12 Friday, August 23, 1963 -- THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Religious Schools Announce Plans • • for Approaching Academic Year Bnai David Israel Bond Fete in Honor of Jack Lieberman Brother Daniel Becomes Israeli Citizen, But Not by Law of Return , JERUSALEM, (JTA)—Broth- because he fulfilled the candl- Detroit area religious schools course for youth leadership in- Congregation Bnai David's er Daniel, the Jewish - born, tions for naturalization incum- cludes a training program, a "Salute to Isratl" dinner on are completing program ar- rangements and staff appoint- Sunday morning breakfast club Sept. 4 will honor Jack Lieber- Catholic Carmelite monk who bent upon non-Jews under the sought Israeli citizenship under ments in preparation for the and occasional out - of - town m a n. T h e the Law of Return, but was re- citizenship law. coming academic year. Follow- trips. For information, call LI dinner, to be buffed last year by the Israel The Polish-born monk, whose ing are those which most re- 6-6662. held in the Supreme Court, has been grant- original name was Oswald Rule- cently announced registration. Julius Roten- ed Israeli citizenship through isen, became a Roman Catholic CONG. BNAI MOSHE RELI- berg Hall of ordinary naturalization proce- during the Second World War, CONG. BETH ABRAHAM GIOUS SCHOOL will re-open on the synagogue dures, the Interior Ministry an- while hiding from the Nazis in already is accepting applications Sept. 15. Students who are in o n Southfield nounced. for the Sunday religious school, grades two and three will study a nunnery. and 9 1/2 Mile with sessions scheduled to begin modern Hebrew with instruc- A spokesman for the Ministry Road, is on be- on Sept. 8. In addition to the tors Harvey Katz and Leonard half of Israel said the monk became a citizen regular curriculum for kinder- Rosenberg. Other faculty mem- garten through grade 10 and bers who will teach in the He- Bonds. consecration, the school board brew program will be Mrs. Ann- Liebe r- Grossinger's Sermons to Be will operate a Day Care Nurs- ette Kravitz, Mrs. Maxine Lieb- man has been By Jewish Standard Editor Lieberman ery for 3-5-year-olds. The youth erson and David Feinberg. a member of Bnai David for Cantor Maurice Ganchoff, "The Abraham Silver, head of a 20 years. Born in Toledo, where commission sponsors a diversi- Sage of Cantorial Liturgy," will fied program with clubs and in- music department in a Detroit he was graduated from high MICHIGAN terest groups for boys and girls high school, will take charge of school and attended business conduct the High Holy Day ser- vices at Grossinger Country of all ages, with special empha- the 500 students who make up school, Lieberman lived for some sis on the Sabbath Morning the student body. Marvin Suro- years in Monroe, then moved to Club, Grossinger, N. Y. He will be assisted by Samuel Sterner Junior Congregation and the witz, Mrs. Seymour Abramson, Detroit 32 years ago. and a choir of 18 voices. The Sunday Morning Teffilin Club. Nathan Butrimovitz, Abe Gorn- President of the Monroe In addition, a new young adult bein, Thea Deutsch and Jerry Waste Paper Co., Lieberman de- sermons will be delivered by group for men and women, 18- Gutman will instruct the inter- voted most of hiL time to syna- Meyer Pesin, editor of the Jer- sey City Jewish St:ndard. mediate and high school divi- 25, is being formed. gogue affairs. He is a former The Leadership Training sions, while Mrs. Alvin Horo- first vice president and is chair- Group for teenagers is plan- witz, Mrs. Selma Goldberg, Mrs. man of the Bnai David activi- ning its program for the sea- Florence Zacks and Joel Stern ties committee, the fund raising son as a synagogue affiliate will be in charge of the ele- body responsible for completing 8100 West Seven Mile Road and as a member of MONTY mentary division. Sheila Farber, the building program which will in charge of drama, plans to (Michigan-Ontario Traditional is now accepting include a large Sanctuary and Youth). Dr. Harry Newman, present the first play of the a school. The school will bear president of