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August 16, 1963 - Image 2

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The Detroit Jewish News, 1963-08-16

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Friday, August 16, 1963—THE DETROIT JEWISH NEW S-2

Purely Commentary

Begin and the New
Israeli Attitudes . .
Nasser's New Threats

By Philip

Davis Resigns
From UN Post
on Arab Aid

New Israeli Attitudes
Menahem Begin has been Israel's stormy petrel for many
years. He has irritated the dominant Mapai party and the other
groups that lean to the left.
David Ben-Gurion certainly has
been his antagonist.
Now, on his 50th birthday,
he has received birthday greet-
ings from Israel's President Zal-
man Shazar, members of several
parties in Israel participated in
a birthday fete for the Herut
leader, and there seems to be a
new attitude towards this minor-
ity leader.
It is not only because Begin
at last is recognized as a leader
of the "loyal opposition," but the
change in government seems
also to have had an effect on
Menahem Begin
Herut's position in Israel.
Begin was the leader of the Irgun Zvai Leumi. He had come
to Palestine via Iran with the Polish army of General Anders.
While the latter was considered anti-Jewish, the fact that his trek
was towards Palestine and the Middle East accounts for Begin
having joined him after having been freed from Soviet incarcera-
tion when the Nazis began their attack on Russia.
Begin's rightists extremism has not been to the liking of
many of us, but as a member of the opposition in the garb of
loyalty to his nation he has gained new recognition.
The fact that an Irgunist now is in the good graces of the
Israel government may also lead to a formal decision by Israel
to re-inter the remains of Zeev (Vladimir) Jabotinsky, who was
Begin's mentor, in the soil of the nation in whose behalf both
Jabotinsky and Begin had labored ardently. Such a new turn
in Israel's attitude is heartily to be welcomed and sincerely to
be commended.

Yet, the stronger resolutions that were changed into "recom-
mendations" were supported by Latin American and European
representatives who, apparently are closer to truth and recognize
the need for emigration from their areas where there have been (JTA) — Dr. John H. Davis,
Commissioner-General of the
more dangerous threats to their existence as Jews.
The lack of understanding of Zionism is especially deplor- United Nations Relief and
Works Agency
able in the sentiments that were expressed at the Jerusalem con-
for Palestine
ference. Without Zionism there would have been wholesale
Refugees, the
abandonment of the Jewish faith and an intrusion of despair
UN organiza-
that would have been ruinous to Judaism even before Hitlerism.
tion that aids
Zionism offered hope for survival as Jews of many communities.
the Arab ref-
Then came the Nazis, and under their rule Jews who hoped to
ugees in four
survive had only one ray of hope: Eretz Israel. All of that
Arab coun-
spelled Zionism. How blind to reality were those at the Jeru-
salem youth conference who reacted negatively to the Jewish
tries adjacent
to Israel, re-
messianic idea!
signed M o n-
day, effective
Nasser's Renewed Threats
Dec. 31. He
Egypt's dictator Gamal Abdel Nasser must have had some-
has held the
thing to hide when he utilized the return of some of his troops
post since
Dr. Davis
from Yemen as another occasion to threaten Israel and to
admonish his soldiers that they were to stand as a "national February 1959.
Secretary-General U Thant,
shield" against Israel.
It was not a new attack on his neighbor but a renewal of who announcde the resignation,
his threats to the Jewish State. Yet, it serves as a lesson to said Dr. Davis was quitting
those who would give him all the aid he asks for that actually "for compelling personal rea-
sons." His successor, said Thant,
he is bent upon Making war upon a peaceful neighbor.
As long as we have the insistent clamor from State Depart- will be named soon. Mean-
ment representatives for help to the United Arab Republic, in while, the UN chief said, Dr.
order to ward off Soviet influence, the danger to peace and to Davis will present his agency's
annual report to the next Gen-
Israel's security will continue.
A wiser Nasser could get together with Israel, make peace, eral Assembly, to convene in
assure higher standards of living for his people instead of using September. An American, Dr.
the multi-million grants to build up a war machine. But it is Davis was formerly on the fac-
a vengeance-seeking Nasser with whom Israel and her Prime ulty of Harvard University's
Minister, Levi Eshkol, who already has warned the war-monger Graduate School of Business
against aggression, must deal. That's the trouble.

