or if the Nasser "only feeds the fire of dress itself to the complaint.
by launching a propaganda of- Security Council- "seeks to avoid intransigence and war in the
Prior to Mr. Harman's visit,
fensive, it was noted here on its responsibility," Israel "must Middle East." He said Nasser's State Department sources said
the basis of Damascus broad- not give up the right of self- newly voiced belligerence was that the Department was ob-
defense to which it is as much in "direct contravention to the serving the Syrian-Israel fron-
The Damascus Foreign Minis- entitled as any other govern- objectives of our foreign aid tier difficulties, but as yet had
' try summoned the Ambassadors ment." Hatzofeh, organ of the program." He said further that no information to confirm
representing the United States, religious party, said that if the aid to Nasser must be linked to "alarmist" reports.
Britain, France and the Soviet Syrians continued their hostile
Union, telling them that Israel acts, "it will undoubtedly be
has engaged in "a massive troop necessary to prove to them that
build-up" along the Syrian fron- Jewish blood cannot be spilt
tier. Damascps claimed the al- with impunity."
leged Israeli troop concentra-
Mrs. Golda Meir Wednes-
JERUSALEM, (JTA) — Dep- tion, using its reservoir of
tions "herald premeditated ag- day completed a .series of
gressive intentions." The envoys meetings with envoys of coun- uty Prime Minister Abba Eban goodwill wherever it existed.
Israel's security, he added,
were told that Syria has taken tries represented in the United asserted that developments
"all necessary measures to safe- Nations Security Council, within the Arab world were was based on maintenance of
deterrent power against pos-
guard the country's security," which has been asked to meet more likely to influence Israel
and that it will use "maximum to consider the tense situa- Arab relations than any effects sible aggression, and strength-
of the three-power nuclear test ening of its international
force against the slightest Is-
status. It was for the latter
ban, and that any rapproche-
raeli aggression."
Mrs. Meir conveyed to each ment between Israel and the reason, he declared, that Is-
An accusation of alleged Is-
raeli "incursions" along its bor- diplomat the gravity of the situ- Arabs could not be expected in rael sought normal relations
with Red China, as it does
der with Syria was made at the ation which led the Cabinet the near future.
Addressing a Jerusalem Jour- with other countries. .
United Nations in a letter from Tuesday to approve a request
He told another questioner
the Syrian delegation addressed for a Security Council meeting. nalists Association dinner in his
to Secretary-General U Thant.) She told the envoys that Israeli honor, the former Ambassador that there was no question but
Syria's repeated attacks had listed 70 complaints of Syr- to the United States said that that the friendship of the
against Israel in the last month ian violations of the armistice East-West differences in the United States was one of Is-
have been the subject of dis- agreement since the beginning past was only one source of rael's greatest political assets.
cussion by Israel's Cabinet. of the y•, ar. She discussed the regional tension. Another, he He cited the constant United
Syria is still hoding three Is- issue with representatives of the said, was the bickering and States support "for the viabil-
raelis abducted a month ago United States, the Soviet Union, jockeying for position among ity of our economy" and its
from a motorboat on Lake Ti- France, Britain, Venezuela, Nor- the Arab rulers and what even- policy of concern about the
berias, a body of water entirely way, Brazil, Ghana, and the tually became a "competition in military balance in the Middle
the hatred of Israel."
inside Israeli territory. Israel Philippines.
Two other members of the Se-
He disclosed the imminent
Replying to a question about
has repeatedly sought the re-
lease of its citizens from their curity Council currently are Na- Israel's orientation in the great implementation of an extensive
incarceration in Damascus, in- tionalist China and Morocco. The power differences, he said that program of economic and so-
sisting that the United Na- latter, being a Moslem state, has the only one possible was an cial progress for the Arab
"Israel orientation." He ex- populace of Israel, including
tions bring about the return of no representation here.
the kidnapped Israelis. Mean- _ The United Nations Truce plained that the Israel govern "active consideration" concern-
while, Syrian gun positions have Supervisory Organization pro- ment did not dare to base a ing the future of military gov-
repeatedly shelled Israelis work- posed Wednesday, as a step to policy on any one country or ernment in Arab populated
ing peacefully below the Syrian restore peace to the troubled continent, but had to strive areas. This issue has touched
heights in the last few weeks. 'lirael-Syrian frontier, that the toward international orienta- off sharp debates in Israel.

Abba Eban Says Test Ban Will
Not Speed Arab-Israel Unity




Eshkol Asks Germans
Halt Scientists Working
on Weapons for Egypt
BONN (JTA) — Israeli Pre-
mier Levi Eshkol expressed the
hope that West Germany would
put a stop to the activities of
ex-Nazi scientists working on
non-conventional weapons for
the United Arab Republic. Ap-
pearing over a West German
television network, in an inter-
view broadcast __throu-g,hout —the
Federal Republic, Eshkol ex-
pressed satisfaction over a reso-
lution submitted recently to the
West German parliament, call-
ing for legislative action to get
the scientists out of Egypt.
"We expect the resolution to
be followed by action as fast
as possible, and we are sure that
our expectations are shared by
others too," the Premier said.
He declared that anyone who
helps Israel's enemies prepare-
her destruction is "an accessory
to crime," concluding: • "When
this is being done by sons of
the German people, on whom
rests the responsibility for the
murder of 6,000,000 Jews, the
crime is infinitely bigger, and
weighs infinitely more."
Report 30 Indian Technicians
Going to Egypt to Help Nasser
ly 30 Indian technicians are ex-
pected to go to Egypt in the
next six weeks to work at the
Egyptian plant manufacturing
supersonic jet fighter planes at
Helwan, near Cairo, the Times
of India reported. According to ,
the newspaper, the technicians
were recruited here by the Egyp-
tian government, with the help
of the Indian government, and
more Indians are expected to
join the first group of 30 in the
near future.
Israel to Turn Down China's
Bid on Nuclear Free Zone
Israel government was expected
to turn down a request by Com-
munist China's Prime Minister
Chou en-Lai to join a world
move to set up nuclear-free
zones and for dismantling of all
military bases on foreign soil.
The request was received here a
week ago, discussed by Israel's
Cabinet, and was the subject of
a conference between Prime
Minister Levi Eshkol and -For-
eign Minister Golda Meir.
While the contents of the
planned reply were not dis-
closed, it was understood that
Israel will tell the Chinese lead-
er that the danger of peace in
the Middle East region stems
not from nuclear weapons but
from the continuous flow of
conventional arms to Egypt.
China will be told, it is under-
stood, that Israel favors com-
plete disarmament on a global
scale, as well as disarmament
for the Middle East, with ade-
quate means of inspection for
the attainment of peace.
Arab Bishop of Anglican
Church Sees Possibility
of War Against Israel
TORONTO, (JTA) — The An-
glican bishop of Jordan, Leba-
non and Syria asserted here
that, if the Arabs cannot get a
solution to the Palestine prob-
lem by peaceful means, "they
may be driven to war."
The Rt. Rev. Najib Cuba'in,
here to attend the Third World
Congress o f t h e Anglican
Church, of which he is the only
Arab bishop, said Israel's
transigence" is pushing the
Middle East toward a ner - con-
He said war is the last thing
any Arab, including Egtian
President Gamal Abdel Nasser,
wants. However, he contended,
all Arabs are united in desiring
"repatriation" of the Palestine
refugees and Israel's withdrawal
to the boundaries set by the
United Nations in 1947.



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