9, 1963 — THE DETROIT JEW ISH NEWS -- Fiiday, August Reform Jewish Mitzvah Corps' Proves Success in Puerto Rico Ma ltzman-Ha ck Vows Exchanged Tubin-Michelson Engagement Told I JWV Activities • SOL YETZ-MORRIS COHEN An enthusiastic group of Re-1 Completion of the homes was POST and Auxiliary No. 530 of form Jewish teenagers returned I not accomplished, but it didn't Jewish War Veterans will hold matter. As American boys and from Puerto Rico with the at- a steak roast Sunday, Aug. 18, as Jews. they made warm titude that "the best way to get at 5 p.m., at Peterson Park, friends among the Puerto Rican to know a people is to work Greenfield and Curtis, on the families. and live with them." Whitcomb Ave. side. There will The project was part of a The 12 young men, called a be entertainment and a Hoote- "Mitzvah Corps," applied them- pioneer program in interna- nanny. For information and res- tional living and work created selves to the true meaning of ervations, call Eli Friedman, LI by the National Federation of the Hebrew word (to do a good 7-7541, or Yetta Glass, KE Temple Youth, an affiliate of deed in aiding one's fellow man) 5-4133. * * * by performing manual labor in the Union of American Hebrew helping build reinforced con- Congregations, in cooperation A "Day of Fun" will be held crete. hurricane-proof homes with the Commonwealth of 2 p.m., Aug. 22, at Edgewater for some of the island's vil- Puerto Rico Social Programs Park, W. Seven Mile and Berg Administration. Its success can lagers in two rural communi- Rds. under the sponsorship of already be measured by the fact ties. the Department of Michigan, The boys dug ditches, hauled that many of the young men Jewish War Veterans, Harry heavy buckets of concrete, laid would like to continue this work and Friedman, Commander next year. Several Protestant foundations for the s m all Ak:* William Sniderman, chairman. MISS BONNIE TUBIN and Catholic youth groups have houses containing two large MRS. JERALD MALTZMAN Thousands of orphans and un- rooms, and helped erect some expressed an interest in join- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tubin of derprivileged children will be ing the program next summer. At a candlelight ceremony on of the walls for the buildings. Ten young men, ages 15-17, Kenmore, N.Y. announce the en- guests of the JWV for the June 23 at the Sheraton-Cad- from New York, Boston, and gagement of their daughter, event. Tickets may be pur- illac Hotel, Carole Joyce Hack, Buffalo, were supervised by an Bonnie, to James Ascher Mich- chased from any member or by daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo NYU Medical Student from elson, son of Mr. and Mrs. calling WE 3-0846. Hack of Rosemary Ave., Oak Dayton, 0., James A. Block, 22, Lawrence Michelson of Coving- Park, was wed to Jerald Burton Want ads get quick results! and a Harvard Law Student ton Dr. Maltzman, son of Mr. and Mr. Miss Tubin graduated from from Chicago, Kenneth Man- Ben Maltzman of Rosemary the Wharton School of the Uni- aster. 21. Ave., Oak Park. Rabbi Morris :?-• "The Puerto Ricans are a versity of Pennsylvania where Adler and Cantor Reuven wonderful _people," Block said. she was affiliated with Alpha and his Frankel officiated. "They did everything possible Epsilon Phi. Her fiance received The bride was gowned in ORCHESTRA to make us feel at home. We his B.S. in economics from ivory peau de soie. The open "Music As You Like It" Wharton where he was affiliated OFFICE: just loved them." HOME: neckline. short sleeves and em- with Sigma Alpha Mu. He is The Mitzvah Corpsmen were LI 5-2737 U 7-0896 pire bodice was of hand-run 1 lodged in the simple homes of enlisted in the Air Force and Alencon lace embroidered with the "jibaros" where they ate will serve at Lakeland AFB, tiny seed pearls. The sheath and slept. Their beds were lo- Texas. floor-length skirt was of peau • Candids • Formals cated in small barren rooms A winter wedding is planned. de soie with a panel of hand- Mitzvah Corps member or in a section of a larger area • Movies run Alencon lace over a chapel- shared by the entire family. Douglas Weigler of New York ALL Your Photography length detachable train. Her MUSIC ! ENTERTAINMENT ! Their diet consisted of native City, wearing a mezuzah, Done in a Distinctive heirloom orange blossom crown Way For Those meals such as rice with beans, was attached to a pouffe veil of chats with Chico, a new-found Special Occasions friend in Puerto Rico. meat. or fish. silk illusion. She carried ivo ry After an eight-hour day of By an arrangement of white or- labor, the young men conduct- chids and stephanotis. ed classes in basic English three Oliva Susan Hack, sister of "Salute to Israel" and his orchestra times a week for the villagers. CALL MR. ROSEN 341-4141 the bride. was maid of honor. Bond Drive Dinner UN 3-6501 At community sings they ex- Bridesmaids were Mrs. Allan changed many songs, the Puerto Levin. sister-in-law of the bride; Stars Lew Norman Diane Lewis, and Elaine Stein- Cong. Ahavas Achim will spon- Ricans learning such melodies berger of Long Island, N.Y. sor its traditional "Salute to as "Shalom Chaverim" (Greet- Steven Maltzman served his Israel" dinner on behalf of Is- ings