Why Not Investigate the Arabs and the AFME?
One of our most distinguished Senators, J. W. Fulbright of
Arkansas, has conducted an investigation into the political aspects
of the Zionist movement, and the aim of the probe seems to
be to compel Zionist groups to fall into the category of propa-
gandists to be watched under the provisions of the Foreign
Agents Registration Act.
There already have been changes in the operations of some
of the functioning pro-Israel groups which have for several
years filed all of their reports and news releases with the Justice
Department. These already are under scrutiny of our Govern-
ment's agencies that are on the lookout for ropaganda from
foreign governments.
Surely, Senator Fulbright can not be listed as a bigot, or
as an antagonist of Jewry. Since, however, he has begun an
investigation of Zionist activities, it. is proper to ask why he
is not probing the work of an American organization like the
American Friends of the Middle East, which has incited to
hatred for Israel and Zionism; of Arab propagandists who have
resorted to campaigns of misrepresentation and of incitement
to war against Israel; of Arab spokesmen who had gone so far
as to say in their speeches that Jewish propaganda slogans in-
eluded one that said "give a dollar to UJA to kill an Arab."
Arab spokesment have not hesitated to attack American Jews,
and some of their friends have resorted to the vilest anti-Semitic
There is no doubt that the Fulbright investigation will end
with a lessened inflation. Perhaps out of it may even come,
eventually, a better appreciation of the libertarian principles
inherent in Zionism, whose political aspects have never been
denied. What matters at present is that American Jews should
not fall prey to the sort of Panic that will prove harmful to the
causes that function in behalf of Israel and those who must be
rescued from many infernos by being settled in Israel. A great
humanitarian idea is at stake, and that must not be made the
victim of an investigation that has been given entirely too much
notoriety and the importance of which may already have been

Nuclear Ban Treaty Is Signed by Israel;
Nasser Also Signs While Making Warheads

Shocking Lack of Understanding of Zionist Idea
In spite of the reality of Israel, whose emergence as an in-
dependent State was the direct result of Zionist endeavors over
a six-decade period, there still is a shocking misunderstanding of
Zionist aims and a lack of appreciation of the great • Jewish
national movement. At the Conference of World Jewish Youth
. held in Jerusalem last week, representatives of four American
non-Zionist groups registered their objections to resolutions that
were interpreted to have Zionist content. Their threat of with-
drawal from the conference was stifled when, according to the
JTA cabled report from Jerusalem, "a series of drafts calling
for education in Jewish communities outside Israel to encourage
Zionism and immigration to Israel were adopted as 'recommend-
ations' and not as resolutions."
It is especially noteworthy that the four American non-
Zionist groups referred to are Bnai Brith, Hillel, United Syna-
gogue Youth and National Federation of Temple Youth, all of
whom, except, perhaps, the latter, always show a deep interest
in Zionist activities at home.
Of equal significance is the fact that the Israeli delegation,
which at the outset had sided with the Zionist-oriented Latin
American and European organizations in the sponsorship of
disputed proposals, went along with the American non-Zionist
It should be noted also that the Americans objections were
to the exclusion of religious, cultural and related values as edu-
cational objectives in resoltuions which set down Zionism and
immigration to Israel as specific aims.
There is something inconsistent in the entire procedure at
the youth conference. Zionists have not and could not object
to the inclusion of religious and cultural aims in their pro-
grams. Except for the leftist groups, such values have always
been part of Zionist ideology—and they- still are in well-func-
tioning Zionist groups.
Then there is the issue revolving around immigration to
Israel. Except for the extremism of David Ben-Gurion, it is
recognized as a concrete reality that migration to Israel can not
be forced upon any group, and that it must be voluntary.