the congregation, year during the Hanukah sea- the name of Lieberman's father. I has appointed officers of the son. Mrs. Joseph Utchenik and Lieberman is one of the found- for youth commission. Nate Pol- Mrs. Esther Weckstein comprise asky is chairman, Philip Ros- the secretarial staff of the ers in this area of the Friends of Yeshivah University. enzweig, vice-chairman;• Abe school. Roben: Briscoe, Jewish Lord Walter Farber, director of Zeidman, treasurer; Morris Sunday Religious School (Kindergarten thru Consecration) Beider and Mrs. Jacob Krohn- the education program, urges Mayor of Dublin, Ireland and a member of the Irish Dail (Par- Youth Clubs (Ages 7-17) parents to register their chil- gold, secretaries; Morris Davis Registration Day—Sunday, September 8, 1963 and Milton Freeman, religious dren early since classes will liament) for 36 years, will be 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. school co - chairmen; Lou close as soon as they reach the guest speaker. Sam Roth- School Starts on September 8, 1963 Freedman, congregation rep- maximum registration. Chil- berg, president of the Israel In- resentative; Rabbi I. Halpern dren, 4-16, should register be- vestors' Corp. and national Is- Frank Leiderman Rabbi Israel 1. Halpern and Frank Leiderman, youth fore Labor Day. Arthur Bos- rael 3ond campaign chairman, Educational Director Supervisor of Youth and Education chan, chairman of the school will bring a message from the and education consultants. CAR POOLS AVAILABLE Mrs. Blanche Burg will teach board, says openings are avail- national organization. Max Sosin, dinner chairman, For information, phone Beth Abraham Office, UN 1-6696 second grade and Mrs. Helen able for children of non-mem- will be toastmaster. Morris J. Horowitz will supervise the bers. Brandwine is president of the daily nursery. For informa- Louis M. Elliman, a tion, call UN 1-6696. Orthodox Rabbis Ask synagogue. close friend of Briscoe, will in- YESHIVATH BETH YEHU- Israeli Judge Make troduce the Lord Mayor. Rabbi DAH day school and afternoon Hayirn Donin will give the tri- classes will begin Sept. 3 at the Apology for Insult bute to Lieberman. Cantor Hy- main center on Dexter Blvd. 19371 GREENFIELD at VASSAR DRIVE JERUSALEM, (JTA) — The man J. Adler will lead the musi- and branches at 17376 Wyo- delegation of American Ortho- Announces cal program. Hal Gordon and his ming and 15400 W. Ten Mile, dox rabbis currently visiting Oak Park. The 12 grade school Israel protested to Justice Min- orchestra will provide the 'din- combining Jewish and general ister Dov Joseph concerning ner music. Reservations for the dinner studies will have an enrollment the widely criticized remarks of 600 students. The afternoon about Jewish religious doctrine may be made by calling the In Their Beautiful, Air-Conditioned Sanctuary Talmud Torah classes offer in- made by Supreme Court Justice synagogue or the krael Bond Tickets Available: Sundays: tensive Hebrew training for 10 Haim Cohen at the American- Office, DI 1-5707. hours-per-week and have been Israel dialogue here last June. 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Evenings 7 to 9 affiliated administratively with Declaring the Justice's re- Beth Abraham Sends the United Hebrew Schools. marks were made against "the Registrations are also accepted for The Religious Registration of kindergarten foundations of Halacha (Jewish Delegates to Youth School (leading to Bar Mitzvah and Consecration) and first grade pupils is being religious law)," the six rabbis Seminar in New York accepted at the main office at asked the Justice Minister to Beth Abraham Synagogue's Call BR 3-0570 — BR 2-3906 12305 Dexter (WE 1-0203), and persuade Justice Cohen to apol- Leadership Training Group will at the Hebrew Academy of Oak ogize and "atone for his insult send delegates or visit the Synagogue Office. to the ninth an- Park (LI 8-8020). to the Jewish people." The Jus- nual Yeshiva University Syna- CONG. BNAI DAVID RELI- tice had compared applications gogue Council Youth Seminar GIOUS SCHOOL will begin ses- of Jewish religious law in de- in Camp Monroe, New