Friends); the boys bring- brother as best man. Seating rael Bonds on Thursday at 6:30 ing back with them "Hey Oho- the guests were Allan Levin, p.m. in the Ahavas Achim ferito." a very popular song And Invites His Friends and Customers brother-in-law of the bride- Social Hall. Guest star will be! among the villagers. "When we parted, our hosts groom, Jerry Garrett, Dr. David the celebrated Jewish-American to Stop and See Him at waved 'Shalom.' • They were Katz and Richard Levine. entertain er, ::::::::::::: The newlyweds departed for a Lew. Norman. sorry to see us go," Block ob- honeymoon in Miami Beach. served. Irving S. They will live in Ann Arbor. Between Hartwell & Schaefer Cane member World Jewish Congress of the Detroit i City Housing Leaders To Convene = Commission, 3 Days in Switzerland will be th_e; toastmaster. World Jewish Congress lead- . = ers from all parts of the globe past comman- will meet in Montreux, Switzer- der of the Complete Selection of Kosher Frozen Foods land, Aug. 11-13, to discuss mat- This Week's Radio and Cane Jewish W a r ters of major imortance to Television Programs Veterans, Department of Michi- world Jewry, Dr. Nahum Gold- gan. Dr. Manuel Feldman and man, president of the organiza- AMPLE FREE PARKING IN REAR ETERNAL LIGHT Morris Ben Lewis are dinner tion announced. Time: 1:30 p.m. Sunday. committee co-chairmen. Rabbi Among the issues the three- Station: WWJ. Feature: Eleventh of 15 liter , Milton Arm, spiritual leader and day conference will review are ; ary dialogues between Mark Van Cantor Simon Bermanis, will the position of Jews in USSR; SHOP NOW AND SAVE AT ; take part in the program. developments in the situation Doren and Maurice Samuel on Mr. Norman, in his stories and of Jews in Latin America; and "The Supporting Cast of the personal anecdotes, and speak- the revival of anti-Semitic and I Bible." * * ing Yiddish with an old-country neo-Fascist movements in MILE RD. cor. Snowden 13400. W. flavor, brings to life the wonder- Europe. TO DWELL TOGETHER ful, droll characters contained Among the communities rep- AMPLE PARKING Time: 9:15 a.m. Sunday. DI 1-4525 FREE DELIVERY. Station: WJBK (radio and in the folklore of his people. resented will be: Argentina, )1- television simultaneously). He has appeared as a featured Australia, Austria, Brazil, KOSHER KI FR Feature: "Pioneer Women and player with the Yiddish Art Canada, France, Germany, rc 4 or more • • _• • • • • Lb. 2 7c 4g Women of the Afro-Asian Coun- Theater and has performed at Great Britain, Israel, Italy, ic tries" wil be discussed by Mrs. Town Hall Carnegie Hall and Switzerland and the U.S.A. * YOUNG, SMALL 10 to '12 lb. Clara Leff, national president of throughout the United States Lb and Canada. He was Master of average the PWA. t * * * Ceremonies at the Israeli night Appraisal THE JEWISH HERITAGE A Sonnet in Honor of club, Cafe Habibi in New York, Luis James Rosenberg's Time: 11:30 p.m. Sunday. and has received the Show Busi- Station: WCAR. of 87th Birthday ness Award for his outstanding By HARRY MAXMAN Feature: The Honorable Abba performance in the Yiddish ver- Eban will read "Selection From sion of "Death of a Salesman." How shall we take the measure of this man The Psalms," in English and in For reservations call the Is- Who, like the sages of a storied past, Hebrew. . rael Bond Office, DI 1-5707. Still seeks new truths, * * * the verities that lasts, _ COUNCIL•ALTIVIAN HOUR fits them to his own Solid Pack Canadian-Jewish Army And well-ordered plan? Time: 10 p.m. Saturday. Not by his wordly gains Station: WJLB. Personnel Given Leave shall he be weighed, Feature:- Mrs. Norman Lee- for Holy Day Services Nor yet his talents, Though they may excel, mon, chairman of the 18th Na- by the laurels that MONTREAL, (JTA) — The Nor around him fell: tional Convention of Pioneer Canadian Defense Ministry has We. like to judge him doz. 55` Women will discuss the program by the friends' he's made, agreed to act on a request by For amity's the essence and dignitaries of the event. the Canadian Jewish Congress FRESH FISH DAILY of his creed, * * * code that served him well that Jews serving in Canada's A through MESSAGE OF ISRAEL * four score years; armed forces be given leave to Honored and loved Time: 11 a.m. Sunday. Lb. 119c he stands as sunset nears, observe Rosh Hashanah, Yom integrity Station: WXYZ. his guide in FRESH Feature: "The Bible Speaks Kippur and Sukkot, either at word and deed. while for some of us Above Specials Good Aug. 9 thru Aug. IS about Tragedy," dialogue be- home or in the Jewish commun- And the lights grow dim, ity nearest to their military sta- tween Rabbi Chaim Essrog and We see a world enriched ******************************************05 because of him. tions. Rabbi Irwin Blank. Sheldon Rott of: SAMMY WOOLF J. J. CLARKE "ARCHIE" MARGOLIS, Formerly of Dexter Has Merged with ABE SKORE 13514 W. 7 MILE ROAD MARGOLIS & SKORE gewry -0 n the At- Mr. Cane is a KOSHER MEATS & POULTRY WE DELIVER DI 1-2840 REISMAN'S MARKET 1 7 . : FANCY FR YERS HEN TURKEYS 35` i Lb. - 79' - t 4c BEST 15 KASHER SALAMI 1- : DOMINO SUGAR mvoTpna. 35C RASKIN'S NEW DILL PICKLES .3ca ns 85C PILLAR ROCK cl:,,119` :: . ROKEACH BORSCHT . PM & COX GRADE A JUMBO EGG JUMBO CARP