Israeli delegation led by charge
d'Affaires Mordechai Gazit for-
mally adhered to the Anglo-
American Soviet nuclear test-
ban treaty at a State Depart-
ment ceremony.
Affixing the formal signature
of Israel here at ceremonies
similar to others held recently
in London and Moscow, Gazit
said that it was Israel's _hope
that the treaty would lead to
an improvement in the inter-
national atmosphere, and serve
as a positive step toward re-
laxation of tensions. He said he
hoped it would be followed by
further measures for attainment
of complete general disarma-
ment. He voiced Israel's belief
that lessening of tension be-
tween the Big Powers would
have a salutary effect on the
Middle East region.
Phillips Talbot, Assistant Sec•
retary of State for Near East
Affairs, said he was pleased with
Israel's adherence to the treaty,
and pointed out that the deSire
for peace constituted a common
bond between Israel and the
United States.
LONDON (JTA) — Although
President Gamal Abdel Nasser
of Egypt has signed the three-
power nuclear test ban treaty,
"he still aims to produce nuc-
lear war-heads for his rockets,"
Arthur Kook, Daily Mail corres-
pondent, reported from Beirut.

ADL Urges Senate
End Political Odds
Over Negro Issue

Anti - Defamation League of
Bnai Brith urged a Congres-
sional committee not to allow
"political arguments" about the
constitutional basis for outlaw-
ing segregation in public ac-
commodation to interfere with
ending "this stubborn residue
of slavery" in the United States.
Playwright Dore S c h a r y,
ADL chairman, made the - plea
in a statement filed with the
Senate Commerce Committee,
which is holding hearings on
the Administration's proposed
civil rights legislation. His ref-
erence was to a debate over
whether such legislation should
use the 14th Amendment or the
commerce clause of the U.S.
Constitution as the basis for
outlawing such segregation.

The correspondent said that
the warheads were intended for
rockets being developed for
Egypt by West German scien-
tists. He added that Nasser, in
his speech in Alexandria yester-
day to returning troops from

Yemen, made it plain that the
Middle East "can expect little
peace" as long as he is in power.
The Egyptian leader told the
troops that the time had come
to "wash out the stain" of
Egypt's defeat by Israel in 1948.

On the Record

Editor, Seven Arts Feature Syndicate
Page From My Notebook
It is said of the famous pianist and composer Anton Rubin-
stein that his first awareness of Jewishness was one of the most
dramatic moments in his life.
He had been out promenading on a cool evening when he
was lured by an intriguing melody. Before long he was to stand
in awe at the threshold of a synagogue where the worshippers
stood bound in unison as by enchantment.
It was Yom Kippur eve. Anton Rubinstein
the musician was not unfamiliar with the Kol
Nidre melody. But now it had a strange qual-
ity, not alone of plaintiveness, but of distance,
as an echo. It was a simple tune, by the
standards of the great, but its emotional im-
pact upon this stranger in the sanctum was
vast beyond explanation. Rarely had he been
so moved even by the masters he so masterly
interpreted on the piano's keys. Silently he
made his way home, little realizing perhaps
at the moment that this musical experience
was to lead him to a re-examination of his
past and discovery of his true lineage, though
it is amazing how he could have escaped up
to that time such a reminding rod as the name
A still greater composer, Felix Mendelssohn, needed no
such reminding rods. His grandfather had been the great Moses
Mendelssohn, most of whose disciples and children took the
baptismal road. Felix himself was born in the Christian faith,
his father having taken the step to church door under the impact
-of the emancipation concept sired by Moses Mendelssohn, who
died a devout Jew some three years before the French Revolu-
tion, but who had been forewarned by his opponents that his
teachings would lead to apostasy. Felix was not only aware of
the apostasy in his family; he often felt the sting of relatives
who remained in faith.
But had the artist ever given pause to his Jewish roots in
his works? There is division of opinion on this score, even
though two of his compositions are called Moses and Elija. Yet
his Jewish antecedence must have troubled - him, as in the great
moment of elation when he declared it was providential perhaps
that he, a Jew, should have rediscovered for the Christian world
Bach's immortal musical and religious masterpiece, The Passion
According to St. Matthew.
It would be folly to speculate what heights of artistry
Mendelssohn would have achieved if he had drawn on his original
roots. Conceivably—as has once been said by the late music
critic Olin Downes of the New York Times—it was Mendelssohn's
"social and ancestral disharmony" that "gave us a master of the
second instead of the first rank."
At this moment in our history it is pertinent to pause at
the thought that creativity without roots is too often a minor if
not a transient labor. Our young Jewish novelists and intellectuals
who are striving for artistic sustenance in other pastures would
do well to ponder their literary fate against the background of
this verity. One needn't harness a space ship to reach out for
the heights. The heights begin in one's roots.

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