Judith Tann IS Wed to G a ry Stern Pioneer Women Adopt $2,750,000 2-Year Goal; Urge Government to Challenge Arab Antagonism Gilda Levine Will 114any Mark Kopitz Mrs. Simon Appointed Court of Claims Judge by Gov. Rockefeller ALBANY, N.Y., (JTA)—Gov. Rockefeller announced the ap- pointment of Mrs. Caroline K. Simon, New York Secretary of State and Jewish communal leader, to be a judge of the New York Court of Claims. The appointment is subject to con- firmation later this year by the New York Sate Senate. Mrs. Simon has been Secre- tary of State since 1959. A na- tive of New York City, she has held many major government posts, including commissioner of the New York State Youth Commission, and legal adviser to the United States delegation to the United Nations Human Rights Commission. Mrs. Simon is a member of the executive committee, ad- ministrative committee and community activities commis- sion of the American Jewish Committee, and honorary chair- man of its New York chapter. She is a member of the board of the National Conference of Christians and Jews, and of the New York Metropolitan section of the Hillel Foundation. Pioneer Women's Labor Zion- task facing the movement was ist Organization of America the "educating- of women to pledged to raise $2,750,000 in take upon themselves duties in a two-year period to. finance the various spheres of activity." Mrs. Idelson pointed out that organization's -welfare program in Israel. The goal, announced membership in Moetzet Hapoalot by Mrs. Sidney A. Leff, national is now composed of 360,000 president, was adopted at the women of diverse occupations organization's 18th national bi- and ways of life. Speaking of Moetzet Hapoa- ennial convention here. The program, to be carried lot's work with Arab women, out by Moetzet Hapoalot, the Mrs. Idelson told the delegates Israel Working Women's Coun- that women who until recently cil, sister organization of Pio- never left their homes, now par- neer Women, includes child ticipate in community activities care activities, vocational, agri- and attend courses and semi- cultural and rehabilitation proj- nars. Ogden R. Reid, former United ects. MISS GILDA LEVINE States Ambassador to Israel, ad- MRS. GARY STERN At a symposium Tuesday dressing the opening session of At a recent cocktail party, Mr. night on "A Positive Approach Judith Marilyn Tann was to Jewish Survival — Jewish the 18th national biennial con- and Mrs. Louis H. Levine an- vention of Pioneer W o m e n, married to Gary Dennis Stern Women's Role," Rabbi Morris nounced the engagement of Aug. 6 in a ceremony perform- Adler urged the formation of a Sunday, at the Statler Hilton their daughter. Gilda Lenore, to ed at the Knollwood Country National Adult Jewish Educa- Hotel, noted that "the situation Mark Kopitz, son of Mr. and Club by Rabbi Sherwin Wine. tion Council to sponsor a variety in the Near East could deterio- Mrs. Ben Kopitz of Santa Rosa, The newlyweds' parents are of programs, formal and in- rate rapidly" and that "there is A March 22, 1964 wedding date Mr. and Mrs. George Tann of formal, that would aim to edu- a clear need for more affirma- has been set. 19379 Warrington and Mr. and cate American Jews in their tive United States leadership to prevent aggression and to keep Radomer Mutual Has Mrs. Irving Stern of 17576 Park- traditions and culture. the peace." side. Rabbi Adler told the over Reid introduced a Concurrent Bob-Lo Moonlight The bride wore a white peau 600 delegates that "the Ameri- Resolution in the House of Rep- The Radomer Mutual Society de soie gown with an open can Jewish woman is chal- resentatives to reaffirm the deep of Detroit will hold its first neckline, short sleeyes and an lenged to come to the fore in Dinner at DARBY'S empire bodice of hand combed broadening the cultural hori- interest of the United States Bob-Lo moonlight 9 p.m., Aug. is a real treat Government in the peace and 24. For information call Chair- Alencon lace with tiny pearls. zons of our community." stability of the Middle East man Mrs. Edith Kozlowski, DI It featured a pleated fitted • Visit Our New I. L. Kenen, editor, Near area. 1-2007 or President Jack Waks- SKYLIGHT cummerbund, floor length ROOM, Cocktail East Report, speaking on "Rela- "The House Committee on berg. sheath skirt with a detachable Lounge and Bar chapel train with a panel of tionships with Israel," said: "We Foreign Affairs has indicated it will make progress towards • AFTER will hold hearings on the Reso- The True International Touch! hand corded lace. The pouf veil THEATRE Snacks . . had a tiny tiara of pearls and peace in the Near East when lution in the near future," Reid LosscionEngisfid, the international community has said. Delight crystals. LUNCHEON the courage to isolate and out- In her greeting to the dele- A Pleasure Mrs. Jeffrey Tann, sister-in- law those who persist in bellig- gates, Beba Idelson, Deputy law of the bride, served as erent policies and preparations Speaker of the Israeli Parlia- 6214 hie 100.40. matron of honor. Marilyn Eidler to carry them out." ment (Knesset) and head of Res. UN 2-7642 of California was maid of honor. Kenen told the delegates: Moetzet Hapoalot (sister organi- Bridesmaids were F r a n c i n e SEVEN MILE at WYOMING zation of Pioneer Women) said ■ ■ Kamian, Donna Rubin, Sylvia "Now that the United States and that Israel, together with all ■ ■ ■ ■ the Soviet Union are talking to Stern and Carol Adler. each other, there is a faint hope peace loving nations, rejoices Serving his brother as best that the Arabs will agree to over the signing of the nuclear man was Victor Stearn. Ushers accept the reality of Israel and test ban. were Jeffrey, Jack and Allan negotiate for an end to the Reuther made a plea for a Tann, brothers of the bride, arms