TUROVER LADIES AUXIL- IARY will hold its annual gar- den party and luncheon 12:30 p.m. Aug. 20 at the home of President Mrs. Rosalyn Zeldes, 17583 Stoepel. Proceeds of the luncheon will go to the Bar Ilan University in Israel. Tickets may be obtained at the door or by calling Mrs. Sylvia Korby at DI 1-0528. Friends are invited. eivelry * * * PYTHIAN SISTERS, Past Chiefs Club will meet for a Bob-Lo moonlight Aug. 14. For information call Ruth Goldman, KE 2-8708 or Mary Lorber. The next regular meeting will be held Aug. 21 at the home of Kathy Goldfine, 18989 Prairie. * * * CITY OF HOPE executive board will meet 8 p.m. Saturday at the home of Mrs. Lawrence Benderoff, 23161 Beverly, Oak Park, announces Mrs. Harold Kozloff, president. Plans will be made for the annual door- to-door march to take place during the week of Sept. 1. For information, call Mrs. David Schwartz, UN 4-2920, or Mrs. Jack Schlussel. %p airs? MISS CAROL GARELIK Mr. and Mrs. William G. Garelik of • Meyers Rd. an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Carol Ann, to Gary Allen Kushner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kushner of Wood- ingham Ave. Carol Ann attended Michigan State University. Her fiance at- tends Wayne State University, where he is a member of Tau Epsilon Phi. A May wedding is planned. DISCERNINGLY Interested in Sending Your Child To a Modern, Progressive Hebrew Day School? SEE PAGE 9 Seymour Kaplan 15738 Livernois DI 1-5515 Open Thursday to 9 p.m. With Rosh Hashanah fast approaching, we call the attention of our readers to the follow- ing forms of greetings which may be placed in our Sept. 13, 1963, Special New Year issue: OM. GREETING Name Address GREETING $ 5.00 NAME Israel Bond Woinen's Group to Open Drive The Detroit Women's Division, State of Israel Bonds, will open its fall campaign with a workers' luncheon at Holiday M a n o r, 23029 Coolidge, Oak Park, at 12 noon, Wednes- day. The women will prepare for the fall campaign a t t h e meeting and will meet Mrs. Elizabeth Frank of the National Israel Bond Women's Division w h o will direct ac- tivities for the International Faahion Show Luncheon here Sept. 11 at t h e Shaarey Mrs. Frank Zedek as well as the fashion festival dinner dance on Sept. 12 at the Statler- Hilton Hotel. Mrs. Frank, who has been asso- ciated with Israel Bonds for several years, will work with the Women's Division in the current campaign. Habonim Camping is cele- of the Habonim Youth Work- brating its 30th anniversary shop in Israel, a year's program this month. of work, study and travel in Open house has been sched- Israel. Seventeen s h l i c h i m uled in each of the nine camps (group workers from Israel) during the week of Aug. 19 to are also on camp staffs. 25. The camps include Midwest Camp Habonim, Three Rivers, Mich. The first Habonim camp was founded in Accord, N.Y., in 1933. One of the founders was the now foreign minister of the State. of Israel, Mrs. Golda Meir. The camps of Habonim, a Labor Zionist youth organiza- tion, are patterned after life in a cooperative settlement in Israel. The program includes a work period, informal group You Will Be Served discussions, Hebrew classes, Is- raeli songs and dances, plus outdoor sports and scouting ac- tivities. PROMPTLY EFFICIENTLY This summer 1,500 youths COURTEOUSLY are attending the nine camps INTELLIGENTLY whose staffs include graduates I ADDRESS GREETING NAME ADDRESS $25.00 _ $10.00 1.1 ma E. IN Em 1.1 •• MI NM ME M . t NM MN MN MI MI MN INN The Jewish News I 17100 West Seven Mile Rd, I Detroit 35, Michigan I Gentlemen: Please insert my New Year greetings in Sept. 13, 1963 Rosh Hashanah Edition for $ 1 1 Be Sure Check Accompanies This Form. NM ME ME ME MN- ME ME ME EN ME ME ME MN MN ME ME NM ME WM ME NM MN 111111 For Further Information Cali The Jewish News . . . VE 8-9364 1 5 — THE DETRO IT JEWISH NEWS -- Fri da y, August 9, 1963 Women su a As Mrs. Elbert Diamond, newly elected president of the WO- MAN'S AUXILIARY of the United Hebrew Schools, an- nounces the following Mes- dames committee chair me n: Budget, Irving Solomon; Social, Irwin Dworkin; Conservation, Milton Winston; Program, Isa- dore Goren; Life Membership, Jacob Axelrod; Ways and Means, Herman Fishman; Mem- bership, Gertrude Hyams; Tele- phone, Henry Feinberg; Hos- pitality, Morris Krause. Mrs. Herman Fishman held a meet- ing at her home on Muirland to formulate plans for the Annual Luncheon to be held Nov. 13 at Bnai Moshe Synagogue. * * * DETROIT LADIES SOCIAL CLUB will hold an indoor picnic and games party 6 p.m. Aug. 12 at 18494 Wyoming. Officers of the group are Mesdames M. Bresner, president; A. Gross, vice-president; R. Rubin and R. Raisin, social committee. * * * HEBREW LADIES AID SO- CIETY will hold their annual picnic noon Aug. 14 in Palmer Park. Coffee and cake will be served. Proceeds will go to crippled children. For informa- tion, call Sophye Janowitz, VI 5-5333. Friends are invited. *' * * FANNIE GLUCK CHAPTER of Mizrachi Women will give a picnic luncheon 12:30 p.m. Tuesday at Peterson Park, Greenfield and Coyle. In case of rain it will be held the fol- lowing day. Friends are invited. * * * SISTERS OF ZION MIZ- RACHI will hold their Indoor Garden and Games Party noon, Wednesday, at Young Israel of Northwest Detroit, 17376 Wyo- ming. Mrs. Morris Goldberg, president, invites friends to at- tend. * * * OAK PARK CHAPTER, Or- der of the Eastern Star, will hold a games party Wednesday at the Berkley Masonic Lodge, 2290 Eleven Mile, Berkley. Mrs. Bob Stahl, P.M., and Mrs. Sam Pinkis, P,M., are hostesses for the event. Friends are in- vited. Refreshments and prizes will be featured. * * * NORTH WOODWARD BRANCH. Jewish Women Euro- pean Welfare Organization, will hold a luncheon and games party noon Aug. 13 at the Jerico Temple, 18495 Wyoming. Mrs. Sadie Haut, president, is sponsoring the event. For in- formation, call BR 3-6571. Habomm Camps Celebrate 30th Anniversary Garelik-Kushner Engagement Told