_____,..,.....„..,,, WASHINGTON, (JTA)—Rep. Seymout Halpern (N.Y.,Rep.) Tuesday rejected a joint ap- peal addressed to him by Sec- retaries of State and Defense Dean Rusk and Robert S. Mc- Namara that he forego any "re- strictive amendment" to the Foreign Aid Bill which might interfere with assistance to the Arab States. The secretaries wrote to Hal- pern, co-sponsor of the Keat- ing-Halpern amendment, that "a number of restrictive amend- ments have been proposed to cut off drastically aid to some countries or organizations whose actions disturb us." The two Secretaries said they believed • s u c h amendments stemmed from "an inadequate appraisal of the long-term ob- jectives of U.S. foreign and military policy. Attempts to place the conduct of our for- eign policy under rigid legisla- Levi Eshkol Assumes B-G's Correspondence with U.S. President (Direct JTA Teletype Wire To The Jewish News) JERUSALEM — Premier Levi Eshkol was disclosed Tuesday to have replied to letters from President Kennedy in a corres- pondence which started when David Ben Gurion was Prime Minister. The content of the exchanges has been the subject of intensive consultations at top levels of the Israel Government. Officials have been maintain- ing the strictest secrecy about the content of the exchanges but it was generally known that the correspondence dealt with such vital aspects of Israel policies as the situation of the Arab refu- gees and diplomatic and long- range security problems. A copy of Eshkol's reply was submitted Monday to United States Ambassador Walworth Barbaur. After Eshkol succeeded Ben Gurion as Premier, Presi- dent Kennedy sent a letter to Eshkol in which he indicated, in a recapitulation of his prior correspondence with Ben Gurion, that he assumed a reply would be delayed because of the changes in the Premiership. The exchanges were considered in recent talks here in which the Israeli envoys to the United States, France and the United Nations were summoned to Jeru- salem. The general nature, of the talks was conveyed to leaders of the opposition liberal parties. Live restrictions will prevent us from acting in support of American interests in a rapidly changing international scene. We strongly urge your support of this bill without further re- striction or reduction. Halpern replied to Rusk and McNamara that it was incon- ceivable to him that America's objectives "could countenance continued aid to a nation like the United Arab Republic, which is pursuing policies negat- ing and undermining our pro- fessed long-term objectives." He referred to "the aggressive role of the UAR against neighbor- ing states, her acquisition of Soviet weapons systems and training of Egyptian military personnel in the Soviet bloc, her proliferation of the rocket race, and other actions contrary to the cause of peace and the broad goals of United States foreign policies, as I under- stand them." Halpern stated that "my leg- islative responsibilities are such that I cannot refrain from sup- port of such amendments that sincerely reflect my own think- ing and the views of a large section of the American public." He stressed that the taxpayer "pays the bill for these For- eign Aid programs and I, as a member of Congress, can do no less than take note of the solid thinking that arises among our people." Assuring the Secretaries of his support of the "broad goals" of the foreign assistance pro- gram, Halpern added: "I am sure that you will understand my inability to comply with your request that I refrain from backing amendments that I be- Dollar For Dollar Jewel For Jewel lieve to be vital to the national security and true interests of the United States." It was apparent that the Sec- retaries referred not only to amendments of the Keating-Hal- pern type, which deprive re- cipients of aid if they . divert their own resources to aggres- sive Soviet military build-ups against other beneficiaries, but also to anti-bias amendments and similar measures. KAPLAN BROS. 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The officials were Dr. Khatib, Minister of State for Health and African Affairs, and Fatmi Ben- slimane, former president of the Moroccan State Council. Both officials devoted most of their addresses to the "fraternity" they said existed between Jews and Moslems in Morocco. Russia Sentences 3 to Death for Killing 800 Jews in Mogilev LONDON (JTA)—Three Nazi war criminals were sentenced to death, and fourth to 15 years' imprisonment at hard labor, af- ter conviction by a Soviet court on charges of killing Jews and Russians in the Nazi - occupied Mogilev district during World War II, it was reported here from Moscow. The defendants were charged with deporting to death camps or personally killing 1,000 Russians and about 800 Jews. Those given the death sentence were identi- fied as B. Zhuk, V. Krizel and A. Semes. hko. F. Gulgale was given the orison sentence. 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