race." greater awareness of social Mark Stern, brother of the Sidney Shevitz, president of problems through integration. bridegroom and Michael Adler. And Invites His Friends and Customers the Community Council, spoke He declared that "there is no half-way house on the road to Following their honeymoon on "Jewish Community Life." to Stop and See Him at freedom." He urged a greater to Florida the couple will re- Dr. Sara Feder, chairman of side on Schaefer Rd. the symposium, and the head of "a d u 1 t commitment" in the problem of raising the educa- the education department of tional standards of the nation Between Hartwell & Schaefer pioneer Women, stressed the and urged a deeper interest in Symposium Denies increasing effectiveness of Pio- the solving of the urgent prob- Negro Inferiority neer Women in American Jew- lems of the aged. Four leading social scien- ish life. Mrs. Blanche Fine of New The extended activities of tists, in a symposium published York was elected national by the Anti-Defamation League the Jewish National Fun d president to succeed Mrs. of Bnai Brith, refute claims of were outlined at a special Leff. "innate mental differences" be- JNF session by Dr. Joseph The convention ratified a Complete Selection of Kosher Frozen Foods tween Negroes and whites and Sternstein, national JNF seven-point program for the declare there is no significant executive director. organization's educational and DI 1-2840 WE DELIVER relationship between race and Pioneer Women raised more social action policies, calling AMPLE FREE PARKING IN REAR intelligence. than $2,600,000 during the past for: medical care for the aged Their analysis challenges re- two years for programs for under social security, broader If- A( ** * If* At * ** *4444 * ***AL * * ** * * If ** *lit *IF aN FrF cent efforts by advocates of Moetzet Hapoalot, Mrs. Leff re- civil rights legislation, federal aid to education, liberalization segregation to find scientific ported at the convention held SHOP NOW AND SAVE AT of existing immigration laws support for branding Negroes at the Statler-Hilton. and elimination of the national a race intellectually inferior to In a salute to Israel read to whites. the delegates, the Pioneer origins quota, the preservation The panelists in the sym- Women's Organization urged the of civil liberties, confidence in posium are Silvan S. Tomp- United States Government "to and support of the Unite d 13400 W. 7 MILE RD. cor. Snowden kins, professor of psychology at challenge Arab antagonism and Nations and equal status for * women in the field of job op- Princeton University; Ralph H. support Israel, economically' and * FREE DELIVERY AMPLE PARKING DI '1-4525 . Turner, chairman of the de- militarily if need be, to enable portunities and the right to be * nominated for public office. partment of sociology and an- that beleaguered state to main- 9' KOSHER thropology at the University tain a defense position which Reg. 43c lb. of California at Los Angeles; will keep war out of the ques- City of Hope Execs * a< I I- LLETS NOW Lb. Prof. Sherwood L. Washburn, tion." The organization urged FRESH former chairman of the anthro- that further aid to Arab States Meet to Hear Report Lb. pology department at the Uni- be conditioned on the agree- The Board of Executives of versity of California at Berke- ment that the Arabs halt acqui- the City of Hope Cancer Fight- ley; and Dr. Henry C. Dyer, sition of aggressive weapons. Pint ers, will hold a meeting Mon- vice president of the Educa- Ctn. A memorial award to Elea- day, 8:30 p.m., in the home of tional Testing S e r v i c e in nor Roosevelt, presented by Mrs. Morris Moss, 14250 Ver- * Princeton, N.J. the Pioneer Women, was ac- non, Oak Park. Dr. Melvin M. Tumin, pro- cepted by the late Mrs. Roose- Delegates who attended the fessor of sociology at Princeton velt's daughter, Mrs. James recently held National Conven- * Witho$50Pyuerrchase University, is editor of the als t e d of Birmingham, tion in Los Angeles, Calif., of Lb. analysis published under the Wednesday, at a session ad- the City of Hope Pilot Medical A) 1-lb. $41 title "Race and Intelligence." dressed by Walter Reuther. Center, will present a full re- 40 Pkgs. • It includes a report, "The A plaque honoring the late port to the Board at this time. Study of Race," made by Prof. Mrs. Roosevelt will be set up - at They were: Mesdames: Charles Washburn before . the American the wing to be named for her Young, Earl Weingarden, Har- Lb. Anthropological Association of at the Tiberias Vocational High old Kozioff, (president), and which he is past president. School operated by Moetzet Mrs. Frieda Pantzer. Mrs. E a r 1 Shipper, vice- Ea. Principal advocates of the Hapoalot. Beba Idelson, Deputy Speaker president of membership, an- thesis of Negro intellectual in- Cello feriority attacked by the pan- of the Israeli Parliament (Knes- nounces that the membership 9c Pkg. elists are Dr. Audrey Shuey, set) and head of Moetzet Hapoa- drive has been most success- Carlton Putnam, Dr. Homy lot, traced the role of Moetzet ful, but will definitely close on Above Specials Good Aug. 16 thru Aug. 22 Garrett, and Dr. Wesley C. Hapoalot in community devel- Sept. 1st. She may be contact- ed at EL 6-1585. opment. She said that the first George. oZAN GILBERT cmt.UN.13064 •••••041 1, 0111111 001111 04•11111•01 0411M04.1110 C14111111.04111 "ARCHIE" MARGOLIS, Formerly of Dexter Has Merged with ABE SKORE 13514 W. 1 MILE ROAD MARGOLIS & SKORE KOSHER MEATS & POULTRY * REISMAN'S MARKET PU TROUT 33 C 59c 39c WHITE STAR SOUR CREAM . PEP-E Pickled Schmaltz Herring 2 1I 79c 49c BEECH NUT COFFEE * *** MAR PARY KOSHER OLEO .. . 79 KOSHER ZION SALAMI 1 5` ** LARGE MILKER HERRING NO. I MICHIGAN CARROTS .. * 4********.*********************************