York, to sions on Sept. 8 at the McKin- termining Jewishness in Israel take place from Aug. 23 through ley School, according to Rabbi with the Nazi racist Nuremberg Labor Day. Hayim Donin, and registration laws. ANNOUNCES The delegates are Ranita Left, is being taken daily at the syna- In a related development, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry gogue office, 24350 Southfield police authorities rejected an Left of Geenlawn Ave.; Rella (EL 6-8210). Sunday school application from Arieh Wagon- Halpern, daughter of Rabai and classes for kindergarten and er, a Jerusalem attorney, for Mrs. Israel Halpern of Santa first and second grades are prosecution of Justice Cohen Rosa Ave., and Stuart. Opperer available, while a Sunday plus under the criminal code ordi- of Ilene St., son of Mrs. Suzy midweek schedule is in oper- nance, "for causing injury to Opperer and the late Willie ation for the third grade and religious feelings." The attor- Opperer. Also attending from up for boys and girls, who ney had previously sought a Din the LTG youth group is Shelley should be registered no later Torah (Religious Court hear- Bank, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. than age eight. Non-members ing), but Justice•Cohen declined Oscar Bank of Santa Barbara. are eligible. to attend such a hearing on Dr. This is the first time the Beth LIVONIA JEWISH CON- grounds that the Israel rabbi- GREGATION will' hold Sun- nate had prejudged the issue Abraham Youth Group has sent day school registration 10 a.m. by making a public criticism of delegates to the Youth Seminar. Accompanying the Beth Abra- to noon Sunday at the syna- him. The police told the attorney ham Group will be delegates gogue, 32070 W. Seven Mile, Ten Mile at Kenosha—Oak Park Livonia. Classes will begin that they did not regard his from Bnai David Synagogue and CLASSES ARE HELD ON SUNDAY MORNINGS Sept. • 8 for nursery, pre- request as being in the public Rabbi Donin, spiritual leader of STUDENTS ATTEND ONE OR TWO SESSIONS school, kindergarten and first, interest, and referred him to Bnai David Synagogue. 9:30 - 11:00 (or) 11:00 - 12:30 second and third grades. For the Attorney General's office. PRE-KDG. (age 4) THROUGH GRADE 10 information, call Mrs. Tom Meanwhile, Deputy Premier New L.A. Temple Abba Eban declared that he REGISTRATIONS ACCEPTED AT SYNAGOGUE OFFICE Salmons, GA '7-1167. 9-5 Daily and Sunday, Sept. 8, 9:30 to 12 YOUNG ISRAEL OF OAK- identified himself with Joseph, Plans Completed LOS ANGELES, (JTA) — WOODS RELIGIOUS SCHOOL who had described the Justice's CLASSES BEGIN SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 includes Sunday and mid-week remarks as an "error" and said Plans have been completed here We suggest you register your child TODAY. that the discussion of the mat- for a new $400,000 building for classes for boys and girls, 5-13 Assignment to classes are mode first week in September. Call Synagogue office for registration and membership (kindergarten through gradua- ter in Parliament last week Temple Akiba. The temple will closed the issue. be in the form of two hexagonal information, LI 8-9000. tion), and will begin on Sept. Limited number of seats are available for High Holy Day structures, one to be a 400-seat 8. In addition to the religious Services in our air-conditioned sanctuary. program and modern Hebrew ISRAEL STORY ON WWJ-TV sanctuary and the other a social FIRST SELICHOTH — MIDNIGHT SAT., SEPT. 14 "Israel — Birth of a Nation" hall. language courses, instruction is Public Invited Cantor Louis Klein and Choir given in leading services, read- will be featured on the George Selichos Services Midnight Saturday, Sept. 14 Of Michigan's 83 counties, 32 ing from the Torah and blow- Pierrot Show on WWJ-TV at Cantor Louis Klein and Choir — Public Invited. bear Indian names. ing the shofar. A post-graduate 7:30 p.m. next Thursday. > i9) ARA fridaY Pf 8 111 IE FAIR AUG 23— SEPT CONGREGATION BETH ABRAHAM REGISTRATION DAY CARE NURSERY (ages 3-5 Congregation Gemiluth Chassodim HIGH HOLIDAY SERVICES CONGREGATION B'NAI MOSHE REGISTRATION FOR ITS RELIGIOUS SCHOOL